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QLIB5 EMSXMS.DOC expanded and extended memory subroutines
Copyright (C) 1991-1993 Douglas Herr ■ all rights reserved
Expanded Memory subroutines take advantage of expanded memory conforming
to the Lotus/Intel/Microsoft (LIM) Expanded Memory Specification (EMS).
QLIB EMS subroutines allow your programs to store vast amounts of data in
Expanded memory rather than creating temporary files on a disk. A well-
designed program using Expanded memory can be much faster than if Expanded
memory isn't used.
Three primary versions of the EMS have been released: 3.0, 3.2 and 4.0.
QLIB's EMS subroutines will work with all EMS versions.
EMS memory is allocated in "pages" of 16k bytes (actually 16,384 bytes)
Error codes returned by QLIB's EMS subroutines are:
0 = no error
&H80 = memory manager software error - non-recoverable
&H81 = expanded memory hardware error - non-recoverable
&H83 = invalid EMS handle
&H85 = no available EMS handles
&H87 = not enough memory pages
&H88 = not enough memory pages available
&H89 = you tried to allocate zero pages
XMS memory is available on many 286 or better computers with a suitable
driver. On 286 computers, XMS memory will be much slower than EMS memory.
XMS memory is not available on XT (or compatible) computers.
XMS error codes include:
0 = no error
&HA0 = all extended memory is allocated
&HA1 = no handles available
&HA2, &HA3, &HA5 = handle is invalid
&HA4, &HA6 = offset is invalid
&HA7 = length is invalid
QLIB includes disk-based Virtual Memory subroutines (VMS) which make
possible the use of disk space as though it were RAM. Error codes returned
by VMS subroutines are DOS error codes.
QLIB's EMS, VMS and XMS subroutines were written with identical calling
parameters and identical returned information for comparable subroutines.
For example, AllocEMS and AllocXMS are both called with the number of bytes
requested (AllocVMS also requires a filename).
Function: handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
object file: ems.obj
Allocates a block of EMS memory, returning a handle for subsequent
access to the memory block. Up to 2,097,120 bytes may be allocated
per handle if that much EMS memory is installed. Any EMS memory
blocks must be released with FreeEMS(handle%) before your program ends,
or the memory allocated by AllocEMS will not be available to any other
programs. AllocEMS updates the EMSError flag if something went wrong.
Note that EMS memory is available in "pages" of 16k bytes; AllocEMS
will allocate multiple "pages" if required, but any EMS memory
allocation will be in multiples of 16k bytes.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bytes& = 32000
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
Function: handle% = AllocVMS(filename$, bytes&)
object file: allocvms.obj
Reserves disk space for use as VMS memory, returning a handle for
subsequent access. You must supply a filename for AllocVMS to use;
if a file of the same name already exists, is is lost. Up to 2,097,120
bytes may be allocated (if you have that much disk space!!) per handle.
AllocVMS updates the DOSError flag if something went wrong.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bytes& = 32000
filename$ = "vms1.tmp"
call AllocVMS(filename$, bytes&)
IF DOSError THEN ... ' check for runtime errors
Function: handle% = AllocXMS(bytes&)
object file: xms.obj
Allocates a block of memory from extended memory, returning a
handle for subsequent access to the memory block. AllocXMS updates
the XMSError flag if something went wrong. Before exiting your program,
you must release any XMS handles with FreeXMS(handle%), or else
the memory allocated by AllocXMS will not be available to any other
programs. XMS handles are in short supply, so you should plan your
program to use fewer large XMS blocks rather than many small XMS
blocks. Note that bytes& is a LONG integer, and you may allocate as
much memory as your system has, up to 2,147,450,880 bytes.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bytes& = 100000
handle% = AllocXMS(bytes&) ' allocate memory from XMS pool
IF XMSError GOTO oops
Function: oops% = EMSError
object file: ems.obj
EMSError is used after using a QLIB EMS function or subroutine to
determine if there was an EMS problem. EMS error codes are listed on
the first page of this EMSXMS.DOC.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' test for errors
' handle no good if errors
Function: free& = EMSFree
object file: emsfree.obj
EMSFree determines the total unallocated EMS memory available to
your program. Note that free& is a LONG integer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
IF IsEMS THEN free& = EMSFree ' get EMS memory available
Function: total& = EMSTotal
object file: emsfree.obj
EMSTotal determines the total EMS memory installed in the computer.
Note that total& is a LONG integer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
IF IsEMS THEN total& = EMSTotal ' get EMS memory installed
Subroutine: EMSVersion(maj%, min%)
object file: ems30.obj
Determines EMS version installed. Use EMSReady to determine if
EMS memory is installed.
CALL EMSVersion(maj%, min%)
Subroutine: EMGet(handle%, emsptr&, aseg%, aptr%, bytes&)
object file: emputget.obj (huge model: lowds2hi.obj)
Copies data from EMS memory allocated by AllocEMS to an array.
aseg% and aptr% are segment and offset pointers to the array, bytes&
is the number of bytes to be copied, and handle% is the handle returned
by AllocEMS. EMSptr& is the byte offset in the EMS memory block where
you want the read to start. Note that EMSptr& = 0 at the start of the
block. EMGet updates the EMSError flag.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
CALL EMGet(handle%, emsptr&, aseg%, aptr, bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ' check for errors
Subroutine: EMGet1(handle%, emsptr&, number%)
Subroutine: EMGet2(handle%, emsptr&, number%)
Subroutine: EMGet4(handle%, emsptr&, number[& or !])
Subroutine: EMGet8(handle%, emsptr&, number[# or @])
object file: emget.obj ($emspage.obj)
Copies data from EMS memory to a single number. EMGet1 gets a
single byte, EMGet2 gets an INTEGER, EMGet4 gets a LONG or SINGLE
number, and EMGet8 gets a DOUBLE, CURRENCY or COMPLEX number.
(COMPLEX number support may be found in COMPLEX.DOC.) EMGet[n]
sets the EMSError flag if something went wrong.
handle% = EMS handle
emsptr& = (LONG) offset of the number in the EMS block
number[%, &, !, # or @] = number returnd by EMGet[n]
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
DIM a#(999) ' DOUBLE array
' program establishes values for array
REM save a#() in EMS memory
bytes& = CLNG(1000& * 8) ' DOUBLE data is 8 bytes long
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
aseg% = VARSEG(a#(0)): aptr% = VARPTR(a#(0))
emsptr& = 0
CALL EMPut(handle%, emsptr&, aseg%, aptr%, bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
REM I need to retrieve a#(12) from EMS
emsptr& = CLNG(12 * 8) ' calculate offset in EMS
CALL EMGet8(handle%, emsptr&, a#(12))
Subroutine: EMPut(handle%, emoffset&, dataseg%, dataptr%, bytes&)
object file: emputget.obj ($emspage.obj)
EMPut copies data to EMS memory from DOS or BASIC memory blocks.
EMPut safely handles even huge blocks of data > 64k in size.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
REM I'll use expanded memory to store several 25-row text screens
REM while I use graphics mode
PRINT "This example uses EXPANDED memory"
PRINT "You cannot run this demo": END
bytes& = 16000 ' EMS drivers allocate
' a minimum of 16k per block
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
PRINT "There's a problem with EMS memory"
PRINT "You cannot run this demo": END
bytes& = 4000 ' 4,000 bytes for 80x25 screen
screenseg = &HB800 ' color monitor
emoffset& = 0
FOR i = 0 to 3
CALL EMPut(handle%, emoffset&, screenseg, 0, bytes&)
emoffset& = emoffset& + bytes&
screenseg = screenseg + &H100
REM sometime later ...
bytes& = 4000 ' 4,000 bytes for 80x25 screen
screenseg = &HB800 ' color monitor
emoffset& = 0
FOR i = 0 to 3
CALL EMGet(handle%, emoffset&, screenseg, 0, bytes&)
emoffset& = emoffset& + bytes&
screenseg = screenseg + &H0100
Subroutine: EMPut1(handle%, emsptr&, number%)
Subroutine: EMPut2(handle%, emsptr&, number%)
Subroutine: EMPut4(handle%, emsptr&, number[& or !])
Subroutine: EMPut8(handle%, emsptr&, number[# or @])
object file: emget.obj ($emspage.obj)
Copies data to EMS memory from a single number. EMPut1 copies a
single byte, EMPut2 copies an INTEGER, EMPut4 copies a LONG or SINGLE
number, and EMPut8 copies a DOUBLE, CURRENCY or COMPLEX number.
(COMPLEX number support may be found in COMPLEX.DOC.) EMPut[n]
sets the EMSError flag if something wnet wrong.
handle% = EMS handle
emsptr& = (LONG) offset of the number in the EMS block
number[%, &, !, # or @] = number to be copied to EMS memory
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
DIM a#(999) ' DOUBLE array
' program establishes values for array
REM save a#() in EMS memory
bytes& = CLNG(1000& * 8) ' DOUBLE data is 8 bytes long
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
aseg% = VARSEG(a#(0)): aptr% = VARPTR(a#(0))
emsptr& = 0
CALL EMPut(handle%, emsptr&, aseg%, aptr%, bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
REM a#(12) has changed and I need to update the the copy in EMS
emsptr& = CLNG(12 * 8) ' calculate offset in EMS
CALL EMPut8(handle%, emsptr&, a#(12))
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
Function: handle% = FLoadEMS(filename$)
object file: floadems.obj (ems.obj, q$alloc.obj, $asciiz.obj, fsize.obj)
FLoadEMS reads a file from a disk and copies it into EMS memory.
FLoadEMS assumes that EMS is installed. Use IsEMS to determine if
the computer has EMS memory. FLoadEMS temporarily uses 16k of DOS
memory to read the file, but the file may be any size, up to
2,147,450,880 bytes if that much EMS is available. This shouldn't be
a problem. Several files may be loaded in EMS memory if memory is
available. Use FreeEMS to release the EMS memory when you're done
using it. If you don't release the EMS memory before the program
ends, that memory will not be available to other programs.
Handle% returnd by FLoadEMS is a valid EMS handle, unless either
DOSError or EMSError <> 0.
FLoadEMS fails if insufficient EMS memory is available, if 16k DOS
memory is not available, or if the specified file cannot be opened or
read. See EMSError in this EMSXMS.DOC and DOSError in SYSTEM.DOC.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
SCREEN 12 ' VGA graphics mode
' progam draws something on screen
' I want to save the screen for later
filename$ = "screen.12" ' clever (?) file name
CALL GSave(filename$, oops) ' see GRAPHICS.DOC
IF oops THEN ' check for errors
' load "screen.12" into EMS memory
' and copy to the screen
handle% = FLoadEMS(filename$)
IF DOSError OR EMSError THEN ' check for errors
. ' handle% not valid if error
CALL GLoadEMS(handle%) ' see GRAPHICS.DOC
IF EMSError THEN ... ' more error control
' all done: release EMS memory
CALL FreeEMS(handle%)
Function: handle% = FLoadXMS(filename$)
object file: floadxms.obj (xms.obj, q$alloc.obj, $asciiz.obj, fsize.obj)
Similar to FLoadEMS on previous page, but uses XMS memory instead of
EMS memory.
Subroutine: FreeEMS(handle%)
object file: ems.obj
Releases a block of EMS memory allocated by AllocEMS. Your program
should release any EMS blocks before the program terminates, or that
memory will not be available to other programs. Do not confuse this
subroutine with the EMSFree function, which determines the total
expanded memory available.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
REM this example allocates an EMS memory block and later
REM releases it
REM see if extended memory is available
REM and set a flag if so
EMSused = 0
EMSused = 1
bytes& = 16384 ' one EMS "page"
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
IF EMSError THEM EMSused = 0
. ' more program here
REM release the EMS memory
CALL FreeEMS(handle%)
Subroutine: FreeVMS(filename$, handle%)
object file: freevms.obj
Closes and deletes temporary file used as VMS memory. If you do not
call FreeVMS, you may end up with a disk full of temporary files.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
REM this example allocates a VMS memory block and later
REM releases it
bytes& = 16384 ' 16k
filename$ = "vms1.tmp"
handle% = AllocVMS(filename$, bytes&)
. ' more program here
REM release the VMS memory
CALL FreeVMS(filename$, handle%)
Subroutine: FreeXMS(handle%)
object file: xms.obj
De-allocates (releases) extended memory allocated by AllocXMS. Your
program should release all XMS memory block before exiting, or those
blocks will not be available to other programs. Do not confuse this
subroutine with the XMSFree function, which determines the total
extended memory available.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
REM this example allocates an XMS memory block and later
REM releases it
REM see if extended memory is available
REM and set a flag if so
XMSused = 0
XMSused = 1
bytes& = 16384 ' 16 kbytes
handle% = AllocXMS(kbytes&)
IF XMSError THEM XMSused = 0
. ' more program here
REM release the XMS memory
CALL FreeXMS(handle%)
Function: r% = IsEMS
object file: isems.obj
Determines if EMS memory is installed in the computer. Returns
r% = -1 if EMS is installed, r% = 0 if not.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
PRINT "EMS is installed"
PRINT "no EMS memory or driver not installed"
Function: r% = IsXMS
object file: xms.obj
Determines if XMS memory is installed in the computer. Returns
r% = -1 if XMS is installed, r% = 0 if not.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
PRINT "XMS is installed"
PRINT "no XMS memory or driver not installed"
Subroutine: ReallocEMS(handle%, bytes&)
object files: realloce.obj (ems.obj)
Requires EMS version 4.0
ReallocEMS re-sizes an existing EMS memory block allocated by AllocEMS.
You may make the block larger or smaller with ReallocEMS. Note that
bytes& is a LONG integer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bytes& = 32000
handle% = AllocEMS(bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
' now I need to make the EMS block larger
bytes& = 72000
CALL ReallocEMS(handle%, bytes&)
IF EMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
Subroutine: ReallocVMS(handle%, bytes&)
object files: reallocv.obj
ReallocVMS re-sizes an existing VMS memory block allocated by AllocVMS.
Unlike ReallocEMS or ReallocXMS, ReallocVMS will only make the VMS
memory block larger. If bytes& is smaller than the existing block
size, ReallocVMS does nothing. Note that bytes& is a LONG integer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bytes& = 32000
filename$ = "tempfile.vms"
handle% = AllocVMS(filename$, bytes&)
IF DOSError THEN ... ' check for errors
' now I need to make the VMS block larger
bytes& = 72000
CALL ReallocVMS(handle%, bytes&)
IF DOSError THEN ... ' check for errors
Subroutine: ReallocXMS(handle%, bytes&)
object files: reallocx.obj (xms.obj)
ReallocXMS re-sizes an existing XMS memory block allocated by AllocXMS.
You may make the block larger or smaller with ReallocXMS. Note that
bytes& is a LONG integer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bytes& = 32000
handle% = AllocXMS(bytes&)
IF XMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
' now I need to make the XMS block larger
bytes& = 72000
CALL ReallocXMS(handle%, bytes&)
IF XMSError THEN ... ' check for errors
Subroutine: VMGet(handle%, vmoffset&, dataseg%, dataoffset%, bytes&)
object files: vmputget.obj (lowes2hi.obj)
VMGet copies data from a virtual memory block to DOS memory.
handle% is the VMS handle returned by AllocVMS, vmoffset is the
location in the virtual memory block where the data is stored (the
start of the block is at vmoffset& = 0), dataseg% and dataoffset%
define the location of the DOS memory area and bytes& is the number of
bytes to copy from extended memory to DOS memory.
Note that vmoffset& and bytes& are both LONG integers.
REM $INCLUDE 'qlib.bi'
REM I'll use virtual memory to store several 25-row text screens
REM while I use graphics mode
bytes& = 16384
handle% = AllocVMS(bytes&)
PRINT "There's a problem with VMS memory"
PRINT "You cannot run this demo": END
bytes& = 4000 ' 4,000 bytes for 80x25 screen
screenseg = &HB800 ' color monitor
vmoffset& = 0
FOR i = 0 to 3
CALL VMPut(handle%, vmoffset&, screenseg, 0, bytes&)
vmoffset& = vmoffset& + bytes&
screenseg = screenseg + &H100
REM sometime later ...
bytes& = 4000 ' 4,000 bytes for 80x25 screen
screenseg = &HB800 ' color monitor
vmoffset& = 0
FOR i = 0 to 3
CALL VMGet(handle%, vmoffset&, screenseg, 0, bytes&)
vmoffset& = vmoffset& + bytes&
screenseg = screenseg + &H0100
Subroutine: VMPut(handle%, vmoffset&, dataseg%, dataoffset%, bytes&)
object files: vmputget.obj (xms.obj)
VMPut copies data from DOS memory to a virtual memory block.
See VMGet for example.
Function: kbytes% = XMSContig
object file: xmscont.obj (xms.obj)
XMSContig determines the largest contiguous XMS memory block available
to your program. The total available extended memory may more than
the value returned by XMSContig; see XMSFree.
Note that the number returned by XMSContig is kbytes, not bytes.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
PRINT "Total XMS memory available is ";
PRINT "The largest contiguous XMS block is ";
Function: errorcode% = XMSError
object file: xms.obj
XMSError is used after a call to a QLIB XMS subroutine to determine if
an error was encountered by the XMS driver.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
maxXMS = XMSFree ' get total XMS memory available
IF XMSError THEN ... ' check for errors after XMSFree
Function: kbytes% = XMSFree
object file: xmsfree.obj (xms.obj)
XMSFree determines the total XMS memory available to your program.
The available extended memory may not be contiguous; see XMSContig
to determine the largest contiguous block of XMS memory available.
Note that the number returned by XMSFree is kbytes, not bytes.
Do not confuse this function with the FreeXMS subroutine, which
releases a previously allocated XMS memory block.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
PRINT "Total XMS memory available is ";
Subroutine: XMGet(handle%, xmoffset&, dataseg%, dataoffset%, bytes&)
object files: xmputget.obj (xms.obj)
XMGet copies data from an extended memory block to DOS memory.
handle% is the XMS handle returned by AllocXMS, xmoffset is the
location in the extended memory block where the data is stored (the
start of the block is at xmoffset& = 0), dataseg% and dataoffset%
define the location of the DOS memory area and bytes& is the number of
bytes to copy from extended memory to DOS memory.
Note that xmoffset& and bytes& are both LONG integers.
REM $INCLUDE 'qlib.bi'
REM I'll use extended memory to store several 25-row text screens
REM while I use graphics mode
IF NOT IsXMS THEN PRINT "This example uses EXTENDED memory": END
bytes& = 16384
handle% = AllocXMS(bytes&)
PRINT "There's a problem with XMS memory"
PRINT "You cannot run this demo": END
bytes& = 4000 ' 4,000 bytes for 80x25 screen
screenseg = &HB800 ' color monitor
xmoffset& = 0
FOR i = 0 to 3
CALL XMPut(handle%, xmoffset&, screenseg, 0, bytes&)
xmoffset& = xmoffset& + bytes&
screenseg = screenseg + &H100
REM sometime later ...
bytes& = 4000 ' 4,000 bytes for 80x25 screen
screenseg = &HB800 ' color monitor
xmoffset& = 0
FOR i = 0 to 3
CALL XMGet(handle%, xmoffset&, screenseg, 0, bytes&)
xmoffset& = xmoffset& + bytes&
screenseg = screenseg + &H0100
Subroutine: XMPut(handle%, xmoffset&, dataseg%, dataoffset%, bytes&)
object files: xmputget.obj (xms.obj)
XMPut copies data from DOS memory to an extended memory block.
See XMGet for example.