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- 'S3 Collection of functions and subroutines to ease
- 'in the checking of PC memory.
- '
- 'By: George Spafford Copyright 1993
- '
- 'No additional libraries required
- '
- 'v1.0 05/01/93
- '
- '**************************************************
- 'If you use these routines, please have the courtesy
- 'of registering the tutorial.
- 'Make sure that you have all of your variables typed
- 'correctly before you use one of the following
- 'routines. Use integers where integers are identified (%).
- 'Use long integers where long integers are identified (&).
- 'Int2Long& is a function that accepts a signed
- 'integer and returns an unsigned long integer. Since
- 'BASIC uses the high bit to toggle the sign of an
- 'integer, you must convert it to a long integer before
- 'you perform any bit operations on it.
- DECLARE FUNCTION Int2Long& (IntNumber%)
- 'BASIC does NOT have a built in facility to PEEK
- 'words! Tell the PeekWord% function where to look,
- 'and it will read in a word at that segment and offset.
- DECLARE FUNCTION PeekWord% (Segment%, Offset%)
- 'As with Peeks, BASIC does not support a POKE function
- 'for words. This next subroutine adds that capability.
- 'Tell the subroutine the segment, offset and word that
- 'you wish it to POKE in and it will do so.
- DECLARE SUB PokeWord (Segment%, Offset%, Word%)
- 'As you code more and more programs, try to make your code
- 'as modular as possible. By creating objects (OOP systems),
- 'you can significantly increase your code reusability.
- 'Try to only create the wheel once! Some of the demos would
- 'benefit greatly by judicial use of subroutines. In order to
- 'have top-down readability, I did not modularize the code.
- 'Just a FYI -- George
- FUNCTION Int2Long& (IntNumber%)
- 'If the integer is negative, we need to add 65536
- 'to the number (which is 2 * integer limit) to get
- 'our new long integer.
- IF IntNumber% < 0 THEN
- Int2Long& = 65536 + IntNumber%
- Int2Long& = IntNumber%
- FUNCTION PeekWord% (Segment%, Offset%)
- DEF SEG = Segment% 'set segment
- High = PEEK(Offset% + 1) 'High byte is at offset + 1
- Low = PEEK(Offset%) 'Low byte is at offset
- PeekWord% = (High * 256) + Low 'Compute the word value
- DEF SEG 'return to default segment
- SUB PokeWord (Segment%, Offset%, Word%)
- DEF SEG = Segment% 'Set segment
- High = (Word \ 256) 'perform integer division
- 'to compute the high byte
- Low = Word - (High * 256) 'compute the low byte
- POKE (Offset% + 1), High 'POKE in the high byte
- POKE Offset%, Low 'POKE in the low byte
- DEF SEG 'return to the default segment