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The following messages are a list of resources that I've put
together from recommendations in this echo. These include books,
magazines and compiler vendors.
The format for book entries is as follows:
Author _Title_, ISBN, Publisher, Year, List Price (Comments --
Prices are in $US unless otherwise specified. Where a book has been
recommended by multiple persons, I've left off the names that don't
have comments. Books are in alpha order by author's last name, or
title if the author is unknown or unattributed. When there is more
than one ISBN or price, the following suffixes will be used:
.p -- paperback
.h -- hardback
.d -- with disk
Magazine information includes the name of the magazine and the address
and subscription rates, if I have them.
I cannot list information I do not have. It is possible that some
information may be missing for a particular book. Comments are
condensed from the messages I got the recommendation from and may or may
not accurately describe the book. Lest they take over C_ECHO, any and
all additions/corrections/suggestions should be sent to me netmail at
1:106/2000.25 or 1:106/1393. - J-Mag Guthrie
[DISCLAIMER: I make no promises real or implied as to the usefulness of
any of the books here listed. The reason for the 'recommended by' is
to give you some idea of who thought the book was good so you can find
books that are recommended by folks whose messages make particular sense
to you. (Or folks who forgot to mention author/ISBN/publisher/price so
you can harass them.) These people are not in any position to promise
you anything, either.]
/* Beginning of book list - last updated 30 Apr 1994 */
Abramowitz, Milton and Stegun, Irene _Handbook of Mathematical
Functions_, 0-486-61272-4, Dover Publications, 1972, $21.95 (Bob
Abrash, Michael _Power Graphics Programming_, 0-88022-500-9, QUE, 1989
(out of print)
_Advanced C Programming_, Brady Publishing Group
Aho, Sethi, and Ullman _Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools_,
0-201-10088-6, Addison Wesley, 1986 (the "dragon book")
Atkinson and Atkinson _Using Borland C++_, QUE (Steven Owen)
Banahan, Mike _The C Book_ (Tom Donahue)
Bennett, J. P. _Introduction to Compiling Techniques -- A First Course
Using ANSI C, Lex and Yacc_, 0-07-707215-4, McGraw Hill, 1990
Bentley, Jon, _More Programming Pearls - Confessions of a Coder_,
0-201-11889-0, Addison-Wesley, 1990, $18.25
Bentley, Jon _Programming Pearls_, 0-201-10331-1, Addison-Wesley, 1986,
Bentley, Jon _Writing Efficient Programs_
Booch, Grady _Object Oriented Design with Applications_, 0-8053-0091-0,
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing, 1991
Brooks, Fred _The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering_,
0-201-00650-2, Addison-Wesley, 1975
Brown, Ralf and Kyle, Jim, _PC Interrupts_, 0-201-57797-6, Addison-
Wesley, 1991, $32.95
Campbell, Joe _C Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications_,
0-672-22584-0, Howard W. Sams & Co, 1987, $26.95 (Does not talk about
RTS/CTS handshaking [which is] vital for creating a modern terminal
program. -- Jon Guthrie)
Davis, Stephen R. _Hands-On Turbo C++_, 0-201-57052-1, Addison-Wesley
(Daniel Lo)
_DOS Programmer's Reference, 3rd Edition_ 0-88022-790-7, Que (Robert
Donnely and Stallman _The Bison Manual_, (part of the on-line
distribution of FSF's Bison, a reimplementation of yacc.)
Duncan, Ray; Petzold, Charles; Shulman, Andrew; Baker, M. Steven;
Nelson, Ross P.; Davis, Stephen R.; Moote, Robert _Extending DOS_,
0-201-56798-9, Addison-Wesley, 1992, $26.95
Ellis, Margaret and Stroustrup, Bjarne _The Annotated C++ Reference
Manual_, 0-201-51459-1, Addison-Wesley, 1990, (Bob Jarvis)
Fischer, Charles N. and LeBlanc, Richard J. _Crafting a Compiler_,
0-8053-3201-4, Benjamin Cummings Publishing, 1988 (There is a later
edition called _Crafting a Compiler in C_ -- Clayton Weaver)
Gorlen, Keith E.; Orlow, Sanford M.; and Plexico, Perry S. _Data Abstraction
and Object-Oriented Programming in C++_, 0-471-92346-X, John Wiley &
Sons, 1990 (Bob Stout)
Ferraro, Richard _The Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA Cards, 2nd
Edition_ 0-201-57025-4, Addison Wesley, $34.95, CAN$44.95
Foerster, Scott _The Printer Bible_, 0-88022-512-2, QUE Books, 1990,
$24.95, CAN$31.95, UK#22.95
Goodwin, Mark _Serial Communications in C and C++_, MIS Press, $29.95,
Goodwin, Mark _User Interfaces in C and C++_, 1-55828-224-6
Hekmatpour, Sharam _C++ - A Guide for C Programmers_, 0-13-109471-8,
Prentice Hall, 1990
Harbison, Samuel P. and Steele, Guy L. Jr. _C, a Reference Manual (third
edition)_, 0-13-110933-2, Prentice Hall, 1991
Hendrix, James E. _The Small-C Compiler, 2nd Edition_ 0-934375-88-7,
0-934375-97-6.d, M&T Books
Hogan, Thom _The Programmer's PC Sourcebook (Second Edition)_,
1-55615-321-X, Microsoft Press, 1991, $39.95
Holmes, Michael and Flanders, Bob _C++ Communications Utilities_ $29.95
Holub, Allen _Compiler Design in C_, 0-13-155045-4, Prentice Hall, 1990
Horton, Mark R. _Portable C Software_, 0-13-868050-7, Prentice Hall,
1990 (Bob Stout)
James, Geoffrey _The Tao of Programming_, 0-981137-07-01-795
Jamsa, Kris _Jamsa's 1001 C/C++ Tips_, 0-9635851-2-6, Jamsa Press,
1993, $39.95 (contains source on 3.5" disk -- Mike Demski)
Jourdain, Robert and The Peter Norton Computing Group _The Programmer's
Problem Solver_
Kay, David C., and Levine, John R. _Graphics File Formats_
0-8306-3059-7.p, 0-8306-3060-0.h, Tab/Windcrest/McGraw-Hill, 1992
(primarily a file format reference and does not give programming
examples -- David Harmon)
Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M. _The C Programming Language_
0-13-11-163-3, 0-13-110362-8, Prentice Hall (two editions, informally
K&R and K&R2)
Knuth, Donald _The Art of Computer Programming: Vol. 1, Fundamental
Algorithms, Second Edition_ Addison Wesley, 1973, $49.50
Knuth, Donald _The Art of Computer Programming: Vol. 2, Seminumerical
Algorithms, Second Edition_, Addison Wesley, 1981, $49.50
Knuth, Donald _The Art of Computer Programming: Vol. 3, Sorting and
Searching_, Addison Wesley, 1973, $49.50 (Knuth is a Vulcan -- Terry
Kosko, Bert _Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems: A Dynamical Systems
Approach to Machine Intelligence_, 1992, $56.95 (2 Disks -- Eric Ford)
Koenig, Andrew _C Traps and Pitfalls_, 0-201-17928-8
LaFore, Robert _Turbo C, Programming for the PC_ Waite Group (Ray
Lapin, J.E. (pseudonym) _Portable C and Unix System Programming_,
0-13-686494-5, Prentice-Hall, 1987 (Bob Stout)
Leblanc, Gerard _Maîtrise de Turbo C_, Eyrolles Editions (in French --
Francis Peree)
Levine, John R.; Mason, Tony and Brown, Doug _Lexx & Yacc, 2nd Edition_,
1-56592-000-7, O'Reilly and Associates, 1992, $29.95
Lewine, Donald _POSIX Programmer's Guide_, 0-937175-73-0, O'Reilly &
Associates, Inc., 1991, $34.95
Lindley, Craig A. _Practical Image Processing in C_, 0-471-54377-2 (Joe
Mayer, Bertrand _Object-oriented Software Construction_, 0-13-629049-3,
Prentice Hall (Mike Taylor)
McCord, James W. _C Programmer's Guide to Graphics_, 0-672-22784-3, SAMS,
$29.95, $37.95 CAN (Branko Dragicevic)
McGregor, John and Sykes, David _Object-Oriented Software Development:
Engineering Software for Reuse_, 0-442-00157-6, Van Nostrand Reinhold,
1992 (Bob Jarvis)
_Microsoft MS-DOS Programmer's Reference_, 1-55615-329-5, Microsoft
Press, 1991, $24.95 (Bob Jarvis)
Nance, Barry _Network Programming in C_, Que Books (Steve Cox)
Nelson, Mark _The Data Compression Handbook_, 1-55851-214-4,
1-55851-216-0 M&T Books, $29.95, $36.95.d (Oliver Reubens)
Norton, Peter and Wilton, Richard _The NEW Peter Norton Programmer's
Guide to the IBM PC & PS/2_, 1-55615-131-4, Microsoft Press
Oualline, Steven _Advanced C Programming_, 0-13-663170-3, Brady
Oualline, Steven _Practical C Programming_, 0-937175-65-X, O'Reilly &
Associates (David Gersic)
Perry, Greg and Johnson, Marcus _Turbo C++ By Example_ 0-88022-812-1,
Perry, Paul J. _C for Rookies (A Guide for the Programmer "Wanna-Be")_
1-56529-280-4, QUE, $19.95 (includes diskette -- Brett Cammack)
Petzold, Charles _Programming Windows 3.1_, 1-55615-395-3, MicroSoft
Plauger, P. J. _The Standard C Library_, 0-13-131509-9, Prentice Hall,
Plauger, P. J. _Standard C: Programmer's Quick Reference_,
1-55615-158-6, Microsoft Press, 1989, $7.95
Press, William H.; Flannery, Brian P.; Teukolsky, Saul A.; and
Vetterling, William T., _Numerical Recipes: The Art of Scientific
Computing_, 0-521-30811-9, Cambridge University Press, 1986
Press, William et. al. _Numerical Recipes in C_ (the C version of the
above -- J-Mag)
Qualline, Steve _C Elements of Style_ 1-55851-291-8, M&% Books
Radcliffe, Robert _Encyclopedia C_ 0-89588-655-3 (Microsoft C specific)
Remer, Daniel and Dunaway, Robert _Legal Care for Your Software (4th
Edition)_, 87337-037-6, RDS Publishing Company, $39.95
Rimmer, Steve _Bit-Mapped Graphics_, 0-8306-3558-0, Windcrest/McGraw-
Rimmer, Steve _Supercharged Bit-Mapped Graphics_, 0-8306-3788-5,
Rose, Charles G. _Programmer's Guide to NetWare_, 0-07-607029-8,
Salone, M. J. _How to Copyright Software_, NOLO Press. (George Milliken)
Schildt, Herbert _Advanced C_, 0-07-881348-4, Osborne McGraw-Hill,
Schildt, Herbert _Annotated ANSI C Standard_, Osborne McGraw-Hill,
$39.95 (Contains the full standard, along with further explanation --
Thad Smith)
Schildt, Herbert _ANSI C Made Easy_, 0-07-881500-2, Osborne McGraw-Hill,
Schildt, Herbert _ANSI C Made Easy (Spanish)_, 84-76156030, Osborne
Schildt, Herbert _Artificial Intelligence Using C_, 0-07-881255-0,
Osborne McGraw-Hill, $24.94
Schildt, Herbert _The Art of C_, 0-07-881-691-2.d, Osborne-McGraw-Hill,
1991, $39.95.d
Schildt, Herbert _Born to Code in C_, 0-07-881468-5, Osborne
McGraw-Hill, $28.95
Schildt, Herbert _C: The Pocket Reference_, 0-07-881321-2, Osborne
McGraw-Hill, $5.95
Schildt, Herbert _C: The Pocket Reference (Spanish)_, 84-76152175,
Osborne McGraw-Hill
Schildt, Herbert _C: Power User's Guide_, 0-07-881307-7, Osborne
McGraw-Hill, $22.95
Schildt, Herbert _C: Power User's Guide (Spanish)_, 84-76153813, Osborne
Schildt, Herbert _C: The Complete Reference_, 0-07-881538-X, Osborne
McGraw-Hill, $28.95
Schildt, Herbert _C++: The Complete Reference_, 0-07-881654-8, Osborne
McGraw-Hill, $29.95
Schildt, Herbert _Teach Yourself C_, 0-07-881596-7, Osborn McGraw-Hill,
Schildt, Herbert _Turbo C++: The Complete Reference_, 0-07-881535-5,
Osborne McGraw-Hill, $29.95
Schildt, Herbert _Using Turbo C++_, 0-07-881610-6, Osborne McGraw-Hill,
Schulman, Andrew, et al. _Undocumented DOS_, 0-201-570649-5, Addison Wesley,
1990, $39.95 (one portion of..."et al."...Ralf Brown -- Brian
Schwaderer, David _C Programmer's Guide to NETBIOS_ (Dimitri Van de
Sedgewick, Robert _Algorithms in C_, 0-201-51425-7, Addison-Wesley,
Selby, Samual M. _Standard Mathematical Tables_, The Chemical Rubber
Company, 1970
Shlaer, Sally and Mellor, Stephen _Object Lifecycles : Modeling the
World in States_, 0-13-629940-7, Yourdon Press, 1992 (Bob Jarvis)
Shlaer, Sally and Mellor, Stephen _Object-Oriented Systems Analysis :
Modeling the World in Data_, 0-13-629023-X, Yourdon Press, 1988 (Bob
Schreiner, Axel T. and Friedman, H. George, Jr. _Introduction to
Compiler Construction with UNIX_, Prentice-Hall, 1985 (contains
numerous typos -- Richard Hash rgh@shell.com)
Stevens, Al _C Database Development, 2nd Ed._, 1-5528-135-5, MIS Press,
$24.95, $49.95.d
Stevens, Al _Extending Turbo C Professional_
Stevens, Al _Turbo C Memory Resident Utilities, Screen I/O and
Programming Techniques_, 0-943518-35-0, MIS Press
Stoltz, Axel _The Soundblaster Book_ 1-55755-164-2, Abacus, 34.95,
Straker, David _C Style: Standards & Guidelines_ 0-13-116898-3,
Stroustrup, Bjarne _The C++ Programming Language - 2nd Edition_
(more current than the ARM, but less official -- Bob Stout)
_Supercharged Bitmapped Graphics_ TAB books (Jim Mooney)
Swan, Tom _Learning C++_, 0-672-22785-1, SAMS, 1991 (Comes with working
demo version of Zortech C++ -- Bram Smits)
Swan, Tom _Mastering Borland C++_, 0-672-30274-8, SAMS, 1992,
$39.95d (ANSI C, C++, extensive examples and answers for the
exercises -- Scott Remick)
Tisher, Michael _PC Intern_, 1-55755-145-6 ( Patrick Tousignant)
Tondo, Clovis L.; Nathanson, Andrew and Yount, Eden _Mastering Make_,
0-13-554619-2, Prentice Hall, 1992, $25.75
Traister, Robert J _Mastering C Pointers_, 0-12-697408-X, Academic
Press, 1990 (Tom Donahue)
Tremblay, J. P. and Sorensen, P. G. _The Theory and Practice of Compiler
Writing_, McGraw-Hill, 1985 (Heavy reading -- Clayton Weaver)
Van Wyk, Christopher J. _Data Structures and C Programs_,0-201-16116-8,
Addison-Wesley (David Gersic)
Voss, Greg and Chui, Paul (unknown title), 0-07-881526-6,
Borland/Osborne/McGraw Hill (a C++ tutorial -- Phil Sharp)
Watson, Des, _High-Level Languages and Their Compilers_, Addison-Wesley,
_The Waite Group's Essential Guide to ANSI C_, 0-672-22673-1, Howard W.
Sams, 1989, $7.95, (out of print but worth searching for - the best
pocket-sized C handbook available -- Bob Stout)
_The Waite Group's New C Primer Plus_, 0-672-22687-1 (Dale Furneaux)
Waite and Prata, _C: Step by Step_, 0-672-22651-0
Waite, W. M. and Goos, G. _Compiler Construction_
Wiener, Richard and Pinson, Lewis _An Introduction to Object-Oriented
Programming and C++_, 0-201-15413-7, Addison-Wesley, 1988 $31.68 (Bob
Wilton, Richard _Programmer's Guide to PC & PS/2 Video Systems_,
1-55615-103-9, Microsoft Press, 1987, $24.95
Young, Michael J. _System Programming in Microsoft C_, Sybex (Nhan Tran)
/* End of book list */
/* Begin magazine list */
DDJ (Dr. Dobbs Journal)
P.O. Box 56188
Boulder, CO 80322-6188
Canada & Mexico: $45/yr (surface)
Other countries: $70/yr (air)
Domestic (US): #29.97/yr
The C Users Journal
1601 W. 23rd St., Suite 200
Lawrence, KS 66046-9950
US discount rate: $29.95/yr
Canada/Mexico: $54/yr
Other countries: $65/yr (air)
C++ Report
Subscriber Services, Dept CPR
P.O. Box 3000
Denvill NJ 07834-9979
Domestic US: $69/yr
Foreign & Canada: $94/yr (air)
AI Expert
P.O. Box 51241
Boulder, CO 80321-1241
US discount rate: $32/yr (basic rate: $42)
Canada/Mexico: $32+$6/yr
Other countries: $32 +15/yr (surface) or +40/yr (air)
PC Techniques
7721 E. Gray Road, Suite 204
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
/* End magazine list */
/* Begin support phone list */
Borland (Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++)
Customer Service:
Customer Service (all products) 408-461-9000
(7am-4pm PT Monday-Friday)
Order Desk (Credit Card orders only) 800-331-0877
(7am-4pm PT Monday-Friday)
Technical Support:
Technical support for the following products is available from
6am-5pm PT, Monday-Friday:
C++ 408-461-9133
Paradox Engine for C/C++ 408-461-9133
Resource Workshop for C/C++ 408-461-9133
Turbo Vision for C/C++ 408-461-9133
900-Advisor Line
When you need a fast response or a more advanced level of
technical support, you can call the 900-Advisor Line. Technical
support for the following products is available from 6am-5pm PT,
Monday-Friday. You gain access within one minute. Each call is
$2.00 per minute (the first minute is free).
Borland C++ (Windows) 900-555-1002
Borland C++ (DOS) 900-555-1004
Other Services:
The following services are available 7 days a week, 24 hours a
Online Automated Support (modem)
(8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) 408-431-5250
TechFax (Automated FAX retrieval) 800-822-4269
Download Bulletin Board System (modem)
(8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) 408-431-5096
For more information about the services listed below, you may
order the appropriate document from our TechFax system by dialing
Service Document
Online Automated Support 9606
TechFax 9652
Download Bulletin Board System 9604
Dunfield Develpment Systems (Micro C)
Dunfield Development Systems
P.O. Box 31044
Nepean, Ontario (Canada)
K2B 8S8
VOICE: (613) 256-5820 [Between 0800-1900 EST please!]
FAX: (613) 256-5821 [0800-1900 EST Mon-Fri]
BBS: (613) 256-5820 [1900-0800 EST Mon-Fri, All day Sat-Sun]
(300/1200/2400 Dial '2' when autoattendant answers).
Mix Software
Mix Software
1132 Commerce Dr.
Richardson, Tx 75081
Order: 1-800-333-0330
Tech: 1-214-783-6001
Fax: 1-214-783-1404
Phone: 1-519-886-3700
BBS: 1-519-884-2103
/* End support phone list */