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82 lines
-- file sort - a tutorial example of a Euphoria program --
-- Alphabetically sorts the lines in a text file.
-- usage: ex filesort < source > dest
include sort.e -- This is the standard Euphoria generic sort routine. It
-- will sort any type of data. e.g. sort({5, 1, 8, 9, 4}) or
-- sort({1.5, 9, 0, -999.9e5}) or sort({"ABC", "FRED", "XX"})
-- etc. see include\sort.e
constant TRUE = 1
procedure file_sort() -- this is the main procedure
sequence buffer, -- these variables can be assigned sequence values
object line -- this variable can be assigned *any* value, atom or
-- sequence
buffer = {} -- initialize buffer to the empty sequence (0 lines)
while TRUE do -- "infinite loop"
line = gets(0) -- read a line (sequence of chars) from standard input
if atom(line) then -- gets(0) returns atom -1 on end of file
exit -- quit the while loop
end if
buffer = append(buffer, line) -- add the line to the buffer of lines
-- buffer is a sequence of sequences
-- where each (sub)sequence represents
end while -- one line of text
sorted_buffer = sort(buffer) -- call the sort routine, it will compare
-- the lines against each other
-- alphabetically and return a new, sorted
-- sequence of lines as a result
for i = 1 to length(sorted_buffer) do
puts(1, sorted_buffer[i]) -- write out the lines of text to
end for -- the standard output
end procedure
file_sort() -- execution starts here
-- What are the good points about this program?
-- 1. The sizes of data structures are not declared.
-- In most languages, such as C, you would have to declare a somewhat
-- arbitrary maximum size for line and for buffer, or you would have to set
-- up a complicated system of allocating storage using malloc and free.
-- 2. gets() does not require you to specify the maximum length of line
-- that can be read in. It will automatically create a sequence of
-- characters of the appropriate length to hold each incoming line.
-- 3. The sort routine is very simple. It takes a sequence as an argument,
-- and returns a sequence as a result. In C, you might set up a
-- complicated call to a quicksort routine, requiring you to pass in
-- a pointer to a compare function. You'd have to consult a manual to
-- figure out how to do this.
-- 4. You did not overspecify the loop counter, i, by declaring it
-- as a 16 or 32-bit integer. Its job is to count from 1 to the length
-- of the buffer - who cares how many bits should be allocated for it?
-- 5. Extended memory will automatically be used to let buffer grow
-- to a very large size. No 640K limit.
-- 6. The program executes with full runtime safety checking for bad
-- subscripts, uninitialized variables etc.
-- 7. You can edit the program and immediately rerun it, without fussing
-- with compiler options, linker options, makefiles etc.
-- 8. Since it is executed by an interpreter, loaded with runtime
-- safety checks, and employing a generic sort routine, it runs very slow
-- -- NOT!
-- This program is FAST! It will easily outperform the MS-DOS sort command
-- (machine language) and can handle much larger files. [see bench.doc]