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RB2NG.PAS, RB2NG.EXE Version 1.10
Converts the Text Ralf Brown Interrupt Lists into one .NG file for
use with NG or EH. This program requires the NGML (Norton Guides
Menu Linker) and the NGC (Norton Guides Compiler). It also requires
12 megabytes of free disk space.
Delete the files MEMORY.LST, PORT.LST, etc. if you do not want
them included in the .NG file. You may delete some and keep others.
CMOS.LST will not be included in the .NG file.
This program has only been tested on release 38 files.
This program is free and I don't take responsibility for any loss
or damages, etc.. If you find this program useful, a postcard would
be nice.
If you don't have the NGC or the NGML, you might be able to find a
copy already compiled in the same place that you found this program.
Simply type
to load the program. Specify the source path, where the text files
are to be found.
Then specify an output directory. This could be a temporary
directory that you have created.
The program reads the text files and creates files that can be
compiled with the NGC in the specified output directory. It also
creates a batch file, CRB.BAT, which compiles and links the .NG
file. Simply type
in the output directory (with NGC and NGML on the path) and the .NG
file will be created.
You are welcome to use this program freely but a postcard would be
appreciated. You are also welcome to fiddle with the source code, as
long as you don't redistribute the modified code. If you have any
ideas you would like me to add, simply EMail them to me.
The code requires the Pure Power String Unit Version 1.06. This is
available at many FTP sites and BBS's as PSSTR106.ZIP.
RB2NG looks in a file called CONVERT.TXT. In this file are case
convertions. Because RB2NG converts the all uppercase RB List to
lowercase, some words are converted incorrectly. For example, BIOS
becomes Bios. Thus, to fix things like this, CONVERT.TXT contains
which converts the text to the correct word. You may have up to 99
corrections in the file. Each correction may be no longer than
21 letters, that is, 10 letters for each word and the | sign. Make
sure you copy CONVERT.TXT (with any further additions you have made
in it) to the directory which has all the INTERRUP.? files.
See DETAILS.DOC for my address.
Michael Gallias