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│ Free Direction Texture Mapping │
The following article was posted by Hannu Helminen (dm@stekt.oulu.fi) to
comp.graphics.algorithms (article 4061). It has been included in the PC-GPE
with his permission.
From X Sat Apr 2 10:24:14 EST 1994
Article: 4061 of comp.graphics.algorithms
Newsgroups: comp.graphics.algorithms
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From: dm@stekt13.oulu.fi (Hannu Helminen)
Subject: Re: extended DOOM: free-direction texture mapping
In-Reply-To: dm@stekt13.oulu.fi's message of Fri, 25 Mar 1994 10:37:02 GMT
Message-ID: <DM.94Mar28152625@stekt13.oulu.fi>
Lines: 160
Sender: news@ousrvr.oulu.fi
Organization: University of Oulu, Department of Electrical Engineering, Finland
References: <DM.94Mar25123702@stekt13.oulu.fi>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 1994 12:26:24 GMT
The idea of free-direction texture-mapping seems to be new to many
few people, so I decided to post this short introduction.
Warning: The level of this discussion is quite introductory, if you know
(or guess) what I'm going to talk about, you probably know as much as I
First look at the principles. In Doom (and in Wolfenstain) the method
used to draw the walls is quite simple. You divide the wall into
vertical lines. Then you calculate where the wall should start and where
to end on the screen (A and B in my nice ascii-picture), and where in
the texture space the corresponding line should start and end.
Wall: Texture:
\ Y
\B \/\^\/\/\
^\ /\/./\/\/
. \ \/\.\/\/\
. / /\/./\/\/
./ X
Then you simply do a highly optimized loop in which you do all the
pixels in the vertical line, pick a color from the texture, put it onto
the screen, and move to next position in the texture.
The floor is a bit more complicated. (I understand that Wolfenstain had
no floor texturing, am I correct?) This time, the floor segment is
mapped to a horizontal line, which is simple enough. However, in texture
space that same line may be in any direction, so you'll have a 2D line
in the texture, like this:
Floor: Texture:
/\ Y
A/...>\B \/\/\.\/\
/ \ /\/\.\/\/
This is old and dull. Now for the new and exciting part: suppose we wish
to draw a polygon in 3-space that has free orientation. A bit of thought
and a simple extension of the above ideas tell us that we should use a
free-direction line in the display coordinates as well.
When we map a plane with free orientation to the screen, there is
always one direction on the screen, in which the z-coordinate
(distance) stays the same. In doom's walls it is vertical, in doom's
floors it is horisontal. But there is one such direction for every
Why is constant z-coordinate important? These lines have the special
property that constant movement along them corresponds to constant
movement in texture space.
Read the above two paragraphs again until you have understood them,
since they are the key thing. The rest is only implementation,
following is a short explanation on how I did it.
For each polygon you are about to draw on the screen, do the following.
Find the plane equation. From that, derive the "constant-z" direction.
(Come on, take a piece of paper and a pen, it is quite easy.)
It helps to make the distinction between two cases here. Either the
"constant-z" direction is more horisontal, or it is more vertical.
Suppose that it is more horisontal. The constant-z line equation is now
something like y = p*x, where -1 <= p <= 1.
--- Example of a constant-z line
Now, a change in the coordinate system is in order. x is the same x as
before, but y is "slanted" by the factor of p. This means that the
x-axis will be "slanted" but y-axis will be the same as before.
The next thing is to convert the polygon to this coordinate system.
Scan convert it line by line, but along these "slanted" (constant-z)
Suppose that we are about to draw a triangle shown below, and the
slanted line is the one shown above. So the path to follow on the
is as follows (ascii art is back again). The path in the texture is
also determined.
On the screen: In texture (eg.):
\------- Y
A... -----/ /./\/\/\/
\ ... / \/./\/\/\
\ ..../ /\/./\/\/
\ /B \/\/./\/\
\ / X
\ /
So when you render the triangle, the result would be like this. The
numbers are lines of constant Z-value.
Note: you should stack the constant-z lines just as shown in the picture.
Implementation notes: this will be a bit slower than DOOM floors, since
the algorithm is a bit more complicated. Another thing is that it will
not be quite as cache-coherent.
If you are rendering big polygons (and have a large cache), it helps
to precalculate the pixels lying on the line, so you need not worry about
your Bresenham having to choose right pixels. All you need to do is offset
the line to right memory offset.
The inner loop of this machine could look something like this:
zbufpointer = zbufbase + offset;
pixelpointer = pixelbase + offset;
while (--count >= 0) {
off = *precalculatedline++;
if (z > zbufpoiner[off]) {
zbufpointer[off] = z;
pixelpointer[off] = texture(x,y);
x += dx;
y += dy;
There is an error of about 0.5 pixel-lengths, since the pixels lying on
the constant-z lines are rounded to nearest pixels.
Another error can also be seen in the above picture, the line marked
with 0's has a small "gap" in it, what should we do with it?
Happy programming!
Hannu dm@stekt.oulu.fi || You have been hacking too long when you
Helminen dm@phoenix.oulu.fi || talk of people as users (or end-users)