Practical Programming in Tcl & Tk (4th Edition)
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# Example 40-4
# Font selection dialog.
proc Font_Select {{top .fontsel}} {
global font
# Create File, Font, Size, and Format menus
toplevel $top -class Fontsel -bd 10
set menubar [menu $top.menubar]
$top config -menu $menubar
foreach x {File Font Size Format} {
set menu [menu $menubar.[string tolower $x]]
$menubar add cascade -menu $menu -label $x
$menubar.file add command -label Reset -command FontReset
$menubar.file add command -label OK \
-command {set font(ok) ok}
$menubar.file add command -label Cancel \
-command {set font(ok) cancel}
# The Fonts menu lists the available Font families.
set allfonts [font families]
set numfonts [llength $allfonts]
set limit 20
if {$numfonts < $limit} {
# Display the fonts in a single menu
foreach family $allfonts {
$menubar.font add radio -label $family \
-variable font(-family) \
-value $family \
-command FontUpdate
} else {
# Too many fonts. Create a set of cascaded menus to
# display all the font possibilities
set c 0 ; set l 0
foreach family $allfonts {
if {$l == 0} {
$menubar.font add cascade -label $family... \
-menu $menubar.font.$c
set m [menu $menubar.font.$c]
incr c
$m add radio -label $family \
-variable font(-family) \
-value $family \
-command FontUpdate
set l [expr ($l +1) % $limit]
# Complete the other menus
foreach size {7 8 10 12 14 18 24 36 72} {
$menubar.size add radio -label $size \
-variable font(-size) \
-value $size \
-command FontUpdate
$menubar.size add command -label Other... \
-command [list FontSetSize $top]
$menubar.format add check -label Bold \
-variable font(-weight) \
-onvalue bold -offvalue normal \
-command FontUpdate
$menubar.format add check -label Italic \
-variable font(-slant) \
-onvalue italic -offvalue roman \
-command FontUpdate
$menubar.format add check -label underline \
-variable font(-underline) \
-command FontUpdate
$menubar.format add check -label overstrike \
-variable font(-overstrike) \
-command FontUpdate
# FontReset initializes the font array, which causes
# the radio menu entries to get highlighted.
# This label displays the current font
label $top.font -textvar font(name) -bd 5
# This message displays a sampler of the font.
message $top.msg -aspect 1000 \
-borderwidth 10 -font fontsel \
-text "
!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{};:\"'` ~,.<>/?\\|
# Lay out the dialog
pack $top.font $top.msg -side top
set f [frame $top.buttons]
button $f.ok -text Ok -command {set font(ok) 1}
button $f.cancel -text Cancel -command {set font(ok) 0}
pack $f.ok $f.cancel -padx 10 -side left
pack $f -side top
# Dialog_Wait is defined in Example 37-1 on page 572
set font(ok) cancel
Dialog_Wait $top font(ok)
destroy $top
if {$font(ok) == "ok"} {
return [array get font -*]
} else {
return {}
# FontReset recreates a default font
proc FontReset {} {
catch {font delete fontsel}
font create fontsel
# FontSet initializes the font array with the settings
# returned by the font actual command
proc FontSet {} {
global font
# The name is the font configuration information
# with a line break so it looks nicer
set font(name) [font actual fontsel]
regsub -- "-slant" $font(name) "\n-slant" font(name)
# Save the actual parameters after any font substitutions
array set font [font actual fontsel]
# FontSetSize adds an entry widget to the dialog so you
# can enter a specific font size.
proc FontSetSize {top} {
set f [frame $top.size -borderwidth 10]
pack $f -side top -fill x
label $f.msg -text "Size:"
entry $f.entry -textvariable font(-size)
bind $f.entry <Return> FontUpdate
pack $f.msg -side left
pack $f.entry -side top -fill x
# FontUpdate is called when any of the font settings
# are changed, either from the menu or FontSetSize
proc FontUpdate { } {
global font
# The elements of font that have a leading - are
# used directly in the font configuration command.
eval {font configure fontsel} [array get font -*]