<welcome><![CDATA[<font face='Frutiger' size='21' color='#221e1f'>WELCOME TO</font><br/><font face='RotisSemiSerif' size='45'><font color='#00aeef'>P<font size='32'>RACTICE</font></font><font color='#dd6f66'>A<font size='32'>NATOMY</font></font><font color='#939598'>L<font size='32'>AB</font></font></font><br/><font face='Frutiger' size='11' color='#000000'>Practice Anatomy Lab is a unique lab study tool that gives you<br/>access 24/7 to a full range of actual anatomy lab specimens.<br/>Practice the modules and be better prepared for your lab practicals.</font><br/><br/><font face='Frutiger Bold' size='12' color='#000000'>Begin by selecting a Module below or by using the menu bar at the top.</font>
<module id="1" title="HUMAN CADAVER" color="dd6f66" icon="images/cadaver.jpg" sideimage="images/cadaver_sidepanel.jpg" instructions="Begin by selecting a Body System, or by using the menu bar at the top.">
<activityText type="self_review"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Review</b> to study and review structures and hear pronunciation of anatomical terms.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="self_study"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Study Quiz</b> to quiz yourself and get immediate feedback to your answers.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="lab_practical"><![CDATA[Select <b>Lab Practical Exam</b> if you think you’re ready to take a simulated lab practical exam.]]></activityText>
<menu title="Skeletal System" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<submenu title="Self-Review" activityText="self_review" instructions="Begin by selecting an Area, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<menu title="Muscular System" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<submenu title="Self-Review" activityText="self_review" instructions="Begin by selecting an Area, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<activity type="self_review" activityText="" title="Muscles of Head and Neck" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/01_muscles_of_head_and_neck/self_review.xml"/>
<activity type="self_review" activityText="" title="Muscles of Trunk and Pelvis" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/02_muscles_of_trunk_and_pelvis/self_review.xml"/>
<activity type="self_review" activityText="" title="Muscles of Upper Limb" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/03_muscles_of_upper_limb/self_review.xml"/>
<activity type="self_review" activityText="" title="Muscles of Lower Limb" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/04_muscles_of_lower_limb/self_review.xml"/>
<submenu title="Self-Study Quiz" activityText="self_study" instructions="Begin by selecting an Area, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<activity type="self_study" activityText="" title="Muscles of Head and Neck" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/01_muscles_of_head_and_neck/self_study.xml"/>
<activity type="self_study" activityText="" title="Muscles of Trunk and Pelvis" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/02_muscles_of_trunk_and_pelvis/self_study.xml"/>
<activity type="self_study" activityText="" title="Muscles of Upper Limb" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/03_muscles_of_upper_limb/self_study.xml"/>
<activity type="self_study" activityText="" title="Muscles of Lower Limb" url="content/01_human_cadaver/02_muscular_system/04_muscles_of_lower_limb/self_study.xml"/>
<activity type="self_study" activityText="" title="ANS, PNS, and Special Senses" url="content/01_human_cadaver/03_nervous_system/02_self_study_quiz/02_ans_pns_and_special_senses/self_study.xml"/>
<module id="2" title="ANATOMICAL MODELS" color="8398c7" icon="images/anatomy.jpg" sideimage="images/anatomy_sidepanel.jpg" instructions="Begin by selecting a Body System, or by using the menu bar at the top.">
<activityText type="self_review"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Review</b> to study and review structures and hear pronunciation of anatomical terms.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="self_study"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Study Quiz</b> to quiz yourself and get immediate feedback to your answers.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="lab_practical"><![CDATA[Select <b>Lab Practical Exam</b> if you think you’re ready to take a simulated lab practical exam.]]></activityText>
<menu title="Integumentary System" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<module id="3" title="HISTOLOGY" color="ad5d95" icon="images/histology.jpg" sideimage="images/histology_sidepanel.jpg" instructions="Begin by selecting Body System or Tissue Type, or by using the menu bar at the top.">
<activityText type="self_review"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Review</b> to study and review structures and hear pronunciation of anatomical terms.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="self_study"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Study Quiz</b> to quiz yourself and get immediate feedback to your answers.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="lab_practical"><![CDATA[Select <b>Lab Practical Exam</b> if you think you’re ready to take a simulated lab practical exam.]]></activityText>
<menu title="Tissue Type" instructions="Begin by selecting a Tissue Type, or by using the menu bar at the top.">
<submenu title="Epithelial Tissue" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
The Lab Practical Exam covers all Histology Tissue Types.
Explore all Tissue Types before taking it.
<submenu title="Connective Tissue" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
The Lab Practical Exam covers all Histology Tissue Types.
Explore all Tissue Types before taking it.
<submenu title="Muscular Tissue" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
The Lab Practical Exam covers all Histology Tissue Types.
Explore all Tissue Types before taking it.
<submenu title="Nervous Tissue" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
The Lab Practical Exam covers all Histology Tissue Types.
Explore all Tissue Types before taking it.
<module id="4" title="CAT ANATOMY" color="0088c3" icon="images/cat.jpg" sideimage="images/cat_sidepanel.jpg" instructions="Begin by selecting a Body System, or by using the menu bar at the top.">
<activityText type="self_review"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Review</b> to study and review structures and hear pronunciation of anatomical terms.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="self_study"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Study Quiz</b> to quiz yourself and get immediate feedback to your answers.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="lab_practical"><![CDATA[Select <b>Lab Practical Exam</b> if you think you’re ready to take a simulated lab practical exam.]]></activityText>
<menu title="Muscular System" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.
<module id="5" title="FETAL PIG ANATOMY" color="d68017" icon="images/pig.jpg" sideimage="images/pig_sidepanel.jpg" instructions="Begin by selecting a Body System, or by using the menu bar at the top.">
<activityText type="self_review"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Review</b> to study and review structures and hear pronunciation of anatomical terms.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="self_study"><![CDATA[Select <b>Self-Study Quiz</b> to quiz yourself and get immediate feedback to your answers.]]></activityText>
<activityText type="lab_practical"><![CDATA[Select <b>Lab Practical Exam</b> if you think you’re ready to take a simulated lab practical exam.]]></activityText>
<menu title="Overview of Internal Organs" instructions="Begin by selecting an Activity, or by using the menu bar at the top.