This will calculate the angle and the magnitude (length of the line segment) of a line given its start point and end point. The return value will be a point structure with the angle being the 1st element in the structure and the magnitude as the 2nd element.
This will calculate the endpoint of a line give its start point, magnitude and angle. The return value will be a point structure with the x-coordinate being the 1st element in the structure and the y-coordinate as the 2nd element.
GetImage( <DrawXtra member>, <member (bitmap)> )
Copy the bitmap stored in the canvas to a bitmap castmember. Director only.
Resizes the canvas. This will also clear out any images in the canvas.
Redraw( <member> )
Force the canvas to redraw itself. When making drawings, they will
not show up on the stage until Redraw() gets called.
--- Drawing objects ---
SetPixel( <member>, <integer x>, <integer y> )
Draw a pixel on the canvas at the specified location.
GetPixel( <member>, <integer x>, <integer y> )
Gets the RGB value of a pixel at the specified location, returning a ╥packed╙ color. The return value will be -1 if the specified point is not in the canvas.
Draws an arc bounded by the rectangle defined by the left, top, right and bottom points. Point (x1,y1) defines the starting point of the arc and (x2,y2) defines the end point of the arc.