Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | gazette | reckoner OCR: [hePrincess The Installation Princess Instructions and the for Pea and the Windows" Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. CAREFULLY READTHE RFFORE USING THIS FOLLOWING TERMS PROGRAM he Excep no warranties limited varranty proylded represe this tation paragraph From your Program Manager File menu (Windows 3.1or your Start Menu [Windows 1.What is "SaltKey his Limite Thie dUs containa th cence SofiKey treemen International Inc. nplied b onditian: atatute ommor otherwi: 951, select Run Saftware which will SoftKey Software product(s) containe this pa ckage Liability You acre eardless a timited Grant licence subject to the SattKey terms ereby granta YOU and you accept any aes tc claim you or you may have Aue SoftKey's part liability shall no for any ten tirs In the Command Line type DASETUP.EXE ...