TieDye takes three seed colors and creates rings of interpolated colors centered around the texture's Z axis. Then, by adding to these rings, you get something that looks a lot like a tie dye pattern. In this texture, the noise itself is what's animated, making some really psychedelic effects of moving, rolling colors. The texture's axis is used for scaling, shaping, and positioning the texture.
Colors 1, 2, and 3: These set up the three colors that all the texture's colors are interpolated from.
Travel Magnitude: This is the Animatable noise magnitude parameter. This controls the amount of noise gyrations the texture goes through. Making this number bigger will increase the number of gyrations. This can be used to speed up or slow down the noise gyrations during a fixed number of frames.
Dist Traveled: This is the animation tween position parameter that controls at which point the animation is in the tween. This is the parameter that has to be morphed to make this texture animate - morph it from 0.0 to 1.0.
Noise 1 and 2: These parameters will change the pattern and shape of the splotches. Setting them to 0,0,0,0 will give you an idea of the base pattern, and then adding in the noise will break up and scatter the pattern.