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/ Program Collection for Windows 95 #17 / Win95-17.iso / office97.rus / valupack / msfonts / ransom.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1997-03-18  |  72KB
OCR: abcdcthi jkimnopqrstuvw ABCDE GHIJKLMN OORS TUVWXYZ 0123456789 %$#@i. &*0- The quick brown umps @VCT thelaZ! The quick brown to> jumps thclaZy dof. The quick brown fo jumps over the lazy dof. The quick brown jumps Over the e laZy dol. The quick brown jumps Over the doi. The quick brown jumps over the lazy doi. The quick brown fo umps over the laz abedef thclaz brorvn