VREDIR.DeviceDesc= "Client for Microsoft Networks"
NWREDIR.DeviceDesc="Client for NetWare Networks"
; Context help
VREDIR_HELP="The Client for Microsoft Networks enables you to connect to other Microsoft Windows computers and servers and use the files and printers shared on them."
NWREDIR_HELP="The Client for NetWare Networks enables you to connect to NetWare servers and use the files and printers shared on them."
; NWREDIR parameters
PreserveCaseDesc="Preserve Case"
; also in winpopup.inf
StartUp_DESC = "Startup"
Winpopup_Desc = "WinPopup"
Grpconv_Desc = "Programs on the Start menu" ;MUST MATCH EXACTLY WITH Grpconv_Desc in WINVER.INX