13201 The modified permissions could not be saved.
13202 The selected folder design elements could not be copied.
13203 Folder contacts could not be added.
13204 Form properties could not be modified.
13205 One or more users were not removed from the list.
13206 Upload of offline changes could not be completed.
13207 No forms can be found in this folder.
13208 The form library could not be selected.
13209 The folder hierarchy could not be synchronized.
13210 The entry could not be removed from the form library.
13211 Changes made on the Exchange Server tab could not be saved.
13212 Changes made on the Administration tab could not be saved.
13213 The Inbox Assistant could not be started. Rules will not be processed.
13214 The AutoReply message could not be saved.
13215 One or more rules from other profiles could not be displayed.
13216 The Folder Assistant could not be displayed.
13217 The reply template could not be created.
13218 The form restriction for this folder could not be created.
13219 Changes to the rule could not be saved.
13220 The rule could not be edited.
13221 The form library settings could not be changed.
13222 One or more forms in the form library could not be loaded.
13223 Your AutoReply message could not be displayed.
13224 The form or forms could not be copied.
13225 One or more users could not be added to the folder access list.
13226 The properties for this contact could not be displayed.
13227 Some or all design elements could not be copied.
13228 The sender could not be selected.
13229 The Inbox Assistant could not be displayed.
13230 The NT Domain password could not be changed.
13231 One or more of your selections could not be processed.
13232 Synchronization with the offline folder file could not be completed.
13233 A set of forms could not be selected.
13234 The form or forms could not be updated.
13235 The form or forms could not be removed.
13236 The form you selected could not be displayed.
13237 The reply template could not be saved.
13238 A new view could not be added to the Initial View On Folder list.
13239 One or more of your selections could not be deleted.
13240 The distribution list could not be displayed.
13241 The public folder favorite could not be added.
13242 The Out Of Office Assistant could not be displayed.
13243 This form could not be saved as an .FDM file.
13244 Unable to download the offline Address Book.
13245 The information for Send On Behalf Of could not be displayed.
13246 The forms associated with this folder could not be displayed.
13247 Folder contacts could not be removed.
13248 The current Out Of Office setting could not be determined.
13249 The Out Of Office option button selection could not be set.
13250 The Summary page box could not be displayed.
13251 Folder permissions could not be copied.
13252 The Forms Manager could not be displayed.
13253 The offline store could not be configured.
13254 Some permissions could not be displayed.
13255 Changes made on the Forms tab could not be saved.
13256 The form could not be installed.
13257 The passwords you typed do not match.
13258 A new entry could not be created in the form library.
13259 One or more users could not be added to the list.
13260 This folder could not be synchronized.
13261 The public folder favorite could not be deleted.
13262 Folder rules could not be copied.
13263 The folder description could not be copied.
13264 The rule could not be deleted.
13265 The folder address could not be added to your personal address book.
13266 Properties for this distribution list member could not be displayed.
13267 The alert action could not be set.
13268 The Advanced dialog box could not be displayed.
13269 The recipient could not be selected.
13270 New items of interest could not be displayed.
13271 The Inbox Assistant could not be displayed.
13272 A form could not be selected.
13273 The views associated with this folder could not be retrieved.
13274 The Demos cannot be started.
13275 You must enter criteria for the Custom Properties field(s) you selected.
13276 The rule could not be added.
13277 The folder offline availability could not be changed.
13278 Information on the Synchronization tab could not be displayed.
13279 The reply template could not be displayed.
13280 One or more of your selections could not be updated.
13281 Changes to the distribution list membership could not be saved.
13282 An error message related to the processing of this rule could not be displayed.
13283 Changes to the form library made in the permissions dialog could not be saved.
13284 Information on the Permissions tab could not be displayed.
13285 Information on the Forms tab could not be displayed.
13286 Information on the Administration tab could not be displayed.
13287 The Microsoft Exchange Forms Designer could not be started.
13288 The Inbox Assistant could not be started. Rules will not be processed.
13289 The Forms Manager dialog box could not be displayed.
13290 Folder forms and views could not be copied.
13291 The PS_MAPI GUID cannot be used for string or numeric properties >= 0x8000. [File %1, Section %2]
13292 An error occurred while attempting to write to a form directory file.
13293 An attempted action on an OLE document file was unsuccessful. File %1
13294 '%1' is not a valid form definition message (.FDM) file.
13295 Microsoft Office templates cannot be loaded because Microsoft Office is not installed.
13296 There is not enough space in the form directory to create another subdirectory. File %1
13297 The file handle is not valid. File %1
13298 The form could not be updated because it is currently in use. Close the form and all forms of this type, and then update.
13299 An error occurred while creating a form.
13300 The value for property type %3 is not valid. [File %1, Section %2]
13301 You cannot remove the active directory. File %1
13302 The object could not be found.
13303 Either an NmidInteger or NmidString key is required. [File %1, Section %2]
13304 An error occurred while creating the file '%1' in the form directory.
13305 The form cannot be installed because a form for this message type is already installed.
13306 The file '%1' could not be opened.
13307 The disk is full. File %1
13308 The file %1 in the message attachment could not be created.
13309 The form %1 is either not present or does not run on your system.
13310 The object is not valid.
13311 Enumeration type %1 is not a known Special Enumeration type.
13312 The '%1' program could not be started.
13313 The key '%3' appeared multiple times in section '%2'. [file %1]
13314 There is not enough disk space to copy the form to your computer. Close some forms, or increase the maximum space for forms using the Options command on the Tools menu.
13315 To share files, you must have SHARE.EXE running on your computer. File %1
13316 A hardware error has occurred. File %1
13317 No form libraries could be found.
13318 The original form for this message cannot be displayed.
13319 An internal error has occurred. A form descriptor is missing required properties.
13320 The form entry is not valid.
13321 This library already contains a version of this form. Would you like to replace the existing form?
13322 The form cannot be installed because you do not have owner permissions.
13323 The PS_MAPI GUID cannot be used for string or numeric properties >= 0x8000. [File %1, Section %2]
13324 An index property must be provided for an enumeration. [File %1, Section %2]
13325 Section '%2' cannot be found in the configuration file '%1'.
13326 An error occurred registering the form in the OLE registry.
13327 The request for UNICODE strings is currently not supported by Microsoft Exchange form libraries.
13328 A link cannot be made to section '%1' because that section already has a link.
13329 '%4' is not a known legal value for the key '%3' in section '%2'. [file %1]
13330 The file '%1' already exists.
13331 You cannot have two verbs with the same code. The second verb is %1.
13332 Locking is not supported. You must have SHARE.EXE running on your computer. File %1
13333 The form definition message (.FDM) file could not be opened.
13334 The object does not support the requested action.
13335 %1 could not be accessed.
13336 This form cannot be used on your system.
13337 There is not enough memory or system resources. Close some windows, and then try again.
13338 You cannot post a message while sending a message or from the Find Window.
13339 The user canceled the action.
13340 The Frmcache.dat file is damaged and must be reinstalled. Contact your administrator.
13341 You do not have the required permission to perform the requested action.
13342 Enumerations of Special Type 1 must be of type String8 or UNICODE.
13343 A required portion of the profile is missing.
13344 You do not have the required permission to perform the requested action. File %1
13345 The file cannot be found. File %1
13346 '%1' is not a valid icon file.
13347 An error occurred while installing a form.
13348 The object has performed an unexpected operation.
13349 One or more parameters are incorrect.
13350 Some requested properties are not available in this form.
13351 An error occurred setting the file read pointer. File %1
13352 The form required to view this message cannot be displayed. Contact your administrator.
13353 Provide a value for Display Name.
13354 The path '%1' already exists.
13355 A required action was not successful due to an unspecified error.
13356 An error occurred while creating the message. Try creating the message again.
13357 The key '%3' is either missing or has an incorrect value. [File %1, Section %2]
13358 The Frmcache.dat file is damaged. Contact your administrator.
13359 The requested action is not valid.
13360 An illegal or unrecognized flag was passed in.
13361 The server was unable to process the request.
13362 The message class is too long. Change the class to be less than 255 characters. [File %1, Section %2].
13363 The object type %3 is not currently supported for extensions. [File %1, Section %2]
13364 You can use either NmidInteger or NmidString key, but not both. [File %1, Section %2]
13365 The Microsoft Exchange Server computer is not present or is not responding.
13366 The path is not valid: %1
13367 The file %1 could not be inserted.
13369 There is a problem with the Frmcache.dat file. Contact your administrator.
13370 The Frmcache.dat file is damaged and must be reinstalled. Contact your administrator.
13371 The key '%3' is missing. [File %1, Section %2]
13372 The end of file was reached. File %1
13373 Too many files are open. Close some files before continuing. File %1
13374 An unspecified error has occurred. File %1
13375 The form cache file '%1' is not valid. Contact your administrator.
13376 SHARE.EXE is not running. To share files, you must have SHARE.EXE running on your computer.
40000 Form Setup Files (*.cfg)|*.cfg|Form Message (*.fdm)|*.fdm|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
40001 A form for the class '%s' is already defined. Do you want to replace the existent form definition or update its platform-specific files?
40002 Do you want to replace the entire definition of '%s' or just update its platform-specific files?
40003 Platform %s is already defined in the form. Do you want to overwrite it?
40004 Install Form
40005 Application Forms
40006 New For&m...
40007 Personal Forms
40008 Installing the form on your machine...
40009 New %1
40010 cfg
40011 Form Setup Files (*.cfg)|*.cfg|Word Template (*.dot)|*.dot|Excel Template (*.xlt)|*.xlt|Power Point Template (*.ppt)|*.ppt|Access Template (*.act)|*.act|Form Message (*.fdm)|*.fdm|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
40012 <No Category Name>
40013 <No Subcategory Name>
40014 Installing Form...
40015 Opens a custom form
50000 Windows Messaging
50001 System resources are critically low. Close some windows.
50002 &Help
50003 Microsoft Windows Messaging System Forms Registry