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File List  |  1991-05-17  |  15KB  |  299 lines

  1.     Packing List for Microsoft FORTRAN v 5.1
  2.     Copyright (C) 1986, 1991 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.
  6. DISK 1 : disk1
  8.  Files                        Description
  9.  -----                        -----------
  11. courb.fon                     DOS Graphics font file
  12. cv.exe                  DOS CodeView debugger
  13. decomp.exe                    Decompression Utility
  14. f510.inf                      Setup program information file
  15. fixshift.com                  Fixes BIOS bug for some compatible keyboards
  16. helvb.fon                     DOS Graphics font file
  17. himem.sys                     HIMEM driver program
  18. modern.fon                    DOS Graphics font file
  19. mouse.com                     DOS mouse driver
  20. mshelp.dll                    DLL for Microsoft Help system
  21. msherc.com                    TSR to support Hercules card graphics
  22. nmake.exe                     MS-DOS New Program maintenance utility
  23. nmk.com                       Real mode PWB loader for NMAKE
  24. packing.lst                   This list of files for MS FORTRAN 5.1
  25. patch320.doc                  DOS 3.20 FP exception patch
  26. pwb.com                       DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  27. pwbc.mxt                      DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  28. pwbed.exe                     DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  29. pwbfort.mxt                   DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  30. pwbhelp.mxt                   DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  31. pwbrowse.mxt                  DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  32. pwbutils.mxt                  DOS Programmer's WorkBench
  33. qh.exe                        Quick Help program
  34. ramdrive.sys                  DOS virtual disk device driver
  35. readme.doc                    Documentation Information on MS FORTRAN 5.1
  36. rmrhs.exe                     DOS 3.20 FP exception patch
  37. roman.fon                     DOS Graphics font file
  38. script.fon                    DOS Graphics font file
  39. setrhs.exe                    DOS 3.20 FP exception patch
  40. setup.exe                     Setup program -- installs product
  41. smartdrv.sys                  DOS disk cache device driver
  42. stkpat.bat                    DOS 3.20 FP exception patch
  43. stkpat.scr                    DOS 3.20 FP exception patch
  44. tmsrb.fon                     DOS Graphics font file
  47. DISK 2 : disk2
  49.  Files                        Description
  50.  -----                        -----------
  52. bind.exe                      Bound program creation utility
  53. cvpack.exe                    CodeView information optimization utility
  54. exehdr.exe                    EXE file modification utility
  55. exp.exe                       File expunge program
  56. f1.err                        Error message file for compiler, pass 1
  57. f1.exe                        Compiler pass 1
  58. f1l.exe                       Compiler, large model pass 1
  59. f2.exe                        Compiler pass 2
  60. f23.err                       Error message file for compiler, pass 2 & 3
  61. f3.exe                        Compiler pass 3
  62. f3s.exe                       Compiler, small model pass 3
  63. fl.def                        Needed for Windows
  64. fl.err                        Error message file for FL
  65. fl.exe                        Compiler driver
  66. fl.msg                        Message file for FL /help
  67. helpmake.exe                  Utility to create/modify help files
  68. ilink.exe                     Incremental linker
  69. ilinkstb.ovl                  ILINK overlay
  70. implib.exe                    Import library creation utility
  71. lib.exe                       Library maintenance utility
  72. link.exe                      Linker
  73. pwbrmake.exe                  Programmer's WorkBench
  74. rm.exe                        File deletion program
  75. undel.exe                     File restore program
  76. winstub.exe                   Needed for Windows
  79. DISK 3 : disk3
  81.  Files                        Description
  82.  -----                        -----------
  84. brief.ini                     Brief emulation macros for PWB
  85. cvp.exe                       OS/2 CodeView debugger
  86. cvw.exe               CodeView for Windows
  87. cvwin.dll              Windows debugging file
  88. nmake.exe                     OS/2 New program maintenance utility
  89. pwb.exe                       OS/2 Programmer's WorkBench
  90. pwbc.pxt                      OS/2 Programmer's WorkBench
  91. pwbfort.pxt                   OS/2 Programmer's WorkBench
  92. pwbhelp.pxt                   OS/2 Programmer's WorkBench
  93. pwbrowse.pxt                  OS/2 Programmer's WorkBench
  94. pwbutils.pxt                  OS/2 Programmer's WorkBench
  95. qh.exe                        Quick Help program
  96. system.pre                    Settings for CodeView for Windows
  97. tools.pre                     Sample macros for PWB
  98. vcv.386                       Needed for CodeView for Windows
  99. windebug.386              Needed for CodeView for Windows
  102. DISK 4 : disk4
  104.  Files                        Description
  105.  -----                        -----------
  107. 87.lib                  Floating point library for math coprocessor
  108. api.lib               Family API stub library for OS/2 Bound programs
  109. apilmr.obj                    Gives OS/2 bound programs 64K DGROUP
  110. em.lib                        Floating point library for emulator
  111. fdllobjs.lib                  Object file for dynamic link run-time library
  112. frtdll.obj                    Startup code for dynamic link library
  113. frtexe.obj                    Startup code for exe files that use a DLL
  114. frtlib.dll                    OS/2 Dynamic Link FORTRAN run-time library
  115. frtlib.lib                    OS/2 DLL library
  116. frtlib.obj                    Startup code for dynamic link run-time
  117. graphics.lib                  DOS Graphics library
  118. grtextp.lib                   OS/2 Text Graphics library
  119. lclib1.lib                    C compatibility library
  120. lclib2.lib                    C compatibility library
  121. lclibw1.lib                   Windows specific lib
  122. lclibwd1.lib                  Windows DLL file
  123. libh.lib                      General helper library
  124. libw.lib                      Windows specific lib
  125. llibfa.lib                    Alternate math library (large model)
  126. llibfmt.lib                   OS/2 multi-thread run-time library
  127. llibfor.lib                   Large model standard library
  128. llibfor1.lib                  DOS run-time library (large model)
  129. llibfor2.lib                  OS/2 run-time library (large model)
  130. llibfp.lib                    Floating point library (large model)
  131. llibfpw.lib                   Windows specific lib
  132. llibfw.lib                    Windows specific lib
  133. llibfw1.lib                   Windows specific lib
  134. llibfwd.lib                   Windows DLL file
  135. llibfwd1.lib                  Windows DLL file
  136. mclib1.lib                    C compatibility library
  137. mclib2.lib                    C compatibility library
  138. mgraphfa.lib                  Graphics FP library (medium/large model)
  139. mgraphfp.lib                  Graphics FP library (medium/large model)
  140. mixedpat.obj                  Used for C-compatible Windows library
  141. mixedstb.obj                  Used for non-C-compatible Windows Library
  142. mlibfa.lib                    Alternate math library (medium model)
  143. mlibfor.lib                   Medium model standard library
  144. mlibfor1.lib                  DOS run-time library (medium model)
  145. mlibfor2.lib                  OS/2 run-time library (medium model)
  146. mlibfp.lib                    Floating point library (medium model)
  147. nbuild.obj                    Error message stub file (use with BIND)
  148. oldnames.lib                  Windows specific lib
  149. os2.lib                       OS/2 API library for OS/2
  150. qwin.lib              Windows specific lib
  151. txtonly.obj                   Allows graphics calls to be stubbed out
  152. wddbgmsg.obj                  Windows DLL file
  153. __fpmath.obj              Windows specific lib
  154. noqwin.lib              Windows specific lib
  156. DISK 5 : disk5
  158.  Files                        Description
  159.  -----                        -----------
  161. chkstk.asm                    OS non-specific startup file
  162. chksum.asm                    OS non-specific startup file
  163. cmacros.inc                   OS non-specific startup file
  164. cmacros.new                   OS non-specific startup file
  165. crt0fp.asm                    OS non-specific startup file
  166. cv.hlp                        CodeView help file
  167. DOS\crt0.asm                  DOS specific startup file
  168. DOS\crt0dat.asm               DOS specific startup file
  169. DOS\crt0datl.obj              DOS specific startup file
  170. DOS\crt0datm.obj              DOS specific startup file
  171. DOS\crt0msg.asm               DOS specific startup file
  172. DOS\execmsg.asm               DOS specific startup file
  173. DOS\nmsghdr.asm               DOS specific startup file
  174. DOS\nulbody.lnk               DOS specific startup file
  175. DOS\stdalloc.asm              DOS specific startup file
  176. DOS\stdargv.asm               DOS specific startup file
  177. DOS\stdenvp.asm               DOS specific startup file
  178. emoem.asm                     OS non-specific startup file
  179. filehand.doc                  Instructions for increasing file handles
  180. fl.hlp                        Compiler command line help
  181. fmsghdr.asm                   OS non-specific startup file
  182. forlang.hlp                   FORTRAN language help file
  183. heap.inc                      OS non-specific startup file
  184. link.hlp                      Help file for linker
  185. makefile                      NMAKE makefile for building startup code
  186. msdos.inc                     OS non-specific startup file
  187. nulbody.for                   OS non-specific startup file
  188. OS2\crt0.asm                  OS/2 specific startup file
  189. OS2\crt0dat.asm               OS/2 specific startup file
  190. OS2\crt0datl.obj              OS/2 specific startup file
  191. OS2\crt0datm.obj              OS/2 specific startup file
  192. OS2\crt0msg.asm               OS/2 specific startup file
  193. OS2\nmsghdr.asm               OS/2 specific startup file
  194. OS2\nulbody.lnk               OS/2 specific startup file
  195. OS2\stdalloc.asm              OS/2 specific startup file
  196. OS2\stdargv.asm               OS/2 specific startup file
  197. OS2\stdenvp.asm               OS/2 specific startup file
  198. qh.hlp                  Quick Help help file
  199. qwin.hlp              Windows help file
  200. rchkstk.asm                   OS non-specific startup file
  201. rterr.inc                     OS non-specific startup file
  202. setargv.asm                   OS non-specific startup file
  203. startup.bat                   DOS batch file for building startup code
  204. startup.cmd                   OS/2 batch file for building startup code
  205. startup.doc                   Instructions for building startup code
  206. unit.asm                      OS non-specific startup file
  207. unit.obj                      OS non-specific startup file
  208. utilerr.hlp                   Utilities error message help file
  209. utils.hlp                     Utilities help file
  210. version.inc                   OS non-specific startup file
  211. WIN\crt0datd.obj              Windows specific startup source file
  212. WIN\crt0datl.obj              Windows specific startup source file
  215. DISK 6 : disk6
  217.  Files                        Description
  218.  -----                        -----------
  220. animate.for                   graphics example
  221. annuity1.for                  Tutorial Program
  222. arc.for                       Tutorial Program
  223. bse.fd                        Include file for OS/2
  224. bse.fi                        Include file for OS/2
  225. bsedos.fd                     Include file for OS/2
  226. bsedos.fi                     Include file for OS/2
  227. bseerr.fd                     Include file for OS/2
  228. bsesub.fd                     Include file for OS/2
  229. bsesub.fi                     Include file for OS/2
  230. cga.for                       graphics example
  231. cgapal.for                    graphics example
  232. color.for                     graphics example
  233. coltext.for                   graphics example
  234. cursor.for                    graphics example
  235. demoexec.for                  Demo Program
  236. diffhlp.def                   OS/2 Sample
  237. dwhet.for                     Demo Program
  238. ega.for                       graphics example
  239. exec.fi                       Demo Program
  240. fdllobjs.cmd                  OS/2 Sample
  241. fdllobjs.def                  OS/2 Sample
  242. fgraph.fd                     Graphics Include file
  243. fgraph.fi                     Graphics Include file
  244. figure.for                    graphics example
  245. fill.for                      graphics example
  246. flib.fd                       Include file
  247. flib.fi                       Include file
  248. fmhello.for                   OS/2 Sample
  249. fmtdll.def                    OS/2 Sample
  250. fmtdll.for                    OS/2 Sample
  251. fmtmain.def                   OS/2 Sample
  252. fmtmain.for                   OS/2 Sample
  253. fonts.for                     graphics example
  254. graphic.for                   graphics example
  255. horizon.for                   graphics example
  256. magnify.for                   graphics example
  257. mkfdll.cmd                    OS/2 Sample
  258. modes.for                     graphics example
  259. mtrx.for                      Tutorial Program
  260. mtrx_w.for              Tutorial Program
  261. mulmix.c              Tutorial Program
  262. mulc.c                  Tutorial Program
  263. mulmix.h                      Tutorial Program
  264. mulmix.rc                     Tutorial Program
  265. mulmix.def                    Tutorial Program
  266. mulmix.mak                    Tutorial Program
  267. mulf.for                      Tutorial Program
  268. mullib.def                    Tutorial Program
  269. mulmix_d.def                  Tutorial Program
  270. mulmix_d.mak              Tutorial Program
  271. matlib.def              Sample Program
  272. matlib.for              Sample Program
  273. mtrx_wd.def              Sample Program
  274. mtrx_wd.for              Sample Program
  275. os2.fd                        Include file for OS/2
  276. os2.fi                        Include file for OS/2
  277. os2def.fd                     Include file for OS/2
  278. page.for                      graphics example
  279. palette.for                   graphics example
  280. pwb.hlp                       PWB help file
  281. realg.for              graphics example
  282. rg.mak                  Tutorial Program
  283. rggraph.for                   Tutorial Program
  284. rggrid.for                    Tutorial Program
  285. rginit.for                    Tutorial Program
  286. rgmain.for                    Tutorial Program
  287. sampler.for                   graphics example
  288. scrtxwin.for                  Tutorial Program
  289. setrows.for                   graphics example
  290. sieve.for                     Demo Program
  291. sine.for                      graphics example
  292. sortdemo.for                  Demo Program
  293. source.doc                    Documentation for sample programs
  294. star.for                      Tutorial Program
  295. swhet.for                     Demo Program
  296. text.for                      graphics example
  297. window.for                    graphics example
  298. wrap.for                      graphics example