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# (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1996, 1997 #
# All Rights Reserved #
# Licensed Materials - Property of IBM #
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Welcome to the IBM Internet Connection Secure Server V4R2 for Windows NT.
This README file contains late-breaking information about installing
and using your IBM Internet Connection Secure Server. This information
corrects and supplements the information in the IBM Internet Connection Secure
Server's Quick Beginnings book and Webmaster's Guide.
For answers to frequently asked questions about the Internet Connection
Secure Server, go to our Internet Connection Family Web Site at
http://www.ics.raleigh.ibm.com and read our FAQ.
o The Request Label Entries from Third-Party Rating Service form is not
currently available, but should be ready by mid-March.
o Some Web browsers may display either a blank page or the pop-up "Document
contains no data" on some long HTTP requests. Such a request might be
S-HTTP or a large form post. The client closes the socket before the
entire request can be received by the Web server. Re-submitting the
form or request often solves the problem.
o The server currently does not allow the use of blank characters within a
file name specified in the configuration file. Blank spaces are treated
as delimiters.
o Starting a PICS rating service and label bureau
When configuring your server as a PICS rating service,
add the Service directive to the configuration file
to inform the server that you are a PICS service
and specify where to direct the PICS rating label requests.
To add the Service directive, use the Request Routing form
in the Configuration and Administration forms.
NOTE: It is advisable to use the Configuration and Administration
form, Request Routing, to ensure correct placement of the Service
directive in the configuration file. Conversely, if you insert the Service
directive manually, place it with the default Service directives already
in the configuration file.
For example:
Service /Ratings INTERNAL:PICS-Ratings
Replace /Ratings with the path and file name portion of the
URL you will use for label requests. For example, if you publish
the URL http://www.coolratings.com/CoolSite, you would
include only /CoolSite in the Service directive.
o If you plan to use servlet support, be aware that the current version of the
Java Servlet API does not provide any method in its ServletResponse interface
to write response header information. We have added the writeHeaders()
method to the Java.servlet.ServletResponse interface to provide this support.
NOTE: WebExplorer does not support Java.
o When you use the certutil command, you might see messages similar to the messages listed
here. Please ignore the messages; they are issued by the Windows NT operating system and
do not affect the certutil function.
D:\WWW\Bin>certutil -k cakeyfile.kyr < certreq.txt > cert.txt
The handle could not be opened
during redirection of handle 1.
The handle could not be opened
during redirection of handle 1.
Key File Password: ********
o To prevent the entire screen going black and flashing before a pop-up
window is displayed, set the default MS-DOS mode for the Display Options
for Console Windows to "Window" rather than "Full Screen". Use the "Console"
control panel to set the Display Options for Console Windows to "Window".
o Revisions to example URLS in the chapter "Customizing your Web site"
- The example URLs for list item 3 of the "Configuration instructions" section
should not include your server name.
3. Insert lines in the Web page HTML file for the functions
you are using.
Page count:
<img src="/cgi-bin/apicounter/counter_name?&[common_options] [counter_option]">
Date and time:
<img src="/cgi-bin/datetime?[common_options] [date_and_time_option]">
<img src="/cgi-bin/text2gif?[common_options] [text_to_gif_option]">
- At the beginning of the "Options" section, the URL examples in note 3
(using an ampersand to separate options) and note 4 (RRGGBB color options)
should not include your server name.
Note 3.
For example, to display a page counter with a foreground color
of blue and a background color of white, use the following URL:
<img src="/cgi-bin/apicounter/counter_name?FG=blue&BG=white">
Note 4.
For example, to display a page counter with a foreground color
of blue and a background color of white, use the following URL:
<img src="/cgi-bin/apicounter/counter_name?FG=FFFF00">
- For the Text to gif option, the example URLs should not include
your server name. The following URLs show an example
of how you can display text and page count on a web page:
<img src="/cgi-bin/text2gif?BG=white&Text=This%20Web%20page%20has%20been%20accessed%20">
<img src="/cgi-bin/apicounter/counter_name?FG=red&BG=white">
<img src="/cgi-bin/text2gif?BG=white&Text=%20times%20since%20January%201,%201997.">
o The new version of reporting is not able to handle very large logfiles in the browser.
Your server might not be able to create a report for a very large access log file
(60 MB, for example). If your system encounters a problem while trying to generate a report,
the cause might be an access log that is too large. To generate reports against very large
access log files, try increasing the RAM and (or) the swapper file space on your system.
A short-term solution to this problem is to turn off report generation by renaming
the htlogrep executable file.
o The previous version of htlogrep is available for those who need the old functionality.
If you need to use the previous version of htlogrep, please see the Internet Connection
Family Web Site at http://www.icw.raleigh.ibm.com for additional information.
o Byte count variations when monitoring server performance and status
The bytes sent and bytes received counts on the Internet
Connection Server Activity Monitor are different than those
on the Windows NT Performance Monitor. The Server Activity Monitor
displays bytes sent and bytes received counts for content only.
The Windows NT Performance Monitor displays bytes sent and bytes
received counts for content and header data.
For Windows NT, you need:
o Microsoft Windows NT or NT-J Server or Client (Workstation) 3.51
with TCP/IP configured
o A partition formatted using the NT File System (NTFS), the
High Performance File System (HPFS), or the File Allocation Table (FAT).
We recommend that you use NTFS for better file protection.
o For SNMP support, install the SystemView Agent Developers
toolkit which can be downloaded from the
http://www.software.ibm.com/download/ URL.
o To compile and run Java servlets, you will need the
Java Developers' Kit (JDK), Version 1.0.2. You can download
JDK from the IBM software download library at URL:
We will provide our own version of the Java servlet classes in the
icsclass.zip file.
NOTE: To use Java servlet support, the CLASSPATH environment variable
must be set as follows before you install the server
When you install the server, the installation program will
automatically add the icsclass.zip file to your CLASSPATH
environment variable.