The shortcut is Strg+I and allows you to import a text document, which carries the ending ".txt". The text document contains a list of words. The word must be separated by paragraphs (new lines) and must be shorter than 26 letters (the words will otherwise be cut down in order to fit the screen). You can make a word list with any text editor or the build in Psion Word application. In the latter case you export the file as a text document (FILE > MORE > EXPORT AS TEXT FILE...). In any case the file name must end with ".txt" in order to be recognised by ToastMaster.
CThe Toasts Menu
This menu has 3 submenus, which all handle your toasts.
The shortcut is Strg+O and opens a saved ToastMaster file. A dialog pops up, which lets you choose a directory. Only ToastMaster files (having the file extension ".tm") can be chosen. Alternatively, you can open ToastMaster files by clicking on them in the System screen. The last used ToastMaster file will be open automatically on program start.
The shortcut is Strg+S and lets you save an imported word list (text file, see above). Caution: you will not be warned if you overwrite an existing ToastMaster file. The file extension ".tm" will be attached automatically.
The shortcut is Strg+B (like begin) and shows the currently active ToastMaster file in the Presentation Screen.
BThe Extras Menu
This menu has 4 submenus, which deal with extra features and the menu point to quit the program..
The shortcut is Strg+H and will open this help file.
The shortcut is Strg+R. This menu point will open a dialog were you can enter your registration name and code. You will get those for free (see below). The unregistered version has a 10 min time limit for viewing the toast. If you have registered ToastMaster this submenu shows your registration information.
The shortcut is Strg+A and will show you information about the current version.
The shortcut is Strg+E and it will quit the program. Unsaved data will be lost.
CCThe Presentation Screen
The Presentation Screen is the heart of the program. It shows you in big letters you toasts. Use the arrow keys to move from word to word (left arrow = backwards; right arrow = forward). Beneath the current word you see in a smaller font the previous (on the left) and the next (on the right) word. With the up arrow key you jump to the first word in the list, and with the down arrow key you jump to the last word in the list. At the bottom of the Presentation Screen you see which word of how many words (words in the list) is shown in big letters. Additionally, you see the current time. Both features allow you to keep track were you are time-wise and word-wise in your toast, seminar talk, speech. The last feature shown is the file, which is presented. You leave the Presentation Screen by pressing Esc.
A*** Terms of Usage ***
Feel free to use and distribute the program when you agree to:
* not to sell it
* keep the package together
* tell me were you place it for download Any comments are welcome! I do not take any responsibility for the results of
using the program, neither physically, nor mentally.
Contact me:
New versions can be found at
ARegister for Free!
Toastmaster is freeware but the presentation will shut down after 10 min. You can register for free to disable the time limit by sending me an email with your Name (at least 5 letters) and your email address. In return you will get your personal registration code.
Why is that? - Well, I like to keep track on the number of users and encourage you to give me comments to improve the program.
I hope you understand that and register. The email address is
CQuick Start
ToastMaster is a program that will help you giving toasts, seminar talks or speeches. In a way it is an oral presentation manager. This is how it works:
You prepare a list of terms (words) in Psions Word application. Each paragraph must contain one word and the word must not be longer than 26 letters (to fit the screen). You save this file as a text file and add the extension .txt (to be recognised by ToastMaster).
Now you start ToastMaster and import the text file into the program. A full screen will open and all you do is scroll through your list of words (using the arrow keys). The active word, as well as the time and the number of words are shown in large fonts. You can nicely see it. In smaller fonts the previous and next words and the file opened are displayed. Press Esc to get back to the menu.
NOTE: When you first open ToastMaster the file is opend. To exit the Presentation Screen press Esc.
c*** ToastMaster 1.2 ***
Author: Dr. R
bbe W
Date: September 2001
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