To install Status create a folder called: \SYSTEM\APPS\STATUS on any drive and place the following files into it:
Now create a folder on the "C" drive called \SYSTEM\OPX\ and copy the file "SysRam1.opx" into it.
Status is very simple to use, once installed it will appear on your Extras bar. Just go into it and Status will read your setting.
Screen Tapping on some of the options gives you a little control over some of the functions listed.
All these should be self-exlanatory.
For further details please read the Status_Inst word file.
Toolbar: Most toolbar options should be quite self explanatory, however the last option is "Key". This enables you to edit the keypress that Status will "wait" for when not in the foreground. Once that key is pressed (with Control-Function) Status will come to the foreground. However this is available to Registered users only, otherwise this function is restricted to Control-Function M.
Escape key: Will move Status to the background.
Status is very simple to use, once installed it will appear on your Extras bar. Just go into it and Status will read your settings.
If you want Status to re-draw every time it comes to the foreground please use "Preferences" and select "Yes".
Pressing "Escape" will move Status to the background. When you want to jump to Status again press Control-Function M. If you have set Status to re-draw it will then check your settings again.
Screen Tapping on some of the options gives you a little control over some of the functions listed.
All these should be self-exlanatory.
For further details please read the Status_Inst word file.
Registration lets you edit the "HotKey" function which enables you to call Status from anywhere.
The Registration fee for Status is
10.00. Any fluctuations on that price are due to charges that I will incur.
To Register by mail send
10.00 Sterling (Cheques made payable to Tony Crocker) to:
10 Doyle Close
Drummond Park
To Register on line go to:
Registration is also available via Compuserve SWReg. The unique registration id for Status is 16857. If you want to register in this way you can use this number or find "Status" by program name or author's name (Tony Crocker).
Both of these latter methods will cost $18.00.
Using Preferences you can choose whether you want Status to re-draw every time it comes to the foreground.
Status uses a Global Hotkey that when pressed will bring Status to the foreground. This hotkey is fixed at Control-Fuction M. Registration enables you to change the letter key for this function.
Times New Roman
&Heading 1L
&Heading 2L
&Heading 3L
.Bullet listO
Hopefuly you should now have Status already installed, however for those of you who have jumped straight into this file here are the installation instructions again.
Unzipping using PsiZip:
If you are unzipping Status on your Psion, using PsiZip, go into PsiZip and open the archive. Once all files are displayed, highlight them in the usual way and choose "Extract File". Leave the top line of the extract file dialog blank, choose which drive you want Status to go onto then make sure the "Restore Folder" option is checked. (i.e There is a tick in the box), now just press enter. PsiZip will now unzip Status placing all files where they should go. The Word file for Status will go into the top level system screen folder. Please read this file carefully!
Unzipping on a PC:
To unzip Status on a PC just unzip the whole file into a folder of your choice. Make sure when unzipping you set the unzipper to "Discard Directory" information Otherwise it will create sub-directories of the folder you are unzipping into.
Once unzipped create a new folder on your Psion called "\SYSTEM\APPS\STATUS" on any drive and copy all of the files except the "Status_Inst" file and the "SysRAM1.opx" file into it. Now move the file Status_Inst to a more commonly used folder. This file is the Instruction/Word file and you may need to access it more often so it helps to have it to hand. Finally create a new folder called "\SYSTEM\OPX" and put the file "sysRAM1.opx" into it. This file is imperative it is a Psion bugfix header file.
Manual Installation:
Place the following files into a folder called "\SYSTEM\APPS\STATUS\" on any drive.
Now create a folder on your "C" drive called \SYSTEM\OPX\ and place the file "sysRAM1.opx" into it.
This file is imperative!
If any of the files are missing please mail me with details as to when and where you got the zip file from.
"Status" is a small program that I have designed to keep a closer eye on my Psions current situation in one simple screen..
It currently monitors or tells you all of the following:
Main Battery Power
Back-Up Battery Power
External Power
Clock Setting
"D" Drive space
Sound (Including Controlling)
File Attributes (Including Controlling)
Jump to Task List
Contrast (Including Controlling)
Remote Link
Internal ("C") Drive Space
Status is quite self-explanatory there is only one screen. However there are a couple of features that you should find useful.
Pressing Escape when in Status will move the program to the background.
In the "Preferences" menu option you can set Status to re-draw when it comes to the Foreground.
Status uses a Global Hotkey that when pressed will bring it to the foreground. This key is set to Control-Function M. Obviously Status needs to be left running for this to work.
Once you Register you will be able to access the "Key" option on the Toolbar. This will let you edit the global "Hotkey" to use with Status.
Some of the screen inside "Status" is active, which means if you tap on one of the boxes or wording that you see you can either see more details or control that particular function.
Here is an overview of which boxes do what:
"D" Drive space box: Shows total disk space plus available free space.
Sound box: Permits setting of "Sound", "Screen Click" or "Key Click"
File Attributes box: Show complete file information, including filesize, date last modified, read only attribute and hidden file attributes. Plus has the ability to modify the latter two attributes.
Task List box: Brings up the Task-List. (i.e The currently used programs.)
Contrast: Adjust contrast to your desired setting, plus allows you to easily view the setting that you have chosen. (This procedure is deliberately capped to contrasts between 22 and 36, anything over or under those limits is unreadable.)
Internal ("C") Drive Space box: Shows total disk space plus available free space
"Status" is NOT freeware, it is only
10.00 to register so please register. I can only improve my work with feedback and registration counts.
(Any fluctuations on that price are due to charges that I will incur)
To Register "Status" please send a cheque for
10.00 (Sterling) made payable to Tony Crocker to:
10 Doyle Close
Drummond Park
Alternatively you can Register "Status" on line using RegNet by going to "".
Registration will also be available via Compuserve SWReg. At the time of release I do not have a unique registration id for Status. If you want to register in this way please find "Status" by program name or author's name (Tony Crocker).
Both of these latter methods will cost $18.00.
Once Registered you can then edit the global "HotKey" function that enables you to access Status, when it is not in the foreground, with a simple keypress.