AI am a programmer who in my spare time writes shareware programs for Psion Series 3a/3c and Series 5 machines. For details of these, see Other Software.
The left hand grid is where you place your ships at the start of the game.
Your ships are depicted as groups of black squares, one square for each segment of your ship.
During the course of the game, the computer plots the shots it fires on this grid. If the computer hits one of your ships, a cross is placed over the hit segment. If the computer misses, it plots a grey square.
Message area
The message area is located in the top centre of the screen.
This area provides messages during the game, such as which ship to place during the game set-up, how many shots you have remaining in the current salvo etc.
Right hand grid
This grid shows where you fire your shots during the course of the game.
If you fire a shot that hits one of the computer ships, a cross is plotted on the grid. If the last shot fired sinks an enemy ship, the ship is shown in black. If you miss, a grey square is plotted.
At any time during the game, you can press Space for information relating to how many enemy ships have been hit or sunk.
EWhen you register SeaStrike, I will send you a code which unlocks all features of the game. This will allow you to save and load games and provides 10 difficulty levels. It may also prompt me to produce more Shareware!
Existing Battleships Registered users
If you have previously registered Battleships for the Series 3a\3c, please contact me for a free upgrade registration number. Due to the way the Series 5 works, the numbers are, unfortunately, different!
SeaStrike can be registered using the following methods:- (When registering, please ignore the version number quoted on CompuServe and RegNet. Registration is valid for all versions)
CompuServe SWREG
The easiest way to register is via CompuServe's SWREG. Search for ID
Number 15894. The cost is $10.00 (US)
SeaStrike can also be registered through RegNet - The Registration Network - direct from the Web. The RegNet number for this program is 1143. The cost is $15.00 (US). The additional cost is due to RegNet charging a $5.00 admin fee per registration. You can register by pointing your browser at
RegNet's Home Page can be reached on the World Wide Web at the following URL:
You can also register SeaStrike by sending a Cheque, Postal Order or International Money Order for
8.00 (UK
Pounds) to:-
Mark Avey
17 Upper Park Street
GL52 6SB
CallCalc is a program for the Series 3a/3c to time, calculate the cost of and log telephone calls.
It has a number of settings that can be changed by the user, such as frequently used telephone numbers, call rates, display settings etc. Calls can be recorded in real time (with the call duration being displayed), or added manually at a later stage.
Crosword is a program for the Series 3a/3c that will allow you to create, edit and play crossword type puzzles.
The program can use a database of words/clues, which can easily be added to using the program or the built-in Data application. The program will attempt to fit words from this database into the CrosWord puzzle as it is being created.
Puzzles created can be passed on to others users of the program.
This is a version of the classic game designed for the 3a/3c.
HangMan comes with a number of word category files, which can be added to by the user. These files are split across a number of files, so the user does not have to keep a large number of words on their machine at once. The user is therefore able to store only those category files they wish to use, or their machine has memory for. New category files can also be built from scratch by the user. Statistics are recorded for each game you play.
I Ching
I Ching is an implementation of the anicent Chinese book of changes for the 3a/3c.
The "coins" used for building the reading can be cast automatically by the program, or the user can throw the "coins" manually and enter the results into the program. Using either method, a reading will then be displayed based on the result of the throws.
Software Catalogue
I have created a Software Catalogue giving details of the programs I have written, including screen shots, in Windows Help File format. this can be obtained from CIX, CompuServe or direct from the author.
Obtaining the Software
All of these programs can be obtained from my own Web site at They can alse bo found on CIX and CompuServe on-line services, as well as from other dedicated Psion Bulletin Board services and from Steve Litchfield's 3-Lib Psion Shareware Library.
If you have any difficulty obtaining the software, please send a disk and return postage to
Mark Avey
17 Upper Park Street
GL52 6SB
and I shall send them to you.
>CSelecting Preferences (Ctrl+P) allows you to alter various settings for the game. These are:-
Select On or Off for in game sound effects
Select Low, Medium or High for sound effect volume
Save Game on Exit
Allows automatic saving of games when you exit the program
Show stats after game
When set to "Yes", the game statistics will automatically display after each game
Show computers shots
When set to Yes, the program will draw a border around each of the computers shots for a given salvo, so you can check where it has been.
Pause between computer shots
This is the time delay in seconds between each of the computers shots. This can be set to any value between 0.05 and 5 seconds. I've found a value of 0.5 seconds to be about right. If you have set See computers shots to No, set this to the lowest value.
^ESeaStrike is played on a 15x15 grid. At the start of the game, after deciding who should start, whether or not to allow diagonal placement of ships (which makes the game more difficult!) and which difficulty level you would like, you place your ships on the left hand grid.
The Message Area displays which ship should be placed and how many grid segments it occupies. Tap on the left grid to define the starting position of your ship.. This will display a window from which you select the heading for the ship. It is not possible to place ships partially off the grid, or where any part of the ship would be within one segment of another ship. A warning will be displayed if you attempt to do this and you should then try another position for the ship.
Once you have placed your ships, the game begins. You play in a series of salvos, each of which consists of 5 shots at the enemy. You make your shot by tapping the pen on the right hand grid where you want to fire the shot. You will be informed if you have hit or sunk an enemy ship. Once you have completed your salvo of five shots, the computer completes its salvo, displaying its shots on the left hand grid. Play continues in this fashion until you or the Psion sinks all of their opponents ships.
At the end of the game, you can select to display statistics giving details of the last and previously saved games.
About the Author2
Key functions2
The following keys are availabe during play:
Ctrl+A About the game
Ctrl+E Exit the game
Ctrl+H Help
Ctrl+L Load game
Ctrl+N New game
Ctrl+P set Preferences
Ctrl+R Register game
Ctrl+S Save game
Ctrl+T sTatistics
SPACE Current game info
Rules of the game2
The game display2
Registering SeaStrike2
Other Software2
CSelecting Preferences (Ctrl+P) allows you to alter various settings for the game. These are:-
Select On or Off for in game sound effects
Select Low, Medium or High for sound effect volume
Save Game on Exit
Allows automatic saving of games when you exit the program
Show stats after game
When set to "Yes", the game statistics will automatically display after each game
Show computers shots
When set to Yes, the program will draw a border around each of the computers shots for a given salvo, so you can check where it has been.
Pause between computer shots
This is the time delay in seconds between each of the computers shots. This can be set to any value between 0.05 and 5 seconds. I've found a value of 0.5 seconds to be about right. If you have set See computers shots to No, set this to the lowest value.
Show computer ships at end of game
When set to Yes, the program will show the position of all un-hit computer ships at the end of each game.
About the Author2
Key functions2
The following keys are availabe during play:
Ctrl+A About the game
Ctrl+E Exit the game
Ctrl+H Help
Ctrl+L Load game
Ctrl+N New game
Ctrl+P set Preferences
Ctrl+R Register game
Ctrl+S Save game
Ctrl+T sTatistics
SPACE Current game info
Rules of the game2
The game display2
Registering SeaStrike2
Other Software2
AI am a programmer who in my spare time writes shareware programs for Psion Series 3a/3c and Series 5 machines. For details of these, see Other Software.