CInitialising...Mainbatteries are lowReplace Mainbatteries !!!WeekAll Sounds OffAll Sounds Onnot foundBatteries are goodIn useTot.Run MacroMacro not foundFoundSelect App:App not foundRunningNo Shortcuts defined !File doesnt existFound onCaptionMbmView not installed: cannot openvalueorSet ContrasttoFind Note containingLoad in MbmViewWeb-Program not installedAdd a new CliptextEditNo Cliptexts defined !Paste CliptextDeleteDeletedFile is empty and will be deleted!CancelledEdit CaptionUpdatedEdit CliptextFilemanagerStartCopyRename toFileFolderDiskCopiedWriteprotectedCopy tois Write Protected !Please waitMsWordcv from Message Suite not installedThere is not enough Disk Space for theTemporary copy of the File you want to openOpen Zip-Filenot a Zip-FileOpen Text-FileOpenRun MbmViewlast BitmapFirst BitmapOpen Mbm/Sketch FileNot an Mbm/Sketch FileDont forget !!!Set Alarm:DateMessageSoundRepeatOnce,Next 24 hours,Daily,Weekly,WorkdaysI cant set the Alarm,becauseall Alarmslots are already setAlarmhas been setShow UIDs in document headerReadingError readingReadbytes only (4 long integers required)Error openingCityCalculations forSunrise atSunset atAdd a new File-ShortcutOnce a daySelect File forDelete File-ShortcutEdit ShortcutResultPasteContinueLINK ON: INFRAREDLINK ON: CABLELINK ONLINK OFFCreate new MacroNameCreatingClose or Kill TaskKill taskClose taskClose allClosingfinished: Closing down AssistantLINK STATUSOFFDISCONNECTEDCONNECTEDAdd a new Folder aliasSelect FolderFolder doesnt existSelect File inFolder is emptyS5Zip/RMRZip/Navigator not installed: Cannot openDelete Folder AliasMacro could not be deleted !!!Source File could not be deleted !!!Macro deletedEdit new NoteNew Note/TaskPriorityNONENewCategoryIn workActionSave and return,Save and stay,Do not saveDoneNew CategoryChange Note/TaskIn WorkCompleteUndoNo Hyperlink foundTo make one, select >Edit Entry< fromMenu and use function >pp< to select a fileInsert HyperlinkJump now ?Select fileCompact Data or Agenda FileCompactingResult of CompactingSize beforeSize afterReducedUpdateCurrency ConverterNewDeleteUpdateConvertAdd new CurrencyCountrySymbolRateDelete CurrencyUpdate CurrencyFromToNotes CategoriesNew CategoryEdit CategoryCategoryKey to sendNew KeystrokeForeground FileSimpleComplexKeys to sendNo Keystrokes defined !KeystrokesEdit KeystrokeType Keys to sendInsert Special characterSelection too large !Press Menu for SetupEsc to send to BackgroundNot presentFree Disk Space and Ramof maxFree RamEnter the start of the citynameTime differenceDialling codeTo dial outTo dial internationalInCapitalHotkey enabledHotkey disabledSet Hotkey toPreferencesMacro-FolderNight-ClockBatteryPasswordSwitch-on SoundSpecialAlarm PreferencesDefault PathAboutEnable Switch-on Sound ?EnableVolumeQuiet,Medium,LoudEnter System PasswordNoteIf you dont enter the Password, you cannotuse the Password on/off functions !The Password will be encrypted for Securitybefore it is stored to Disk !ConfirmError : Passwords are not the same!Password set to *Once a Day*Select your Macro-FolderShow Main-Battery-Status on Foreground ?TypeStatus-Message,Graphical,Voltage,NoneEnable Warn-Beep when lowIn Voltage- and Graphical ModeVoltage when fullVoltage in mVWarn if lower than:Enable Night-Clock ?Begin (Evening)End (Morning)Select your Default FolderThis will be the first choice formost File-Selectors in AssistantSelect defaults for AlarmsMacro at StartupMacro at SwitchonEdit a default Message, that will bethe initial Message for AlarmsAlarmsound:Message:Sounds in Control Panel are turned off !They will be turned on now, and afterplaying the Sound File turned off againPlay SoundfileSPACE : OFFOTHER :CloseJulian DayRefreshing App-ListApplications foundErrorTo use this function, you must enter yourSystem Password in the Assistant PreferencesIt will then be encrypted and stored, to bedecrypted and sent to System, when you callone of the Password functions! Set it now?BatterystatusShow MemoryConfigureAll Sounds offAll Sounds onTimeRun a MacroRun a ProgramFilemanagerPlay a SoundRefresh App-ListPaste CliptextPassword onPassword offPassword: Once a dayCalculatorRead UIDsPaste DatePaste TimeSet AlarmSunrise;SunsetCity InfoLink: CableLink: InfraredLink: simply onLink offSet ContrastTasklistForeground SystemSyst. Control PanelGo to Macro5View Mbm-FileView Text-FileOpen Zip-FileRun ShortcutRecord MacroEdit MacroClose/Kill a TaskQuick timeLink statusChoice Doc in aliasHyperlinkPaste PathFind NoteForeground (Quick)NotesComplete/Strike NoteCategory SetupFinger11Compact Data/AgendaCurrency Conv.Special CharacterUpper-Lower CaseExitCancelSaveNext ContinueSound FolderClose for BackUpBacklighttimer is currentlyEnabledDisabledEnableDisableSet up TimerSwitch off after: (mm:ss)MacroHelpDoneBacklight - Contrast settingsDay startsTurn Backlight onSet Contrastto valueNight startsBacklight on when ext. PowerTime for Night must be greater than DayBacklight/ContrastJump to FolderFind TaskNew TaskForeground TasksNew NoteCompact NotesCompact TasksHotkeysSystem HotkeysUser definedAdvancedInfowindowStart in BackgroundTasklistTask cycleCtrl+Shiftnot definedNextPreviousEdit HotkeyCancelDeleteFunctionFileSelect File forSelect Function forChoice ListBacklighttimerSet Hotkey forSet
AlarmUser defined HotkeysSelect folder forShow in DialogKeys for CalculatorCursors/Fn+Cursors: Move WindowCTRL+E/Button: ExitC/(C)Button ESC/(AC)Button: Clear/Clear allDel/Button: Delete last Character/ResultSpace/Shift-Space: Paste Result/FormulaEnter/=/(=)Button: Calculate#/Button: Text mode for special function (SQR();SUM()...)/Buttons:
,+,- (change Characters in Assistant Menu),/. :Seperator depending to your Settings(after
+- followed by ',' or '.', 0 is inserted automatically)p/Button: %Text modeDelExitPastePaste allKeys for CalculatorEdit aliasFile extensionsSelect associationsText filesTextviewer,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editor,AutoIn Automode, the program tries to run in thatOrder: Textviewer,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editor,WordMbmView/Browser not installedZip filesGif/Jpg filesEdit the 4 Alarmsounds, whichare not placed in the ROMSet relative AlarmAlarm in: (hh:mm)CliptextKeystrokeOpen file in SystemBacklighttimerTask cyclingTask cycling PreferencesEdit on the right side up to 8 Programsor Documents, which are not shown, cyclingforwards, still are accessable though,cycling backwards. Edit the entries in thatway, as they appear in the Task cycling, i.e.'Macro5', 'Crontab' or 'D:\Documents\Agenda'.To make them appear again, call the Setupagain, and delete the entry.New TemplateInsert TemplateSave asNo Text selectedDigitalAnalogAutostartAutostart settingsActivateFiles/Programs, which will beopened at StartupSetupNew entry in AutostartTurn Light onAt predefined hours,manuallyLight on, if mains presentTurn Light offTimer,Timer if mains absent,No (Timer deactivated)On Timer off afterYes,If running on Batteries,NoAutom. Switchoff:Switch off after:More...DisableRefresh
App-listfromList,DiskNew fileRecordAdd to listMacro from other folderWill be added to listUpwardFindNewCopyMoveRenamePropertiesCompactis in useSkipConfirm overwriteOverwriteMove to:New fileNameProgramNew folder inRename folderto:Rename fileDelete selected elementsYes removes folder with all contentsStopAllClose and
nowtoCompact allcompactedGraphic panelMacro on ExitType:Open files / ProgramsProgramsMacrosShortcutsCliptextsFoldersKeystrokesCalculatorCalendarFilemanagerFindAutostartBatteryCurrenciesAlarmLink onLink offClockSound onSound offContrastNew NotePassword onPassword offPassword once a dayMemoryPlay SoundfileSunrise-SunsetCityinfoCompactPreferencesHotkeysHelpTemplatesHyperlinkASCII-TableWildcards allowedin folder,on Diskother DisksNames onlyfastercontaining textcase sensitiveAnyExactSmallerLargerBetweenUp toBeforeAfterEnd dateincl. SubfoldersBackground searchAttributesReadonlyHiddenSystemNew AppfolderDefragView log fileDelete log fileEdit function ShortcutsImportant! : Please do not modify, unless you are similiarwith the way of how the shortcuts work. Unpredictible things couldhappen, if you use the same Shortcut twice.As an example: default key for "Macro" is "m". "m"+ any followingletters would search for Macros, beginning with the letter,that follows "m". If you change now an item to any combination beginningwith "m", Assistant could execute a Macro beginning with the second letter.This could cause loss of data!Hex/Dec ConverterRegistered toRegistration codeUnregistered SharewareThanks for registering and your honestyIf you continue to use Assistant, please register.Registering will remove the Nagscreens and enableyou to change the function shortcutsRegisterMakes use ofRegister AssistantEnter your nameRegistration codeRegistration failedMake sure,You entered the codeexactly as you received it!Registration successfullThis copy of Assistant is registered to:DetailsPlease send 20 $, 12
or 40 DM to:Registration detailsYou will then receive a unique code. For this, please includeyour full name like entered in the Systems owner screen,as well as your e-mail address.Result of DefragmentationFree memory beforeFree memory afterMemory freedor ask for account detailsSet to
defaultBitmapSelectPrintingPage SetupPrint SetupPrint PreviewPrintScalingOk-Enter/Esc No more alerts-TabYou can also register Online using allmajor Credit cards via a secure siteSee the Assistant Homepage for detailsLast BitmapFirst BitmapBitmapsFlip BitmapHorizontally,VerticallyRotate BitmapZoom Bitmap toPercentLoading SketchInfoZoomFlipRotateSketchViewNextPreviousCopy to ClipboardView ClipboardViewer PreferencesShow BackgroundGreysColoursColourdepthNothing to viewAny key to closeZooming BitmapFlipping BitmapRotating BitmapNot enough MemorySavedWidthHeightExpressions can be used, like:SlideshowDelay in sec.'0' for Animation without pause
1 I I ^ r
& &&&*&.&6&G&U&g&v&{&
' '-'L'
CInitialisiere...Hauptbatterien sind schwachHauptbatterien austauschen !!!WocheAlle T
ne ausAlle T
ne einnicht gefundenBatterien sind gutTotal StdGesMacro ausf
hrenMacro nicht gefundenGefundenApp w
hlen:App nicht gefunden
ffneKeine Verkn
pfungen definiertDatei existiert nichtGefunden f
rBezeichnungMbmView nicht installiert: Kann nicht
ffnenWertoderSetze KontrastaufFinde Notiz mit InhaltLade in MbmViewWeb-Programm nicht installiertNeuer CliptextBearbeitenKeine Cliptexts definiert !Cliptext einf
chentlich,WerktagsKann Alarm nicht setzen, weilalle Alarmslots bereits belegt sindAlarmist gesetztZeige UIDs in Dokument-HeaderLeseFehler beim LesenNurBytes gelesen (4 long integers ben
rkeLeise,Mittel,LautSystem Passwort eingebenAchtungWenn kein Passwort eingegeben wird,k
nnen die PasswortEin/Aus Funktionen nicht verwendet werden!Das Passwort wird zur Sicherheit verschl
sselt,bevor es auf der Disk gespeichert wird !Best
tigenFehler : Passw
rter sind nicht gleich!Passwort gesetzt auf *Einmal t
glich*Macro-Ordner w
hlenHauptbatterie-Status anzeigen ?TypStatus-Anzeige,Grafisch,Volt,KeineAktiviere Warnsignal wenn schwachIn Volt- und Grafik ModusVolt wenn vollVolt in mVWarnung wenn niedriger als:Aktiviere Nacht-Uhr ?Start (Abends)Ende (Morgens)Standard Ordner w
hlenDieser wird die erste Auswahl f
r die meistenDatei-Selektoren in Assistant seinEinstellungen f
r Alarme w
hlenMacro bei ProgrammstartMacro beim EinschaltenStandard Meldung eingeben, diese wird dievorgeschlagene Nachricht f
r alle Alarme seinAlarmton:Nachricht:T
ne wurden in der Systemsteuerung ausgeschaltet !Sie werden nun angeschaltet, und nach demAbspielen der Datei wieder ausgeschaltetSound Datei abspielenLEER : AUSANDERE :BEENDENTag im JahrAktualisiere App-ListeApplikationen gefundenFehlerUm diese Funktion zu n
tzen, mu
das System Passwortin den Assistant Einstellungen eingegeben werdenEs wird dann verschl
sselt, um dann bei Aufruf derFunktion wieder entschl
sselt, und an die System-steuerung gesandt zu werden. Jetzt setzen?BatteriestatusSpeicherstatusKonfigurationAlle T
r BackUpBacklighttimer isteingeschaltetausgeschaltetEinschaltenAusschaltenTimer einstellenAusschalten nach: (mm:ss)MacroHilfeAusgef
hrtEinstellungen: Beleuchtung - KontrastTag beginnt umBeleuchtung einschaltenKontrast einstellenauf WertNacht beginnt umBeleuchtung an, wenn Netzad.Zeit f
r Tag mu
her als f
r Nacht seinBeleuchtung/KontrastSpringe zu OrdnerFinde AufgabeNeue AufgabeAufgaben in VordergrundNeue NotizKomprimiere NotizenKomprimiere TasksHotkeysSystem HotkeysBenutzerdefinierteAndereInfofensterStarte in HintergrundTasklisteTaskswitcherStrg+Shiftnicht definiertN
chstesVorigesBearbeite HotkeyAbbrechenL
schenFunktionDateiDatei w
hlen f
rFunktion w
hlen f
rAuswahl-ListeHintergrundlicht-TimerHotkey einstellen f
setzenBenutzerdefinierte HotkeysOrdner w
hlen f
rZeige in DialogTasten im RechnerPfeiltasten/Fn+Pfeiltasten: Fenster vrschiebenSTRG+E/Schaltfl
che: BeendenC/(C)Knopf ESC/(AC)Knopf: L
schen/Alles l
schenEntf/Knopf: Letztes Zeichen/Ergebnis l
pfe: Ergebnis/Formel einf
genEnter/=/(=)Knopf: Berechnen#/Knopf: Textmodus f
+- gefolgt von ',' oder '.', wird automatisch 0 eingef
gt (,3=0,3))p/Knopf: %TextmodusEntEndeEinf
genmit FormelTasten f
r RechnerAlias BearbeitenDatei ErweiterungenVerkn
pfungen w
hlenText DateienTextbetrachter,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editor,AutoIn Automodus sucht Assistant in dieser Reihenfolge:Textbetrachter,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editor,AutoMbmView/Browser nicht installiertZip DateienGif/Jpg DateienEingabe der 4 Alarmt
ne, dienicht im ROM zu finden sindSetze relativen AlarmAlarm in: (hh:mm)CliptextTasteDatei in System
ffnenTimer f
r HintergrundbeleuchtungTaskcyclingEinstellungen TaskcyclingAuf der rechten Seite k
nnen bis zu 8 Programmeoder Dokumente definiert werden, die beim Wechselnvorw
bergangen, r
rts aber noch immererreicht werden k
nnen. Die Eintr
ge sind so zueditieren, wie sie im Taskcycling erscheinen, alsoz.B. 'Macro5', 'Crontab' oder 'D:\Dokumente\Agenda'.Um sie wieder anzuzeigen, das Setup wieder aufrufen,u. den entsprechenden Eintrag wieder l
schen.Neue TextvorlageTextvorlage einf
genSpeichern alsKein Text selektiertDigitalAnalogAutostartAutostart EinstellungenAktivierenDateien/Programme, die beiProgrammstart ge
ffnet werdenSetupNeuer Eintrag in AutostartLicht einschaltenZu bestimmten Zeiten,ManuellLicht ein, wenn NetzadapterLicht ausschaltenTimer,Timer wenn kein Netzadapter,Nein (Timer deaktiviert)Bei Timer aus nachJa,Wenn kein Netzadapter,NeinAutom. Ausschalten:Ausschalten nach:Mehr...DeaktivierenApp-Liste
erneuernVonListe,DiskNeue DateiAufnehmenIn Liste aufnehmenMacro aus anderem OrdnerWird in die Liste mit aufgenommenAufw
rtsSuchenNeuKopierenVerschiebenUmbenennenEigenschaftenKomprimierenwird verwendet
tztVerstecktSystemNeuer ApplikationsordnerDefragmentierenLog-Datei ansehenLog-datei l
rzel bearbeitenWichtig! : Bitte nicht ver
ndern, wenn Sie nicht mit derFunktionsweise der K
rzel vertraut sind. Unvorhersehbare Ereignissek
nnten eintreten, wenn Sie das selbe K
rzel doppelt verwenden.Als Beispiel: Das Standardk
rzel f
r "Macro" ist "m". "m"+ evtl. folgendeBuchstaben w
rde nach Macros suchen, die mit dem Buchstabenbeginnen, der "m" folgt. Wenn Sie ein K
rzel auf eine Kombinationbeginnend mit "m"
ndern, k
nnte Assistant ein Macro ausf
hren,das mit dem 2. Buchstaben beginnt. Das k
nnte zu Datenverlust f
hren!Hex/Dez KonverterRegistriert aufRegistrierungscodeUnregistrierte SharewareDanke f
r die Registrierung u. Ihre EhrlichkeitWenn Sie das Programm weiter verwenden, bitte registrieren Sie es.Durch die Registrierung werden die Hinweisbildschirme entferntu. das Bearbeiten der Funktionsk
rzel erm
glichtRegistrierenVerwendetAssistant registrierenIhr NameRegistrierungscodeRegistrierung fehlgeschlagenStellen Sie sicher, da
Sie den Codeexakt wie erhalten eingeben!Registrierung erfolgreichDieses Programm ist registriert f
r:DetailsSenden Sie bitte 20 $, 12
oder 40 DM an:RegistrierungsdetailsSie werden dann einen speziellen Code erhalten. Geben Sie deshalbbitte Ihren Namen, wie im Benutzerbildschirm der Maschineeingegeben, sowie Ihre e-mailadresse an.Ergebnis der DefragmentierungFreier Speicher vorherFreier Speicher nachherSpeicher zur
ckgewonnenoder erfragen Sie KontodatenStandard
herstellenBitmapGehe zuDruckenSeite einrichtenDrucker einrichtenSeitenansichtDruckenSkalierungOk - Enter/Esc Keine weiteren Meldungen - TabSie k
nnen auch Online auf einer sicherenSeite mit allem g
ngigen Kreditkartenregistrieren. Details auf der Assistant HomepageLetztes BitmapErstes BitmapBitmapsBitmap SpiegelnHorizontal,VertikalBitmap drehenBitmap zoomen aufProzentLade SkizzeInfoZoomenSpiegelnDrehenSkizzeAnsichtN
chstesVorigesIn Zwischenablage kopierenZwischenablage ansehenBetrachter EinstellungenZeige HintergrundGraustufenFarbenFarbtiefeNichts anzusehenBeliebige Taste, um zu schlie
enZoome BitmapSpiegle BitmapDrehe BitmapNicht gen
gend SpeicherGespeichertBreiteH
cke k
nnen verwendet werden, z.B.:DiashowPause in Sek.'0' f
r Animation ohne Pause
# / / / S ^ x
/ 7 = @ H S ] j v
" "%"+"2"="P"j"v"z"
- -@-L-Z-f-}-
CInicializando...Carga da bateria principal baixa!Troque a bateria principal !!!SemanaTodos os sons desligadosTodos os sons ligadosN
o encontradoBaterias est
o boasEm usoTot.Executar a MacroMacro n
o encontradaEncontradoSelecionar aplicativo:Aplicativo n
o posso ajustar o alarme, porqueTodos os alarmes j
o ajustadosAlarmeajustadoMostrar UIDs do cabe
alho do documentoLendoErro de LeituraLerErro abrindoCidadeC
lculos paraAlvorada
sAdicionar novo atalho de arquivoUma vez por diaSelecionar arquivo paraDeletar atalho de arquivoEditar atalhoResultadoColarContinuarLINK LIGADO: INFRAVERMELHOLINK LIGADO: CABOLINK LIGADOLINK DESLIGADOCriar nova MacroNomeCriandoFechar ou Eliminar ProgramaEliminar ProgramaFechar ProgramaFechar TudoFechandoterminado: fechando AssistantLINK STATUSDESLIGADODESCONECTADOCONECTADODar um novo nome
PastaSelecionar PastaPasta n
o existeSelecionar arquivo emPasta vaziaS5Zip/RMRZip/Navigator n
o instalado: N
o abrir
Deletar nome da PastaMacro n
de ser deletada!!!Arquivo de Origem n
de ser deletado!!!Macro deletadaEditar nova NotaNova Nota/TarefaPrioridadeNENHUMNovoCategoriaEm usoA
oSalva e volta, Salva e fica, N
o SalvaFeitoNova CategoriaMudar Nota/TarefaEm UsoCompletoDesfazerHiperlink n
o encontradoPara criar um, selecione >Edit Entry< noMenu e use fun
o >pp< para selecionar um arquivoInserir HiperlinkIr agora?Selecionar ArquivoCompactar arquivo de Data ou AgendaCompactandoResultado da Compacta
oTamanho antesTamanho depoisReduzidoAtualizadoConversor de MoedasNovoDeletarAtualizadoConverterAdicionar nova MoedaPa
mboloTaxaDeletar MoedaAtualizar MoedaDesdeAt
Categorias das NotasNova CategoriaEditar CategoriaCategoriaTecla a ser enviadaNova Seq
ncia de TeclasArquivo em Primeio PlanoSimplesComplexoTeclas a serem enviadasSeq
ncia de Teclas n
o definida!!!Seq
ncia de TeclasEditar Seq
ncia de TeclasDigite Teclas a serem enviadasInserir caracter especialSele
o muito grande!Pressione Menu para AjustesEsc envia para segundo planoN
o PresenteEspa
o em Disco e Mem
ria Ram Livredo max.Mem
ria Ram LivreEntre o come
o do nome da cidadeDiferen
a Hor
digo de DiscagemPara discarPara chamada InternacionalEmCapitalHotkey ativadaHotkey disativadaDefinir Hotkey paraPrefer
nciasPasta de MacrosRel
gio NoturnoBateriaSenhaSom ao LigarEspecialPrefer
ncias dos AlarmesCaminho Padr
oSobreAtivar Som para Ligando?AtivadoVolumeBaixo, M
dio, AltoEntre Senha do SistemaNotaSe voc
o der uma senha, n
o poder
usar as fun
es de ativa
o de Senha!Por Seguran
a sua senha ser
encriptadaantes de ser salva no disco!ConfirmarErro: Senhas n
o iguaisSenha ajustada para "Uma vez por Dia"Selecione sua pasta de MacrosMostrar status da Bateria Principal em Prim.Plano?TipoMessagem de Status, Gr
fica, Voltagem, NenhumaAtivar alerta quando a voltagem estiver baixaEm Voltagem- e modo gr
ficoVoltagem quando cheiaVoltagem em mVAlertar se abaixo de:Ativar Rel
gio Noturno?Come
o (Noite)Fim (manh
)Selecione a sua pasta padr
oEsta ser
a primeira op
o paraa maioria dos Arquivos Seletores do AssistantSelecione o padr
o para AlarmesMacro na inicializa
oMacro quando LigarEdite a mensagem padr
o, que ser
a mensagem inicial para os AlarmesSom do AlarmeMensagem:Sons no Painel de Controle est
o desligados!Eles ser
o Ligados agora e depoisde tocado esse som, ser
o desligados novamenteTocar arquivo de somESPA
rio JulianoReconstruindo Lista de AplicativosAplicativo EncontradoErroPara Usar essa fun
o, voc
precisa entrar suaSenha do Sistema nas Prefer
ncias do AssistantEla ser
incriptada e Salva, para serdecriptada e enviada ao sistema quando voc
pediruma das fun
es com Senha! Quer definir agora?Status da BateriaMostrar Mem
riaConfigurarTodos os sons desativadosTodos os Sons AtivadosHoraExecutar uma MacroExecutar um ProgramaGerenciador de ArquivosTocar um SomReconstruir Lista de AplicativosColar ClipTextSenha AtivadaSenha DesativadaSenha: Uma vez por diaCalculadoraLer UIDsColar DataColar HoraAjustar AlarmeAlvorada;Crep
es da CidadeLink: CaboLink: InfravermelhoLink: LigadoLink: desligadoAjustar contrasteLista de TarefasSistema em Primeiro PlanoSist. Painel de ControleIr para Macro5Ver Arquivo MbmVer Arquivo de TextoAbrir Arquivo ZipadoExecutar AtalhoGravar MacroEditar MacroFechar/Eliminar TarefaHora R
pidaStatus do LinkEscolher Documento pelo NomeHiperlinkColar CaminhoAchar NotaNotas R
o de MoedasCaracter EspecialCaixa Alta ou BaixaSairCancelarSalvarPr
ximo ContinuarPasta de SonsFechar para BackUpO Timer do BackLight agora est
AtivoInativoAtivoInativoAjustar TimerDesligar depois de: (mm:ss)MacroAjudaFeitoAjuste do Contraste para BackLightDia Come
aLigar BacklightAjustar Contrastepara o valorNoite come
aBackLight Ligado quando em alimenta
o externaHora da noite deve ser maior que a do diaBacklight/ContrastePular para a pastaAchar TarefaNova TarefaTarefas em primeiro planoNota NovaCompactar NotasCompactar TarefasHotkeysHotkeys do SistemaDefinidas Pelo Usu
adoJanela de Informa
esIniciar em segundo planoLista de TarefasAlternar TarefasCtrl+Shiftn
o definidoPr
ximoAnteriorEditar HotkeyCancelarDeletarFun
oArquivoSelecionar Arquivo paraSelecionar Fun
o paraLista de escolhaTimer do BacklightDefinir Hotkey paraDefinir
AlarmeHotkeys definidas pelo usu
rioSelecione Pasta paraMostrar em janelaTeclas para CalculadoraCursores/Fn+Cursores: Move janelaCTRL+E/Bot
o: SairC/(C)Bot
o ESC/(AC)Bot
o: Limpar/Limpar TudoDel/Bot
o: Deletar
ltimo Caracter/ResultadoEspa
o: Colar Resultado/F
o: Calcular#/Bot.: Modo Texto Fun
.especial (SQR();SUM().../Bot
,+,- (muda Caract. no Menu Assistant),/. :Separador depende dos seus ajustes(
+- seguido por ',' or '.', 0 entra automatic.)p/Bot
es: %Modo TextoDelSairColarColar TudoTeclas para CalculadoraEditar nomeExtens
es de ArquivoSelecionar associa
esArquivo de TextoTextviewer,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editor,AutoEm Auto, o programa tenta rodar nestaordem: Textviewer,Browser,Vreader5,RmrTEditor,WordMbmView/Browser n
o InstaladoArquivo ZipadoArquivo Gif/JpgEditar os 4 Sons de Alarme, quen
o est
o na ROMDefinir Alarme RelativoAlarme em: (hh:mm)CliptextSeq
ncia de TeclasAbrir arquivo no SystemTimer do BackLightAlternar entre TarefasPrefer
ncias do Alternar entre TarefasEdite
direito at
8 Programas ou Documentosque voc
o quer que apare
am no alternar tarefasquando rodar pra frente (pra tr
s aparecem sempre) Edite as entradas nesse sentido conforme elas aparecem no Alternar Tarefas. Por exemplo'Macro5', 'Crontab' ou 'D:\Documents\Agenda'.Para faze-los aparecer de novo, entre no Setupe os delete.Novo ModeloInserir ModeloSalvar comoNenhum texto selecionadoDigitalAnal
gicoAutostartAjustes do AutostartAtivadoArquivos/Programas que ser
oabertos na inicializa
oAjustesNova entrada no AutostartLigar Luzem hor
rios pr
-definidos, manualmenteLigar luz, se principal estiver presenteDesligar LuzTimer,Timer se sem principal,N
o (Timer inativo)Se Timer ligado, desligar depois deSim, se usando Baterias, N
oDesligamento Autom
ticoDesligar depois de:Mais...DesabilitadoReconstruir
Lista Aplic.deLista,DiscoNovo ArquivoGravarAdicionar
oSobrescreverMover para:Novo ArquivoNomeProgramaNova Pasta emRenomear Pastapara:Renomear ArquivoDeletar Elementos SelecionadosSim, remover Pasta com todo seu conte
doPararTudoFechar e
reabrirFecharFechandoPropriedades deTamanhoOcultoDataHoraPropriedades dos elementos selecionadosAchar arquivosN
o,Todos exceto ROM,Todos incl. ROMOp
esProcurando...AchadoIr paraCome
arContinuarModeloAtalhoAutomaticamente,PerguntarAbrir Arquivos do Autostart?Iniciar
agoraparaCompactar tudoCompactadoPainel Gr
ficoMacro na Sa
daTipo:Arquivos / Programas abertosProgramasMacrosAtalhosCliptextsPastasSeq
ncia de TeclasCalculadoraCalend
rioGerenciador de ArquivosAcharAutostartBateriasMoedasAlarmeLink ligadoLink desligadoRel
gioSom LigadoSom desligadoContrasteNova NotaSenha ativaSenha inativaSenha uma vez ao diaMem
riaTocar Arquivo de SomAlvorada-Crep
es da CidadeCompactarPrefer
nciasHotkeysAjudaModelosHiperlinkTabela ASCIICoringas permitidosna pasta,no Discooutro DiscoSomente NomesMais r
pidoTexto contidoconsidera caixa alta ou baixaQualquerExatoMenorMaiorEntreAt
AntesDepoisData finalIncluir SubpatasProcura em segundo planoAtributosSomente leituraOcultoSystemNova Pasta de AplicativosDefragmentarVer o log do ArquivoDeletar log do ArquivoEditar atalho de fun
esImortante! N
o modificar, a menos que voc
ao modo como os atalhos funcionam. Podem ocorrererros se voc
usar o mesmo nome duas vezes.P.E: A tecla padr
o para Macro
"m"."M"+qq letraprocurar
por uma macro que comece com essa letra.Se mudar um item para uma combina
o come
ada por"m",Assitant pode rodar uma Macro que comece pela segunda letra. Isso pode causar perda de dados!Conversor Hex/DecRegitrado paraC
digo de RegistroShareware n
o registradoObrigado pelo seu registro e sua honestidadeSe prentede usar Assistant, por favor registre-oRegistro ir
remover as Nagscreens e lhe permitir
mudar as fun
es dos atalhosRegistroUse oRegistro do AssistantDigite seu NomeC
digo de RegistroFalha no RegistroEsteja certo de que entrou o c
digoexatamente como voc
o recebeu!Registro bem sucedidoEsta c
pia do Assistant est
registrada para:DetalhesPor favor envie 20$, 12
ou 40DM para:Detalhes de registroVoc
um c
nico. Para tanto, incluaseu nome com ele aparece no Systems owner screen,bem como o seu email.Resultdo da defragmenta
ria Livre antesMem
ria Livre depoisMem
ria liberadaou pe
a por detalhes da contaAjuste para
oBitmapSelecionarImprimindoAjustes da P
ginaAjustes de impress
oPreview da impress
oTamanhoOk - Enter/Esc No more alerts - TabYou can also register Online using allmajor Credit cards via a secure siteSee the Assistant Homepage for detailsLast BitmapFirst BitmapBitmapsFlip BitmapHorizontally,VerticallyRotate BitmapZoom Bitmap toPercentLoading SketchInfoZoomFlipRotateSketchViewNextPreviousCopy to ClipboardView ClipboardViewer PreferencesShow BackgroundGreysColoursColourdepthNothing to viewAny key to closeZooming BitmapFlipping BitmapRotating BitmapNot enough MemorySavedWidthHeightExpressions can be used, like:SlideshowDelay in sec.'0' for Animation without pause
( : : : ] h
# 4 H ^ g p t z
CImposto...Batterie principali scariche !Sostituite batterie principali !SettimanaSuoni disattivatiSuoni attivatiNon trovatoBatterie cariche !Tot. oreUsat.Avvia macroMacro non trovataTrovatoScegli App:App non trovataAttivoNessuna scorciatoia definita !Il file non esisteTrovato suDefinizioneMbmView non installato: non posso aprireValoreoImposta contrastosuTrova Nota contenenteCarica su MbmViewWeb-Program non installatoAggiungi nuovo AppuntoModificaNessun Appunto definito !Incolla AppuntoCanc.CancellatoIl file
vuoto e verr
cancellato !CancellatoModifica DefinizioneModificatoModifica AppuntoFile ManagerAvviaCopiaRinomina inFileCartellaDiscoCopiatoProtetto da scritturaCopia su
protetto da scrittura !AttendiMsWordCv di Message Suite non installatoNon c'
abbastanza spazio sul disco perCopia temporanea del file che volete aprireApri File Zipnon
un File ZipApri File TestoApriAvvia MbmViewUltimo bitmapPrimo bitmapApri File Mbm/SketchNon
un file MBM/SketchNon scordatevi !Imposta Sveglia:DataMessaggioSuonoRipetiUna volta,Prossime 24 ore,Giornalmente,Settimanalmente,Giorni lavorativiSveglia non impostabile perch
tutti gli spazi di allarme sono occupatiSveglia
stato impostatoMostra UIDs nell'intestazione documentoLeggoErrore nella letturaLeggibytes soli (necessari 4 integrali lunghi)Errore in aperturaCitt
Calcoli perAlba alleTramonto alleAggiungi nuova ScorciatoiaUna volta al giornoScegli File perCancella ScorciatoiaModifica ScorciatoiaRisultatoIncollaContinuaCOLLEGAMENTO ATTIVO:INFRAROSSICOLLEGAMENTO ATTIVO:CAVOCOLLEGAMENTO ATTIVOCOLLEGAMENTO INATTIVOCrea nuova MacroNomeCreoChiudi o Elimina ProgrammaElimina ProgrammaChiudi ProgrammaChiudi tuttiChiudoPronto: Chiudo AssistantSTATO COLLEGAMENTOINATTIVONON CONNESSOCONNESSOAggiungi Alias nuova CartellaScegli CartellaLa Cartella non esiste !Scegli File inLa Cartella
vuotaS5Zip/RMRZip/Navigator non installato: Non posso aprrireCancella alias CartellaNon ho potuto cancellare la Macro !!!Non ho potuto cancellare il file di origine !!!Macro cancellataModifica nuova NotaNuova Nota/CompitoPriorit
NESSUNANUOVACategoriaIn corsoAzioneSalva e ritorna,Salva e rimani,Non salvareFattoNuova CategoriaCambia Nota/CompitoIn corsoCompletatoAnnullaNessun Hyperlink trovatoPer crearne uno, scegliete >Modifica Voce< dalMenu e usate la funzione >pp< per scegliere un FileInserisci HyperlinkSalta adesso?Scegli FileComprimi File Dati o AgendaComprimoRisultato compressioneGrandezza primaGrandezza dopoRidottoAggiornaConversioni ValuteNuovaCancellaAggiornaConvertiAggiungi nuova ValutaNazioneSimboloTassoCancella ValutaAggiorna ValutaDaACategorie NoteNuova CategoriaModifica CategoriaCategoriaTasto per inviareNuovo TastoFile in primo pianoSempliceComplessoTasto per inviareNessun tasto definito !!!TastiModifica TastoTasti da premere per inviareInserisci carattere specialeSelezione troppo ampia !Premi Menu per impostareEsc invia in secondo pianoNon presenteSpazio su disco e Ram liberidi max.Ram liberaInserisci prima lettera citt
Differenza OrarioPrefisso telefonicoPer chiamare daPer chiamate internazionaliACapitaleHotkey attivataHotkey disattivataImposta Hotkey perPreferenzeCartella MacroOrologio NotturnoBatteriePasswordSuono AvvioSpecialePreferenze SvegliaPercorso di defaultRiguardo aAttivo Suono Avvio ?AttivaVolumeBasso,Medio,AltoInserisci Password SistemaNotaSe non inserite la Password non poteteusare la funzione di attivazione Password !La Password verr
criptata per sicurezzaprima di essere archiviata sul disco !ConfermaErrore : le Passwords non coincidono !Password impostata su *Una volta al giorno*Scegli Cartella MacroMostra in primo piano stato batterie principali ?TipoMessaggio Stato,Grafico,Voltaggio,NessunoAbilita avviso sonoro quando bassoIn Modalit
Voltaggio e GraficoVoltaggio quando caricheVoltaggio in mVAvvisa se pi
basso di:Abilita Orologio Notturno ?Inizia (Sera)Termina (Mattina)Scegli cartella di defaultQuesta sar
la prima scelta peri Selettori di File in AssistantScegli default per SveglieMacro all'avvioMacro all'accensioneImposta un messaggio di defaultcome messaggio iniziale per le sveglieSuono sveglia:Messaggio:Il suono
spento nel Pannello di Controllo !Saranno attivati adesso, e dopo avereseguito il file sonoro saranno spenti di nuovo.Esegui File sonoroSPAZIO : OFFALTRI: ChiudiCalendario GiulianoRinfresco lista App.Applicazioni trovateErrorePer usare questa funzione dovete inserire la vostraPassword di Sistema nelle Preferenze di AssistantVerr
quindi codificata e conservatae decodificata ed inviata al Sistema quando richiamateuna delle funzioni Password. La impostate adesso ?Stato BatterieMostra memoriaConfiguraDisattiva tutti SuoniAttiva tutti SuoniOraEsegui una MacroAvvia un ProgrammaFile ManagerEsegui un SuonoRinfresca lista App.Incolla AppuntoPassword attivataPassword disattivataPassword: Una volta al giornoCalcolatoreLeggi UIDsIncolla DataIncolla OraImposta SvegliaAlba;TramontoInfo Citt
Collegamento: CavoCollegamento: InfrarossiCollegamento: attivatoCollegamento disattivoImposta ContrastoLista ProgrammiSistema in primo pianoPannello di ControlloVai su Macro5Visualizza File MBMVisualizza File TestoApri File ZipEsegui ScorciatoiaRegistra MacroModifica MacroChiudi/Elimina ProgrammaOraStato collegamentoScegli doc. in aliasHyperlinkIncolla percorsoTrova NotaEvidenzia NoteCompleta/Sbarra NotaImpostazione Categoria11 ditoComprimi Dati/AgendaConversione ValuteCarattere SpecialeMinuscolo/MaiuscoloEsciAnnullaSalvaProssimo ContinuaCartella SuonoChiudi per BackupTimer retroilluminazione al momentoAbilitatoDisabilitatoAbilitaDisabilitaImposta TimerSpegni dopo: (mm:ss)MacroGuidaFattoRetroilluminazione - Impostazioni contrastoGiorno iniziaAccendi RetroilluminazioneImposta Contrastosu valoreNotte iniziaRetroilluminazione attiva con aliment. esternaOra per Notte deve essere pi
tardi di GiornoRetroill./ContrastoSalta a CartellaTrova CompitoNuovo CompitoCompiti in primo pianoNuova NotaComprimi NoteComprimi CompitiHotkeysHotkeys SistemaPersonalizzatiAvanzateFinestra InfoAvvia in secondo pianoLista ProgrammiCiclo ProgrammiCtrl+Maiuscolonon definitoProssimoPrecedenteModifica HotkeyAnnullaCancellaFunzioneFileScegli File perScegli Funzione perScegli ListaTimer retroilluminazioneImposta Hotkey perImposto
testo per funzioni speciali(SQR();SUM()...)/Pulsante:
,+,- (cambia caratteri nel Menu Assistant),/. :Separatore dipende dalle vostre impostazioni(dopo
+- seguito da ',' o '.', 0
inserito automaticamente)p/Pulsante: %Modalit
testoDelEsciIncollaInc. tuttoTasti per CalcolatoreModifica AliasEstensioni FileScegli associazioniFiles testoTextviewer,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editor,AutoIn modalit
Auto il programma avvia in questoordine: Textviewer,Browser,Vreader5,RmrText,Editro,TestiMbmView/Browser non installatoFiles Zipfiles Gif/JpgModifica i 4 Suoni di Sveglia, chenon sono sistemati nella ROMImposta Sveglia relativaSveglia tra: (oo:mm)AppuntoTastoApri file in Schermo SistemaTimer retroilluminazioneCiclo programmiPreferenze ciclo programmiModifica sulla destra sino ad 8 Programmio Documenti, non mostrati, eseguendo il cicloin avanti, che rimangono sempre accessibilieseguendo il ciclo all'indietro. Modificate le vocicos
come appaiono durante il ciclo, ad es.'Macro5', 'Crontab' o 'D:\Documents\Agenda'.Per farle riapparire, richiamate di nuovole impostazioni e cancellate la voce.Nuovo SchemaScegli schemaSalva comeNulla selezionatoDigitalAnalogicoAutoavvioImpostazioni autoavvioAttivaFiles/Programmi che sarannoaperti all'AvvioImpostazioneNuova voce in
AutoavvioAccendi luceAd ore predefinite,manualmenteLuce accesa, se alimentatore presentenon definitoTimer,Timer se alimentatore presente,No (Timer deattivato)Timer disattivato dopoS
,Se alimentato a Batterie,NoSpegnimento automaticoSpegni dopo:Altro...DisabilitaRinfresca
Lista App.daLista,DiscoNuovo FileRegistraAggiungi a listaMacro da altra cartellaSar
aggiunta alla listaIn s
in usoIgnoraConferma sovrascritturaSovrascriviMuovi su:Nuovo fileNomeProgrammaNuova cartella inRinomina cartellain:Rinomina archivioCancella elementi selezionatiS
rimuove cartella e contenutiStopTuttoChiudi e
riapri di nuovoChiudiChiudoPropriet
degli elementi selezionatiTrova filesNo,Tutti eccetto ROM,Tutti incl.ROMOpzioniCerco...Trovato per:Vai aAvviaContinuaModelloScorciatoiaAutomaticamente,ChiediApro files Autoavvio ?Avvia
oraaCompatta tutticompattatoPannello graficoMacro alla chiusuraTipo:Apri files / ProgrammiProgrammiMacroScorciatoieAppuntiCartelleTastiCalcolatoreCalendarioGestore filesTrovaAutoavvioBatterieValuteSvegliaCollegamento attivoCollegamento inattivoOrologioSuono attivatoSuono disattivatoContrastoNuova NotaPassword attivataPassword disattivataPassword una volta al giornoMemoriaEsegui un file sonoroAlba-TramontoInfo citt
velocecontiene testoSensibile alle maiuscoleOgniEsattoPi
grandeTraSino aPrimaDopoData finaleIncludi sottocartelleRicerca in secondo pianoAttributiSolo letturaNascostoSistemaNuova cartella programmaDeframmentaVisualizza log fileCancella log fileModifica scorciatoie funzioniImportante! Non modificare se non avete familiarit
col funzionamento delle scorciatoie. Si possono produrre effettiimprevedibili se usate due volte la stessa scorciatoia.Ad es., il tasto di default per "Macro"
"m". "m" +
una delle seguentilettere farebbe cercare una Macro che inizia con la lettera,che segue "m".
Se cambiate un elemento con una combinazione cheinizia con "m", Assistant potrebbe eseguire una Macro che inizia conla seconda lettera. Cos
potreste perdere dei dati!Convertitore Hex/DecRegistrato aCodice di registrazioneShareware non registratoGrazie per esservi registrati e per la vostra onest
Se continuate ad usare Assistant dovete registrarvi.La registrazione rimuover
gli schermi di disturbo e abiliter
la modifica delle scorciatoie per le funzioniRegistraUsaRegistra AssistantInserisci il nomeCodice di registrazioneRegistrazione non riuscitaControllate di aver inserito il codiceesattamente come lo avete ricevuto!Registrazione riuscitaQuesta copia di Assistant
registrata a:DettagliPer favore inviate 20 $, 12
o 40 DM a:Dettagli registrazioneRiceverete un codice personale. Per questo, per favore includeteil vostro nome completo, come inserito nello schermo del Proprietarioed il vostro indirizzo e-mail.Risultato deframmentazioneMemoria libera primaMemoria libera dopoMemoria recuperatao chiedi i dettagli di contoImposta su
defaultBitmapSelezionaStampoImposta paginaImposta stampaAnteprima di stampaStampaRidimensionoOk - Invia/Esc Non pi
avvisi - TabPotete anche registrarvi Online usandouna Carta di Credito in un sito sicuroConsultate la Homepage di Assistant per dettagliUltimo BitmapPrimo BitmapBitmapsGira BitmapOrizzontalmente,VerticalmenteRuota BitmapZooma Bitmap aPercentoCarico SketchInfoZoomGiraRuotaSketchVistaProssimoPrecedenteCopia nell'Archivio AppuntiVisualizza Archivio AppuntiPreferenze visualizzatoreMostra sfondoGrigiColoriProfondit
coloreNulla da visualizzarePremi un tasto per chiudereZoomo BitmapGiro BitmapRuoto BitmapNon c'
memoria sufficienteSalvatoLarghezzaAltezzaPossono essere usate espressioni come:PresentazioneRitardo in sec.'0' per Animazione senza pause
( ; H S S S n v
2 7 < A F K S \ d l r
Fehler !
AsLib.rsc nicht gefunden !
+(Bitte installieren Sie Assistant.sis neu
Error !
AsLib.rsc not found !
Please reinstall Assistant.sis
+.Um alle Funktionen korrekt ausf
hren zu k
tigt Assistant bestimmte System Hotkeys, die
+-Sie bitte
fen, u. falls n
tigt werden einige Hotkeys vom Systemmen
+1einige aus der Daten Applikation (letztere k
+6Sie durch erstellen eines neuen Eintrags herausfinden.
+1Es sind die Schaltfl
chen auf der rechten Seite.)
First time initialisation
+/To get all functions to work properly, you must
+3configure some machine-specific menukeys. There are
+1required some keys from the System menu, and some
+3from the Data Application. The keys for 'Font' and
+3'Save' for Data you can find out by: creating a new
+4entry: The keys required are the ones on the Buttons
All required files including OPX-extensions will be automatically installed during SIS Installation. For Installation you must doubleclick the file Assistant.sis. If you don't close all Programs before, errors can occure during installation, because OPX-extensions cannot be updated.
If you want to execute Escript/BLplus-Macros from within Assistant, you must install the Escript library from Jason Kneen. Get it from:
or from my Homepage:
The idea is, to bring up a small edit window by pressing the global Hotkey from within whatever document or program you are. Here. you can call all functions of the program by typing in the respective commandline.
Unlike to other similiar programs, you don't have to install your programs or Macros etc. to a graphical bar or table and remember the shortcut or place for it.
You can always select easily from a list of all found programs, Macros etc. In theory. you need to remember only one single System Hotkey to start all actions. You actually do not even need to remember the function shortcuts, because there is also a list for all, to select from.
All lists are presented in Listboxes. The usage of this Listboxes is confirm with System standard, you can use the keyboard as well as the pen. Incremental matching is supported in the boxes, so you can move very fast to the entry of your choice, by typing the first letters of it.
All features of Assistant are started by typing the respective function shortcut in the edit window. You can edit theese shortcuts, to change them to fit to your personal taste and needs (registered version only).
Normally, you would type in the shortcut only, to call a list with all items. For the types Program, Macro, Document shortcut Keystroke, Cliptexts and Folder Bookmarks, there is a special feature though. For example, you would type "p" to select from a list of all installed programs. This list can be reduced by typing optional also the first letter(s) of the program behind the shortcut. For example: "p" shows the list of all applications, "pa" shows a list of all, beginning with "A", "prmr" would show a list of all app's from "RMR Software". This makes it much easier, to find, what you want. If you type in enough letters, and only one prog is found, it will be started directly (or Cliptext is inserted, you jump to folder bookmark...)
Note ! Shortcuts are case sensitive. So, if you define "P" to run a program, (standard is "p") typing "p" will have no effect, except, you have defined another function for the lower case "p". It doesn't matter though, if you continue upper or lowercase after the shortcut:
"PRMR" = "Prmr"
The edit functions are a bit limited in the window:
At the time, you call Assistant, the window appears, in which the last used function is shown invers.
Press Enter, to start the same action again, simply type, to overwrite it, cursor right, to append text. DEL to delete the last letter. Cursor left won't work, so it will call the list of all available procedures.Up and down scrolls between the 10 last used, TAB opens a list of theese. If you select an item from the history list, it will appear the next time as initial choice and the last one will move to the history list. Enter starts the action, Esc cancels.
To run any installed program (or foregound it, if already open), type the shortcut for it ("p" by default) and optional the first letter(s) of the program, and select from the list.
Important!!! To get this work with maximum speed, a file "Apps.lst" is created in the applications folder. This file stores a list of all installed programs. It will be created, first time, you run Assistant and must be refreshed ("ref"), if you install new programs. It would take too much time, to search disks every time, you want to run a prog. It would be also possible, to cache this list in memory, but then the list would have to be refreshed every time you start Assistant.
Run a Macro the same way, you would start a program:
Type "m" (Standard) for a list of all Macro5 and Escript Macros in the Macro-folder, "ms", to show a list of all Macros, beginning with 's'.
Type "mexab" or "mS5m", um to run Huub Linthorsts excellent ExAb or S5mBoles.
To run a Macro located in any other folder, you must add it first to the list, by selecting "New" and then "Add to list" in the Macro listbox. Select the file and confirm. Every time, you call the macro list now, the other macro will be shown also in the list (marked by an asterix (*) at the end)
Create a new Macro source file, by selecting "New" and "New file". Select "Record" to record a new Macro.
"Edit" opens the source code of the selected Macro (if it exists) for modifying.
"Delete" removes the Macro from disk (including source file) ("from list" deletes a external Macro from the list, which has been added to it before. This will not delete the Macro from disk!). See also the special Macro section below.
You can define anunlimited number of "Cliptexts", which you can insert in your documents.
Cliptexts are predefined pieces of text, which you often use, like your address, signatures.... They are limited to 255 characters, and do not support text formattings, though line feed, Tabs etc. are saved.
You can also use some special functions in it, which you may know from Macro5 (see below).
To edit an existing Cliptext, select it from the list and use "Edit"
. Make your changes to the text and/or caption and save it again.
To delete one, select it from the list and hit DEL.
To insert a Cliptext in your document, type "c" (by default) and select from the list. As usual, you can optionally type the first letter(s) of the Caption (the name, you gave it) behind the "c". If more than one is found, you will get a list, otherwise, it will be inserted directly.
Tip: To speed up things, select meaningfull and as different, as possible Captions, like "adr" for your address, "signature" for your signature. Typing now "cadr" or "csig", it will be pasted directly, without the need of selecting it from the list.
Cliptext Special functions:
The following codes can be used in Cliptexts, which will be replaced by the respective function of it:
Name of the current hoe country
Name of the home city
%%date format%%
Actual date in the format 'format", Use any characters plus:
: Day in month (1 - 31)
: Month (1 - 12)
: Year (4 digit)
: Year (2 digit)
: Full dayname
: 3 letter dayname
: Full month name
: 3 letter month name
%%date DD/MM/yy%% would paste:
: %%date%% is the same as
%%date dn DD mn YY%%
%%time format%%
Inserts the current time in format "format".
'format' can contain any characters plus
: Hour (24 h format)
: Hour (12 h format)
: Minutes
: Seconds
%%time hh:MM:SS AP%% pastes:
01:23:45 PM
: %%time%% is the same as
%%time HH:MM:SS%%
%%query question_text%%
opens a Textbox "question_text" and inserts the text, you type in:
i.e. : Hello %%query question_text%%,
would paste "Hello Mario," if you type "Mario" in the textbox.
Define any number of Shortcuts to Macros, Documents (Standard- or Text-, Mbm-, Zip-, Aif-, Gif-, Bmp-, Jpg- Tiff files) and Web sites (local and remote), and also to Shortcuts, created by "Xtralink" or "Shortcut". Supported are also files, encrypted by Crypto or Encrypt.
To create a new Shortcut (Link), type "s" (default). Select "New". Define a caption, which could be the filename like "Agenda" for Agenda or "Addresses" for your
or anything else, and select the type: Macro, App, URL, or "File" for all other files.
Start theese, in the usual manner by selecting it from the list, reached by "s" or a reduced list by typing "s"+first letter(s) of the caption, you gave it.
If you select a link, which's file doesn't exist anymore, you can optionally update or delete this link.
The purpose of this function is, to have quick access to your favorite files, Macros, programs and Weblinks in a handy list.
This is a multifunctional program. It provides a wide range of functions, like no other program available for Epoc. Assistant is Shareware. I have invested much time in developing the program and will do so in future. See Registration for details on how to register. Assistant can be used on the following machines:
Psion machines support only one bookmark to a folder, to have instant access to it. You can define in Assistant any number of Bookmarks to ay folder on your System. Type "f" (default) and select "New". Select the folder, give it a name (which could be the name of the folder, but also anything else) and confirm.
To jump to any created bookmark or select any of the valid files in it, type "f" again. Press Enter to jump to it, Tab, to open a file list in it.
Jump: You will directly go to the folder in System. As usual, type optionally the first letter(s) of it (more precise the caption, you gave it) after the "s". to reduce the list or move directly to it, if only one item is found.
Select from the list of all files in it, to open this file.
Subfolders appear as <Folder>. If you select a subfolder, you will get a list of files in this folder again.
If a folder, you created a Bookmark to, doesn't exist anymore, you can optionally delete this Bookmark.
You can define an unlimited amount of Keystrokes, which can be simple combinations like Ctrl+s or Ctrl+Shift+a but also complex structures like Ctrl+Shift+r, Right, Right, Enter etc. (up to 255 characters). For komplex ones, a comma "," must seperate each combination like in Sendkey: if you right a Macro. Optional you can define a file or program, to be foregrounded first, otherwise the keystroke is send to the foreground task. This way, you can prepare even some simple keyboardmacros, like:
Select Z:\System\Apps\Shell\ as file (System), as keys "Ctrl+Shift+r,Right (jumps (on a english Series 5) to System screen, calls the Batteryinformation, and jumps on time right, to show the current battery consumption). Use it, to send keys, which aren't quite easy to press (like Ctrl+Shift+.., or Ctrl+Shift+Fn+..). or simply to automate some actions, you can't remember the hotkeys for (i.e. define a keystroke, which sends the Hotkey to Agenda, to switch the view to ToDo list) The shortcut for this funktion is by default "k".
To create a new one:
press Ctrl-n
Edit the caption for it (which could be the key itself, recommended for combinations, which do not foreground a special file, or the action it causes, like "Batteryinfo" in the above example). Select, whether to start a file/program, and if it is a simple or complex one. If you choose "simple", a dialog window pops up, which you already know from the Hotkey setup. Press the key combination you want and it will appear in the window, if it is valid. If you selected 'complex', a Text edit box appears, where you put the combinations, seperated by commas in it. If you checked the option 'file', you can select the file in the following file selector.
To edit a keystroke: Select the entry, press TAB and make your changes.
To delete one, select it and press DEL.
To send one, do it the usual way, type "k" (by default), or "k"+first letter(s) of the caption (like "kbat" in the above example).
(Standard), to open the Filemanager, from where you can open any registered Document (which have the same icon as their Application), as well as any of the "Assistant valid" files.
If the file is a (Escript)-Macro (and not placed in the Macro folder), press the "Macro" button to execute it.
You can:
Move, copy, delete, rename, change properties of files andf olders.
Space pops up additional options (Compact/Properties...)
(Standard), to open a graphical calculator, do your calculations, and confirm with Enter, to display the result, Space, to paste the result to your document, Shift-space to paste the whole calculation, i.e.:
Shift-Space, would paste: 12+3=15, "12+3" and Space would paste 15, "12+3", Enter would paste nothing, but only displaying the result. You can use as well "
" as "*,/" and also the letter keys i,o,y,u (english machines) If you want to continue with the result, just continue to type (i.e. +2)
The calculatoris a very simple one. You can use though all functions, supported by OPL, like SQR(x) (Square root) or SUM(x;y;z) (Sum) ... To do this, you have to press "#" or the button, to change to text mode (as i,o,y,u are reserved for the operators).
Available are also simple memory functions (M+,M-,MR,MC)
0-9 or respective buttons:
p,% or button :Percent
/,+- or buttons: Operators
=,Enter,button : calculate
Space: Paste result
Shift-Space: Paste whole calculation
DEL or button: Delete last character. Used on result: Delete result
C or Button: Delete to last operator (245+34 >C=245)
ESC orr button AC: Delete all
?-button ,Menu: Help on keys
Button X
: Raise to power2
End,Shift-ESC ,Ctrl-E, tap on screen outside the calculator: Close
#,Button: Textmodus:
type in your calculation and confirm: ln(10) or SIN(12) or SUM(2,10,24)...
Cursors : Move the window
Fn+Cursor: Move to corners
You also can drag the window by dragging with the pen in the display.
Strg-v ,Strg-c paste from, copy to clipboard.
Typing "t" (Standard) in the edit window, calls the builtin clock. You see a big clock, the date, the Julian datum (day in year) and the weeknr. in year. Press Space, or tap on the screen, to switch off the machine, any other key, to close the window. You can configure it in main menu, to work as a nightclock. Select "Activate", and set the times, between Assistant should show the clock at switchon.
You can select between a digital and analog clock type.
You can play a Sound file (EPOC) by typing
(Standard). If you have a Standard Sound folder, you can define it in the Assistat main menu. Assistant will then display the files in this folder as initial choice. Select the file and volume.You can play several files in a raw, to close the function, press ESC in the dialog.
If your System souds are turned off, they will be automatically turned on, and will be turned off again, after you close the dialog
Assistant allows you, to set your Password to: Off, on, once a day, without ever going to the System control panel. To access this functions, you must enter your System Password in the Preferences menu. It will be encrypted, before it is stored to disk! To enable/disable the Password query at switchon, type:
"pon" (Standard) :Turn on
Every time, you switch the machine on, you will be asked for the Password.
"poff" (Standard) :Turn off
Until you change this again, you never will be asked for the Password
"p1" (Standard) : Ask once per day
The Psion will ask you every day one time, to input your Password. At any following switchon before the next day, you won't be prompted, to do this again. Very practical by the way, if you have your Psion with you in the office. When you leave for lunch, type "p1", and nobody will be able, to look on your data. When you return, enter your Password, and for the rest of the day, you won't be prompted again for your Password.
You can set an Alarm, using
(Standard).Select time, date, repeat and Alarm sound. The Alarm will be set in the time application, from where you can delete it also.
It's up to you, that you use valid ranges! Unpredictable things could happen, if you set an invalid Alarm (i.e. "Next 24 hours" and a date next month), at least, it may not go off.
But you now have the option, to set an Alarm, without going to Time, where you can't set an future (dated) alarm anyway.
Some Alarm sounds are not stored as Sound file. For other machines than german, US/UK, NL, french and flamic, you can set the names, depending on your machines language, in the Assistant main menu (Alarm preferences). These are, for US/UK machines: Rings, Chime, Signal, Silent. All other sounds are detected automatically.
Tip: Set an alarm even faster, by typing (for an alarm, going off at 19:00) "al19" or "al19:00" or "al1900". You can also append an Alarmtext. To do so, behind the time, insert a Space character and append the text
Typing "ra" (Standard) allows you, to set an relative Alarm (i.e. ringing in 50 min). Select the duration, after which the Alarm should ring, the message and sound.
You can select ranges from 1 Min. up to 23 h 59 Min. Note, that the Alarm can't be set exactly for the second: So, if you set an relative Alarm at 20:30 and 30 Seconds, and you define it to expire in 3 minutes, the Alarm will ring at 20:33, not at 20:33 and 30 Seconds, (after 2 1/2 instead of 3 Min.). This is a restriction by OPL
Tip: Set it still faster, by typing "ra"+the time, after it should expire (see Alarms)
Type "M" (Standard), to show available Disk space and RAM.
Playing Sound files:3
All Sounds off:5
To turn off all System sounds, type "off". This has the same effect, as goig to control panel and selecting "All Sounds off"
All Sounds on:3
Type "on" (Standard). to turn on all System sounds again
Link: cable3
To turn the remote link on, and set it to "cable", type "lc" (Standard)
Link: infrared3
To set the remotelink to "infrared", type "li" (Standard)
Link: on3
Type "l" (Standard), to simply turn on the remote link. It will be set to the last used option (cable or infrared)
_ Link: off3
Type "lo" (Standard), to turn off the remote link
Type "ls", to show the actual state of the remote link:
-On, but not connected
Relative Alarms:3
to bring up a dialog, from where you can find out times for sunrise ad sunset for any date and city, which is included in the database of the Time/World application. Initial values for he dialog will be your Homecity and current date.
Information about cities:3
, type in the following dialog the first (letter(s) of the city, you search (at begin always Homecity), and display informations like:
Dialling codes, Time, Country, First city, geographical data
Foreground System:3
to reach the System screen, from wherever you are (usefull for example, if you have remapped the Silkkey like 'Navigator' users)
Set the Contrast of the machine to a value, by entering "Co" (Standard) followed by the value, (like "Co27"), although this would be helpfull only, if you wnat to set it to a specific value (System Hotkeys are faster)
If you do not enter a value, a graphical dialog is shown, trying to help you, to find out the best value.
Show a Tasklist, with extended functions, by entering "K" (default). To close the selected Task, press DEL. If it does not respond, or is frozen, you can also kill it, by pressing Space. Please try always, to close it first, so it can save its changes. When you select Kill, the Task will be closed down, without letting it know, and without giving it the chance, to save any chances.
To close down all open Tasks, press TAB. Assistant will try, to close all open documents and programs and will close itself aferwards. For faster access, you can define also a "User Hotkey" for it.
EPOC isn't able, to handle Hyperlinks in documents. I have implemented a simple workaround for this. Type "h" (default), after you have marked the link or positioned the cursor behind a Hyperlink in any program, you can edit Text.
Hyperlinks can be:
-The full path of a local file, like D:\Documents\Agenda. Here you can use again all "Assistant valid files" like Apps, Macros, Mbm's...
-Email Addresses wich will create a new Email.
-Web sites (local and remote). Browser will be opened, andwill load the file, or connect, to open the remote URL.
You can insert Hyperlinks also in your own documents, by entering a valid path of a file, email address or URL.
The path of the file can (but not requires to) be set between " " signs, a path of a file containing Space characters (like "C:\Documents\Agenda 2000") must be set between "+" signs. To simply enter a path of a file in your documents, call "Paste path" ("Pp"), which will paste the path of the selected file in your document.
Before calling the Hyperlink function:
In Agenda: position the Cursor on an entry, containing a link.
In Email, Word, Porgramm editor.....
position the cursor behind the link, or mark the text (faster).
In Data, there are some restrictions:
To start a link: position the cursor on an entry, containing the link (like email address in your addressbook). The cursor must be moved first to the field with the link (if the file contains more fields). This appears not to work in List view!
If no link is found, Assistant will makea few attempts, to find one (beginning from the end of the line in the text, scanning word for word backwards). If no link is found, you are asked, to insert one, by selecting a file from a file selector. If you do so, you have the option, to jump afterwards to it.
If you want to insert a link to a (Escript)-Macro (placed in any other folder than the Macro folder), insert an "*" anywhere in the path of the file. This way, you can do things like: Make an entry in your Agenda entry, with a link to your addressbook, call the Hyperlink feature, to open this later, to search for the contact details.
Or call "h", whilst reading an email, to create a new email on a found address, or starting Browser, to connect to a interesting URL found inside.
Or create a link in a Word file, containing the path of a Sheet, which you don't wan to import, to open this one and in the Sheet file, create one, to jump back to the Word file. As you can use any Assistant valid file, its up to your phantasy.
Assistant has a currency converter, which you can reach by "$" (default). First time you call this, a new file "Currencies.dat" will be created in the Assistant folder on C, and your Homecountry with Base 1 will be added. By selecting "New" or "Edit", you will be prompted, to define the Country, the Currency symbol and the conversion rate relating to your home currency.
The converter itself is pretty self explanary: Select the "from" and "to" currencies, enter the value and hit Enter.
Space will change the "from" and "to" currencies, to do a conversion the other direction.
Assistant has a built in Compactor, which is able to compact Data and Agenda files. These files are compacted automatically by the Applications itself, but unfortunately not in very regular intervals. You can often and quickly free up quite a lot of disk space by compacting manually. Type "+", select the file and confirm. Only valid files are displayed.
If the file is in use, Assistant will try to close it (as it cannot be compacted otherwise) and reopen it afterwards. A dialog will inform you, how much disk space you got back. There is also a button "Compact all", which will scan all drives for all files and compact the valid ones. You will get a report on how many files have been compacted, and the memory, you got back. Note, that the "compact all" feature may take up quite some time (depending on how many files you have on your System, and especially on ER3 machines), so be patient.
Assistant has a simple "F11" feature. This is a little help, trying, to make it easier, to work in Text based Tasks. After "." or "," automatically a spcae is inserted. After "." and "Enter" (New paragrah) and "Shift-Enter", the next character is automatically converted to uppercase. On german machines, you also can write easier Umlauts by using # followed by "u,o,a, or p f
" instead of Fn+... If you need the upper case character of the Umlaut, press Shift together. Not perfect, but a lot easier than doing finger acrobatics like fro uppercase "
" (did you ever try to press Shift+Fn+a together ?) . There is also a special function, reached by pressing Space double. Typing afterwards "u", the last word will be converted to upper case, "l" converts to lower, "1" will cnvert to: First character upper, rest lower case, "d" and "t" will insert current date or time, "c" or c+first letter(s) , will insert a Cliptext, "b" will set the last word in brackets, "m" or m+first letter(s), followed by Enter, will run a Macro. If you do not want the next character to be converted, or a space to be inserted after "." , hit ESC after "." and before the next character. You reach the function, by entering "f11" in the Edit window
There are some restrictions: You will not see the Text cursor ! It would be possible, to simulate one, but this would slow down things. Assistant will not response to events during this function is active. Thereforethe special function is provided, to insert Cliptexts etc. Hit Shift-Esc, to return to normal mode. If you are lost in text, as no Cursor is visible, hit Shift-Tab. A Cursor will appear, and disappear again, after pressing any key.
Mark Text up to 255 characters and call Assistant. Type "ul". The text will be converted to upper case, if any lower case character is found, otherwise, it will be converted to lower case. If no text is marked, automatically the word before the cursor will be converted. You will get warnings, if the text is longer than 255 characters, you will be warned.
Open any Assistant valid file from System screen, by selecting it, and typing "o" after calling Assistant (like mbm, zip, txt, jpg.....) This may be possible also, by just doubleclicking them on the newer machines. On Er3 though, or if no programs are installed, having file recognizers, they can not be opened directly in the normal way. You have the advantage though also on ER5 machines, that you can configure Assistant, &
which files to load in which program.
After entering "g", you will see a graphical table, containing symbols for the most important functions of Assistant. Moving around the table, the function of the current item is shown as message also. Hit Enter or tap with the pen, to start the respective function. (You can also enable the Hotkey for it, to access it faster)
Notes/Tasks is a simple Jotter, based on a normal Data file and Macros, to automate things. Its not as elegant and comprehensive as other Jotters. If you are looking for something more complete, have a look at RmRNotes, RmRTask from RMR Software
"Notes" supports the handling of categories and Priorities for entries, as well as manipulating them, like changing Priority, Date, Status (like "In Work" or "completed"), as well as setting Alarms for them. The file is a normal data file, containing the following fields:
Note: The note itself.
Category: You can set a category foreach entry, to filter the entries later, or sort them by the category.
Date: The date, you creted the entry
Priority: You can dfine here the proority of the entry.
A: A field, showing, if the entry has an Alarm or not.
W: Shows, if the entry is "In Work"
C: Shows, if the entry is completed.
By default, the file is sorted by: Priority, Date, Category. You can sort the file of course, as needed. You can also change the appearence of the fields on the screen.
If you need more fields, simply add some. If you do not need some fields: DO NOT DELETE THEM !!! You can turn the fileds off, if you don't want to see them, but Assistant needs these fields, as they are filled out with informations.If you add new fields, they will be added to the end.
You can also change the Zoom level and the width of the fields (for example, you could increase the width of the Note field, and decrease the width of the date field, to show more characters of the note, but do not display the date). The field Note is a Memo Feld, which allows you to enter text of any length. You can also use the full functionality of DATA, like inserting embedded objects.
The usage of Notes:
Normal entries are shown in normal font. Assistant supports two files, "Notes" u. "Tasks", if someone, like me, wants to have different files for simple notes and Todo's. The file Tasks is optional though, and maybe deleted, if you don't need it.
Manipulating of Notes: (-)
To modifyan entry, select it, and type "-" in the edit window: A Dialog appears and you can select the action, you want to start:.
In Work: Lets assume, you entered a note with Priority 3. Now, you started to work on it. Select "In Work". The entry will be modified that way: The Font will turn to bold, the Priority set to 1 , and in the field "W" a "w" appears. To undo this, simply call the same function again.
You can also set an Alarm for the entry. In the field "A" the symbol "
" will be shown afterwards.
Complete: If you fnished with your task, you can mark it as complete, without deleting it. The following changes will be made :The Text color will change to gray, Assistant will strike through the entry, changing the Priority to 9, and in he field "C" a "c" appears. As Priority has changed, the entry will be sorted to the end of the file. If you want to undo the action, as you started again on the Task, select "Undo complete". The following changes will be made: The Text will be shown normal again, the color changed to black again, the Priority set to 1,and the date will change to the current. Also, all attributes, like "c", "w" etc. will be removed. To mark it as once completed, the font will be changed to italic.
New Note/Task: (nn). Enter "nn" and fill out the dialog
Give in your text (up to 10 KB), select category (you have the option of using "None" or creating a "New"), Prioriy, whether to set an Alarm or not, and optional, if the task is already "In Work". You have the following options:
-Save and return (to current document).
-Save and stay in the Notes file.
-Simply fill out the fields, without saving the entry, allowing you to fill out information to fields, you may have added to the file.
If you did define the entry, to be alarmed, you will be prompted for the details. At begin, the Alarmtext will be the first line of the note itself (of course, you ca change this)
If you use two files, "Notes" and "Tasks", you can use "nn" for "New Note" or "nt" for "New Task".
Categories: (nc)
Assistant supports categories for Notes and Tasks. Enter "nc" to call the setup for it. You can enter new ctagories, edit or delete them. The categories are used for both Notes and Tasks
Find Notes: (fn..)
To find a note, type "fn", followed by the searchtext in the edit window: i.e. "fnpsion", to find all entries, containing "Psion". "Notes" will be opened or foregrounded, the searchtext will be sent, and the list of found entries will be shown. If you use both files, you can also type "ft" followed by the searchtext, to search in the "Tasks" file
Compacting of Notes/Tasks: (cnotes)(ctasks)
If the files have grown in size, you can compact them by using "cnotes" and "ctasks".
To open Notes type "n" .
To open Tasks (if installed), type "ta".
Where Cliptexts with the limitation to 255 characters are not enough, you can use the ClipBoard function of Assistant. Here you can save Text of any length including formattings and embedded objects. After calling the function ("tpl"), you can select your tempalte and insert it to your document. This way, you can even create whole letter or Fax templates, which you can insert in a empty document.
New template:
To create a new template, mark Text in the current document, call Assistant and type "tpl". Select "New"
The text will be copied, and you are prompted to give it a name.
Insert template:
To insert a existing template in your document: Do it the usual way Type "tpl",
optional the first letter(s) of the name, you gave it, and select from the list of found items.
To do a search for files, type "find". Input any search criteria: Filename (may contain wildcards), Options, File size, date and/or time.
After the search is finished, you are presented a list of found files. You can delete the selected file, or open it. You can also jump to the folder, the file is placed in. You can optional search also for Text in files. As the search may take some time, you have the option, to sendAssistant to Background until search is completed.
To search only in the selected folder, uncheck the option "Include Subfolders".
To bring up a calendar, type "date". Three months at a time are shown, the actual month in the middle and the current day is marked. Use left/right cursors or tap on the corners, to move one month, up and down cursors, to jump one year. Space returns to the current date.
Some words to the handling of Macros. What is a Macro? Macros are (most small) Applets, automating things. It can be simple Keyboard macros, sending a raw of keystrokes to a program, ar more complex ones, automating procedures. which would be very time or work intensive to do manually (or just impossible). Macros are written in the integrated programming language OPL, and may use also some extra Macro functions, making it easier to create. Therefore, most Macros can not be started directly by doubleclicking them in the explorer. They must be started by the Macro program, as the mentioned Macro functions are integrated in this program. This has the advantage, that the Macros must not contain these procedures itself (and keeps them small) and its easier to write own Macros, although you my not have much experiences with programming. There are also available a wide range of Macros, see Pascal Nicolas' Homepage, from where you get also Macro5. The URL ist:
From within Assistant you can:
execute any Macro5 or Escript Macro.
Macro5 Macros are normally in a own Macro folder. You must define this folder in the Preferences.
Escript Macros are Macros, written in a new Macro language. To run Escript Macros you must install the ESCRIPT library, written by Jason Kneen, the Author of programs like Backlite+ and Extrabars. You can get it from:
or my Homepage:
As these Macros can be installed anywhere on your System, you have to take care of the following:
Any Macro installed in the Macro folder, can be executed by:
Typing "m" and selecting it from the list.
Creating a shortcut to it (s) or or execute it, by selecting it from the filemanager (d) and pressing Enter. You can also start it directly, by defining a Userdefined Hotkey.
Any Macro5 or Escript Macronot installed in this folder, execute by:
Typing "m" and select "New", "Add to list". Select the file, which will appear now in the list together with the normal Macros. (marked with an "*") and can be handled like any of the others.
Select it fro the filemanager and press "Macro" instead of Enter.
You can create a new Sourcecode file for Macro5 Macros
You can edit and delete Macros (including source file)
You can record Macro5 macros.
Recording Macros: (rm)
Type "rm", to easily record keystrokes for a new Macro. Select the program, to be foregrounded and start pressing the keystrokes, to be sent. To switch to another task, use Shift-Tab to stop the recording, press the Assistant Hotkey. After you finished, the file will be foregrounded, allowing you to translate it or make changes to it.
Here you can set all relevant Hotkeys. Please note the following things:
Try to avoid combinations of Ctrl+letter or Ctrl+Shift+letter without Fn. This has two reasons.
-If you use the machine in both modes CAPS on/off, these Hotkeys will not response in both modes. (Exception is here the Assistant main Hotkey, which will work in both modes)
-These combinations are used as menu Hotkeys in most programs and will not response anymore, whilst Assistant captures this Hotkeys (You then will have to call the menu and select the items manually).
Some combinations are reserved by the operating system, and can not be used (Examples are here Fn+letter, if the key is used also for setting an accent, which waits for entering a character afterwards).
Do not select Hotkeys, you also defined in other programs, as only one can capture the Hotkey at any time (the last opened).
You can set any Hotkey, by selecting it and pressing Enter. Use the keyboard, to select the combination, which will appear in the window, if it is valid. Confirm with Enter. You can disable any Hotkey, by hitting DEL here. You can use also special keys (like Silkkeys, Backlight, Contrast, Help, Record...). To do this, press Space and select the respective combination and modifiers.
This is the programs main Hotkey, which brings up the edit window, from wherever you are. By default, it is set to Fn+n
Set here the Hotkey, to display a Tasklist.
Set the Hotkey, which enables you, to easily cycle between al open Tasks.
Set up the Hotkey, enabling you, to easily send Ctrl+Shift+letter combinations..
Here you can define the Hotkey, which calls the Graphic panel.
Set up to 50 Hotkeys, enabling you to directly open files, programs, Macros or start directly Assistant functions, and also jump directly to any folder, insert a Cliptext or send a keystroke.
You then can directly start them, without bringing Assistant to front first. You can reach the setup also by typing "hot".
You MUST define some System Hotkeys, which differ on different machines, Software Versions and languages.These are required by Assistant, to execute all functions correctly. For german and english machines, they should be set correctly automatically. Please have a look on them though, if they really cnfirm with your machines Hotkeys!
This item is only available after you have registered the program.
You can change here the function Shortcuts, which start the Assistant features by entering in the edit window, to your personal taste and needs.
Note, that unlike previous versions, Assistant now differs between upper and lower case. So, you can use "c" for Cliptexts and "C" to define another function.
Do not use the same beginning letters as you use for the functions Program, Macro, Keystroke, Folder Bookmarks, Cliptexts and templates!
These functions will response to the input of additional characters, which means, that, if you add characters after the "c" for Cliptext only Cliptexts beginning with these letters will be shown.
If you now set a Shortcut for a function to somethig like "cm", Assistant could search for a Cliptext, beginning with "m", instead of starting the respective action!
Assistant has a Autostart function. At Startup, any defined programs and documents can be opened automatically or after confirming it.
To reach the setup for this, type "a" or select it from the main menu.
Psiwin 2.3 and higher reopens Documents after Backups again, Programs will not be opened though!
If Psiwin 2.3 or higher is installed, Assistannt will be reopened after a Backup automatically. Together with it, all defined Tasks will be opened also together with the program, if you defined this.
Theres one problem though! Assistant always will check, if the file/App is open at all. Psiwin will not do so, and open the files under any circumstances. As Assistant will find the files closed at Startup after a Backup, it will open them, and Psiwin will do so after this. To avoid such problems, you should define in the Autostart setup in any case the file, not the program, if you know, that the program uses a file! (i.e. select file, C:\Documents\Agenda, not App, Agenda) Assistant will check, if the remotelink is active at the time, autostart files are opened (and this would be the case after a Backup, whilst Psiwin opens the documents) and will only open programs, but not documents . Another solution is, to disable the automatic autostart and select "Ask for" instead. Then, you can wait until Psiwin finished, and can answer the Autostart query with yes. Assistant will now find some files already opened, and will only open the closed ones.
The best solution is though, to close all files before a Backup and leave only Assistant opened. Assistant will be closed, and after the Backup it will be restarted, opening all files again. You can call this function at any time by typing "a"or selecting it from the Graphic panel. You can open all defined tasks, by pressing Space here.
Assistant allows you, to cycle between open Tasks. If you want to use this, you must define the Hotkey for this in the main menu (disabled by default).
Lets assume, the Hotkey is set to Ctrl-Space (which I recommend);
Press and hold the Ctrl-key. Every time, you press now also Space together, you will see a window in the lower left corner of the screen, showing the icon of the Task, the name of the App and the used file. Continue to press Space, without releasing the Ctrl-key, until the task appears, which you want to switch to. If you release both keys now, the task will be foregrounded.
If you press any other key instead of Space together with the Ctrl-key, you will cycle backwards in the list. If you press DEL or ESC together with the Ctrl-key, the action will be cancelled and you will remain in the document you are. This is very similiar to the method, that uses also Macro5 or Taskcycling.
You can also exclude tasks from Taskcycling (see menu Taskcycling)
Ever be bored, to press Ctrl-Shift combinations, as you mostly will miss either Ctrl or Shift?
Assistant has a Hotkey, which enables you, easily sending such Keys to the current task.
Simply press the Hotkey (I use for this Shift-Space), and you will see a blinking message "Ctrl-Shift+..." . Press the respective letter now, and Ctrl+Shift+this letter will be send to the current task.
Type "i" to call the infobar, which can be shown also automatically together with the edit window, when you press the Assistant Hotkey, if you enable thhis in the preferences.
You see:
-The remote link status.
Tap on the symbol, to enable/disable the link
-If System sounds are enabled or turned off:
Tap on the speaker, to turn on/off the sound.
-If the Password is enabled or not.
Tap on the Symbol, to change the state
-If CAPS is on or off.
-If Backlight is3
on or off.
Tap on the light, to turn the Backlight on/off (not on Revo/NetBook).
-The actual Contrast, which you can change, by tapping on the symbol.
-Free Disk space on C: and D:
Tap on the fields, to got to the root folders of C:\ or D:\
-Date and time.
Tap on it, to call a three months calendar.
Type "ref" to refresh the programlist.
This will scan all drives for all installed applications.
This is required from time to time, especially, if you install new or remove programs. It would be possible of course, to keep this list in memory, which would speed up the refreshing of it, but it would require, to can the disks evry time at startup, which would slow down the Programstart dramatically!
To get a list of nearly all available functions in Assistant, type "?" or press Cursor left after calling Assistant:
You will see a list of all items, and also the Shortcut, which starts it. Press Enter, to start the selected function. This way, you can use Assistant, without having to remember the Shortcuts, but also, this will help you, to learn the Shortcuts faster (as you will see the Shortcut behind the function).
Assistant has a configurable Battery checker. You can use:
-A status message (Good,Low, Replace)
-The Voltage as message
-Graphical (by default)
-or nothing at all
If not set to "none", everytime, you press the Assistant Hotkey and the edit window appears, you also will see the Batterystatus. If you use the graphical one, a bar, showing the following values will be shown: The status in graphical form, the value in percent, the total consumption since you inserted the Batteries, the time, you are working on Batteries, the Voltage of the Backup Battery and also, if the mains adapter is plugged in or not.
If the Voltage drops below a predefined value, Assistant will warn you if a beep, if this is enabled in the preferences.
You will get warnings also at Switchon, if the Batteries are low. You can call the Battery bar also by entering
, whether you use the graphical checker or not.
Tap on this window, to show the System Battery information.
The Battery status will also be checked in rgular intervals in Background. If the Voltage drops below the predefined value, Assistant will come to front showing a blinking window. Press any key, to close it. Caused by incompatibility this function is disabled at the moment on Revo because the needed OPX extension does not return reliable values for these machine.
The program provides the following features:
- Start (or foreground if already open) any installed application or document.
-execute any Macro5 or Escript macro
-Unlimited number of Cliptexts (predefined phrases, signatures etc. like your addresss...). Maximum length here 255 characters.
-Text templates (clipboard objects), unlimited in size. Here also embeded objects and paragraph formattings are saved.
-Links to Applications, Macros, URL's, registered Documents and even to some kind of files which cannot be opened directly on every machine from the System screen -like Web sites, Mbm files, Text files, Gif-, Bmp-, Jpg- MsWord, Zip files... (on newer machines, especially with ER5, this may not be true anymore that way, as there are a range of file recognizers now and a new handling by EPOC, but you can configure in Assistant, which program should open theese files)
-Unlimited nunber of folder Bookmarks, to have direct access to any folder on your System
-A calculator. having a memory and clipboard functions
-Insert date or time in the format of your system settings into your documents.
-Nightclock (digital or analog)
-Quick info about time, date, week
-Configurable battery checker (not on Revo)
-A second information window, showing state of Link, Sound, Password, Backlight, Contrast, CAPS lock, Disk Space on C and D, Date and time.
-Optional play a sound file between predefined times at switchon
-Optional run a macro at program start, shutdown and at switchon between predefined times
-Turn on/off:
System sounds
Remote link
-Set alarms (absolute/relative)
-Calculate sunrise/sunset for any city included in the world database
-Display informations for this cities (like dialling code, lat/long...)
-Information about free disk space and RAM
-Defragmentiation of the internal memory (ER3 and ER5)
-Read UID's in document headers
-Play sound files
-Open Mbm files (internal viewer)
-open Zip files (S5Zip/RMRZip version 1.10F or higher, or Navigator must be installed)
-Open Text files, optional with Vreader5, RMRText, Browser or Textviewer from MessageSuite.
-open Aif, Jpg, Gif, Tiff and Bmp files (Mbm-View 2.2 or higher must be installed). Gif/Jpg can be loaded optional in Browser or Opera.
-Open Web sites (Message Suite or Opera must be installed)
-Open MsWord files (*doc) (Message suite 1.5 or higher must be installed, or at least '' of it)
-Foreground System screen
-Show a Task list
-Create new Macro source files
-Record Macros
-Delete Macros (including source)
-Edit of Macros
-Show remote link status
-Close or kill Tasks, which are frozen
-Quasi-Hyperlink function
-Create Notes/Tasks with categories, priorities, alarms, and find or modify them ( i..e. mark them as "in work", "complete" or chnage priority, date, et an alarm)
-Compact Agenda and Data files
-Currency converter
-Keystrokes, which can be send to the current task or optional to one, that is foregrounded before (simple and complex structures).
-Execute Escipt Macros ( Escript Library must be installed)
-ASCII table (not on Revo yet)
-Convert upper to lower case and vice versa.
-Control of Backlight timer
-Control of Contrast and Backlight
-Easily send CTRL-SHIFT+..." combinations by pressing a hotkey.
-Taskcycling with icons
-50 User defined Hotkeys, alowing you to open any Assistant-valid file, going to any folder Bookmark, insert a Cliptext, send a keystroke or start directly a Assistant function.
-Autostart feature, allowing you to automatically (or after query) open all your defined documents and programs together with Assistant (ad also by a keystroke at any time).
-Hexadecimal-Decimal Convertierer
-Search utility for and in files
-Graphicpanel for instant access of the most important features
-Choice list of all functions
By reading this, you might think, it is difficult, to use this program. This is not the case You wiil be familiar with the way it works in a few minutes. The shortcuts have, where possible, most logic letters, like "c" for Cliptext, "m" for macro, "p" for program. But even, if you think, you can't remember those: Type
and select from the list of all functions (well, most of them). You will see also behind the function the shortcut for it in brackets:
Programm (p) or (p..)
Cliptext (c) or (c...)
You can call this list also, by using cursor left, after Assistant comes to front.
Registering Assistant:
This program is Shareware, not free Software. If you continue to use it, you must register it. I have spend very much time in developing and enhancing the program. The actual version is the result of over 2 years of programming. Registering the program, means free updates for any future versions.
The unregistered version is fully functional. You only will see some reminders at startup, and will not be able, to change the function Shortcuts, so I have to rely on your honesty.
You may use Assistant on more than one machine, but it is strictly forbidden, to give your Registration code to others.
To register the Program, please send 20$ or 12
or 40 DM to
Mario Collado
Heidemannstr. 27
80939 M
Users from EU countries can ask for account details or send an Eurocheque, drawn to Euro/DM.
You can also register the Program online on a secure site, using all major credit cards. For Online registration, follow the link on the Assistant Homepage
Please include your email address and your name. You then will receive a unique code, which will unlock the program. You can enter this code, by calling the "About" screen.
Note, that the name must be the same, as set in the User Information screen in System.
To Macro5:3
If you have installed Macro5, you can reach the main screen of it (not the Shortcutt tables) by typing
Show a Tasklist by entering
(Standard). For faster access of it, enable the Hotkey for it in the main menu.
Assistant supports also a own Tasklist with extended functions (see "Kill/Close Tasks")
System Control Panel:3
Type "P" (Standard), to jump to the Control Pnael, from whereever you are
O Contrast:3
Kill/Close Tasks:3
Fast clock3
Enter "u" (default). You will see a Message, containing actual date and time, as well as the week in year. It will disappear in a few seconds. To make it disappear before, press any key
Paste path:3
Enter 'Pp' (default) to open a file selector. If you choose a file, the full path of it will be pasted to the foreground document.
Currency Converter:3
Finger 11:3
Reading UID's:3
DTo read out the 4 UID's of a document header, enter "uid" (default)
Battery checker:3
ASCII Table:5
Type "." to show a ASCII Table (List on the Revo).
By selecting a character, you will see both decimal and hex values and a zoomed preview of the character. You can paste the character to the foreground document as well as to Clipboard.
Upper/Lower case:3
My special thanks to Pascal Nicolas, for writing Macro5, giving me access to some functions in the Macro5 library and his help in some sections. Thanks to Jason Kneen, enabling me to support Escript Macros.
Thanks to Bart-Jan Bosch, for the Assistant Logo.
Thanks to the translators:
Romeu di Sessa (Portuguese (Brasil))
Paolo Esini (Italian)
Thanks to Neuon and their very innovative OPX extensions.
Thanks to all users, registering this program, and enabling me to continue enhancing it.
You use this Software on your own risk. I can not garantuee, that this software is error free. I always recommend, to make a Backup of your data, before installing the program. Having said this, I have done my very best, to make the program as save as possible. It has been tested for a long time on several different machines without problems.
If you occur any bug, please contact me with a detailed report on the circumstances, the Version and the machine, you use at:
Snail mail
Mario Collado
80939 M
In any case though, please refer to the help file first, as the error could explain itself.
Assistant can deal with the following files:
-Any registered document (which has the same icon as its Application)
-Any program
-Any Macro5 macro (except, it is badly programmed and will run only correct, if started by Macro5)
-Escript-Macros (Escript Library must be installed)
- *.mbm files (EPOC Multibitmaps). These are loaded in a built in viewer, which is alsoable to load Sketch files. If the file contains more than one Bitmap, you can browse between the different Bitmaps. See also Mbm files
Other graphic formats can be opened, if MBMView is installed. These can be opened of corse also from System screen, but you can configure in Assistant, to load Gif/Jpg files also in Web.
-Text files can be opened. If a Text program is installed (like Vreader5, RMRText or the Textviewer of MessageSuite), the file will be loaded in the respective program, defined in the Assistant mainmenu. If no such program is installed, the file will be loaded in WORD.
-Zip files can be opened with RMRZip or Navigator.
- *htm/*.html files can be loaded in the Browser.
All this files can be opened from the Filemanager. You can also create a Shortcut to this files, or start them directly by using a User defined Hotkey.
O!Opening files from System screen:3
Text templates:3
Find files:3
Hex-Dec converter:3
To convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal and vice versa, enter "hex" in the edit window
O Calendar:3
Assistant valid files:3
Zip files:3
You can also open Zip files by typing "zip". Select the file and it will be loaded to RmrZip or Navigator, respective the settings
Text files:3
You can open any file as Text file, by typing "txt" and selecting the file.
It will be loaded to the program you defined in the preferences.
Notes to Macros:3
To configure Assistant, type "#", select the program from the Assistant- or Systemtasklist or selecting it from the Extras Bar.
Now to the menu items and their meanings
Menu Hotkeys:3
System Hotkeys:3
Userdefined Hotkeys:3
Psion Hotkeys:3
Function Shortcuts:3
@You can also open any valid Mbm/Sketch file, by typing "mbm". They are loaded in the internal Viewer: You can
Cycle through all Bitmaps in a file
Goto a specific Bitmap
Zoom, flip, rotate a Bitmap
Print a Bitmap
Save a Bitmap as a new Mbm or Sketch
Copy a Bitmap to Clipboard
View Clipboard content
Display Informations like size, colourdepth...
Most keys will work as Ctrl+key as wel
l as key allone (i.e. Ctrl+n or simply n will display the next Bitmap, if any)
Options Zoom, Rotate, Flip are very slow due OPL restrictions, so be patient, especially on larger Bitmaps (you can cancel at any time by pressing ESC)
Alarm Preferences:
Set here the default Alarm messagel. You also can define here the four System Alarm sounds, which are not found in the Rom, as they are produced by the Soundsystem. These are for the english machines Rings, Chimes, Signal and Silent and are set automatically by Assistant for UK/US, german, french, and durch machines.
Night clock:
Define here the times, between which Assistant should show the clock at switchon. You also can define here, whether to use a digital or analog clock.
You can define here the values for the Batter checker.
(Not on Revo)
Setup here, whether you want Assistant to turn on Backlight at switchon at predefined times and set the contrast to a specific value. In addition, you can define here, if the automatic switchoff of the machine should be set to "if no external power", "yes" or it should be disabled, or whether Assistant should not take control over this. Also, you can decide, whether the Backight timer is enabled or disbled.
To have access to the builtin Password functions, you must set here your System Password, which will be encrypted, before it is stored to disk.
Sound at Switchon:
You can define here a Soundfile, played at Switchon between predefined times, if enabled.
Keys for calculator:
Select here the keys for
+- which are different for different machines and languages. So, on an english machine, these would be i,o,y,u., on a german machine h,j,k,l
File extensions:
Configure here, whether to open:
Zip files with RmrZip or Navigator.
Text files with the Textviewer included in MessageSuite (TextCv), the Browser, Symbian Textedior, RmrText or with Vreader5. If you select "Auto", Assistant will look for a valid program in this order: Textviewer, Browser, Vreader5, RmrText and if none of this programs is installed, the file will be imported to a temporary Word file.
Gif/Jpg to load in MbmView or the Browser/Opera.
Websites with Browser or Opera
Macro folder:
Select the folder, you store your macros. If this is C:\Macros or D:\Macros it will be configured automaticlally. Otherwise, you must set it manually.
Standard folder:
Select your favourite folder here, which will be used as initial choice for most file selectors in Assistant. If you do not define it, the initial choice will be "C:\"
Sound folder:
If you have a standard folder for sound files, you can enter it here. It will be used, as initial choice for the "play sound" function.
Macro at Startup:
Define a macro here, which will be executed every time, you start Assistant.
Macro at Shutdown:
You can define a Macro here, which will be executed, every time, you close down the program. (You could use this, to close all files and programs, to do a Backup afterwards)
Macro at Switchon:
You also can define a Macro, to be run at predefined times at switchon
Select here, whether to show the Info bar together wih the edit window or not
Start in Background:
If this option is checked, Assistant will immediately move to Background at startup, without showing the main screen
Close for Backup:
Here you can configure, if you want Assistant to be closed for Backups or not. Note: If you uncheck this, Assistant will remain open during PC Backups and can not be closed by other programs. This could be a problem, if you are using programs like JBStopGo or Startup.
Define here up to 8 documents or programs, not to be be shown in the Taskcycling, as you do not often switch to them (like Macro5, Crontab, Time...) They still can be reached though, by cycling backwards.
Show the about screen, from where you can also register the program.
Revo has no OPL editor by default, so it isn't possible, to record Macros. You can download though at this editor and install it on C. This will allow you, to record/edit/create your own Macros.
You can save mbm files as Sketch, but to view them by doubleclicking on them in explorer requires Installation of Sketch on C
Some dialogs or other things like the Calculator may look somewhat oversized for the smaller Revo screen. I'll do my best, to make some cosmetic changes in future, where possible.
The Batterychecker is currently disabled on the Revo, but it will be redesigned in the nearer future, to work with the Revo also.
Other Menu items:3
The Infobar:3
Refresh App list:3
Type "hlp" to open this Help file, or select the menu item from the Assistant main screen..
Assistant can defrag internal memory on both ER3 and ER5 machines. Type "def" (default). After defragmentation, you will receive informations on how much memory was reclaimed.
Choice list:3
Mbm/Sketch files:3
Revo Notes3
Mario Collado@
V 1.98
Welcome to Assistant5
How does Assistant work ?3
The Functions:3
*Important notes regarding the edit window:3
Document Shortcuts:3
Folder Bookmarks:3
Paste date or time:3
(Standard), to paste current date or time to the foreground document in the format of your System settings.