Copy to clipboardpUse this function to copy the current bitmap to clipboard as a Sketch. It can be used then to paste into Sketch.oTry using it in Agenda, Data or Sheet. Choose in Agenda 'Insert Sketch' and paste the image from the clipboard.
Copy to clipboard
Using lists
Two list are available to make the loading and viewing easier.
First there is the 'Last used folders' list. Every time you load a bitmap the Folder name is save in this list.vThe second is the 'Bitmap list'. This lists all the supported bitmaps in the current directory along with their types.
Lists]Use these lists in preference to the 'Open' command which can be very slow on large CF disks.
Fast keysvSpacebar = Next file
Del = Previous file
p = Print preview
u = Last used folders
l = Files list
i = Bitmap informationDw = Fit to width
h = Fit to height
s = Fit to screen
k = Preferences
Fast keys
Fit to...MScreen: Resize the bitmap to the screen size. Bitmap is rotated if necessary.0
EWidth: Bitmap is resized to fit the width of the screen. No rotating.0
Fit to ...FHeight: Bitmap is resize to fit the height of the screen. No rotating.0
Change screen modexThe screen mode can be changed omn the fly. When using this command the preference 'Auto switch screen mode' is untickedHbecause it sets the screen mode automatically to the mode of the bitmap.
Change screen mode
Deleting.../Deletes the image on view from the MBM in file.
Deleting a bitmap
Replaces the image you are currently viewing with a new selection. This may often be a revised version of the same picture, which you have edited in Sketch.
Replacing a bitmap
Inserting...sAllows you to place an extra bitmap in the (multi-plane) MBM you are currently viewing, before the image on screen.D
Eg: If you are viewing bitmap #6 in an 8 pic MBM, the new image would be inserted as a "new" #6 and subsequent images already existing in the file would be re-numbered as 7, 8 & 9."
Inserting a bitmap
About MBMViewP
+ Version 4.00
1997-2000 Lieuwe de Vries3
This program is shareware and should be registered by making payment for continued use to the author.
(see "how to pay" help topic)
For the latest version of MBMView and other products for the Psion range of palmtop computers, visit my website at:<
Registrationb1. Register on Regnet
(, ID=2076).
2. Register on RegSoft
(, ID=4245).
3. Send cash or a EuroCheque
in Dutch currency (NLG) to me at:
L. de Vries
Taling 11
9101 ZG Dokkum
Only use currencies: USD$ 25, NLG 50. None other please. Eurocheques only in NLG please!A
How to pay
The current imagerThe "Save..." menu option acts only on the image you have on screen, not any others which may be in the same file.D
KMBM, Sketch & JPG are save in the current screen mode (as far as possible).*
Saving (current)
GIF is saved as set in the preferences.
BMP files always have 256 colors OR 256 gray scales. The same preference is used to select color or gray scale.
Making a "slide show"xUse screen captures and other images in compiling a single multi-plane MBM. (see append / insert / replace help topics)
To view, use <Ctrl> + <N> (or <P>) to scroll through them in sequence - much easier than opening and closing all of them as individual files!D
3TIP:- For a "clean screen", turn off both toolbars."
Slide shows
To take a snapshot
The Series 5 keypress for capture is <Shift> + <Ctrl> + <Fn> + <S>.
This will save a picture of your screen exactly as it is at the time you press the keys.u
You will then have an MBM file, which you can view on its own, import into Sketch (for printing), or add to a collection (to make a very basic slide show).iTIP:- If you want to hide tool or scroll bars - do that first!
On color machines it produces color MBM's!WC
Screen capture
When MBMView is in the background it takes over this function from the system. It saves as mbm's in the background naming them "Capture1.mbm" - "Capture99.mbm" in the default directory. Color mode is determinded from the current screen mode.
Use zoom to make the picture larger or smaller. Use the on screen buttons to zoom or one of the menu items or hotkeys.
Zoom in: Enlarge bitmap by 10 %
Zoom out: Make bitmap 10% smaller
Set : Set zoom factor in dialog
Fit to screen: Let MBMView do the hard work for you and resize and, if necessary, rotate the bitmap so you can view the complete bitmap on screen.0
HUse zoom before doing the flipping because zooming cancels the flipping.
Fit width: Resize the picture so that the width fits your screen size. You then only have to scroll up/down to view the bitmap.
Rectangle: Zoom to absolute width & height.Q
Flipping/RotatingMYou can rotate and flip the current bitmap using the menu options or hotkeys.aIf you want to zoom and rotate the picture use zoom first. Zooming cancels flipping and rotating.
1. Displays all EPOC picture
formats - (single/multi MBM
files, application i.d. "AIF" files and
those produced by Sketch.)
2. Also handles Psion file headers
developed by 3rd parties - (eg.
SpritEdit, Photo5 and RMRArt files).R
3. Displays JPG, BMP, GIF and TIFF
4. Saves (whole or part) of any of the above to a new MBM,Sketch, JPG, Gif or BMP file.
TIP:- MBM (Multi BitMap) files are also known as EPOC picture files. Those in the ROM have a slightly different format, but MBMView allows you to access (and copy) them the same as any others.7
Bitmap information2Shows information about the file currently loaded.
TIP:- The screen color mode and the number of bitmap colors can be made to correspond by using "change color mode" in the Bitmap menu. If these two differ, painting the picture on screen might be slow.
Bitmap info
Getting around
Using the bottom tool bar:
The left two buttons load the next (or previous) bitmap if the file contains more than one. Tap on the small info box to get the "Jump to" dialog. The rightmost button loads the next picture in the directory.W
aUsing the pen:
You can move an image around on the screen by dragging it or using the scrollbars.;
Getting aroundbUsing the keyboard:
The cursor keys scroll the picture.
Scrollspeed can be set in the preferences.;
TIP:- Remember to check that you are using the best color settings - and don't forget that changing the screen contrast can make a big difference!=
Viewing area: The image may be much larger than the Series 5's screen, so turn of the toolbars/scrollbars and use the keyboard to scroll if you want to see the fullest area possible.;
Color settings
Use the "View preferences" option in the Tools menu to set the startup color mode and if you want MBMView to change the color mode automatically when loading a picture.
MBMView can display a picture as 2 colors (black & white), 4 colors (like Sketch files) or as a 16 color grey scale (often used for photographs) and 4,16 & 256 colors on machines that have a color display.
TIP:- You can change the color mode of a bitmap. Experiment a little to see how this changes a picture's appearance. Sketch files always use 4 colors.
Screen colors
Create from file list3
Make a plain text file with a filename on each line. The first line contains the result filename. The following lines each represent a MBM file. The first bitmap from each file (all supported types) is copied to the result file.iTIP:- You can write this in Word, then export it as a text file using the "More" option in the File menu."
MBM building (list)
Standard folder
After loading a file you can set the folder that it has come from to be the "Standard folder". This will then be used for saved files - and as MBMView's "start up" folder.0
}TIP:- If you changed directory you can go back to your start-up folder using the "Default directory" option on the View menu."
Start-up folder
You can create a Mosaic to view all bitmaps in the current file or directory as "thumbnail" pictures. All the bitmaps are numbered to make jumping to a specific one very easy (Use CTRL-J). When using directory mosaic load the file first.
The mosaic is a newly created bitmap, so all operations can be used on this bitmap, ie saving, moving etc.
The bitmap is created in the screen mode mentioned in the preference 'Open JPG...'
Making thumbnails/SlideshowNYou can watch a slideshow (CTRL-H) from all pictures in the current directory.
When saving a bitmap in an OPL program using gSaveBit , the resulting bitmap cannot be converted on the PC using BMCONV.EXE. Using this patch options solves this problem. This opion works on the current loaded (standard MBM) file.
Saving (patch)
Scroll speed: Set scrollspeed in pixels.
Startup screen mode: Select the mode for startup.
Auto switch screen mode: If checked screen mode is automatically set to the bitmap mode.
JPG save quality: Default 75%
Mosaic dimensions: Width and height in pixels of each small bitmap in a mosaic.
Load JPG,BMP,Gif &TIF: Bitmaps of these type are loaded in the selected color mode. Mosaic uses this mode as well.Q
Disk for temp files: Use C for speed or D/E if you are low on memory.
Save BMP & GIF: Select number of colors you want these files to be saved in. BMP always uses 256 colors/gray scales.Q
This option adds a bitmap to the end of the MBM file currently in view. It only works on standard MBM files, but makes it very easy to create a single multi-plane file from a number of separate bitmaps.
TIP:- Do some planning first by viewing then re-naming the pics you plan to use so that they are also numbered, ("01 Icon", "02 Toolbar" etc). This can make things a lot less confusing and ensures that you build the file right first time.
Append bitmap
Save all bitmaps
When the current loaded file contains more than one bitmap, use this menu option to save (or add) all the bitmaps to another file. Use this option to make a (working) copy of ROM MBM files on your C drive.
Eg: You could choose to create a "reference" MBM of all images in ROM by opening all the MBM files you can find, then using "Save" > "All" to build 1 (huge) multi-plane MBM.
Saving (all)
You could then scroll through this to review Psion's "house style", saving to Sketch those images which you want as a style template for a project.
File format
MBMView saves bitmaps in the standard MBM format. It can be converted on the PC to BMP files using BMCONV.EXE.
When saving to a non existent file MBMView will create a new MBM file. If the file exists, it will add the picture to the file.J
kWhen saving as a Sketch file it will overwrite the file you select. Sketch files can only contain 1 bitmap."
MBMView files
"Cropped" saving
If you wish to save only part of a picture, push the <control> button while selecting with the pen the area to save from the image on the screen. Choose a "save" option in the usual way.
TIP:- Use this option to remove large borders from photographs, or unwanted parts of a screen shot. This can save a lot of memory!
Saving (selection)
Saving as Sketch files
MBMView can read AND write Sketch files. Sketch files, however, are always in 4 color mode. You can save a 16 color MBM file as a sketch file, but Sketch will convert it to 4 colors on loading.NOn machines with a color display Sketches can be saved in other color formats.jTIP:- Change the color mode to 4 colors before saving it as a Sketch file. This saves a lot of disk space!
Saving (to Sketch)
About Starting
Last used foldersCancelOpenOKNameNumberThank you for registeringIncorrect registrationSaving as JPG
Saving as BMP
Saving as GIF
Unregistered version used daysRegistered to: ContinueFolder does not existInitialise file list
Bitmap listListing bitmaps in folderRefreshNoYesLast file in folder - goto first?First file in folder - goto last?No bitmap openedNo more bitmaps in current fileNo bitmap files in folderNo more bitmaps in current folderSavedOnly one bitmap in fileNothing to UnregisteredUnknown---Use for Time to register!FolderFileSaveBitmapMosaicCaptureThis item is not availableZoomExpressions (e.g. 500/2 or 480+50%) may be usedNew widthNew heightFlip horizontal
Flip vertical
Decreasing brightness
Increasing brightness
Rotate right
Rotate left
Zooming to Closing
Zoom bitmapPercentageGoto bitmapVersionReplaceCopiedError copyingSelection copiedInsertAppendDeleteCannot delete last bitmapNo standard MBM filepatchPatch current file?PatchedOutput only to standard MBMReplace current bitmapInsert bitmap before currentDelete current bitmap?Append bitmapName,Folder,DiskFile contains only BitmapsSave all bitmaps to fileSaving bitmap Creating MBM
StopSave as Sketch
Unknown file typeOpen bitmap firstStandard folder set to: Not available in mosaic mode2 gray scales,4 gray scales,16 gray scales,256 gray scales,16 colors,256 colorsReduce colors of current bitmapNew color levelchangeCan only reduce colorsConverting bitmap to Error while patchingModeColorsgray scalesTypeBitmap informationSizebytes of Screen modeDimensionsAlready viewing standard folderSlide showSeconds delayShow all bitmaps in fileRepeatFit to screenPress ESC to stop slide showSlide show stoppedReadySave current selection asSave bitmap asFile typeAppend to Overwrite MoreFitTo screenWidthHeightSave as
Copy to clipboardStandard folderShow scroll barsShow bottom toolbarShow toolbarPreferencesPreferences
Set standard folderRegisterHelp on Print errorFill page : Unregistered versionBatteries low!4 gray scales,16 gray scales,256 gray scales,16 colors,256 colorsScroll speedMosaic dimensions (pixels)Startup screen modeAuto switch screen modeOpen JPG, BMP, GIF & TIFDisk for temporary filesSave BMP & GIFScanning files
Mosaic too largeCreating folder mosaic... - Press ESC to cancelPress ESC to go backMosaic optionUse zoom to fit bitmap in rectangleCreating mosaic... - Press ESC to cancelNo help availableOpening Only supported from ROMNo standard MBM, Sketch or AIFUnsupported file type Maximum of 512 bitmaps in fileNo bitmaps in AIFIOSEEK error difRead error Write error JPG save qualityOpenSaveBitmapInfoMosaicChange screen mode
Change screen modeChange toNot supported for color images (yet)
& K W q
Informatie Starten
Laatst gebruikte mappenAnnuleerOpenOKNaamNummerBedankt voor de registratieOnjuiste registratieBewaar als JPG
Bewaar als BMP
Bewaar als GIF
Ongeregistreerde versie gebruikt voor dagenGeregistreerd door: DoorgaanMap bestaat nietInitialiseer bestandslijst
BitmaplijstLijst bitmaps in mapVerversNeeJaLaatste bestand in map - ga naar eerste?Eerste bestand in map - ga naar laatste?Geen bitmap geopendGeen meer bitmaps in bestandGeen bitmaps in mapGeen meer bitmaps in huidige mapBewaardSlechts een bitmap in bestandNiets te OngeregistreerdeOnbekend---Gebruikt : Tijd om te registreren!MapBestandBewaarBitmapMosaicCaptureDeze optie is niet beschikbaarZoomExpressies (b.v. 500/2 of 480+50%) toegestaanNieuwe breedteNieuwe hoogteFlip horizontaal
Flip verticaal
Verlaag helderheid
Verhoog helderheid
Roteer rechts
Roteer links
Zoom naar Sluiten
Zoom bitmapPercentageGa naar bitmapVersieVervangGekopieerdFout bij kopierenSelectie gekopieerdInvoegenToevoegenWissenKan laatste bitmap niet wissenGeen standaard MBM bestandpatchPatch huidige bestand?PatchedAlleen bewaren naar standaard MBMVervang huidige bitmapBitmap invoegen voor huidigeHuidige bitmap wissen?Bitmap toevoegenNaam,Map,DiskBestand bevat slechts BitmapsBewaar alle bitmappen Bewaar bitmap Kreeer MBM
StopBewaar als Sketch
Onbekend bestandtypeEerst bitmap openenStandaard map gezet: Niet beschikbaar in mosaic modus2 grijstinten,4 grijstinten,16 grijstinten,256 grijstinten,16 kleuren,256 kleurenVerminder aantal kleuren huidige bitmapNieuw kleurenaantalveranderenKan alleen kleuren verminderenConverteer bitmap naar Fout bij patchingModusKleurengrijstintenTypeBitmap informatieGroottebytes van Scherm modusAfmetingenStandaard map is al geselecteerdDiashowSeconden vertragingAlle bitmappen in bestand zienHerhaalAanpassen aan schermgrootteDruk op ESC om te onderbrekenDiashow gestoptKlaarBewaar huidige selectie alsBewaar bitmap alsBestandtypeToevoegen aan Overschrijven MeerAanpassenAan schermgrootteSchermbreedteSchermhoogteBewaar als
Kopieer naar clipboardStandaard mapScrollbars actiefToon onderste werkbalkToon werkbalkVoorkeurenVoorkeuren
Zet standaard mapRegistreerHelp over PrintfoutVul pagina : Ongeregistreerde versieBatterijen slecht!4 grijstinten,16 grijstinten,256 grijstinten,16 kleuren,256 kleurenScroll snelheidMosaic afmetingen (pixels)Scherm modus bij opstartAutomatisch wisselen schermmodusOpen JPG, BMP, GIF & TIFDisk voor tijdelijke bestandenBewaar BMP & GIFOnderzoek bestanden
Mosaic te grootMaak mapmosaic... - Druk op ESC om af te brekenDruk op ESC om terug te gaanMosaic optieGebruik zoom om bitmap in vierkant te passenMaak mosaic... - Druk op ESC om af te brekenGeen help beschikbaarOpenen Alleen ondersteund vanuit ROMGeen standaard MBM, Sketch of AIFGeen ondersteund bestandtype Maximaal 512 bitmaps in bestandGeen bitmaps in AIFIOSEEK fout verschLeesfout Schrijffout JPG bewaar kwaliteitOpenBewaarBitmapInfoMosaicVerander schermmodus
Verander schermmodusVerander naarNiet ondersteund voor kleuren bitmaps
( . 3 = O e r
About Starting
Last used foldersCancelOpenOKNameNumberThank you for registeringIncorrect registrationSaving as JPG
Saving as BMP
Saving as GIF
Unregistered version used daysRegistered to: ContinueFolder does not existInitialise file list
Bitmap listListing bitmaps in folderRefreshNoYesLast file in folder - goto first?First file in folder - goto last?No bitmap openedNo more bitmaps in current fileNo bitmap files in folderNo more bitmaps in current folderSavedOnly one bitmap in fileNothing to UnregisteredUnknown---Use for Time to register!FolderFileSaveBitmapMosaicCaptureThis item is not availableZoomExpressions (e.g. 500/2 or 480+50%) may be usedNew widthNew heightFlip horizontal
Flip vertical
Decreasing brightness
Increasing brightness
Rotate right
Rotate left
Zooming to Closing
Zoom bitmapPercentageGoto bitmapVersionReplaceCopiedError copyingSelection copiedInsertAppendDeleteCannot delete last bitmapNo standard MBM filepatchPatch current file?PatchedOutput only to standard MBMReplace current bitmapInsert bitmap before currentDelete current bitmap?Append bitmapName,Folder,DiskFile contains only BitmapsSave all bitmaps to fileSaving bitmap Creating MBM
StopSave as Sketch
Unknown file typeOpen bitmap firstStandard folder set to: Not available in mosaic mode2 grey scales,4 grey scales,16 grey scales,256 grey scales,16 colours,256 coloursReduce colours of current bitmapNew colour levelchangeCan only reduce coloursConverting bitmap to Error while patchingModeColoursgrey scalesTypeBitmap informationSizebytes of Screen modeDimensionsAlready viewing standard folderSlide showSeconds delayShow all bitmaps in fileRepeatFit to screenPress ESC to stop slide showSlide show stoppedReadySave current selection asSave bitmap asFile typeAppend to Overwrite MoreFitTo screenWidthHeightSave as
Copy to clipboardStandard folderShow scroll barsShow bottom toolbarShow toolbarPreferencesPreferences
Set standard folderRegisterHelp on Print errorFill page : Unregistered versionBatteries low!4 grey scales,16 grey scales,256 grey scales,16 colours,256 coloursScroll speedMosaic dimensions (pixels)Startup screen modeAuto switch screen modeOpen JPG, BMP, GIF & TIFDisk for temporary filesSave BMP & GIFScanning files
Mosaic too largeCreating folder mosaic... - Press ESC to cancelPress ESC to go backMosaic optionUse zoom to fit bitmap in rectangleCreating mosaic... - Press ESC to cancelNo help availableOpening Only supported from ROMNo standard MBM, Sketch or AIFUnsupported file type Maximum of 512 bitmaps in fileNo bitmaps in AIFIOSEEK error difRead error Write error JPG save qualityOpenSaveBitmapInfoMosaicChange screen mode
Change screen modeChange toNot supported for colour images (yet)