If it is the first time you have used the program, you will be
asked your name, just type it in and press Enter.
You will
then be asked for your date of birth, the box will be
around the day of the month, to change the date you
just use the cursor (arrow) keys, use right and left to move
from day of the month, to month, to year, us up and down
change selected parameter. When you have selected your
birth date, press Enter.
You will now be asked to select a
person. Your name, date of birth, and age will be shown (When more people are added, up and down arrows will be
displayed, showing possible direction of movement through
the list of people stored), use the corresponding keys on your
Psion, or use the on screen buttons to move through the list, when you have selected the
desired person, press Enter, or touch the on screen Enter button.
A chart will now be
displayed for the current date (if you have set
the correct date in your Psion) ,to generate a chart for a different date,
change the date using the method described above, and then
press Enter. A fresh chart will then be generated.
The column of
figures on the far left are the Biorhythms for the selected
day, each subsequent column to the right shows the
Biorhythms for following days, this way you can see a
weeks Biorhythms at a glance.
The numbers displayed are
preceded by a plus or minus sign, denoting the positive or
negative part of the cycle, these numbers are a percentage,
showing the distance to the peak or trough of the current
For example: +66 means 66% (or 2 thirds) of the way
towards the top (or peak) of the positive cycle, -33 means
33% (or 1 third) of the way towards the bottom (or trough)
of the negative cycle. +100 would mean, at the top of the
positive cycle, this is displayed as MAX (for maximum). -100
would mean, at the bottom of the negative cycle, this
is displayed as MIN (for minimum).
Plus or minus followed by 0
would mean a critical day, this is labelled *C*. When 2
consecutive days are labelled *C*, this is because the critical
point is reached between the 2 days, and so both are labelled
as critical.
The number at the top of each column shows how
many days between the current date and the selected date,
positive numbers being in the future, and negative numbers
in the past.
Pressing the Menu button displays a list of options as follows.
SELECT PERSON: This takes you back to the screen where
you select a person that you wish to generate data for (this
can also be achieved by pressing ESC).
ADD PERSON: This enables you to add a new person to the
bottom of the list.
DELETE PERSON: To delete a
person from the list, select that person and press delete or touch the on screen button.
CLOSE: select this option to exit from the program.
Understanding Biorhythms
The basics of Biorhythms are easy to understand. In it's
simplest form, the theory states that from birth to death
each of us is influenced by three internal cycles, the
physical, the emotional, and the intellectual.
The Physical cycle take 23 days to complete, and it affects a
broad range of physical factors, including resistance to
disease, strength, co-ordination, speed, physiology, other
basic body functions, and the sensation of well being.
The Emotional cycle governs creativity, sensitivity, mental
health, mood, perceptions of the world and of ourselves, and,
to some degree, the sex of children conceived during
different phases of the cycle. It takes 28 days to come full
The Intellectual cycle, which takes place over a 33
day period, regulates memory, alertness, receptivity to
knowledge, and the logical or analytical functions of the
On the day of birth, each of the cycles starts at a neutral
baseline or zero point. From there it begins to rise in a
positive phase, during which the energies and abilities
associated with each cycle are high. Gradually declining,
the cycles cross the zero point midway through their
complete periods, 11.5 days from the point of origin for the
23 day physical cycle, 14 days for the 28 day emotional
cycle, and 16.5 days for the 33 day intellectual cycle.
the balance of the period each rhythm is in a negative
phase in which energies are recharged and our physical,
emotional, and intellectual capabilities are low, or at least somewhat diminished. We pick up increasing amounts of
energy as the negative phase continues until, at the end of
each cycle, the zero point is recrossed into the positive
phase, and the whole process begins again.
Since the three cycles last for different numbers of days,
they very rarely all coincide and cross the baseline at exactly
the same time (only at birth and every 58 years plus 67 or
68 days thereafter).
Therefore, we are usually influenced by mixed rhythms.
Some will be high while others are low, some will cross the
neutral point while others have many days to go until they
reach the same level; to make even finer distinction, one
rhythm may be in the stronger part of the positive phase (or
a weaker part of the negative phase) than others that are
going through the same phase. The result is that our
behaviour (from physical endurance to creativity to
performance on academic examinations) is a composite of
these differing rhythms. We seldom have absolutely
wonderful or absolutely terrible days. We have up days,
down days, and a good many in-between days, but every
day can be understood in terms of a particular and almost
unique combination of the three basic cycles.
A deeper understanding
Biorhythms seem to affect behaviour in a peculiar way. Our
weakest and most vulnerable moments are not those of the
negative phases, as you might suspect. Rather, they occur
when each cycle crosses the base line, switching from
positive to negative or vice versa, and it is at these times
that we can expect ourselves to be in the most danger.
appears that at these points the rhythms that guide our
lives (and on whose regularity we depend as much as on the
steady pulse of the heart) become unstable. They seem
temporarily out of step, as though uncertain of their true
direction and movement or unsettled by the ebb and flow of
energy. These days of crossover from one phase to another
are called critical days. Students of Biorhythm often
compare them to the moments at which we switch a light
bulb on or off, since it is then that the bulbs most likely to
burn out, not when the switch is in one of its two positions
or phases.
As has been shown, critical days can be very important.
physically critical days, we are most likely to have
accidents, catch colds, and suffer all types of bodily harm,
including death.
Quarrels, fights, depressions, and senseless
frustration are typical of emotionally critical days.
the intellectual rhythm is at the critical point, we can
expect bad judgement, difficulty in expressing things
clearly, and a general resistance to learning anything new
or remembering what we already know.
The point is that by
calculating and studying your Biorhythms in advance, you
can know what to expect, and can do much to avoid the
For example, businessmen familiar with Biorhythms
make a point of refusing to sign crucial contracts on
emotionally and (especially) intellectually critical days.
Athletes in all sports are well-advised to play with extra
care (or to avoid play altogether) on physically critical
days, when they are very vulnerable to injury.
All of us
could avoid unnecessary arguments simply by, where possible, avoiding confrontations on emotionally critical days.
when not 1, but 2 or all 3 cycles are critical require special
prudence, although probably not to the extent practised by
one follower of Biorhythms, who swears that on triple
critical days he stays in bed and tries not to move, feel, or
think at all!
Planning for critical days may be the most significant
application of Biorhythm, since this can literally make the
difference between life and death.
But it is less than half
the story, since critical days make up only 20% of the days
of your life. The remaining 80% are mixed days, whose
character is varied and ambiguous. You can do much to
regulate your future by making plans that harmonise with
your Biorhythmic profile for non-critical days.
It makes
sense, for instance, for sportsmen trying to set records, or persons taking driving tests, or indeed anyone planing a challenging day, to do so on days when as many rhythms (especially those most related to the task being planned) are in their positive phase, and you have as much
energy and ability as possible.
Conversely, knowing that two, or all
three cycles are near the bottom of their negative phases is
a clear indication that you cannot count on turning in an
outstanding performance.
Other examples of how the study
of Biorhythm can improve your life are obvious, although
more precise analysis of the implications of particular
Biorhythmic profile is possible only with experience and a
more complete knowledge of the theory.
How to Register
Registering is very easy, you will receive a code to type in,
and will then have the full version, you will NOT need to reinstall, and Bio Base will remain registered to your Series 5 for all future versions of Bio Base for
the Series 5.
With your support, I will be able to continue producing quality software for you to enjoy.
For full information and instructions on registering, select 'Register' from the menu within Bio Base.
Please make sure you follow the instructions carefully.
Updates & other programs
The latest versions of all my programs can be downloaded
Check my homepage (above) and make sure you are using the latest version (the bug may have already been fixed), if you are, email me at 72016.1651@compuserve.com
and described in as much detail as possible what the problem is, the version you are using, and for which machine. I will do my best to solve the problem.
If you would like to be informed each time I release a new program, email me, include your first & last name, and state 'Mailing list', and I will keep you informed via email.