SAME is a little table game for Psion . It's very easy to understand and very adictive.
It had been designed for PSION Series 5 or Geofox. A 3a/3c version is available on my web site.
5 files are in the SAME's package :
- ReadMe.txt
- SAME.aif
- SAME.mbm
- SAME.hlp
Installation steps :
0 - Make sure you can see the System folder on the Psion by using the check box in the system menu / Tools / Preferences / Show 'System'.
1 - Create a sub directory in C:\System\Apps\ : Same (C:\System\Apps\Same)
2 - Copy every files in this directory (except this readme.txt)
3 - To play, just 'tip' on the extras bar and select Same.
During the game, have a look at HELP, everything is explaain.
SAME is shareware. It means that :
- If, after a period of test, you decide to keep it, you have to contribute to the author (see "Shareware ..." in the first dialog or 'tip' on the SAME logo while playing).
You can register by 3 differents ways :
1 - via internet : $15, with a credit card :
2 - via mail : send 70 French Francs (checks or bills) and your name and adresss to : J.Ph. Pasquier
32, rue des Fauvettes
3 - via Compuserve : $15, GO SWREG. The reg ID is 15786
- You can freely distribute this software unmodified and including every files of the package.