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Graphics Interchange Format  |  1999-03-03  |  8KB  |  640x240  |  4-bit (4 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | earth | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism | web site | window
OCR: rem *XXX Progr : ue IPcontact version: 0 86 Description: relational contact manacer y Author email: ivo .pastyrik@asys CZ KX Tam Copyri ight c1999 Ivo Pastyrik (ureabo1d) Copyright (c)1999 vit Novacek (tr anslate to english) * X rem Copyright (c )1999 Petr Bohdan icon rem This program is free software; you can redistrihute it and/ /or rem modi fy it under the of the GNU General Public License as publi shed the Free Software Foundation. This program 1 distributed in the hope that it will be useful rem but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY thout even the implied warranty of Proar trans late redistribute terms LNOHLIM warr anty