.AHTML Designer offers the facility for the user to create their own page templates and to be able to use a template when creating a new page.
If the "Use Template" option is ticked when a new file is created then, provided some templates have been created, a choice of templates to use will be offered.
HTMLDesigner is an HTML editor, for creating and maintaining web pages.
If you are at all unfamiliar with the workings of HTML then you probably will need some help with using HTML.
Unfortunately I cannot help here but I can help with using HTML Designer.
The basis behind HTMLDesigner is that it is a text editor with the ability to insert HTML tags and to aid you with these tags where appropriate via the 'Tag Wizard'.
AOnce you have altered any of the Tag library, e.g. to edit the parameter types, include new tags, new categories (types) etc, you will need to Update HTML Library to make the changes visible to HTML Designer.
Provided the user has accessed the HTML Reference via the HTML Designer menu item then if any changes have been made the user will automatically be prompted to start the Library update process.
`AThe HTML Reference library contains the Colour codes for the most commomly used colours. It is possible to update these in the same way as other "HTML tags" can be updated. However it is important that if these are updated the "Type" must be either "Colour" or "Color". Without this the other functions that rely on Colours will not operate correctly.
1AThere are 2 ways to open a page:
1. from the Toolbar the "Edit Page" option which will present a list of .htm or .html files in the current directory. Selecting any file will open the file.
2. from the Menu Edit an existing page. (HTML designer will default to the directory where you last saved a page).
CIThe Pocket IQ End User Licence Agreement (EULA) is a legal agreement between you and Pocket IQ Limited. By downloading or installing this SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, remove this SOFTWARE immediately.
This licence refers to any product which is distributed by Pocket IQ.
This Pocket IQ Licence Agreement ("Licence") permits you to use one copy of this product, on multiple machines which may include user documentation provided in electronic form ("SOFTWARE"), providing it is for the sole, exclusive use of the registered user. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer or by more than one user at any one time.
The SOFTWARE (including any images and text incorporated into the product) is owned by Pocket IQ and the independent application author, or its suppliers and is protected by English copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
The SOFTWARE, including all related program files may not be altered in any way. Reverse Translation is expressly forbidden without written permission of the Pocket IQ and the independent application author.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Pocket IQ and the independent application author disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Pocket IQ, the independent application author or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use or inability to use this Pocket IQ product.
The SOFTWARE is supplied 'as is' and no advice or technical support is guaranteed from Pocket IQ or any third party.
NOTE: The algorithms used are stronger than the ones allowed to be exported or re-exported from the USA. Since it was made in the UK you are allowed to use it, even to import it into the USA, but not to re-export it in any way. If you want to have a weaker version that complies with the regulations for re-export, please contact us.
CWhen the Tag Wizard is selected one of the options offered is a "Colour Selector".
If this option is selected a "Colour Selector Option Box" is presented.
1. A Grey Scale Colour can be selected by "tapping" on the Grey Scale pallette at the appropriate point. This will detail the appropriate code for the selected colour. Selecting Enter at this point will insert the appropriate colour code into the HTML page.
2. To select a Colour tap on the Colour box and a list of the most commonly used colours will be presented. Select a Colour and "enter". This will detail the appropriate code for the colour selected. Selecting Enter again at this point will insert the appropriate colour code into the HTML page.
3. Alteratively the mix of colours required can be entered in the Red, Green and Blue boxes, in the range 0 to 255. This will produce the appropriate HTML code for the colour mix selected. Selecting Enter at this point will insert the appropriate colour code into the HTML page.
,EThe HTML Reference contains most of the HTML 3.2 tags.
Most of the tags included in the library are generic and are supported by all browsers.
The HTML Reference is classified into several logical areas. It is possible for the user to add to, amend or delete entries or to change and create new categories (types) in this file but it will be necessary to "Update HTML Library" after this to ensure that the Tags are correctly read by HTML Designer..
The Tag library is a Psion Data file which has 3 fields:
1. Tag - This is the name of the tag as will be shown in the Tag selection list
2. Type - This is the category in which the tag will be listed.
3. Code - This is the HTML code that will be inserted into the HTML page if the tag is selected.
To set up a new category (type)
any name can be used but the name MUST NOT CONTAIN ANY SPACES.
If changes are made to the HTML Reference you will be prompted to update the HTML Library when you close the Reference file and return to the main HTML Designer screen. Any new categories will now be shown in the Tag selection when tags are called from the Edit Screen.
Note: If the update HTML library is selected from the menu it will be necessary to close the library before returning to HTML Designer. Closing the library will automatically return you to HTML designer.
AHTML Designer will recognise whether you have either RMR Software's or Neuons's FTP application installed. If you do then the FTP menu item will be available. Selecting this item will start the relevant FTP application.
Note: If an FTP application is started in this way then it is necessary to close the FTP application to return to HTML Designer. Failure to do so will mean that HTML Designer will not respond to any keypresses
:AOn the Series 5 and the Series 7 there is a basic spell function available. This function allows the user to enter a word to check the spelling. If it is incorrect alternative suggestions will be offered. Alternatively if a word is highlighted and the spell checker is called the highlighted word will be checked.
+ATags are accessed either via the menu item or from the Toolbar button. Tags selected, by highlighting the required tag and pressing "Enter" will be pasted directly into the page at the point of the cursor.
Note: in unregistered versions you can only access these tags 3 times in any one session.
spelling. If it is incorrect alternative suggestions will be offered. Alternatively if a word is highlighted and the spell checker is called the highlighted word will be checked.
CThe 'Tag Wizard' is intended to simplify the insertion of HTML code for the more commonly used tags and where necessary to simplify the process of applying the correct paramaters, where appropriate.
In addition the facilty to enter the Date/Time in one of many formats is offered. To insert select the required option and "Enter".
Colour Selector
Additionally there is an option to set a Colour and to insert the Colour Code into the HTML Page.
(See seperate section "Colour Selector for details of the operation of this facility)
Once you have selected the tag you require you may be prompted for any parameters the tag may require. Pressing enter at this point will assume you require no parameters and insert a "bare" tag.
The tag information will be pasted directly into page at the point of the cursor.
Note: Each of the options in the Tag Wizard also have a "HotKey" to enable quick use of the st frequently used items. However, the Tag Wizard list must be showing in order to use these "HotKeys"
ABIn order that "special characters" can be correctly displayed in an HTML page it is necessary to convert them to the correct HTML code. HTML Designer has a conversion feature that will search for any of 44 predefined "special characters" and convert them to the correct HTML code. In addition HTML Designer also allows conversion from the HTML code to the "special characters" for use when editing the page.
The "special characters" defined are:
@Several questions get asked a lot and some known issues:
1. When I preview a page and the Browser is already running it does not show the page but offers me the connection dialog etc.
This happens In those cases where the Browser option has been set to open a Web page on opening. In tese cases it is advisable to launch the Browser before previewing a page. Alternativley, you must press Esc as soon as you see the Connection dialog appear and when you see the "problem op
ening page" dialog appear.
2. When I tap on 'Preview' to preview my web page, EPOC's web browser sometimes loads it and then REloads it again!
This is a 'feature' of the Web application. When asked to display a local page, it still uses its cache mechanism, meaning that even after the initial loading HTML Designer often has to ask it to 'Reload' the page again...
3. I had HTML Designer running and selected it from the list of open files but it will not respond.
In normal cases this is because the last action you took with HTML Designer was to open the HTML Reference library. In this cases the only way to return to HTML Designer is by closing the library.
4. I cannot get the list of Colours to appear when I use the "Set Background" option or the "Colour Selector".
This is probably because you have edited the HTML Reference library and you have included the Colours in a "Type" other than Colours or Colors.
5. When I preview a page in the Browser it does not always change to show the latest page but continues to show the previous page.
This option is only correctly supported on an English language or a German machine. On other machines it may be necessary to use "Reload" from the Web application menu in order to see the changes. This is particularly the case where the Web application is already running when a page is previewed.
6. The "shortcut" menu keys do not respond.
This is a known problem for the Ctrl+i, Ctrl+Shift+i, Ctrl+h & Ctrl+Shift+h keys when the cursor is at the beginning of a document.
7. When using Find or Replace it will not find an occurence immediately next to the cursor.
This is a known problem. Please ensure that the cursor is not immediately in front of some text that you want to find or replace.
AIn order to facilitate quick switching between HTML Designer and the Browser, providing HTML Designer is running, it is possible to call it to the foreground using the "Control+Funtion+H hotkey". In addition it is possible to put HTML Designer in the background , from the main HTML Designer screen by pressing the "Esc" key.
By use of these 2 hotkeys it is possible to swithch very quickly between HTML Designer and the Browser when both are running.
=EYou can select to preview a page from either the menu item or via the Toolbar.
Selecting "Preview Page" from the Toolbar will preview the current page.
If you require to preview an alternative page select the "Preview any page" option from the menu where you can select a page from any directory on the Psion.
Once you have started the Browser leave it running whilst you continue to work on your HTML page. This will speed up the previewing of pages. HTML Designer will remind you if the Browser is still running when you exit.
Note: there are 2 known problems associated with this option:
1. this option is only correctly supported on an English language or a German machine. On other machines it may be necessary to use "Reload" from the Web application menu in order to see the changes. This is particularly the case where the Web application is already running when a page is previewed.
2. This option is only correctly supported, when the Browser is not already running, in those cases where the Browser option has been set to open a file on opening. In those cases where this option has been set to open a Web page on opening it is advisable to launch the Browser before previewing a page. Alternativley, you must press Esc as soon as you see the Connection dialog appear and when you see the "problem opening page" dialog appear.
!FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
Opening a Page
Previewing a Page
cape Customer
Welcome to HTML Designer, a quality application from Pocket IQ and Colin Shearing.
Support: colins@pocketIQ.com
Internet: www.PocketIQ.com
2000 Pocket IQ & Colin Shearing
Licence agreement
Uploading a page to a Web site
Colour Selector
Colour Library
0Switching Between HTML Designer and the Browser
New Page Wizard
Within the Tag Wizard there is an option to Set up a New Page. Selecting this option will present a number of questions required to set up the page. Once these questions have been answered the appropriate HTML code will be written into the open page.
BSpecial Character Conversion
If it is intended to use a lot of "special characters" then provision has been made to enable automatic conversion of these special characters on loading and saving of a file. This automatic function can be enabled from the preferences menu.
For users who do not use a large number of special characters it will be preferable to switch this automatic conversion off, as it saves time in loading and saving, and rely on the use of manual conversion from the menu as and when required.
een HTML Designer and the Browser, providing HTML Designer is running, it is possible to call it to the foreground using the "Control+Funtion+H hotkey". In addition it is possible to put HTML Designer in the background , from the main HTML Designer screen by pressing the "Esc" key.
By use of these 2 hotkeys it is possible to swithch very quickly between HTML Designer and the Browser when both are running.
o find or replace.
When exit is selected HTML Designer will check the status of the browser application compared to its status when HTML Designer was started. If appropriate HTML Designer will offer the option to close the Browser
[ Start Up
When HTML Designer is first started it will either open the last page you used, if that is available, or it will open a default page called HTML. This default page can be found in the root of the C drive.
Machine Compatability
ZHTML Designer will run on the Psion Revo, Series 5, Series 5mx, Series 7 and the Netbook.
Symbian for their provision of the OPXs and OPMs.
Neuon for their nEdit module.
Steve Lichfield for his permission to "borrow" ideas from HTML Edit.
Phil Spencer for his invaluable help with some of the coding.
This option gives the facility to set the HTML code for Bold, Underline, Italic, Font & Paragraph for any selected text. In order to use this facility the text to be set must be highlighted in the editor.
GHTML Designer is a SHAREWARE program. Shareware means that you have a trial period in which you test the program to see if you like it and want to use it. If you do want to keep it, you must register with us. The program is fully working, there are no restrictions except the limit on the number of times the Tags can be used in any one session and the fact that the unregistered application can only be used 20 times before registering. We can only count on your honesty. Play fair with shareware!
Pocket IQ applications can be registered exclusively through Palmscape, the leading online store for the EPOC platform.
To register this product simply visit the Pocket IQ internet site and follow the registration instructions.
Alternatively you can register directly with Palmscape in any of the following ways:
Online Orders:
Purchase online via Palmscape's secure online service. Simply visit www.palmscape.com, and select the "Buy now" link. Palmscape accept most major credit cards (see below).
Telephone \ Fax orders:
Palmscape accept telephone orders via the United Kingdom office which can be reached on +44 (0)1234 353970.
Postal Orders:
Payment can be made by UK Cheque, Cash or Credit Card direct to the Palmscape office, located at:
44 Harpur Street
MK40 2QT
Please mark clearly that you wish to purchase this application.
Payment types:
Palmscape accept major Credit cards, Switch, Delta as well as UK Cheque, Eurocheque and Cash. If you are paying in any currency other than GB Pounds please add 10% to cover conversion fees.
Soon after registration you will receive a password by E-mail (or snail mail if you send an envelope) for the name you supply. All you have to do then is to type exactly that name and password in the registration dialog.
Registration will remove the registration reminder screens and will also remove the restriction on the number of times that the HTML tags can be called in any one session
HTML Designer is a quality application from PocketIQ and Colin Shearing.
HTML Designer is an application to allow HTML files to be created, edited and previewed on a Psion 5.
HTML Designer offers a number of tools to aid the creation and maintenance of HTML pages.
HTML Designer is shareware and must be registered if you decide to keep it. The unregistered version is fully working although there are some restrictions on the number of times that some of the functions can be used in any one session. Full details of how to register are given in the Help file.