Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | plant | web site | window OCR: Desc Horizonta I bar is red 1.0 Info 2.0 Disclaimer Advanced warning of restriction or prohi Axle weight limited tonnes Accompanied horses or ponies Ahead only Sign Available width of headroom indicated Appropriate traffic lanes at junction ahe Bus lane on road at junction ahead Bend tc the right (or left if svmbol revers Buses and cycles only Box Junction Cyclists and mopeds prohibited Cattle Crossroads Children to or from school Schot Countdown markers HT exit from motorw Cycle route ahead Contra-flow bus lane Dual carriageway ends Distance over which road humps extenc Find: Prev Next 8/118 Distance tunnel Horizontal Notes Jimited iunction symbol rever cvcles Junctior Cvclists going Schoo Dist ance