PsL Monthly 1996 May
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AC21.ZIP 422774 03-17-94 FileBoy's AreaCodes 2.1 puts the area codes
| of 5000 U.S and Canadian cities at your
| fingertips. You can easily perform find/find
| next searches on whole or partial city names.
| Other features include the ability to
| edit/add/delete entries, clipboard support,
| printing to printer or file,
| context-sensitive help, and more. Requires
| VBRUN300. (Marshal Bostwick) (Reg.Fee: $15)
ASSASSN.ZIP 38940 07-18-94 Voodoo/Assassin allows programs to share COM
| ports. By terminating a running application
| temporarily, such as a 24 hour FAX program,
| it makes room for a second application such
| as an Electronic Mail system. When the second
| application terminates, the original
| application can be restored. (Wayne Erfling)
| (Reg.Fee: $20)
ATS111.ZIP 189180 01-23-96 Ataman TCP Remote Logon Services 1.11 allows
| users with a client rlogin program to logon
| to Windows NT systems. (Ataman Software,
| Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $40)
BLN101PR.ZIP 155517 07-19-94 Blender 1.01 is a Nodelist update utility.
| Features include integrity checking,
| ArcMail-Attach Nodediff(s) distribution,
| multiline/multitask support and more.
| Documentation is provided in English and
| Russian. Requires 5-7 MB of free hard disk
| space, and 512K RAM. (Canopus Inc.) (Reg.Fee:
| $30)
COLORQWK.ZIP 190050 08-18-94 ColorQWK for Windows 1.0 is a colorful QWK
| reader for Windows. Features include
| Monologue speech support, multiple
| signatures, and more. Requires VBRUN300.
| (Derek Stutsman) (Reg.Fee: $10)
COMT200.ZIP 365692 02-15-96 COMt 2.00 allows you to use your favorite
| terminal program for Telnet, while still
| being able to access your other serial
| devices. Requires WIN31 or Windows for
| Workgroups 3.1+. (David Yon) (Reg.Fee: $16)
CRSCAPV1.ZIP 3054 02-16-95 CRSCAP.WAS 1.00 is a Procomm Plus for Windows
| v2.00 script that logs in a user to CRS and
| gives the user the option of capturing file
| lists to the default capture directory.
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
DIZKING.ZIP 40085 06-15-95 Diz King allows you to easily view, create,
| extract, delete, and edit File_id.diz and BBS
| ads. Requires VBRUN300. (Stewart Family
| Software) (Reg.Fee: $25)
DOWNDIR.ZIP 107991 06-21-95 Download Director 2.0 helps organize and
| manage downloaded files from any on-line
| service. It allows you to easily create
| directories, delete unwanted downloads,
| transfer downloaded files, and unzip them.
| Requires VBRUN300. (Nathan L. Miller)
| (Reg.Fee: $12)
DOWNMAN.ZIP 391165 12-07-95 Download Manager 1.1 helps view, store, and
| retrieve files you have downloaded from a
| BBS. (Waterstone Leisure Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $25)
FOXM113A.ZIP 1076236 04-05-95 FoxMail 1.13 is an advanced QWK packet
| off-line reader written using FoxPro/W 2.6a.
| All messages are stored in xbase compatible
| tables. Requires WIN31 and a minimum of 4MB
| RAM. This is available on two 3.5" 1.44MB
| MegaDisks for the special disk fee of $9.99.
| (Randy R. Patterson) (Reg.Fee: $?)
FOXM113B.ZIP 912673 04-05-95 See FOXM113A.ZIP
FSFW021.ZIP 699921 02-22-95 Fido System for Windows 0.21 is an offline
| mail reader for Windows that supports squish,
| Hudson, Jam, and *.Msg bases. (A.H. van den
| Broek) (Reg.Fee: $30)
HOST_NA.ZIP 14012 03-16-95 Host.Scr 1.11 is a host mode script for
| QmodemPro for Windows. (Reg.Fee: $0)
IARD10.ZIP 81877 06-22-94 Ataman Rlogind Service 1.0 allows users with
| a client rlogin program to logon to Windows
| NT systems. (Ataman Software, Inc.)
| (Reg.Fee: $40)
IPWIN124.ZIP 454020 08-31-94 InfoPop for Windows 1.24 is a WIN31 Help file
| that provides a hypertext guide to the
| Internet, BBS systems, Compuserve and much
| more. (Clyde W. Grotophorst) (Reg.Fee: $0)
LCDSET16.ZIP 227026 01-24-96 LCDSet 0.93 configures the Practical
| Peripherals Proclass 28.8 LCD modem in
| Windows. This includes on-screen time, date,
| messages, scroll rates, etc. It also performs
| diagnosis and retrieves firmware revision
| information. (Mike Stahl) (Reg.Fee: $5)
LINEBUSY.ZIP 93544 02-01-96 LineBusy 1.0 helps prevent disconnects on
| networks that use the same phone line for
| multiple modems. It keeps you from dialing
| your modem when someone else is using the
| phone line, and prevents others from doing
| the same to you. It also tells you who is on
| the line and when it is available. (Lee Grey)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
LINK.ZIP 192848 07-17-95 Link 2.10 is an auto dialer for callback
| services. You can connect your communication
| programs to your server using your callback
| service. Voice dial and timer are included.
| You can keep and print records. Requires 612K
| RAM and VBRUN300.DLL. (Robert Brinegar) (ASP)
| (Reg.Fee: $20)
LOGGER.ZIP 52322 10-11-94 Logger enables an event to occur in Windows
| when a connected telephone rings. The would
| mainly be used for logging incoming calls,
| but the program will run any specified
| command line when invoked or will maximize a
| minimized icon. Requires VBRUN300. (Colin
| Lucking) (Reg.Fee: $15)
MDMRES.ZIP 15316 08-11-94 MDMReset allows you to execute an
| application pending completion of a modem
| command. Requires Windows 4.0 or NT. (Smith,
| Kenner Consulting Corpo) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MLITE10.ZIP 19628 01-31-96 ModemSta Lite 1.0 places an icon on the
| Windows desktop that displays modem activity
| with colored lights. (Ted Johansson)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
MNU_MRK.ZIP 79382 07-15-94 Menu Marker 1.0 is a Windows Terminal add-on
| that enables you to access any menu item or
| keyword by clicking on it with the mouse. It
| also includes a text editor suitable for mail
| and forum messages. Requires VBRUN300. (Bruce
| Clouette) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MODSTA18.ZIP 213124 10-04-95 ModemSta 1.8 is an iconic modem status
| indicator for WIN31. (Ted Johansson)
| (Reg.Fee: $15-$20)
OLTIME20.ZIP 165880 08-07-95 Online Time 2.0 helps keep track of the
| amount of time you spend using on-line
| services. It allows you to keep a handle on
| "per minute" and "extended" charges. You can
| compare your bill against the session times
| saved in its log file. (CanalRun, Inc.)
| (Reg.Fee: $14-$34)
ORADB2.ZIP 475229 06-23-94 Orator 2.00 is a QWK reader for Windows.
| Features include special Internet address
| handling, Fido addressing, a built in address
| book, tagline theft, online folders for
| archiving, Carbon Copy, forward commands and
| much more. (EvaWare UK) (Reg.Fee: $17.50
| Po)
ORADIC1.ZIP 176241 06-23-94 Orator UK Dictionary contains the UK
| Spelling dictionary for Orator version 2.00.
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
ORADIC2.ZIP 179301 06-23-94 Orator US Dictionary contains the US
| Spelling dictionary for Orator version 2.00.
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
PCBWIN95.ZIP 5908 06-08-95 PCBWin95 is used to patch the PCBoard v15.21
| (or prior) executables, (including utilities)
| to make them operate better under Windows 95.
| (Reg.Fee: $?)
PHONE_MD.ZIP 113503 12-28-95 Phone Minder 1.0 logs all incoming calls made
| to your modem in Windows. (Mark Darling)
| (Reg.Fee: $20)
PL_SHARE.ZIP 386214 07-06-95 Phone Line Sharing 1.0 implements a software
| "phone line switch". This allows you to dial
| into your PC, cause a specific program to be
| run and answer the phone for a specified
| length of time, then shut down and allow the
| phone to be answered normally again. A modem
| is required. (Ken Webster) (Reg.Fee: $15)
QREADER.ZIP 78306 07-19-95 QReader 1.11 is a Windows offline message
| reader for QWK files. This version will only
| allow one conference per packet. Requires
| VBRUN300. (David Szlucha) (Reg.Fee: $20)
SCPKEY.ZIP 50225 09-15-94 SCPkey provides a method to collect RS232
| data into any Windows program. Once set up,
| it will monitor a communications port for
| input. The program translates this data into
| keystrokes and 'plays' these keystrokes into
| the Windows program that currently has input
| focus. (Michael Soflin) (Reg.Fee: $0)
SIV100.ZIP 211041 12-12-95 Sound Ideas 1.0 allows two people to work
| together efficiently over a standard
| telephone line. It uses DSVD to transfer
| information, which allows not only the
| transfer of ideas on a traditional whiteboard
| but also the collaboration of those ideas
| through real-time audio. It supports both
| window capturing and standard Clipboard
| pasting. Simple drawing tools and text allow
| for marking up the contents of the
| whiteboard. (The Cowsert Corporation)
| (Reg.Fee: $40+)
SL1009.ZIP 381485 03-27-95 SlipStream Jet 1.0 will download and upload
| USENET news and E-mail in QWK format for use
| with a dial up SLIP/PPP account, or TCP/IP
| network. It will allow you to read,
| follow-up, post new, and more, limited only
| by your QWK reader. Requires VBRUN300.
| (Phoenix Business Enterprises) (Reg.Fee: $42)
SRCHR1.ZIP 260805 09-08-93 Download Searcher 1.36 will scan selected BBS
| download files for search strings and place
| those lines into a window where the filenames
| can be extracted from them. (Tandy Penn)
| (Reg.Fee: $10)
STRNGFND.ZIP 138233 03-17-95 StringFinder 1.0 allows you to scan BBS
| filelists off-line in Windows. Features
| include built-in QWK packet handling for easy
| access to NEWFILES.DAT information, full
| context sensitive Help, and more. Requires
| VBRUN300. (Andrew Wesolowski) (Reg.Fee: $10)
TIMEST.ZIP 40538 07-06-95 Easy Uploads Time Estimator 1.1 helps
| estimate the time and cost of downloading or
| uploading files. Customizable estimates and
| associated costs are given for 2400, 9600,
| 14400, 19200, and 28800 Baud. Requires
| VBRUN300. (P. Scott Antony) (Reg.Fee: $0)
TQWK100.ZIP 471368 10-31-94 TQwk Offline Mail Reader for Windows 1.0 is
| an e-mail reading package with specific
| support for the WIN31 environment of OS/2
| 2.1. (Anthony F. Miller) (Reg.Fee: $15)
UNIQWK.ZIP 540081 12-23-94 UniQWK 4.0 is an offline mail reader for
| WIN31. Features include support for accented
| characters, spell checking, internal
| zip/unzip, file attachment, and much more.
| (UniKEY Informatica Ltda.) (Reg.Fee: $40)
VGALORE.ZIP 1381493 09-05-95 Voices Galore 2.0 allows you to interchange
| voices and sounds for various on-line events
| such as welcome, mail, etc. This can be used
| with WinCIM, AOL, and Prodigy. Requires a
| sound card, Windows 3.1+, 386/33 or better,
| and VBRUN300. (LMI) (Reg.Fee: $15)
VISMODEM.ZIP 131515 01-08-94 Visual Modem lets you examine and alter the
| settings of your modem. You can scroll
| through the listing of available modem
| commands and change or reset any of the
| modem's configuration settings. It also
| displays the actual modem commands for each
| setting sent to the modem and each response
| received. (Mark J. Findlay) (Reg.Fee: $40)
WAOLMIN2.ZIP 24658 01-04-95 WAOL-Minimize 2.00 adds the ability to
| minimize WAOL during file transfers. It also
| provides a timer to track online time and
| costs. Requires America Online for Windows
| Software Version 2.xx. (Michael Krane)
| (Reg.Fee: $5)
WCIMPR.ZIP 262572 10-14-94 WinCIM Print Utility 2.10 allows the
| extraction of FileCabinet, In-Basket and
| Out-Basket messages into an external text
| file for off-line reading. Requires WIN31 and
| WinCim 1.1 or later. VB source code is
| included. (Bob Lamaute) (Reg.Fee: $0)
WMPLUS.ZIP 153731 03-21-95 WinModem-Plus 1.0 lets you see what your
| internal modem is doing by displaying the
| status lights on the desktop. (Information
| Technology, Ltd.) (Reg.Fee: $15)
WR131.ZIP 776803 02-23-95 Wave Rider 1.31 is a Microsoft WIN31 based
| message reader for BlueWave message packets,
| as well as QWK packets created by Qmail,
| RAMail, MKQwk, MarkMail, Tomcat and other
| QWK-compatible mail doors. (Doug Crocker)
| (Reg.Fee: $50)
WRATER.ZIP 16690 05-16-95 WWWRater keeps track of all WWW expenses
| while using the CIS NetLauncher. It will log
| all long-distance charges and keep track of
| credit left. Once the free time is used up it
| will log on-line charges. Requires CimRater.
| (Fred Schetterer) (Reg.Fee: $?)