PsL Monthly 1996 May
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CMDMAIL.ZIP 13462 04-18-94 CMDMail allow you to send an MS-Mail file
| via the command line. (Johann Weinzierl)
| (Reg.Fee: $30 DM)
DSMESS.ZIP 158214 02-16-95 DS-Messe 1.2 is a small messaging system for
| WIN31 in a Novell networking environment.
| Features include the ability to send message
| to a single workstation or to all
| workstations logged in, the ability to attach
| to other servers and stay logged in to your
| primary server, and more. (D. Smith)
| (Reg.Fee: $21+)
EZMAIL.ZIP 84272 10-02-95 EZMail is LAN-based E-Mail system that
| employs the use of WRITE.EXE supplied with
| Windows 3.x. (Mark Durbin) (Reg.Fee: $100)
FLAGGER.ZIP 309717 07-19-94 Flagger alerts MSMail users when new
| messages have arrived. It will sound a chime
| and highlight the mail box with a new
| arrival. This is a useful tool for
| receptionists. (Chris Solheim) (Reg.Fee: $10)
INNET.ZIP 58432 03-30-95 Inner-Net 1.3 allows multi-user discussions
| across a Windows network from each user's
| desktop. Requires VBRUN300. (Jim Runkel)
| (Reg.Fee: $49-$99)
INTERNLW.ZIP 360223 10-11-95 Internal for Windows 1.5 is a Windows utility
| that logs E-Mail exchanged within a Microsoft
| Mail postoffice similar to the RECV.LOG and
| SENT.LOG files created by the EXTERNAL.EXE
| program. (Charles H. Swartz) (Reg.Fee: $0)
KWCAST.ZIP 11387 10-14-93 KWCast is a network broadcast utility for
| Windows and DOS. It allows you to send a
| message to all stations. (Karl Weller)
| (Reg.Fee: $29)
LANCHAT.ZIP 8510 06-09-94 Chat for PC Lan's allows you to chat in real
| time with other users on the LAN in a similar
| way to the CIS CB facility. Requires
| VBRUN300. (Mark Hillary) (Reg.Fee: $10-$15)
MAILAST.ZIP 391811 08-03-95 Mail Assistant 1.0 is a replacement/add-on
| shell for MS Mail 3.0+ or WFWG Mail. Features
| include automatic file attachment
| compression/decompression ,automatic file
| attachment detachment by file extension, auto
| forwarding to people or even to a printer,
| auto messaging, quick sending, a multiple
| level notify feature, and more. Requires
| VBRUN300. (James Collins) (Reg.Fee: $10)
MAILMAN.ZIP 45318 01-03-95 The Mailman 1.1e attempts to solve a minor
| faxing limitation in MS Mail on WANs. It
| picks up the mail as it arrives and forwards
| it to the proper recipient. Requires
| VBRUN300. (Rafael Fernandez) (Reg.Fee: $30)
MAILVU.ZIP 199077 08-23-93 MailVu 1.0 - is a simple Inbox viewer for
| unread Microsoft Mail Messages. It presents a
| list of unread messages, which can be read,
| deleted or responded to. Requires VBRUN300.
| (John White) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MAILWT.ZIP 76119 03-24-94 MailWatcher 3.2b1 notifies users of Microsoft
| Mail that they have mail even after MSMail is
| unloaded. Requires VBRUN300. (DLW Consulting,
| Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $10)
MPAD.ZIP 71774 10-03-95 Network Message Pad 2.04 is an add-in for the
| freeware program Network Email that lets you
| quickly and easily send phone contact
| messages. Requires VBRUN300. (Richard Wagner)
| (Reg.Fee: $50)
MRED225.ZIP 716948 09-05-95 MailRed 2.25 is a add-on for Microsoft Mail
| and Windows for Workgroups that can redirect
| messages from a mailbox to another address.
| It preserves the sender's address and is
| fully message driven. (Michael Kocum)
| (Reg.Fee: $149)
MSCOUT.ZIP 36076 03-31-95 MailScout 1.3 is a MSMail-32 notifier for
| Windows NT 3.5. It presents a dialog box and
| audible alert when unread mail is waiting in
| the InBox. (MorphaSys Software) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MSGWORKS.ZIP 353222 08-09-95 MessageWorks for Windows 4.0b assists in
| taking, delivering, and organizing telephone
| messages. The on-screen message pad already
| has the date, time and message taker's
| initials filled in and automatically detects
| a new caller and records their information in
| its database. Other features include
| network compatibility, call screening
| options, searching based on any criteria,
| report and mailing label printing,
| import/export capabilities, and more.
| (Epiphany Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $30-$800)
N_EMAIL.ZIP 53935 02-06-96 Network Email 4.05 is an electronic mail
| system for Windows. Features include text
| messages, pop-up mail notification,
| distribution lists, and more. You can attach
| a document, program, or picture file to any
| message. Messages can also be archived for
| future reference. Requires VBRUN300. (Richard
| Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $0)
NBB.ZIP 96883 08-19-94 Network Bulletin Board 1.24 is an add-in
| product for Ivory Tower Software's popular
| freeware product Network Email. It allows you
| to post public messages on the bulletin board
| and browse messages by topic. (Richard
| Wagner) (Reg.Fee: $40/LAN)
NCHAT.ZIP 12463 07-15-94 Network Chat 1.15 is an add-in product for
| Ivory Tower Software's popular freeware
| product, Network Email. It provides a
| real-time text "chat" mode for your LAN
| friends and coworkers. Requires
| VBRUN300.quires VBRUN300. (Richard Wagner)
| (Reg.Fee: $40/LAN)
NETHLP.ZIP 21603 05-31-95 The Network Help Centre 1.04 provides easy
| access for network PC users to a range of
| text and Windows help-file resources. This
| version allows you to display up to five
| news, FAQs, or notice board files. (A & S
| Sharpe) (Reg.Fee: $40)
NETNEWS.ZIP 37384 04-25-94 Network News for Windows is an alternative
| messaging system that lets you create simple
| ASCII text files which can be displayed to
| other network users when they execute
| Windows. Up to ten messages can be displayed.
| Requires VBRUN300. (Reg.Fee: $90+)
NETPAD1B.ZIP 907233 10-31-94 NetPad 1.0b is an automated
| "while-you-were-out" system for WIN31
| compatible networks. Features include
| user-defined pad color schemes, support for
| broadcast messages to all users, no limits on
| number of users or message size, automatic
| creation of a mailbox for each user, sound
| file message notification, and more. (Jeff
| Atwood) (Reg.Fee: $15)
NETUTILS.ZIP 51479 09-22-95 Network Utility Suite 3.0 allows the use of a
| basic E-Mail system and "chat" modes via most
| standard network systems. Requires VBRUN300.
| (Ross Collins) (Reg.Fee: $10 Pnds.)
NOTDV121.ZIP 412141 08-30-94 News of the Day 1.21 allows a network system
| administrator to conditionally display a text
| message at Windows startup. (Odyssea Systems
| Corporation) (Reg.Fee: $299/srvr)
NOTIFAX.ZIP 22196 03-24-94 Notifax 1.1 is a notification program for
| cc:Mail for Windows 2.0. It is also capable
| of sorting out faxes received from standard
| E-mail messages. (Peter Deschamps) (Reg.Fee:
| $0)
NWMESNGR.ZIP 296867 05-16-95 NetWork Messenger 2.0 allows Windows
| workstations connected to a Local Area
| Network to view a message from the System
| Administrator. This message is automatically
| displayed at Windows startup time. It will
| remain on top of the screen until closed by
| the user. (Resource Technology Solutions)
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
OGMESS.ZIP 25022 07-18-94 OGMessage lets you send quick messages to
| other users on a network. VBRUN is required.
| (Steven R. Chavez) (Reg.Fee: $5)
OMB101.ZIP 250974 11-30-94 Office Message Board 1.01 (formerly Office
| Message Board) allows users on a network to
| post messages on boards for other users to
| view, save or print. Files can be attached to
| messages as with e-mail. Other features
| include interactive messages and support for
| text and graphic messages. Requires
| VBRUN300.300. (Peter Glasson) (Reg.Fee: $30)
ONELINER.ZIP 31876 11-06-91 OneLiner 1.0 allows Network users to send
| quick, one line messages to each other.
| OneLiner also keeps a log of older messages
| so you can recieve all your messages even
| when you are away from your desk. Requires
| Microsoft Windows for WorkGroups, or Windows
| NT (Intel or DEC Alpha) on a LAN. (Words Plus
| Connectivity) (Reg.Fee: $2)
ONOTE16.ZIP 347457 03-28-95 Object Notes 3.60 is a comprehensive
| messaging system for Windows for Workgroups
| 3.1+. It allows you to send notes over your
| network with your choice of text, fonts,
| color, graphics, icons and sound. (Jeff G.
| Valle) (Reg.Fee: $19-$395)
ONOTE32.ZIP 362488 03-28-95 Object Notes for NT 3.60 is a comprehensive
| messaging system for the Windows NT 3.5+
| operating system. It allows you to send notes
| over your network with your choice of text,
| fonts, color, graphics, icons and sound.
| (Jeff G. Valle) (Reg.Fee: $19-$395)
PINUP11A.ZIP 499296 01-23-95 Pin Ups 1.1a is a network-oriented bulletin
| board system for Windows. It places bulletins
| in a central location accessible to all
| members of the LAN, and can even be accessed
| via a dial-up modem. Features include
| bulletin creation by anyone on the network,
| automatic purging after a user-specified
| expiration date, a shortcut toolbar, and
| more. (Ronnie P. Black) (Reg.Fee: $229+)
PMW12.ZIP 85306 09-13-94 PMail Watcher 1.2 is an Email notification
| program for Pegasus Mail. It notifies users
| of new or unread mail with a animated mailbox
| icon which displays the number of unread
| messages. You can even be notified by a beep
| or audio WAV files. It allows each individual
| user on the network to set the notification
| interval and sound file that suits them best.
| Requires VBRUN300. (NOR Data i Bergslagen)
| (Reg.Fee: $15)
SHOUTR1.ZIP 27421 01-20-94 Shouter 1.0 lets you broadcast messages to
| any number of Windows for Workgroups users.
| Features include automatic launching on
| remote machines, the ability to send messages
| immediately or as mail (or both), and a
| history of all sent and received messages.
| (Dieter Prifling) (Reg.Fee: $15)
STICKY.ZIP 92756 01-18-94 Sticky 1.3 is a messaging system for Windows
| for Workgroups that allows sending of small
| notes. Features include broadcasting messages
| to entire workgroups, changing the note's
| font and colour, loading and saving text from
| sent messages. (Dwayne Bursey) (Reg.Fee: $21)
WG_MERG1.ZIP 817470 10-21-94 WorkGroup MergeMINDER 2.02 is an electronic
| mail merge management package for Windows for
| WorkGroups. This version only allows five
| names in the database. This is available on
| two 3.5" 1.44MB MegaDisks for the special
| disk fee of $9.99. (Ken Norwick) (Reg.Fee:
| $30)
WG_MERG2.ZIP 1147136 10-21-94 See WG_MERG1.ZIP
WHEREMSG.ZIP 395865 09-23-94 Where Is... & Message 1.1 is a set of two
| programs for Windows that provide an
| information and messaging service. Where
| Is... provides instant status as to the
| whereabouts of a particular person in the
| office and Message allows an electronic
| message to be sent to another user on the
| network. (Kamela Software) (ASP) (Reg.Fee:
| $50 pnds)
WINDMAIL.ZIP 112696 11-22-93 Wind-Mail 2.11 is an email and bulletin board
| system that is designed to keep you and your
| network users informed. You can send messages
| directly to another user or post a bulletin
| on the bulletin board for all users to read.
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
WNBFF33.ZIP 96323 01-23-96 WinBiff 3.3 is an mail notification package
| for WIN31. It can be used with UUPC/extended,
| FSUUCP, Waffle, Pegasus (PMail), Eudora for
| Windows, Novell MHS, Mini-Host, or PC-NFS.
| Other features include an alarm option, the
| ability to display a scrollable list of
| message headers, and more. (Paul Steckler)
| (Reg.Fee: $15)
XFORUM4.ZIP 378264 01-05-96 x-FORUM4 1.2c is a network message forum
| system for Windows. It allows network users
| to exchange public ideas and messages in a
| BBS-like message conference environment.
| Other features include multi-level security
| access and built-in administration. This is a
| five-user version. (Gary Beam) (ASP)
| (Reg.Fee: $249+)
YELLOW.ZIP 59734 01-12-95 Yellow 0.95 is a simple, peer-to-peer "mail"
| program for Windows users connected to a
| network. Messages can be up to 32K, with an
| unlimited number of messages available.
| (Soren Kahlke) (Reg.Fee: $25)