PsL Monthly 1996 May
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AJZAP253.ZIP 25755 02-29-96 Zap 2.53 deletes files and directories. It
| can delete by attribute, overwrite before
| deleting, prompt or not prompt before
| deletion, exclude files from deletion, delete
| files recursively, and show additional disk
| space after deletion. (Andre Jonsson)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
ARJ250A.ZIP 275635 02-20-96 ARJ 2.50a is an archive utility which
| produces small archive files and
| self-extracting files. ARJ is slow when
| making archives, but it offers a lot more
| features than other archivers: support for
| multiple volume archives and for
| cross-platform archives; file security; the
| option to test a newly created archive before
| overwriting the original or deleting input
| files; selectable compression options
| including fast compression modes; multiple
| string searching within archives; 32 bit CRCs
| for file integrity; filename/wildcard
| exclusion; and the ability to recover files
| from bad archives. Other features include
| full ANSI C source code; extraction of
| archive header comments; the ability to
| handle merged multiple volume archives; an
| archive conversion program; the ability to
| join archives; errorlevel support; caseless
| string search and context display options;
| volume labels; and more. NEW: enhanced
| compression algorithm. (Robert K. Jung)
| (Reg.Fee: $45)
ASKITMK.ZIP 40672 03-19-96 AskIt (MK) 6.0 allows you to include simple
| Y/N question in batch files and sets
| ERRORLEVEL based on the response. You can
| also include parameters to set the color of
| the text and to exit with a default answer
| after a number of seconds. (Mark L. Kelly)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
AVPLITE.ZIP 480448 03-12-96 AntiViral Toolkit Pro 2.2 is a virus scanner
| which detects thousands of viruses and
| trojans. It can also scan for viruses within
| ZIP, ARJ, LZH, and RAR archives and other
| compressed format. (Eugene Kaspersky)
| (Reg.Fee: $?)
CM200.ZIP 264014 02-19-96 ChekMate 2.0 detects viruses in files, boot
| sectors, and partition tables. Upon
| installation, it will create a series of
| files containing a fingerprint image of the
| COMMAND.COM, boot sector, partition table,
| and related data. Then, each time your
| computer is booted, it will match these files
| with the actual files or image files taken at
| runtime. If the files do not match, the
| program will display a warning of the change.
| NEW: support for Windows NT, added encryption
| of boot and partition table, Word Macro
| detection utility, improved stealth virus
| detection routines. (Martin Overton)
| (Reg.Fee: $45)
COMD10.ZIP 122662 03-01-96 COMDi 1.0 allows you to change to any
| directory on your hard drive by typing the
| name or partial name of the directory. If
| there is more than one directory by the
| desired name, a scrollable menu will be
| displayed from which you may choose. (Tomas
| Martin) (Reg.Fee: $29)
COML10.ZIP 126864 02-23-96 COMLo 1.0 allows you to search for a file
| across the entire hard drive and then move,
| copy, delete, or view the file, or move to
| the directory where it is located. (Tomas
| Martin) (Reg.Fee: $29)
COPS601.ZIP 69361 01-24-96 CopSince 6.01 searches a given directory for
| files that are newer than a given date or
| newer than a set number of days and copies
| them to another directory. Parameters can
| also be set in a control file for repeated
| use. (Bruce Guthrie) (Reg.Fee: $0)
CSDIFF14.ZIP 56243 03-12-96 CSDiff 1.40 displays two text files,
| directories, or ZIP archive directories side
| by side. Common and different sections are
| clearly marked with separator lines. It can
| display the difference between two text
| files, a text file and a file inside an
| archive, two directories, a directory and
| archive directory, or two archive
| directories. Requires PKZIP. NEW:
| additional directory comparison options.
| (Christian Sitte) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20)
DELTMP14.ZIP 42669 02-23-96 DelTemps 1.4 deletes TMP files, including
| files with attributes, from up to 26
| specified drives at once. This version will
| only work for 30 days after first use. (John
| Yeager) (Reg.Fee: $8)
DEWAV.ZIP 36677 03-12-96 Whitmoyer Anti Virus 1.1 attempts to discover
| virus activity by detecting changes in the
| CRC value of EXE files on your hard drive.
| There is also a utility for checking single
| files. This version does not detect
| compression or stealth viruses. (David
| Whitmoyer) (Reg.Fee: $25)
DEXIST10.ZIP 7582 02-23-96 Exist 1.0 displays the letter designation of
| all available drives on your system,
| including network, CD-ROM, and diskette
| drives. (Colin Costello) (Reg.Fee: $10)
DIRTOT17.ZIP 64294 03-12-96 Directory Totals 1.7 provides the total space
| used by entire subdirectory trees. The
| customizable report format lets you list
| actual space used or by clusters, latest
| date, files needing backup, and 10 other
| statistics for each directory. Includes
| multiple sort orders, selectable number
| formats, and more. Supports very large
| drives. NEW: added combined totals of
| multiple drives or directories, wildcards
| supported for directory names, statistics can
| be exported to spreadsheet and database
| applications, support for volumes larger than
| 4 GB. (Quincunx Software) (Reg.Fee: $10)
FFF52.ZIP 244235 03-22-96 File Finder Pack 5.2 will find files on your
| hard disk and present them in a scrollable
| list. It will optionally search inside ARC,
| LZH and ZIP files or by file date. The file
| list may be sorted by name, extension, date,
| size, PATH and you can display the list in
| one of two different formats. From the
| scrollable list you can delete or execute
| files. You can also tell it to execute a
| command on the files that it finds as it
| finds them; files can even be found based on
| file attributes. Other features include the
| ability to perform operations on groups of
| tagged files; an option to shell to DOS; and
| the ability to enter a skeleton command and
| indicate where to plug in the highlighted
| file name(s). The program is network aware
| and automatically searches all local and hard
| drives for files. Support is also provided
| for ARJ compression files and for LHA 2.05,
| 2.10 and 2.11 files. NEW: ability to
| modify file attributes.. (Jim Derr) (ASP)
| (Reg.Fee: $25)
FILL601.ZIP 90879 01-24-96 Fill [BG] 6.01 allows you to make the best
| use of diskette space when copying files.
| File names are sorted by size and selected
| for copying based on the amount of free space
| remaining on the target disk. The program
| also features copying to multiple diskettes,
| file splitting, transaction reports, disk set
| labeling, and supports control files with a
| list of files to be copied. This can be
| useful for avoiding the optionless
| "insufficient disk space" message of the DOS
| COPY command. (Bruce Guthrie) (Reg.Fee: $0)
FILUP601.ZIP 64777 01-24-96 FILUPDAT 6.01 compares a list of files in a
| source directory to that in the destination
| directory and copies only files that are
| newer than those in the destination. The
| program uses a control file containing all of
| the appropriate directories, file names, and
| options, allowing you to easily perform this
| task on a regular basis. (Bruce Guthrie)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)
FIX500S.ZIP 48489 01-01-96 Fix (JC) 5.00s performs string
| search-and-replace on any size file. The
| string may be specified with quotes, decimal
| or hex byte values, or ASCII symbols.
| Original data is always saved. (John F Crist)
| (Reg.Fee: $16-30)
FS231.ZIP 278349 02-26-96 File Selector 2.31 is a file/directory
| manager and DOS menu program. It allows you
| to save the data of CD-ROMs and load them
| later at any time. NEW: an option to edit
| program INI files. (Tomohumi Kodama)
| (Reg.Fee: $35)
I_M261B.ZIP 392693 02-13-96 Integrity Master 2.61b is an anti-virus and
| data integrity system. The author says it
| detects all known viruses. It can detect any
| form of file corruption, including disk
| errors or as-yet unknown viruses. Stacker,
| DoubleSpace, SuperStore and Bernoulli system
| files are supported. Identifies the new MS
| Word Macro viruses as well as over 640
| additional viruses. It has an option to
| quickly disinfect diskettes. (Wolfgang
| Stiller) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $40)
IHPFS122.ZIP 14591 03-13-96 iHPFS 1.22 is an HPFS device driver for DOS.
| Your HPFS partition will act like a normal
| DOS drive, except that it cannot be written
| to. Requires a 386+. Has support for large
| IDE drives (over 528 MB) and support for DR
| DOS 5 and 6. NEW: support for Novell DOS
| 7, an option to force use of extended BIOS
| functions. (Marcus Better) (Reg.Fee: $0)
INVB.ZIP 528634 03-12-96 InVircible 6.10e is an anti-virus program
| which uses generic methods to protect your
| computer and restore it to a virus-free
| status. It is especially helpful in locating
| and removing unscannable viruses and
| recovering access to your hard drive after a
| boot sector virus infection. The program can
| help you to restore corrupted files and
| sectors, trace and eradicate unknown viruses,
| and configure non-TSR virus detection.
| NEW: detects modifications in the CMOS setup
| parameters to insure that all changes to the
| hardware configuration reflect properly in
| the rescue diskette. (Robert C., Ph.D. Casas)
| (Reg.Fee: $103)
M403.ZIP 231560 02-14-96 MacroEdit 4.03 is a powerful batch file
| enhancement program which includes a set of
| over 80 macros. The bracketed macro
| expressions within batch files are replaced
| with the macro value. For example, including
| [day$] in the command line would expand to
| the day of the week (to perform tasks on
| certain days of the week, etc.). When
| brackets are left empty, parameters typed in
| at the command line are incorporated into the
| line of the batch file for the desired
| result. You can also use the DOS redirection
| symbols to add files and pipe commands into
| programs that accept standard input. A set of
| example batch files and tips for usage are
| included. (Gary A. Mays) (Reg.Fee: $?)
PAR.ZIP 277187 03-11-96 Parse-O-Matic 3.6 is a programmable text-file
| parsing utility. It converts text files into
| formats which can be converted into other
| programs. You use a simple programming type
| format in configuration files to tell POM how
| to convert a file. This provides the maximum
| in flexibility and configurability while
| still being relatively easy to use. NEW:
| enhanced parsing of binary and
| variable-length record files. (Timothy
| Campbell) (Reg.Fee: $45-90)
PASS_MP.ZIP 27745 03-18-96 Pass 1.0 is a simple system security program
| which prompts for a password when run from
| the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This is not intended
| as a fail-proof utility, but to keep the
| mildly curious from accessing your computer.
| (Mark A Peters) (Reg.Fee: $0)
RPSRT102.ZIP 90096 12-15-92 RPSort 1.0 is a DOS SORT replacement which
| removes the 64k file size limit. In addition
| to standard text files, it supports C
| language and Turbo Pascal strings, signed and
| unsigned binary integers of any length, and
| several types of binary floating point
| numbers. The program also allows you to sort
| several files using wild cards, and to expand
| tabs to spaces or to convert spaces to tabs.
| (Mike Ruskai) (Reg.Fee: $0)
SRDSK206.ZIP 72698 08-09-95 SRDisk 2.06 is a virtual disk device driver
| and controller capable of using over 32M of
| XMS or EMS memory. The disk can be disabled
| and it's size can be changed without
| rebooting. It also can preserve the disk
| contents when the size is changed. (Marko
| Kohtala) (Reg.Fee: $12)
STAT34.ZIP 22212 03-19-96 Stat (HW) 3.6 lists the free space on any
| drive. It also includes drive label, FAT
| type, and serial number. NEW: improved
| output format. (Howard Williams) (Reg.Fee: $0)
VDS30Z.ZIP 360829 03-12-96 Virus Detection System 3.0z is an anti-virus
| package with Novell Netware LAN support. It
| features a fast scanner, integrity checker,
| decoy launcher, and a generic virus remover.
| The program will scan your system for viruses
| and create a fingerprint of all system areas
| and executable files. It will then check the
| system at scheduled intervals and notify you
| of any suspicious modifications. Because VDS
| is not virus-specific, it does not need to be
| upgraded as frequently as many other virus
| scanner programs. Other features include an
| audit log to pinpoint how a virus entered the
| system, detection of any stealth virus that
| is active in memory, recovery of damaged
| partition tables, an automated boot sector
| recovery tool, and much more. NEW:
| improved execution from within Windows 95.
| (VDS Advanced Research Group) (Reg.Fee: $37)
WFIND.ZIP 18150 03-22-96 WFind 1.0 is a text search program. It will
| search a set of files and display the number
| of occurences for the desired text and
| display the file names where the text is
| found. It doesn't display the text or lines
| of reference or anything like that, it just
| tells if the text is there, how many times,
| and what files it was found in. You still
| have to manually open the file to find the
| text yourself. (Joel Westman) (Reg.Fee: $5)
XGREP103.ZIP 13288 03-21-96 Xgrep 1.03 is a text search utility modeled
| after the Unix GREP utility. (Robert Nordier)
| (Reg.Fee: $0)