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Assembly Source File
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;_ float.asm Sat Mar 26 1988 Modified by: Walter Bright */
; $Header$
;Copyright (C) 1984-1988 by Northwest Software
;All Rights Reserved, written by Walter Bright
;Floating point package
include macros.asm
sgn equ 08000h ;mask for sign bit
shortexp equ 07F80h ;mask for short exponent
shorthid equ 00080h ;mask for hidden bit
shortbias equ 07Fh ;exponent bias
longexp equ 07FF0h ;mask for long exponent
longhid equ 00010h ;mask for hidden bit
longbias equ 03FFh ;exponent bias
c_extrn CXFERR,far
c_extrn CXFERR,near
c_extrn _8087,word ;8087 flag word
_DBL_MAX dw 0,0,0,longexp ;maximum double value
_DBL_MIN dw 0,0,0,longhid ;minimum
_FLT_MAX dw 0,shortexp ;maximum float value
_FLT_MIN dw 0,shorthid
roundto0 dw 0FBFh ;8087 control word to round to 0
begcode float
;Note: 0=int 2=unsigned 3=long 4=float 5=double
c_public _DADD@,_DSUB@,_DMUL@,_DDIV@,_DNEG@,_DTST@,_DCMP@
c_public _DTST87@,_87TOPSW@,_DBLTO87@,_FLTTO87@,_DBLINT87@
c_public _DBLLNG87@
regstk macro
mov [BP],DX
mov 2[BP],CX
mov 4[BP],BX
mov 6[BP],AX
stkreg macro
mov DX,[BP]
mov CX,2[BP]
mov BX,4[BP]
mov AX,6[BP]
xchgstkreg macro
xchg DX,[BP]
xchg CX,2[BP]
xchg BX,4[BP]
xchg AX,6[BP]
neg64 macro
; clr SI ;just so happens this is true when
;we invoke the macro
not CX
not BX
not AX
neg DX
adc CX,SI
adc BX,SI
adc AX,SI
shl64 macro r1,r2,r3,r4
shl r4,1
rcl r3,1
rcl r2,1
rcl r1,1
shr64 macro r1,r2,r3,r4
shr r1,1
rcr r2,1
rcr r3,1
rcr r4,1
shlby8 macro
mov AH,AL
mov AL,BH
mov BH,BL
mov BL,CH
mov CH,CL
mov CL,DH
mov DH,DL
xor DL,DL
shrby8 macro
mov DL,DH
mov DH,CL
mov CL,CH
mov CH,BL
mov BL,BH
mov BH,AL
mov AL,AH
xor AH,AH
; Short real:
; s | exponent| significand|
; 31|30 23|22 0|
; Long real:
; s | exponent| significand|
; 63|62 52|51 0|
; Unpack a float. The float must not be 0.
; Input:
; [DX,AX] = the float (with sign = 0)
; Output:
; [DX,AX] = significand (with hidden bit in DX bit 15)
; SI exponent
; DI sign (in bit 15)
$funnorm proc near
mov DI,DX ;save sign
shl DX,1
xchg DH,DL
clr DH
mov SI,DX ;SI = exponent (AX >> 7)
mov DX,DI
or DL,shorthid ;or in hidden bit
mov DH,DL
mov DL,AH
mov AH,AL
clr AL
$funnorm endp
; Normalize and pack a float.
; Input:
; [DX,AX] = significand
; SI = exponent (biased)
; DI bit 15 = sign of result
$fnorm proc near
sub SI,8 ;offset
L11: tst DH ;do we need to shift right?
jz L12 ;no
L35: shr DX,1
rcr AX,1
inc SI ;exponent
jnc L11 ;no rounding
tst DH ;done shifting?
jnz L35 ;no
inc AX ;round up by 1
jnz L12 ;no carry (also, we're done shifting)
inc DX
jmp L11
;see if our significand is 0
L12: tst DX
jnz L13
tst AX
jnz L13
mov DX,shorthid
clr SI ;trick L13 into giving us a 0 result
L13: test DL,shorthid ;hidden bit in right spot?
jnz L14 ;yes
shl AX,1
rcl DX,1 ;shift left till it is
dec SI
jmp L13
L14: test SI,0FF00h ;see if underflow or overflow
jz L16 ;no
mov DX,1 ;assume underflow
js L17 ;right
inc DX ;overflow
L17: push DX
callm CXFERR
pop DX
clr AX
dec DX
jz L19 ;0 is result for underflow
mov DX,shortexp
jmps L18 ;infinity is result for overflow (with sign)
L16: push CX
mov CX,7
shl SI,CL ;shift exponent into position
pop CX
and DL,shorthid - 1 ;dump hidden bit
; and SI,shortexp ;dump extraneous bits (not necessary)
or DX,SI ;install exponent
L18: and DI,sgn ;mask sign bit
or DX,DI ;install sign
L19: ret
$fnorm endp
; Unpack a double. The double must not be 0.
; Input:
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = the double (with sign = 0)
; Output:
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = significand (with hidden bit in AX bit 15)
; SI exponent
; DI sign (in bit 15)
dunnorm proc near
mov DI,AX ;save sign
mov SI,AX
and SI,longexp ;mask off exponent bits
shr SI,1
shr SI,1
shr SI,1
shr SI,1 ;right justify exponent
or AL,longhid ;or in hidden bit
; AX,BX,CX,DX <<= 11
shl64 AX,BX,CX,DX
shl64 AX,BX,CX,DX
shl64 AX,BX,CX,DX
dunnorm endp
; Normalize and pack a double.
; Input:
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = significand
; SI = exponent (biased)
; DI bit 15 = sign of result
dnorm proc near
sub SI,11 ;offset
test AH,0C0h ;can we shift right 8 bits?
jz dnorm2 ;no
add SI,8
dnorm2: test AX,0FFE0h ;do we need to shift right?
jz L5 ;no
L34: shr64 AX,BX,CX,DX
inc SI ;exponent
jnc dnorm2 ;don't worry about rounding
test AX,0FFE0h ;done shifting yet?
jnz L34 ;no, don't round yet
;Round up by 1
add DX,1
adc CX,0
adc BX,0
adc AL,AH ;note that AH is 0
jmp dnorm2
;see if our significand is 0
L5: tst AL
jnz L3
tst BX
jnz DN1
xchg BX,DX
xchg BX,CX ;BX,CX,DX <<= 16
sub SI,16 ;shift left by 16
tst BX
jnz DN1
xchg BX,CX ;BX,CX <<= 16
sub SI,16
tst BX
jz L9 ;result is 0
tst BH
jnz DN1
xchg BH,BL ;BX <<= 8
sub SI,8
L3: test AL,longhid ;hidden bit in right spot?
jnz L4 ;yes
DN1: shl64 AL,BX,CX,DX ;shift left till it is
dec SI
jmp L3
L4: test SI,0F800h ;see if underflow or overflow
jnz L6 ;yes
shl SI,1
shl SI,1
shl SI,1
shl SI,1
and AL,longhid - 1 ;dump hidden bit
; and SI,longexp ;dump extraneous bits (not necessary)
or AX,SI ;install exponent
L8: and DI,sgn ;mask sign bit
or AX,DI ;install sign
L9: ret
L6: mov AL,1 ;assume underflow
js L7 ;right
inc AX ;overflow
L7: push DI ;save sign
push AX
callm CXFERR
pop AX
pop DI
clr BX
mov CX,BX
mov DX,BX
dec AX
jz L9 ;0 is result for underflow
mov AX,longexp
jmps L8 ;infinity is result for overflow (with sign)
dnorm endp
; Test and see if [] is 0
func _DTST@
push AX
shl AX,1 ;dump sign bit
or AX,DX
or AX,CX
or AX,BX
pop AX
c_endp _DTST@
; Double floating subtract.
; a = b - c
; Input:
; b is on stack
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = b
; Output:
; a = [AX,BX,CX,DX]
; SI,DI = preserved
func _DSUB@
push BP
sub SP,nn ;make room for nn variables
mov BP,SP
.if _8087 e 0, S1 ;if no 8087
fld qword ptr nn+P[BP] ;load b
.push <AX,BX,CX,DX> ;push c
fsub qword ptr -8[BP] ;sub c
;Check for floating point error
fstsw -2[BP]
test byte ptr -2[BP],1Ch
jz fltret4
mov AX,1
test byte ptr -2[BP],10h ;underflow?
jnz callferr ;yes
inc AX
test byte ptr -2[BP],8 ;overflow?
jnz callferr ;yes
inc AX ;else divide by 0
push AX
callm CXFERR
pop AX
fstp qword ptr -8[BP]
fwait ;wait for it to finish
.pop <DX,CX,BX,AX> ;pop result
add SP,nn
pop BP
ret 8
S1: stc ;indicate subtraction
jmps L22
c_endp _DSUB@
; Double floating add.
; a = b + c
; Input:
; b is on stack
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = c
; Output:
; a = [AX,BX,CX,DX]
; SI,DI = preserved
; Stack offsets
padnn = 22 ;so nn == dd == mm == 38
signb = padnn+8
signc = signb+2
exp = signc+2
minus = exp+2
nn = minus+2
func _DADD@
push BP
sub SP,nn ;make room for nn variables
mov BP,SP
.if _8087 e 0, A1 ;if no 8087
fld qword ptr nn+P[BP] ;load b
.push <AX,BX,CX,DX> ;push c
fadd qword ptr -8[BP] ;add c
jmp fltret
L23: ;Result is b
mov AX,nn+P+6[BP]
mov BX,nn+P+4[BP]
mov CX,nn+P+2[BP]
mov DX,nn+P[BP]
jmp L24
L30: ;we have the case 0 +- c
and DI,8000h ;isolate sign bit
xor AX,DI ;toggle sign if it was a minus
jmp L24
A1: ;clc ;indicate addition (C is already 0)
L22: push DI
rcr DI,1 ;bit 15 is sign
push AX
shl AX,1 ;dump sign bit
or AX,DX
or AX,CX
or AX,BX
pop AX ;see if second operand is 0
jz L23 ;yes, result is first operand
push AX
mov AX,nn+P+6[BP]
mov signb+1[BP],AH ;save sign of b
shl AX,1 ;dump sign bit
or AX,nn+P+4[BP]
or AX,nn+P+2[BP]
or AX,nn+P[BP]
pop AX
jz L30 ;yes, result is second operand
push SI
xor DI,AX ;produce sign of second operand
mov signc[BP],DI ;save sign of c
xor DI,signb[BP] ;if sign(b) != sign(c), then subtraction
mov minus[BP],DI ;flag for subtraction
call dunnorm ;unpack second operand (c)
mov exp[BP],SI ;save exponent of c
regstk ;move registers to stack
mov AX,nn+P+6[BP]
mov BX,nn+P+4[BP]
mov CX,nn+P+2[BP]
mov DX,nn+P[BP]
call dunnorm ;unpack first operand (b)
sub SI,exp[BP] ;SI = exp(b) - exp(c)
ja shiftc ;exp(b) > exp(c)
; exp(b) <= exp(c)
; exp(result) = exp(c)
; if (SI <= -64)
; result is c
; shift b right by -SI times so it matches with c
.if SI g -64, L25
; result is c
mov DI,signc[BP] ;sign of result
jmps L33
; shift b right -SI times so it matches c
CXA2: .if SI g -8, CXA1
add SI,8
jnz CXA2
CXA1: xchg CX,SI
jcxz L26 ;no shifting need be done
neg CX
L27: shr64 AX,BX,SI,DX
loop L27
L26: xchg CX,SI ;restore CX, SI = 0
jmps addsub
; exp(b) > exp(c)
; exp(result) = exp(b)
; if (SI <= 64)
; result is b
; shift c right by SI times so it matches with b
shiftc: add exp[BP],SI ;exp[BP] = exp(b)
.if SI b 64, L28
; result is b
mov DI,signb[BP] ;get sign of b
L33: mov SI,exp[BP]
call dnorm ;normalize result
jmp done
L28: xchgstkreg
CXA3: .if SI b 8, CXA4
sub SI,8
jnz CXA3
jmps L36
CXA4: xchg CX,SI
L32: shr64 AX,BX,SI,DX
loop L32
xchg CX,SI ;restore CX, SI = 0
L36: xchgstkreg
;the following code depends on SI=0 (specifically, the neg64)
addsub: ;b is in reg, c is on stack
shl byte ptr minus+1[BP],1 ;subtracting? (test bit 15)
jnc L29 ;no
sub DX,[BP]
sbb CX,2[BP]
sbb BX,4[BP]
sbb AX,6[BP]
jnc L31 ;no borrow
xor byte ptr signb+1[BP],80h ;toggle sign of result
neg64 ;SI must be 0 for this to work
jmps L31
L29: add DX,[BP]
adc CX,2[BP]
adc BX,4[BP]
adc AX,6[BP]
jnc L31
rcr AX,1
rcr BX,1
rcr CX,1
rcr DX,1
inc word ptr exp[BP] ;bump exponent
L31: mov DI,signb[BP]
mov SI,exp[BP] ;exponent of result
call dnorm ;normalize and pack result
done: pop SI
L24: pop DI
add SP,nn
pop BP
ret 8
c_endp _DADD@
; Double compare
; a = b ? c
; Input:
; stack = b
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = c
; Output:
; a = [AX,BX,CX,DX]
; Be careful about negative 0 bugs.
func _DCMP@
push BP
mov BP,SP
push DI
push AX
;test if c is 0
mov DI,AX
shl DI,1 ;dump sign bit
or DI,DX
or DI,CX
or DI,BX
jnz C3 ;no
and AH,7Fh ;no -0 bugs
mov DI,6+P[BP]
shl DI,1 ;dump sign bit
or DI,4+P[BP]
or DI,2+P[BP]
or DI,P[BP]
jnz C2 ;no
and byte ptr 7+P[BP],7Fh ;convert -0 to 0
mov DI,AX
xor DI,word ptr 6+P[BP]
js C52 ;signs are different
mov DI,1 ;1 for positive compares
tst AX
jns C51
neg DI ;-1 for negative compares
C51: .if 6+P[BP] ne AX, C6 ;compare MSW
.if 4+P[BP] ne BX, C6
.if 2+P[BP] ne CX, C6
.if P[BP] e DX, L21
C6: ja C7
neg DI
C7: tst DI
L21: pop AX
pop DI
pop BP
ret 8
C52: cmp 6+P[BP],AX
jmp L21
c_endp _DCMP@
; Negate a double (or a float)
; Input:
; Output:
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = - [AX,BX,CX,DX]
func _DNEG@
xor AH,80h ;toggle sign bit
c_endp _DNEG@
; Double floating divide.
; a = b / c
; Input:
; [BP] = b
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = c
; Output:
; a = [AX,BX,CX,DX]
; SI,DI preserved
; Stack offsets:
paddd = 14 ;so nn == cxdd == mm == 38
resp = paddd+16 ;pointer to result
sign = resp+2 ;sign of result
exp = sign+2 ;exponent of result
count = exp+2 ;loop counter
cxdd = count+2 ;amount of local variables
func _DDIV@
push BP
sub SP,cxdd
mov BP,SP
.if _8087 e 0, D7 ;if no 8087
fld qword ptr cxdd+P[BP] ;load b
.push <AX,BX,CX,DX> ;push c
fdiv qword ptr -8[BP] ;div c
jmp fltret
D2: push AX
mov AX,3 ;divide by 0 error
push AX
callm CXFERR
pop AX
pop AX
xor AX,cxdd+P+6[BP]
and AX,8000h ;isolate sign of result
or AX,longexp ;+ or - infinity
D11: clr BX
mov CX,BX
mov DX,BX
D1: jmp D8
D10: clr AX
jmp D11
D7: push SI
push DI
mov DI,cxdd+P+6[BP]
shl DI,1 ;dump sign bit
or DI,cxdd+P+4[BP]
or DI,cxdd+P+2[BP]
or DI,cxdd+P+[BP] ;is b 0?
jz D10 ;yes, return 0
mov DI,AX
shl DI,1 ;dump sign bit
or DI,BX
or DI,CX
or DI,DX ;is c 0?
jz D2 ;yes, return +- infinity
;unpack c
mov sign[BP],AX ;sign of result
mov DI,AX
and DI,longexp ;mask off exponent bits
xor AX,DI ;turn off exponent bits in AX
or AL,longhid ;or in hidden bit
regstk ;transfer sig(b) to 0[BP]
mov AX,cxdd+P+6[BP]
mov BX,cxdd+P+4[BP]
mov CX,cxdd+P+2[BP]
mov DX,cxdd+P+[BP] ;mov b into registers
;unpack b
xor sign[BP],AX ;sign(result) = sign(b) ^ sign(c)
mov SI,AX
and SI,longexp ;mask off exponent bits
xor AX,SI ;turn off exponent bits in AX
or AL,longhid ;or in hidden bit
sub DI,longbias*16 ;so bias is retained after subtraction
sub SI,DI ;exp(result) = exp(b) - exp(c)
shr SI,1
shr SI,1
shr SI,1
shr SI,1 ;right justify exponent
mov exp[BP],SI ;exponent of result
mov SI,CX ;free up CX for loop counter
mov AH,6[BP]
;if (b >= c) goto D31 else D41
mov CX,16 ;16 bits per word
D51: .if AL a AH, D31
jb D41
.if BX a 4[BP], D31
jb D41
.if SI a 2[BP], D31
jb D41
.if DX b 0[BP], D41
;b -= c
D31: sub DX,0[BP]
sbb SI,2[BP]
sbb BX,4[BP]
sbb AL,AH ;since b >= c, C == 0
D41: rcl DI,1 ;0 if we subtracted, 1 if not
shl64 AL,BX,SI,DX ;b <<= 1
loop D51
not DI ;we shifted in the complement
push DI
;if (b >= c) goto D32 else D42
mov CL,16
mov DX,4[BP] ;DX is free'd up, use it
D52: .if AL a AH, D32
jb D42
.if BX a DX, D32
jb D42
.if SI b 2[BP], D42
;b -= c
D32: sub SI,2[BP]
sbb BX,DX
sbb AL,AH ;since b >= c, C == 0
D42: rcl DI,1 ;0 if we subtracted, 1 if not
shl SI,1
rcl BX,1
rcl AL,1 ;b <<= 1
loop D52
not DI ;we shifted in the complement
push DI
;if (b >= c) goto D33 else D43
mov CL,16
D53: .if AL a AH, D33
jb D43
.if BX b DX, D43
;b -= c
D33: sub BX,DX
sbb AL,AH ;since b >= c, C == 0
D43: rcl DI,1 ;0 if we subtracted, 1 if not
shl BX,1
rcl AL,1 ;b <<= 1
loop D53
not DI ;we shifted in the complement
;if (b >= c) goto D34 else D44
mov CL,8
D54: .if AL b AH, D44
;b -= c
sub AL,AH ;since b >= c, C == 0
D44: rcl DH,1 ;0 if we subtracted, 1 if not
shl AL,1 ;b <<= 1
loop D54
not DH ;we shifted in the complement
mov DL,CH ;DX <<= 8 (CH == 0)
mov CX,DI
pop BX
pop AX ;load sig(result)
mov SI,exp[BP]
mov DI,sign[BP]
call dnorm ;normalize result
D8: pop DI
pop SI
add SP,cxdd
pop BP
ret 8
c_endp _DDIV@
; Double floating multiply.
; a = b * c
; Input:
; [BP] = c
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = c
; Output:
; a = [AX,BX,CX,DX]
; SI,DI preserved
; Stack offsets:
sign = 8+8+16 ;sig(b) + sig(c) + sig(result)
exp = sign+2
count = exp+2
mm = count+2
func _DMUL@
push BP
sub SP,mm
mov BP,SP
.if _8087 e 0, M7 ;if no 8087
fld qword ptr mm+P[BP] ;load b
.push <AX,BX,CX,DX> ;push c
fmul qword ptr -8[BP] ;mul c
jmp fltret
M1: jmp M8
M7: push SI
push DI
mov DI,AX
shl DI,1 ;dump sign bit
rcr word ptr sign[BP],1 ;save sign
or DI,BX
or DI,CX
or DI,DX ;is c 0?
jz M1 ;yes
mov exp[BP],AX ;exponent of result
and word ptr exp[BP],longexp ;mask off exponent bits
or AL,longhid ;or in hidden bit
and AX,01Fh
regstk ;transfer sig(c) to 0[BP]
mov AX,nn+P+6[BP]
mov BX,nn+P+4[BP]
mov CX,nn+P+2[BP]
mov DX,nn+P[BP] ;get b
mov DI,AX
shl DI,1 ;dump sign bit
or DI,BX
or DI,CX
or DI,DX ;is b 0?
jz M1 ;yes
xor sign[BP],AX ;sign(result) = sign(b) ^ sign(c)
mov SI,AX
and SI,longexp ;mask off exponent bits
add SI,exp[BP]
shr SI,1
shr SI,1
shr SI,1
shr SI,1 ;right justify exponent
add SI,11+11-(longbias-1) ;don't want 2 * bias
mov exp[BP],SI ;exp(result) = exp(b) + exp(c)
or AL,longhid ;or in hidden bit
and AX,01Fh
ife ESeqDS
mov SI,ES
mov DI,SS
mov ES,DI
lea DI,14[BP]
mov 8[BP],DX
mov 10[BP],CX
mov 12[BP],BX
stosw ;transfer c to 8[BP]
clr AX
mov CX,8 ;8 words of 0 to product
rep stosw
ife ESeqDS
mov ES,SI
;Compute the 128 bit result of sig(b)*sig(c), and use the high 64 bits.
push DS
mov AX,SS
mov DS,AX
;BP -> b
sub DI,16+8 ;DI -> c (BP + 8)
clr BX
mov CX,6[DI]
mov SI,4[DI]
;BP -> b
;BP+16 -> result
mov AX,[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr [DI] ;* word from c
mov 2[BP+16],DX ;msw of multiply
mov AX,[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr 2[DI] ;* word from c
add 2[BP+16],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 4[BP+16],DX ;msw of multiply
mov AX,[BP] ;get word from b
mul SI ;* word from c
add 4[BP+16],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 22[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
mov AX,[BP] ;get word from b
mul CX ;* word from c
add 22[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 24[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
mov AX,2[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr [DI] ;* word from c
add 2[BP+16],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 4[BP+16],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 22[BP],BX
adc 24[BP],BX
mov AX,2[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr 2[DI] ;* word from c
add 4[BP+16],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 22[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 24[BP],BX
mov AX,2[BP] ;get word from b
mul SI ;* word from c
add 22[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 24[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 26[BP],BX
mov AX,2[BP] ;get word from b
mul CX ;* word from c
add 24[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 26[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
mov AX,4[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr [DI] ;* word from c
add 4[BP+16],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 22[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 24[BP],BX
adc 26[BP],BX
mov AX,4[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr 2[DI] ;* word from c
add 22[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 24[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 26[BP],BX
mov AX,4[BP] ;get word from b
mul SI ;* word from c
add 24[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 26[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 28[BP],BX
mov AX,4[BP] ;get word from b
mul CX ;* word from c
add 26[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 28[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
mov AX,6[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr [DI] ;* word from c
add 22[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 24[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 26[BP],BX
adc 28[BP],BX
mov AX,6[BP] ;get word from b
mul word ptr 2[DI] ;* word from c
add 24[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc 26[BP],DX ;msw of multiply
adc 28[BP],BX
mov AX,6[BP] ;get word from b
mul SI ;* word from c
add 26[BP],AX ;lsw of multiply
adc DX,28[BP] ;msw of multiply
mov AX,6[BP] ;get word from b
mul CL ;* word from c
add AX,DX ;lsw of multiply
pop DS
;Gather result, pack it and return it
mov DX,22[BP]
mov CX,24[BP]
mov BX,26[BP]
; mov AX,28[BP] ;get high 64 bits of result
;knowing that top 16 bits of 128 bit
;result is 0
shr64 AX,BX,CX,DX
shr64 AX,BX,CX,DX
shr64 AX,BX,CX,DX
mov SI,exp[BP]
sub SI,16-3+11 ;we've already shifted 16-3 bits
;the 11 is from 1st part of dnorm()
mov DI,sign[BP]
call dnorm2 ;normalize result
M8: pop DI
pop SI
add SP,mm
pop BP
ret 8
c_endp _DMUL@
; Convert unsigned int to double.
; SI,DI preserved.
func _UNSDBL@
jmps A10
c_endp _UNSDBL@
; Convert int to double
func _INTDBL@
.if _8087 e 0, A11 ;if no 8087
push AX
sub SP,6 ;3 extra words
push BP
mov BP,SP
fild word ptr 6+2[BP] ;load integer into 8087
jmp fltret2
A11: or AX,AX ;negative? (also clear C)
jns A10 ;no
neg AX ;abs value (also set C)
A10: .push <SI,DI>
rcr DI,1 ;bit 15 becomes sign of result
mov CX,DX
mov BX,DX ;rest of significand is 0
mov SI,15+longbias ;2^15
call dnorm ;pack result into a double
.pop <DI,SI>
c_endp _INTDBL@
; Convert unsigned long to double.
; SI,DI preserved.
func _ULNGDBL@
jmps A8
c_endp _ULNGDBL@
; Convert long to double.
func _LNGDBL@
.if _8087 e 0, A12 ;if no 8087
.push <DX,AX>
sub SP,4 ;2 extra words
push BP
mov BP,SP
fild dword ptr 6[BP] ;load long into 8087
jmp fltret2
A12: or DX,DX ;negative? (also clear C)
jns A8 ;no
neg32 DX,AX ;abs value
stc ;indicate negative result
A8: .push <SI,DI>
rcr DI,1 ;bit 15 becomes sign of result
clr CX
mov BX,CX ;rest of significand is 0
xchg AX,BX
xchg AX,DX
mov SI,31+longbias ;2^15
call dnorm ;pack result into a double
.pop <DI,SI>
c_endp _LNGDBL@
; Convert from float to long.
; Input:
; [DX,AX] = float
; Output:
; [DX,AX] = long, BX,CX,SI,DI are preserved
func _FLTLNG@
.push <BX,CX>
callm _FLTDBL@ ;convert float to double
callm _DBLLNG@ ;and the double to a long
.pop <CX,BX>
c_endp _FLTLNG@
; Convert from float to double.
; Input:
; [DX,AX] = float
; Output:
; [AX,BX,CX,DX] = double
func _FLTDBL@
.if _8087 e 0, C4 ;if no 8087
.push <DX,AX> ;push b
sub SP,4 ;2 extra words
push BP
mov BP,SP
fld dword ptr 6[BP] ;load float into 8087
fstp qword ptr 2[BP]
pop BP
fwait ;wait for it to finish
.pop <DX,CX,BX,AX> ;pop result
C4: push DI
clr CX
mov BX,CX
mov DI,DX ;save sign
shl DI,1 ;strip sign
or DI,AX ;is the float 0?
jz C1 ;yes, 0 result
push SI
call $funnorm ;unpack the float
xchg AX,BX
xchg AX,DX
add SI,longbias-shortbias ;fix the bias on the exponent
call dnorm ;pack a double
pop SI
C1: pop DI
c_endp _FLTDBL@
; Convert double to unsigned.
func _DBLUNS@
callm _DTST@ ;is the double 0?
jz A7 ;yes
.push <SI,DI>
call dunnorm ;unpack double
tst DI ;negative?
js A3 ;negative doubles map to 0
; clc ;flag unsigned
jmps A6
c_endp _DBLUNS@
; Convert double to int.
func _DBLINT@
callm _DTST@ ;is the double 0?
jz A7 ;yes
.push <SI,DI>
call dunnorm ;unpack double
stc ;flag signed
A6: rcr BL,1 ;BL sign bit is sign flag
sub SI,longbias ;un-bias the exponent
js A3 ;for neg exponents, the result is 0
mov CX,15
sub CX,SI ;15-exp is # of bits to shift
jc A9 ;overflow (double is too large)
je A13 ;bit 15 is set in result (AX was left-justified)
shr AX,CL
; adc AX,0 ;round up
; js A13 ;handle bit 15 being set in the result
tst DI ;is result negative?
jns A4 ;no
neg AX ;yes
A4: .pop <DI,SI>
A3: .pop <DI,SI>
A7: clr AX ;result is 0
A9: mov AX,0FFFFh ;unsigned infinity
tst BL ;unsigned conversion?
jns A4 ;yes
shr AX,1 ;signed positive infinity (7FFFh)
tst DI ;negative?
jns A4 ;no
not AX ;AX = 8000h, which is negative infinity
jmp A4
A13: tst BL ;signed conversion?
js A9 ;yes, overflow
jmp A4 ;no, AX has result
c_endp _DBLINT@
; Convert double to unsigned long.
func _DBLULNG@
callm _DTST@ ;is the double 0?
jz B7 ;yes
.push <SI,DI>
call dunnorm ;unpack double
tst DI ;negative?
js B3 ;negative doubles map to 0
; clc ;flag unsigned
jmps B6
c_endp _DBLULNG@
; Convert double to long
func _DBLLNG@
callm _DTST@ ;is the double 0?
jz B7 ;yes
.push <SI,DI>
call dunnorm ;unpack double
stc ;flag signed
B6: mov DX,AX
mov AX,BX
rcr BL,1
sub SI,longbias ;un-bias the exponent
js B3 ;for neg exponents, the result is 0
mov CX,31
.if SI a CX, B9 ;number is too large
sub CX,SI ;31-exp is # of bits to shift
jcxz B13
B1: shr DX,1
rcr AX,1
loop B1
; adc AX,CX
; adc DX,CX ;round up
; js B13 ;most significant bit is set
tst DI ;is result negative?
jns B4 ;no
neg32 DX,AX ;yes
B4: .pop <DI,SI>
B3: .pop <DI,SI>
B7: clr AX ;result is 0
B9: mov AX,0FFFFh
cwd ;unsigned infinity
tst BL ;unsigned conversion?
jns B4 ;yes
shr DX,1 ;signed positive infinity (7FFFh)
tst DI ;negative?
jns B4 ;no
not AX
not DX ;DX,AX = 80000000h, which is -infinity
jmp B4
B13: tst BL ;signed conversion?
js B9 ;signed overflow
jmp B4 ;no, DX,AX has the result
c_endp _DBLLNG@
; Convert from double to float.
; Input:
; Output:
; [DX,AX]
; CX,BX destroyed
; SI,DI preserved
func _DBLFLT@
.if _8087 e 0, C5 ;if no 8087
.push <AX,BX,CX,DX> ;push double
push BP
mov BP,SP
fld qword ptr 2[BP] ;load b into 8087
fstp dword ptr 6[BP] ;store float result
pop BP
add SP,4
fwait ;wait for it to finish
.pop <AX,DX> ;pop result
C5: callm _DTST@ ;is the double 0?
jz L10 ;yes, float is 0
.push <SI,DI>
call dunnorm ;unpack double
sub SI,longbias-shortbias ;fix exponent bias
xchg DX,AX
xchg AX,BX
call $fnorm ;pack float
.pop <DI,SI>
L10: cbw ;make sure AX is 0
c_endp _DBLFLT@
; Convert int to float
func _INTFLT@
.push <BX,CX>
callm _INTDBL@
CX1: callm _DBLFLT@
CX2: .pop <CX,BX>
c_endp _INTFLT@
; Convert unsigned to float
func _UNSFLT@
.push <BX,CX>
callm _UNSDBL@
jmp CX1
c_endp _UNSFLT@
; Convert long to float
.push <BX,CX>
callm _LNGDBL@
jmp CX1
; Convert float to int
.push <BX,CX>
callm _FLTDBL@
callm _DBLINT@
jmp CX2
; Convert float to unsigned
.push <BX,CX>
callm _FLTDBL@
callm _DBLUNS@
jmp CX2
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; INLINE 8087 SUPPORT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; Test ST0, pop it, and set results in PSW.
func _DTST87@
; callm _87TOPSW@
; ret
c_endp _DTST87@
; Convert 8087 flags into 8088 flags.
func _87TOPSW@
push BP
mov BP,SP
sub SP,2 ;can only transfer through memory
fstsw word ptr -2[BP] ;transfer 8087 status word
push AX ;save AX, allow 8087 time to finish
fwait ;make sure 8087 is finished
mov AH,byte ptr -1[BP] ;interested in second byte
sahf ;transfer to 8088 flags
pop AX
mov SP,BP
pop BP
c_endp _87TOPSW@
; Convert AX,BX,CX,DX into ST0.
func _DBLTO87@
push BP
mov BP,SP
.push <AX,BX,CX,DX>
fld qword ptr -8[BP]
N1: fwait ;make sure it's done before popping stack
mov SP,BP
pop BP
c_endp _DBLTO87@
; Convert DX,AX (float) into ST0.
func _FLTTO87@
push BP
mov BP,SP
.push <DX,AX>
fld dword ptr -4[BP]
jmps N1
c_endp _FLTTO87@
; Convert ST0 into an int in AX.
; ANSI says that rounding to int truncates towards 0.
func _DBLINT87@
push BP
mov BP,SP
sub SP,4
fstcw -2[BP] ;save original control word
fldcw roundto0
fistp word ptr -4[BP]
pop AX
N3: ;fnldcw -2[BP] ;restore original control word
db 0D8h+1,06Eh,-2
mov SP,BP
pop BP
c_endp _DBLINT87@
; Convert ST0 into a long in DX,AX.
; ANSI says that rounding to long truncates towards 0.
func _DBLLNG87@
push BP
mov BP,SP
sub SP,6
fstcw -2[BP] ;save original control word
fldcw roundto0
fistp dword ptr -6[BP]
pop AX
pop DX
jmps N3
c_endp _DBLLNG87@
endcode float