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243 lines
C-scape 3.2 Example Program
Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 by Oakland Group, Inc.
Example using the framer menuing system with the help system.
All the pulldown menu choices call the function 'empty' defined below.
This program requires the associated help file DEMOFRAM.HLP
Revision History:
4/01/90 jmd ansi-fied
6/06/90 jmd changed main to return an int
9/14/90 bkd changed to use exit(0) instead of return(0).
10/19/90 pmcm included ostdlib.h for exit(), added return(1)
12/01/90 ted added oak_notused() macro to suppress warnings.
12/01/90 ted prototyped main, except if Turbo C++.
12/04/90 ted restored "" includes for C-scape headers (not <> includes).
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cscape.h"
#include "ostdlib.h" /* for exit() */
#include "popdecl.h" /* the 'empty' function below uses a pop-up */
#include "helpdecl.h" /* for the help system */
#include "framer.h" /* for the framer */
/*** Function prototypes ***/
/* Turbo C++ complains if main is prototyped */
#ifndef TCP
int main(void);
int empty(VOID *sdata, int idata);
/* --------- FRAMER DEFINITION ----------------------------- */
struct frame_def test_frame[] = {
* menu text, user- idata
* func, (must be
* > 0)
{ "Help!", FNULL, 1 },
{ "Help!", empty, 101 },
{ "The night before", empty, 103 },
{ "You've got to hide your love away", empty, 104 },
{ "I need you", empty, 105 },
{ "Another girl", empty, 106 },
{ "You're going to lose that girl", empty, 107 },
{ "Ticket to ride", empty, 108 },
{ "Act naturally", empty, 109 },
{ "It's only love", empty, 110 },
{ "You like me too much", empty, 111 },
{ "Tell me what you see", empty, 112 },
{ "I've just seen a face", empty, 113 },
{ "Yesterday", empty, 114 },
{ "Dizzy miss lizzie", empty, 115 },
{ "Rubber Soul", FNULL, 2 },
{ "Drive my car", empty, 201 },
{ "Norwegian wood", empty, 202 },
{ "You won't see me", empty, 203 },
{ "Nowhere man", empty, 204 },
{ "Think for yourself", empty, 205 },
{ "The word", empty, 206 },
{ "Michelle", empty, 207 },
{ "What goes on", empty, 208 },
{ "Girl", empty, 209 },
{ "I'm looking through you", empty, 210 },
{ "In my life", empty, 211 },
{ "Wait", empty, 212 },
{ "If I needed someone", empty, 213 },
{ "Run for your life", empty, 214 },
{ "Revolver", FNULL, 3 },
{ "Taxman", empty, 301 },
{ "Eleanor rigby", empty, 302 },
{ "I'm only sleeping", empty, 303 },
{ "Love you to", empty, 304 },
{ "Here, there and everywhere", empty, 305 },
{ "Yellow submarine", empty, 306 },
{ "She said she said", empty, 307 },
{ "Good day sunshine", empty, 308 },
{ "And your bird can sing", empty, 309 },
{ "For no one", empty, 310 },
{ "Doctor robert", empty, 311 },
{ "I want to tell you", empty, 312 },
{ "Got to get you into my life", empty, 313 },
{ "Tomorrow never knows", empty, 314 },
{ "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", FNULL, 4 },
{ "Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band", empty, 401 },
{ "With a little help from my friends", empty, 402 },
{ "Lucy in the sky with diamonds", empty, 403 },
{ "Getting better", empty, 404 },
{ "Fixing a hole", empty, 405 },
{ "She's leaving home", empty, 406 },
{ "Being for the benefit of mr. kite", empty, 407 },
{ "Within you without you", empty, 408 },
{ "When I'm sixty-four", empty, 409 },
{ "Lovely rita", empty, 410 },
{ "Good morning good morning", empty, 411 },
{ "Sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band (reprise)", empty, 412 },
{ "A day in the life", empty, 413 },
The framer menu system pre-empts the standard help system so that
help works a bit differently. Normally, FN1 is caught by special_key
and help_Show is called. The framer_fkey, however, hands the FN1 key
to framer_help before it gets to special_key.
help for item in has Chapter no., Paragraph no.
top menu bar idata of ITS 0 (ZERO always)
frame_def entry
pulldown menu idata of its PARENT field number + 1
Here is how framer_help works with the demofram.c menu structure:
The "Help!" disc, above, is associated with the help message for
chapter 1
(its 'idata' value ) and,
paragraph 0
The 14 songs on the "Help!" disc are associated with the message(s) for
chapter 1
(the 'idata' of its parent -- i.e., the "Help!" disc) and,
paragraphs 1 through 14
(the (field number + 1) of the pulldown menu song choice)
The "Sgt. Pepper's" disc is associated with the help message for
chapter 4
(its 'idata' value) and,
paragraph 0
The 13 songs on the "Sgt. Pepper's" disc are associated with the message(s) for
chapter 4
( the 'idata' of its parent) and,
paragraphs 1 through 13
for help_View help system display use a sed
default row & col position, 6 rows high, 40 columns wide,
in normal video, with the bd_prompt border
struct hv_struct hvd = { -1, -1, 6, 50, 0x07, bd_prompt };
int main(void)
sed_type frame;
FILE *fp = NULL;
/* Initialize the display */
disp_Init(def_ModeText, FNULL);
/* Turn on the mouse */
/* Turn on sedwin mouse */
/* open the help file */
fp = fopen("demofram.hlp", "rb");
if (fp == NULL) {
pop_Prompt("Unable to open help file.\n", -1, -1, -1, 26, 0x70, bd_2);
help_Init sets up the help system.
The first argument is a pointer to the help file.
The second argument is a pointer to the help display function.
The third argument tells the help system how much space to allocate
to hold the help messages. This is the maximum size of a help message.
The cscape field functions automatically call help when F1 is pressed.
(see fnspec.c)
else {
help_Init(fp, help_View, 100, (VOID *) &hvd);
frame = frame_Open(test_frame, bd_1, 0x70, 0x07, 0x70);
frame_Go(frame, (char) ' ', NULL);
/* Close down the display interface */
if (fp != NULL) {
/* close help file */
int empty(VOID *sdata, int idata)
A user supplied function...
char msg[80];
sprintf(msg, "This is song has id %3.d\n", idata);
pop_Prompt(msg, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0x70, bd_2);
/* return 0 to return to stay in the menuing system */
/* return positive value to exit menuing system */