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C-scape 3.2 Example Program
Copyright (c) 1988, 1990 by Oakland Group, Inc.
This program demonstrates how to use a mouse with C-scape.
There are three seds (windows).
One is a small data entry screen.
Two is a list of choices that can be selected with the mouse or
space bar.
Three is a text window.
You can select windows by moving the mouse over the desired window.
When you are finished you can quit by pressing ESC or by
clicking the mouse on the field that says "Done".
This program keeps a global list of its seds. This list
is used by the special function spc_Jump to cycle between the windows
when the TAB key is pressed in order to simulate the mouse via
the keyboard. The special function is attached to the seds in order
to intercept the TAB key.
All of the seds use the mouse border, bd_mouse. You can move any window
by clicking on its border and dragging. If you click on a corner
and drag the sed changes size.
Revision History:
2/15/90 jmd added an auxiliary function to handle window topping
4/01/90 jmd ansi-fied
6/06/90 jmd changed main to return an int
9/14/90 bkd changed to use exit(0) instead of return(0).
10/19/90 pmcm included ostdlib.h for exit(), added return(1)
12/01/90 ted prototyped main, except if Turbo C++.
12/04/90 ted restored "" includes for C-scape headers (not <> includes).
#include <stdio.h>
#include "cscape.h"
#include "ostdlib.h" /* for exit() */
#include "popdecl.h" /* for pop_Prompt */
#include "scancode.h" /* for key names */
#include "useful.h" /* for state names */
#ifdef OAK_DOS
# include "pcmode.h" /* for pc_IsCompaq, pc_IsEGA, etc. */
spc_func (spc_Jump);
#define WHITE_RED 0x47
#define RED_WHITE 0x74
#define WHITE_BLUE 0x17
#define BLUE_WHITE 0x71
#define THREETEXT "C-scape mouse demostration.\nUse the mouse to select fields or move the windows.\n\nTo quit, click Done or press Escape."
#define SHIP_NAMES "US Mail,UPS Red,UPS Blue,Fedex"
char *choices[] = {
"Oregano ",
"Basil ",
"Garlic ",
"Thyme ",
"Ginger ",
"Galanga "
#define CHOICE_COUNT (sizeof(choices) / sizeof(char *))
/*** global sedlist (see notes above) ***/
sed_type sedlist[2];
/* Turbo C++ complains if main is prototyped */
#ifndef TCP
int main(void);
int main(void)
sed_type sedone, sedtwo, sedthree;
menu_type menuone, menutwo;
char name[20], city[20], state[3], ship[20];
boolean checklist[CHOICE_COUNT];
int row;
name[0] = '\0';
city[0] = '\0';
state[0] = '\0';
ship[0] = '\0';
/* Open the display in text mode */
disp_Init(def_ModeText, FNULL);
/* Turn on the mouse */
if (!hard_InitMouse()) {
pop_Prompt("Mouse driver not found!", -1, -1, -1, 25, 0x70, bd_mouse);
else {
/* Turn on sedwin mouse, link in mouse border support */
/* You must call this if you want to use mouse borders */
/* You can ignore this call if you do not want to use mouse borders */
/* map colors to black and white for mono (or compaq CGAs) displays */
#ifdef OAK_DOS
if (disp_GetColors() <= 2L || (pc_IsCompaq() && pc_IsCGA() && !pc_IsEGA())){
if (disp_GetColors() <= 2L){ /* Non-DOS system */
/*** create the first sed ***/
/* A small data entry window */
menuone = menu_Open();
menu_Printf(menuone, " Customer Information \n\n");
menu_Printf(menuone, "Name: @fd[#########]\n\n",
name, &string_funcs, "Enter customer name");
menu_Printf(menuone, "City: @fd[#########]\n\n",
city, &alpha_funcs, "Enter customer city");
menu_Printf(menuone, "State: @fd2[## ]\n\n", state, &alpha_funcs,
"Enter state abbrev.", STATE_2NAMES);
menu_Printf(menuone, "Ship By: @fd2[#########]\n\n", ship, &toggle_funcs,
"Click for courier", SHIP_NAMES);
menu_Printf(menuone, " @fd[ Done ]",
NULL, &click_funcs, "Click to quit");
sedone = sed_Open(menuone);
sed_SetColors(sedone, RED_WHITE, RED_WHITE, WHITE_RED);
sed_SetBorder(sedone, bd_mouse);
sed_SetPosition(sedone, 10, 3);
/* Attach a mouse handler to the sed */
sed_SetMouse(sedone, sedmou_Track);
/*** create the second sed ***/
/* A list of things to check off */
menutwo = menu_Open();
menu_Printf(menutwo, " Select spice(s) to ship. ");
for (row = 0; row < CHOICE_COUNT; row++) {
checklist[row] = FALSE;
menu_Printf(menutwo, "@p[%d,1]@f[# %s ]", row + 2,
&checklist[row], &check_funcs, choices[row]);
sedtwo = sed_Open(menutwo);
sed_SetColors(sedtwo, WHITE_RED, WHITE_RED, RED_WHITE);
sed_SetBorder(sedtwo, bd_mouse);
sed_SetPosition(sedtwo, 12, 45);
/* Attach a mouse handler to the sed */
sed_SetMouse(sedtwo, sedmou_Track);
/*** create the third sed ***/
/* This is a text box, we will use pop_Text to create it */
sedthree = pop_Text(THREETEXT, 1, 20, -1, 40, WHITE_BLUE, bd_mouse);
/* Attach a mouse handler to the sed */
/* For this sed we use the 'click' handler, otherwise
simply moving the mouse into this window would quit the program.
sed_SetMouse(sedthree, sedmou_Click);
/*** put the seds into the global sed list ***/
/* This is so the special function, spc_Jump can move between
seds without using the mouse */
sedlist[0] = sedone;
sedlist[1] = sedtwo;
sed_SetSpecial(sedone, spc_Jump);
sed_SetSpecial(sedtwo, spc_Jump);
/* attach a special function to the seds to ensure that they
are brought to the foreground when they are selected
sed_SetAux(sedone, aux_Top);
sed_SetAux(sedtwo, aux_Top);
/*** paint the seds ***/
/* Note we only need call go on one sed, the mouse handlers
will pass control back and forth between the seds */
/*** close the seds ***/
/* shut down the display */
boolean spc_Jump(sed_type sed, int scancode)
A special which intercepts the TAB key and tells
the sed to quit and 'jump' to a new window.
Uses the global list of seds found at the top of this file.
if (scancode == TAB) {
/* Quit this sed */
/* Find other window, tell window manager to jump to it */
if (sed == sedlist[0]) {
/* we're sed one, jump to sed two */
sed_SetNextWin(sed, sed_GetWin(sedlist[1]));
else {
/* we're sed two, jump to sed one */
sed_SetNextWin(sed, sed_GetWin(sedlist[0]));