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% Header for display manager
5/16/88 by Ted.
OWL 1.2
Copyright (c) 1988, by Oakland Group, Inc.
Revision History:
8/24/88 Ted Merged driver and mode in to one stub function pointer.
11/22/88 Ted Added CheckMouse and ReadEvent functions
12/07/88 Ted Put init function into dControl structure.
12/12/88 Ted Merged CheckKey and CheckMouse into CheckEvent.
12/16/88 jmd made ddisp_GetWidth/Height into functions
1/18/89 Ted Changed call to PlotText for simplified interface.
3/20/89 Ted Made everything refer to static curr_dmgr.
5/09/89 ted Changed Alloc/Free terms to Open/Close.
5/11/89 ted Added macros for setting and getting the CloseDIG fptr.
7/29/89 ted Resurrected disp_GetInfo() macro.
8/07/89 ted Made GetShift() related macros return 1 or 0, nothing else.
8/14/89 jmd Added disp_EvCheck() macros
8/31/89 jmd Added disp_EvCheck() macros (again)
9/11/89 jmd Added disp_IsMouseTrapped() macro
11/27/89 ted Moved disp_IsMouseTrapped() macro to winproto where it can be happy with its sisters.
2/14/90 ted Got rid of fontreq_struct. Just use fontdesc_struct.
3/11/90 ted Added prototypes for disp_GetBiggerFont & disp_MapPcColors.
3/21/90 ted disp_HideMouse disp_ShowMouse macros now use DC_HIDE/SHOWMOUSE msgs.
3/28/90 jmd ansi-fied
5/12/90 jmd changed the ascii macro, converted scancodes to ints
9/06/90 jmd converted the ascii macro into a function
10/10/90 ted Added disp_IsTextMode macro.
11/06/90 ted moved pmapioreq stuff here from pmapdecl.h
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Global display manager structure declarations */
OEXTERN dmgr_struct curr_dmgrstruc;
#define curr_dmgr (&curr_dmgrstruc)
#define curr_wmgr (&curr_dmgrstruc.wmgr)
#define disp_id() (curr_dmgr->id)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Prototypes */
extern boolean disp_Init(dmode_fptr dmode, class_fptr backwin);
extern void disp_Close(void);
extern boolean disp_ReInit(dmode_fptr dmode);
extern VOID *disp_GetCurrent(void);
extern boolean disp_SetCurrent(VOID *dispp);
extern boolean disp_RestoreCurrent(VOID *dispp);
/* DISP.C */
extern boolean disp_Ok(void);
extern int disp_GetHeight(void);
extern int disp_GetWidth(void);
extern ofont_type disp_OpenFont(fontdesc_struct *fontreq);
extern void disp_CloseFont(ofont_type font);
extern void disp_SetAttrColors(byte attr, opixval bg, opixval fg);
extern opixval disp_GetAttrFgColor(byte attr);
extern opixval disp_GetAttrBgColor(byte attr);
extern void disp_SetColMapEntry(opixval icol, olevel red, olevel green, olevel blue);
extern boolean ptd_SetInner(ptd_struct *ptd, ptd_struct *inptd, opbox *inboxp);
/* Character attribute mapping */
#define disp_SetMapEntry(attr, bg, fg) \
disp_SetAttrColors(attr, bg, fg)
#define disp_GetMapEntry(attr, bgp, fgp) \
disp_GetAttrColors(attr, bgp, fgp)
extern void disp_Clear(opixval color);
extern void disp_Repaint(void);
extern void disp_MapMono(boolean mono);
extern void disp_MapPcColors(void);
extern void disp_MapAttrColors(ocolmap_type cmap);
extern ofont_type disp_GetBiggerFont(ofont_type font);
extern ofont_type disp_GetSmallerFont(ofont_type font);
extern void pmap_IoInitFunc(pmapioreq_fptr iofunc);
extern pmapioreq_func (pmap_IoNullReq);
/* pmap input/output enabling initialization function */
#define pmap_IoInit() pmap_IoInitFunc(def_PmapIoReq)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Device info request macros */
#define disp_GetInfo() (curr_dmgr->disp.info)
#define disp_GetMode() (disp_GetInfo()->mode)
#define disp_GetPixWidth() pmap_GetWidth(disp_GetInfo()->dispmap)
#define disp_GetPixHeight() pmap_GetHeight(disp_GetInfo()->dispmap)
#define disp_GetColMapNentries() (disp_GetInfo()->defcolmap.nentries)
#define disp_GetDefColMapp() (disp_GetInfo()->defcolmap)
#define disp_GetColors() (disp_GetInfo()->ncolors)
#define disp_hardcursor() (disp_GetInfo()->hardcursor)
#define disp_GetByteOrder() (disp_GetInfo()->byteorder)
#define disp_dispmap() (disp_GetInfo()->dispmap)
#define disp_GetDefFont() (&disp_GetInfo()->def_font)
#define disp_IsTextMode() (ofont_GetHeight(disp_GetDefFont()) == 1)
#define disp_vtscroll() ((boolean) curr_dmgr->disp.dig.vtscroll)
#define disp_hzscroll() ((boolean) curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hzscroll)
#define disp_TextFree() ((boolean) curr_dmgr->disp.dig.textfree)
#define disp_type() (curr_dmgr->disp.dig.type)
#define disp_version() (curr_dmgr->disp.dig.version)
#define disp_EvCheck() ((boolean) curr_dmgr->disp.dig.evcheck)
#define disp_SetEvCheck(c) (curr_dmgr->disp.dig.evcheck = (c))
#define disp_MouseDistout() (curr_dmgr->disp.mouse_distout)
#define disp_MouseTimeout() (curr_dmgr->disp.mouse_timeout)
#define disp_clipbox(boxp) pmap_clipbox(disp_dispmap(), boxp)
#define disp_clippoint(xp, yp) pmap_clippoint(disp_dispmap(), xp, yp)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* DIG control function ptr macros */
#define disp_Control(msg, indata, outdata) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.dControl)(msg, (VOID *)(indata), (VOID *)(outdata))
#define pmap_Control(msg, indata, outdata) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pControl)(msg, (VOID *)(indata), (VOID *)(outdata))
#define hard_Control(msg, indata, outdata) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hControl)(msg, (VOID *)(indata), (VOID *)(outdata))
#define disp_CloseDIG() \
((*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.CloseDIG)(&curr_dmgr->disp.dig), curr_dmgr->disp.dig.data = NULL)
/* Macros for getting and setting the CloseDIG function ptr */
#define disp_GetCloseDIG() (curr_dmgr->disp.dig.CloseDIG)
#define disp_SetCloseDIG(cd) (curr_dmgr->disp.dig.CloseDIG = (cd))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* DIG ptd function ptr macros */
#define ptd_DrawCursor(ptd, ctype) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pDrawCursor)(ptd, ctype)
#define ptd_PlotText(ptd, x, y, cbuf, rc, ra, slen) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pPlotText)(ptd, x, y, cbuf, rc, ra, slen)
#define ptd_Clear(ptd, color) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pClear)(ptd, color)
#define ptd_ScrollBoxVt(ptd, n) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pScrollBoxVt)(ptd, n)
#define ptd_ScrollBoxHz(ptd, n) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pScrollBoxHz)(ptd, n)
#define ptd_DrawPixmap(ptd, pixmap, pmboxp) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pDrawPixmap)(ptd, pixmap, pmboxp)
#define ptd_ReadPixmap(ptd, pixmap, pmboxp) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.pReadPixmap)(ptd, pixmap, pmboxp)
#define ptd_PlotTextbuf(ptd, x, y, cbuf, ra, slen) \
ptd_PlotText(ptd, x, y, cbuf, 0, ra, slen)
#define ptd_PlotChar(ptd, x, y, rc, ra, slen) \
ptd_PlotText(ptd, x, y, NULL, rc, ra, slen)
#define ptd_EraseCursor(ptd) \
ptd_DrawCursor(ptd, CURSOR_NONE)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Disp function macros */
#define disp_InitMode() disp_Control(DC_INITMODE, NULL, NULL)
#define disp_RestoreMode() disp_Control(DC_RESTOREMODE, NULL, NULL)
#define disp_Cache() disp_Control(DC_CACHE, NULL, NULL)
#define disp_Flush() disp_Control(DC_FLUSH, NULL, NULL)
#define disp_HideMouse() disp_Control(DC_HIDEMOUSE, NULL, NULL)
#define disp_ShowMouse() disp_Control(DC_SHOWMOUSE, NULL, NULL)
/* Character attribute mapping */
#define disp_GetAttrColors(attr, bgp, fgp) \
(*(bgp) = disp_GetAttrBgColor(attr), \
*(fgp) = disp_GetAttrFgColor(attr))
#define disp_getattrbg(attrp, bgp) disp_Control(DC_GETATTRBG, attrp, bgp)
#define disp_getattrfg(attrp, fgp) disp_Control(DC_GETATTRFG, attrp, fgp)
/* Hardware pixval-to-RGB color palette mapping */
#define disp_SetColMap(colmap) disp_Control(DC_SETCOLMAP, (VOID *)colmap, NULL)
#define disp_GetColMap(colmap) disp_Control(DC_GETCOLMAP, NULL, (VOID *)colmap)
#define disp_SetColMapDefault() disp_SetColMap(disp_GetDefColMapp())
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Hardware functions and function ptr macros */
/* KBREAD.C */
extern int kb_Read(void);
extern boolean kb_CheckWait(unsigned wait);
extern void kb_Clear(void);
extern int ascii(int scancode);
extern boolean hard_InitMouse(void);
extern void hard_DeinitMouse(void);
#define hard_GetMouseTimeout() (curr_dmgr->disp.mouse_timeout)
#define hard_SetMouseTimeout(t) (curr_dmgr->disp.mouse_timeout = (t))
#define kb_Check() kb_CheckWait(0)
#define hard_CheckEvent(wait) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hCheckEvent)(wait)
#define hard_ReadEvent(evp) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hReadEvent)(evp)
#define kb_GetShift() (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hGetShift)()
#define kb_Shift() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x03) != 0)
#define kb_Control() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x04) != 0)
#define kb_Alt() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x08) != 0)
#define kb_ScrollLock() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x10) != 0)
#define kb_NumLock() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x20) != 0)
#define kb_CapsLock() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x40) != 0)
#define kb_Insert() ((kb_GetShift() & 0x80) != 0)
#define TIMER_LIMIT ((unsigned)(10*60*100)) /* Ten minutes in hundredths */
#define hard_Timer() (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hTimer)()
#define hard_Pause(duration) (*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hPause)(duration)
#define hard_Sound(pitch, duration) \
(*curr_dmgr->disp.dig.hSound)(pitch, duration)
#define hard_Tone() hard_Sound(1500, 1)
/* Alias hard_Speaker to hard_Sound */
#define hard_Speaker(pitch, dur) hard_Sound(pitch, dur)
#define tone() hard_Tone()
#define hard_SetSound(on) \
((on) ? hard_Control(HC_SETSOUNDON, NULL, NULL) : \
#define hard_IsSoundOn() ((boolean)hard_Control(HC_GETSOUNDON, NULL, NULL))
#define hard_IsMouseOn() ((boolean)hard_Control(HC_ISMOUSEON, NULL, NULL))
/* reentrancy protection functions */
#define hard_ProtectDmgr() hard_Control(HC_PROTECT, NULL, NULL)
#define hard_UnProtectDmgr() hard_Control(HC_UNPROTECT, NULL, NULL)
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */