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oboxdecl.h 5/15/88
% driver functions and other things that need attending to
By Ted.
OWL 1.2
Copyright (c) 1988, by Oakland Group, Inc.
Revision History:
8/24/88 jmd added ocbox_FindDist
10/19/88 ted split out ocolmap stuff to ocmapdecl.h
5/09/89 ted renamed old set's to copy's, added new set's.
5/09/89 ted Made _point_copy a macro.
8/21/89 ted Changed ofont and opsize widths and heights to 'odims'.
8/21/89 ted Added ofontdesc_struct, font 'real' and 'req' elements.
9/10/89 ted Removed ofontdesc 'seriph' element.
10/09/89 ted Added 'scalable' flag to ofontdesc_struct.
2/14/90 ted Added aspect font struct element.
3/28/90 jmd ansi-fied
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* data types */
typedef int opcoord; /* signed pixel coordinate */
typedef unsigned odim; /* unsigned pixel dimension/distance (coord-coord) */
typedef unsigned short oangle; /* angle measurement; units of 2pi/(USHRT_MAX+1) */
typedef struct _fontdesc {
opcoord width;
opcoord height;
short style; /* An arbitrary indicator of increasing floweriness */
unsigned bold:1;
unsigned underline:1;
unsigned outline:1;
oangle slant; /* Font angle measured clockwise from straight up */
unsigned scalable:1;
} fontdesc_struct;
typedef struct ofont_struct {
short fontid;
fontdesc_struct real; /* actual font description */
fontdesc_struct req; /* requested font description */
unsigned short aspect; /* work var. for font aspect ratio when scaling */
} *ofont_type;
typedef struct _ocbox {
int leftcol;
int rightcol;
int toprow;
int botrow;
} ocbox; /* box in char coords; width = xmax-xmin + 1 */
typedef struct _ocsize {
int height;
int width;
} ocsize_struct;
/* Character position struct */
typedef struct _ocpos {
int row;
int col;
} ocpos_struct;
typedef struct _opbox {
opcoord xmin;
opcoord xmax;
opcoord ymin;
opcoord ymax;
} opbox; /* box in pixel coords; width = xmax-xmin */
typedef struct _opsize {
odim height;
odim width;
} opsize_struct;
typedef struct _opoint {
opcoord x;
opcoord y;
} opoint; /* point in pixel coords; */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* OPBOX.C */
extern void opbox_charcoords(opbox *boxp, ofont_type font, ocbox *cboxp);
extern void opbox_uncover(opbox *winboxp, opbox *boxp);
extern boolean opbox_empty(opbox *boxp);
extern boolean opbox_ScrollVtIn(opbox *boxp, int n);
extern boolean opbox_ScrollHzIn(opbox *boxp, int n);
extern odim _box_GetWidth(opbox *boxp);
extern odim _box_GetHeight(opbox *boxp);
extern opbox *_box_copy(opbox *dboxp, opbox *sboxp);
extern opbox *_box_trans(opbox *boxp, opcoord xdisp, opcoord ydisp);
extern boolean _box_equal(opbox *boxp1, opbox *boxp2);
/* OCBOX.C */
extern void ocbox_pixcoords(ocbox *cboxp, ofont_type font, opbox *boxp);
extern int opcoord_GetYRow(opcoord y, ofont_type font);
extern int opcoord_GetXCol(opcoord x, ofont_type font);
extern void opcoord_GridRound(opcoord *xp, opcoord *yp, ofont_type font);
extern boolean ocbox_ScrollVtIn(ocbox *cboxp, int n);
extern boolean ocbox_ScrollHzIn(ocbox *cboxp, int n);
extern unsigned opbox_clipbox(opbox *clipboxp, opbox *boxp);
extern unsigned opbox_clippoint(opbox *clipboxp, opcoord *xp, opcoord *yp);
extern unsigned ocbox_clippos(ocbox *clipcboxp, int *rowp, int *colp);
extern unsigned opwh_clipbox(odim width, odim height, opbox *boxp);
extern unsigned opwh_clippoint(odim width, odim height, opcoord *xp, opcoord *yp);
extern int ocbox_FindDist(ocbox *box1, ocbox *box2, int dir);
extern int opbox_clipstrout(opbox *clipboxp, opcoord *xp, opcoord *yp, int *slenp, ofont_type font);
extern int opbox_clipstring(opbox *clipboxp, opcoord *xp, opcoord *yp, int *slenp, ofont_type font);
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define ofont_GetWidth(font) ((font)->real.width)
#define ofont_GetHeight(font) ((font)->real.height)
#define opbox_GetWidth(boxp) _box_GetWidth(boxp)
#define opbox_GetHeight(boxp) _box_GetHeight(boxp)
#define opbox_copy(dboxp, sboxp) _box_copy(dboxp, sboxp)
#define opbox_trans(boxp, xdisp, ydisp) _box_trans(boxp, xdisp, ydisp)
#define opbox_equal(boxp1, boxp2) _box_equal(boxp1, boxp2)
#define opbox_set(boxp, xm, ym, xx, yx) \
((boxp)->xmin = xm, (boxp)->xmax = xx, \
(boxp)->ymin = ym, (boxp)->ymax = yx, (boxp))
#define opoint_copy(pd, ps) ((pd)->x = (ps)->x,(pd)->y = (ps)->y, (pd))
#define ocbox_GetWidth(cboxp) ((int)(_box_GetWidth((opbox *)cboxp) + 1))
#define ocbox_GetHeight(cboxp) ((int)(_box_GetHeight((opbox *)cboxp) + 1))
#define ocbox_copy(dcboxp, scboxp) \
_box_copy((opbox *)(dcboxp), (opbox *)(scboxp))
#define ocbox_trans(cboxp, rowd, cold) \
_box_trans((opbox *)(cboxp), (opcoord)cold, (opcoord)rowd)
#define ocbox_equal(cboxp1, cboxp2) _box_equal((opbox *)(cboxp1), (opbox *)(cboxp2))
#define ocbox_set(boxp, tr, lc, br, rc) \
((boxp)->leftcol = lc, (boxp)->rightcol = rc, \
(boxp)->toprow = tr, (boxp)->botrow = br, (boxp))
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */