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Text File | 1990-12-12 | 99.6 KB | 2,941 lines |
- Look & Feel 3.2 Help File
- Copyright (c) 1989, 1990 by Oakland Group, Inc.
- Revision History:
- -----------------
- 11/14/89 jmd fixed main menu screen
- 2/2/90 jql added hi-char information
- 2/15/90 jql added new field functions for lnf 3.2
- 2/19/90 jql added Field Edit box's Ctrl-N feature
- 6/27/90 jql added screen on mouse w/ block commands and field marking
- added the blocks/mouse screen to the index
- added a reference to mousing in the Field Edit screen
- added a reference to mousing in the intro to Block commands
- added a reference to mousing in the Block menu screen
- added a reference to mousing in the Mouse Handler screen
- added Cfg file field to the Global Settings box screen
- reorganized the Global Settings box screen
- gave the Screen Edit screen cross references for ted parms
- reorganized Screen Edit box screen
- added information on Ansi code to Code Generate box screen
- added bd_mouse2 to the list of standard borders
- added third screen for standard borders
- changed "Line" to "Line Drawing" in the Tools menu screen
- changed this revision history to say lnf 3.2 (not 3.1)
- 8/10/90 jql added detail to the Screen Open box & reference to "bigsed"
- 8/14/90 jql added screen, quick key, menu ref to Screen-Freshen
- 8/14/90 jql added information to Disk-Save and Screen-Open about not
- using periods in screen names; also added cross references;
- added additional information to ted, sed screens
- 8/20/90 jql fixed alphabetical order of the index (highlighting chars
- was in the wrong place)
- 8/25/90 jdc preened
- 8/27/90 jdc preened
- 10/30/90 jmd fixed bottom of first index screen
- 12/04/90 jql added 3.1/3.2 sfile compatibility info to disk-import screen
- 12/06/09 jql fixed bottom and one word of the Screen Freshen help screen
- removed freshen from screen pulldown
- fixed lines in screen pulldown
- 12/12/90 jql added info about idata and ufuncs to field list screen
- added info about idata and field list to ufunc screen
- %%
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- %%
- .1
- Look & Feel Help
- Welcome to the Look & Feel help system.
- Each help screen contains keywords which appear in boldface. These words are
- cross references to other help screens which discuss the topics of the boldface
- words. Press Enter while over a particular word or words to pass control to the
- new screen. For instance, you can get information about the Main Menu by
- selecting the following boldface words:
- @103[Main Menu]
- The help system is context-sensitive. This means that calling help from
- different parts of Look & Feel pops up different help screens.
- You can move to and select any keyword with the keyboard or with the mouse.
- With the keyboard, move with the arrow keys. With the mouse, place the mouse
- cursor over the choice and click it.
- To check the help index, select the "Index" field. If you have called one help
- screen from another, return to the calling screen by selecting the "Previous"
- field (or pressing Backspace). To leave help, select the "Exit Help" field.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .2
- Quick Key Listing
- @31[Ctrl-A] Mark a region and set its color @13[Ctrl-N] Call next screen or field
- @33[Ctrl-B] Embed one screen in another @11[Ctrl-O] Open a new screen
- @43[Ctrl-C] Use a special character @28[Ctrl-P] Paste a block at the cursor
- @20[Ctrl-E] Edit a field @47[Ctrl-Q] Quit
- @21[Ctrl-F] Mark a field @17[Ctrl-R] Resize a screen
- @45[Ctrl-G] Go to specified line number @5[Ctrl-S] Save a screen
- @2[Ctrl-H] Get a list of Quick Keys @30[Ctrl-T] Mark and move region
- @60[Ctrl-I] Toggle INSERT/OVERWRITE mode @35[Ctrl-U] Attach a user function
- @4[Ctrl-J] Load a screen @34[Ctrl-W] Attach one screen to another
- @26[Ctrl-K] Mark and copy a region @27[Ctrl-X] Mark and cut a region
- @42[Ctrl-L] Draw a line @12[Ctrl-Y] Close the current screen
- @16[Ctrl-M] Move a screen @118[Ctrl-Z] Refresh the screen
- @1[F1] Call Look & Feel's help system @38[F6] Load a file to edit
- @10[F2] Edit a screen @39[F7] Search for a word or phrase
- @14[F3] List all screens @40[F8] Search for and replace a string
- @22[F4] List fields @15[F9] Simulate a screen's behavior
- @22[F5] Move a field in the field list @103[F10] Call Look & Feel's main menu
- or highlight a field character
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .3
- Disk Menu
- The Disk submenu of the @103[Main Menu] allows you to import, load, and save
- screens, and generate code and symbol tables.
- ┌─────Load a screen with the Screen Load box.
- │
- Disk Commands │ ┌───Save a screen to disk with the Screen Save box.
- ╔═════════════════╗ │ │
- ║ @4[Load (Ctrl-J)] ║ ─┘ │ ┌─Import a screen from @51[Dan Bricklin's Demo]
- ║ @5[Save (Ctrl-S)] ║ ───┘ │ program, ASCII, or old versions of Look & Feel.
- ║ @8[Import ] ║ ─────┘
- ║ @6[Code ] ║ ───────Generate C code from the active screen.
- ║ @7[Table ] ║ ─────┐
- ║ About ║ ───┐ └─Generate a symbol table for all the screens in
- ╚═════════════════╝ │ a particular screen file.
- │
- └───Find out about the origin of Look & Feel.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .4
- Screen Load box
- Look & Feel stores its screens in @65[sfiles]. To load a screen from an sfile,
- call Disk-Load or press Ctrl-J, which places the Screen Load box on the display.
- To load a screen, enter the appropriate information in the fields in this
- dialogue box and press Enter. You can press the Plus key to see a list of
- available files and screens in the File and Screen fields, respectively.
- To manipulate a screen, call the @10[Screen Edit box]. To remove a screen from
- the display, use the @12[Screen-Close] command.
- To create a new screen, use the @11[Screen-Open] command.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .5
- Screen Save box
- To save a screen to an @65[sfile], use the Disk-Save command, or Ctrl-S, which
- pops up the Screen Save box. This will save the current state of the screen.
- A screens basic parameters can be set in the @10[Screen Edit box].
- Press Enter to save the screen into its present sfile with its present name.
- If you want to give the screen a new name or save it to a new file, enter these
- values and press Enter.
- You cannot include the "." (period) character in screen names. If you do this,
- Look & Feel will truncate the name; for instance, the name "input.screen" will
- become "input". This is because Look & Feel uses the period to indicate that
- a screen is @49[nested]. For instance, if you @33[embed] a @58[text editor] called "my_edit"
- in a data entry @57[screen] called "my_data", Look & Feel will call the text
- editor "my_data.my_edit".
- While in the Screen Save box, you can also @63[delete screens].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .6
- Code Generate box
- The Disk-Code command pops up the Code Generate box, for generating code from a
- screen and setting parameters for it. The code consists of a single function,
- which displays the screen, starts it running, and returns the data to the
- calling function--all using calls to C-scape library.
- The top File and Screens fields take the name of the sfile and screen for which
- you are creating code (the active screen, by default). The "Output" Dir and
- File fields take the directory and file for the code that is to be created,
- and the Routine field below them takes the name for the routine to be created.
- By default, the name of the Output file will be the same as that of the screen
- from which the table is created (with an added .c suffix and its name
- truncated to eight letters) and the table will have the same name as the screen.
- The "Template" Dir and File fields take a directory and file name for a custom
- header. By default, Look & Feel will only include cscape.h and stdio.h.
- "Yes" in the Generate Test Code field creates a main() to call your function.
- "Yes" in the Quote Non-Printables field uses C's octal quoting syntax.
- "Yes" in the Generate Ansi Code field creates source with Ansi prototyping.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .7
- Generate Symbol Table box
- If you wish to load screens from .lnf files (@65[sfiles]) for use in your
- application, you must create an accompanying symbol table. Look & Feel will
- automatically do this from the Generate Symbol Table box.
- The uppermost Dir and File fields take the name of the sfile for which you
- wish to create code. The "Output" Dir and File fields take the directory and
- file for the table that is to be created, and the Table field below them takes
- the name for the symbol table to be created. By default, the name of the
- Output file will be the same as that of the sfile from which the table is
- created (with its suffix changed to .c from .lnf) and the table will have the
- same name as the sfile, with _syms added to its end.
- The "Template" Dir and File fields (on the right) take a directory and file
- name for a custom header. Look & Feel will only include cscape.h and stdio.h
- in your code unless you give it a custom template file.
- When you have selected a file, a screen, and an output file name, press Enter to
- generate the symbol table. Look & Feel will scan your .lnf file and create a
- symbol table with entries for each @82[field function], @98[border], @72[mouse handler], or
- other function it encounters.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .8
- Disk Import box
- To import ASCII files, slides from Dan Bricklin's Demo Program, or screens from
- the old Look & Feel, use the Disk-Import command, which places the Disk Import
- box on the display.
- The first field in the Disk Import box is the Directory field, which displays
- the path of Look & Feel's present working directory. If you want to load a
- screen from a different directory, type that directory's path in the Directory
- field. Press Enter to enter the new path in the Directory field.
- In the Source field, enter the name of the file from which you want to load a
- screen. Press Enter to select the file.
- The last field in this box is the Import From field. In this field, space bar
- toggles between "ASCII", "@51[DBD]" (for "Dan Bricklin's Demo"), and "OLDLNF"
- (for files from versions of Look & Feel prior to 3.1). Files from versions
- 3.1 and 3.2 of Look & Feel are compatible and can be loaded with the @4[Disk-Load]
- command.
- Once you have set values for all these fields, press Enter to import the screen.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .9
- Screen Menu
- The Screen submenu of the @103[Main Menu] allows you to manipulate screens.
- ┌─────Create a new screen with the Screen Open box.
- │
- Screen Commands │┌────Edit a screen with the Screen Edit box.
- ╔═════════════════╗ ││
- ║ @11[Open (Ctrl-O)] ║ ─┘│┌───Close a screen (remove it from the display).
- ║ @10[Edit (F2)] ║ ──┘│
- ║ @12[Close (Ctrl-Y)] ║ ───┘┌──Move to the next screen.
- ║ @13[Next (Ctrl-N)] ║ ────┘
- ║ @14[List (F3)] ║ ───────List all screens on the display.
- ║ @15[Go (F9)] ║ ───────Enter GO mode.
- ║ @16[Move (Ctrl-M)] ║ ─────┐
- ║ @17[Resize (Ctrl-R)] ║ ───┐ └──Enter MOVE mode.
- ║ @18[Wipe ] ║ ──┐│
- ╚═════════════════╝ │└───Enter RESIZE mode.
- │
- └────Remove all fields and text from the current screen.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .10
- Screen Editing
- A @9[screen] contains text and fields, and manages the flow of control and
- movement between fields. To edit a screen's parameters, use the Screen-Edit
- command or F2 to call the Screen Edit box.
- The Screen Edit box displays the @70[screen's name] and the file from which it
- is loaded. If you specified a path when you loaded the screen, the path will
- appear in the File field; if you loaded the screen from your current working
- directory, only the screen's @65[sfile] will appear there.
- It has fields to set the parameters to control size, position, @66[explode function],
- @98[border], border title, @101[border features], @67[special function], @72[mouse handling],
- help @71[labeling], color @74[attributes], @73[shadow], and an @68[auxiliary function].
- In the Screen Edit box, you can also set @58[ted] parameters: @61[maximum length],
- @60[insert mode], @59[wrap width], and @62[movement mode].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .11
- Opening a Screen
- To open a new screen, use the Screen-Open command, or Ctrl-O, which puts the
- Screen Open box on the display.
- The Type field allows you to select the @64[screen type] which you will open.
- You can open a menu (a horizontal or vertical @53[slug] or a @55[framer]), a scrolling
- list editor (@113[sled]), a text editor (@58[ted]), or a screen editor (@57[sed]).
- The sed is the most simple screen, and can serve most purposes. You can open
- either a small sed (called "sed") or a sed as large as the editing area
- (called "bigsed").
- When you open a screen, you must both give it a name and place it in an sfile
- (use the Screen, File, and Directory fields to set these values). You cannot
- include the "." (period) character in screen names. If you do this, Look & Feel
- will truncate the name; for instance, it will change the name "input.screen" to
- "input". This is because it uses the period to indicate that a screen is
- @49[nested].
- Once on the display, you can manipulate a screen with the @10[Screen Edit box]. To
- load an already existing screen from an @65[sfile], call the @4[Screen-Load] command.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .12
- Closing a Screen
- To remove a screen from the display, use the Screen-Close command or press
- Ctrl-Y. If the screen has never been saved, or you changed it since it was last
- saved, Look & Feel will ask you if you want to save the newest version before
- closing it.
- A closed screen leaves the @14[Screen List] and is no longer be available for
- @10[editing].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .13
- Moving Between Screens and Fields
- If you have several screens on the display, you can move among them with the
- Screen-Next command, Ctrl-N. This command both passes control to the next
- screen and brings it to the foreground.
- Control passes among screens in their order in the @14[Screen List].
- If you are in the Field Edit box for one of several fields in a screen, you
- can move among them by pressing Ctrl-N. This command passes control to the
- the next field and keeps the @20[Field Edit box] on the display, keeping the
- cursor in the same position in the box.
- Control passes among fields in their order in the @22[Field List].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .14
- Listing Screens
- To see which screens are on the display, use the Screen-List command, or press
- F3. This displays a lists of screens by name. The topmost screen in the table
- is the active screen. The @13[Screen-Next] command will pass control among the
- screens in the order listed in the table.
- You can use this list to close a screen, or make a screen active.
- To remove a screen from the display, press the Delete key. If you have made
- changes to a screen since you last saved it, Look & Feel will ask you if you
- want to save your changes before it removes your screen from the display. This
- process is identical to calling @12[Screen-Close].
- To make a screen active, move to it in the list and press Enter. This will
- remove the list and place control in the screen you selected.
- A @49[nested screen] will not appear in the screen list. Only its parent
- screen will appear.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .15
- GO mode
- To see how a screen will function as part of a running program, you can
- simulate its operation with Look & Feel's GO mode. Enter this mode by calling
- Screen-Go, or by pressing F9. In GO mode, the "#"s in each field become
- writeable positions and the keyboard behaves as it would in @6[generated code]
- or if the screen were called as an @65[sfile], so that you can enter data in
- fields. You can return to EDIT mode by calling Screen-Go (or F9) again or by
- exiting the screen with the Escape or Enter keys.
- In GO mode, only borders with enabled @101[border features] do not support the
- mouse.
- GO mode will only be able to simulate the behavior of functions that are linked
- into Look & Feel (such as the @83[standard field functions]). If Look & Feel
- encounters an unlinked field function, it will treat it as string_funcs. For
- @98[borders], @72[mouse handlers], @35[user functions] and other functions, Look & Feel
- will treat the unlinked function as if it has a NULL value.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .16
- MOVE Mode
- To move the active screen to a new position on the display, enter MOVE mode
- with the Screen-Move command, or by pressing Ctrl-M. You can return to EDIT by
- pressing Enter or repeating the command sequence that entered it.
- In MOVE mode, each arrow key moves the screen one row or column in its
- direction. The Home key moves the screen to the left edge of the display. The
- End key moves the screen to the right edge of the display. PgUp and PgDn
- move the screen to the top and bottom of the display, respectively.
- If you decide, while in MOVE mode, that you do not want to change your screen's
- position, press Escape to return to EDIT mode without moving your screen.
- To move a screen with the mouse, click the mouse on the edge of the border (but
- not any of its corners) and hold it down while dragging the screen to its new
- position. When you release the mouse, the screen will have a new position.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .17
- To resize a screen, use the Screen-Resize command, Ctrl-R. This command takes
- Look & Feel from EDIT mode and puts it in RESIZE mode. In this mode, the Right
- and Down arrow keys enlarge the screen's border horizontally and vertically,
- respectively. Left and Up shrink the border horizontally and vertically,
- respectively. When you like the new size, press Enter to set it and return you
- to EDIT mode. To resize a screen with the mouse, click on one of its corners
- and drag it to a new position. Release the mouse to set the screen's new size.
- To make a screen one character wide, press the Home key. To expand it to the
- right edge of the display, press End. To make it one character tall, press
- PgUp. For it to reach the bottom of the display, press PgDn. To make a
- screen the size of the display (or larger), simply enlarge it to whatever size
- you want for it. As it becomes taller, it will obscure the main menu and the
- status bar, but you can still call the main menu by pressing F10.
- To leave RESIZE mode without changing your screen's size, press Escape. This
- will return Look & Feel to EDIT mode and the screen to its original size.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .18
- Wiping a Screen
- To clear or wipe the contents of a screen, use the Screen-Wipe command. This
- includes all fields and text. This command does not remove the title string or
- reset the @98[border] or any @74[attributes].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .19
- Field Menu
- The Field submenu of the @103[Main Menu] contains commands for creating,
- manipulating, listing, and sorting fields.
- Field Commands ┌───Edit a field with the Field Edit box.
- ╔═════════════════╗ │
- ║ @20[Edit (Ctrl-E)] ║ ───┘ ┌─Mark a field.
- ║ @21[Mark (Ctrl-F)] ║ ─────┘
- ║ @22[List (F4)] ║ ───────List all fields in the active screen.
- ║ @23[Global Edit ] ║ ─────┐
- ║ @24[Row Sort ] ║ ───┐ └─Set parameters for all fields in the active screen.
- ║ @24[Column Sort ] ║ ─┐ │
- ╚═════════════════╝ │ └───Sort fields in the current screen by row.
- │
- └─────Sort fields in the current screen by column.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .20
- Field Edit box
- To edit a field, use the Field-Edit command (or Ctrl-E), which calls the Field
- Edit box. The Field Edit box also appears when you finish @21[marking] a field.
- Within the Field Edit box, you can set and change a field's parameters:
- @80[spec], @82[field function], @92[variable type], @93[variable], @94[name], @79[regular and selected]
- @74[attributes], @114[highlighted character], @96[protection], @81[width], @95[number], and
- @97[data pointers]. In it, you can also see if a field has a @77[bob] attached to it.
- You can use the Field Edit box to move to @104[editing the next field].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .21
- Field Marking
- When creating a field, you can either write its spec to the screen from within
- FIELD mode or write its spec to the screen and then mark it.
- To mark a spec that is already on the screen, select the Field-Mark command, or
- press Ctrl-F, which will highlight the cursor. As you move the cursor away from
- its original position, the highlighted area will expand and contract. When you
- begin marking, make sure the cursor is at the extreme left or right end of the
- field. Otherwise, you will not be able to mark the entire area, since you can
- only move the cursor in one direction for marking.
- When the entire field is marked, press Enter to set the field and pass control
- to the @20[Field Edit box].
- You can also @116[mark a field with the mouse].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .22
- The Field List (and Changing It)
- To see a list of the fields in the active screen, use the Field-List command,
- F4. This command displays a table with all the fields in it, and shows their
- names, numbers, field functions, variable types, variables, and protection
- states (in that order). In it, you can also see a field's idata (the value it
- returns as a menu choice) and @35[user function] by pressing the Left arrow key.
- You can use this list to change the order of the fields, delete a field, or edit
- a field.
- To edit a field, select Ctrl-E while control is in it or click the mouse on it.
- This will call the @20[Field Edit box].
- If you want to move a field to a new position in the field list, move to it
- with the arrow keys and press F5, which selects it for movement. You can now
- use the arrow keys to move the field to a new position in the list. Press
- Enter when the field has the position you want. You can change the order of
- the fields this way or by @24[sorting] them.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .23
- Global Field Edit
- If you wish to set parameters for all the fields in a screen, you can use the
- Global Field Edit box. You can declare a global @82[field function],
- @92[variable type], @81[field width], @96[protection setting], or common @79[field attributes]
- for all a screen's fields. If you like, these settings can include the
- screen's @77[bobs].
- For field function, variable type, width, and protection, you can select a
- value or setting as in the @20[Field Edit box]. To enable a global change,
- select a value for the parameter in question and mark the field to the left of
- the field label by pressing the space bar. This will cause a check to appear.
- To set global field attributes to the screen's defaults, check the field next
- to "Unmark". To include the fields in a screen's bobs, check the field next
- to "Include Bobs".
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .24
- Sorting Fields
- Look & Feel can automatically sort your fields for you.
- To perform a sort based on the vertical alignment of fields, select
- Fields-Column Sort. To perform a sort based on the horizontal alignment of
- fields, select Fields-Row Sort.
- You can also manually change the order of your screen's fields by manipulating
- the @22[field list].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .25
- Block Menu
- This is the Block submenu of the @103[Main Menu]. Block commands allow you to
- manipulate regions of screens containing fields and/or text.
- ┌─────Cut a block from a screen.
- Block Commands │
- ╔═════════════════╗ │ ┌───Copy a block in to the cut buffer.
- ║ @27[Cut (Ctrl-X)] ║ ─┘ │
- ║ @26[Kopy (Ctrl-K)] ║ ───┘ ┌─Move a block within a screen.
- ║ @30[Move (Ctrl-T)] ║ ─────┘
- ║ @29[Delete ] ║ ───────Permanently delete a block.
- ║ @31[Attr (Ctrl-A)] ║ ─────┐
- ║ @28[Paste (Ctrl-P)] ║ ───┐ └─Change the attributes of a block.
- ╚═════════════════╝ │
- └───Paste the contents of the cut buffer back to
- a screen.
- You can also use @116[block commands with the mouse].
- @48[About block commands] @111[Index]
- @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .26
- Copying a Block
- To copy a @48[block] into the cut buffer, select the Block-Copy command, or
- Ctrl-K. Mark the block and press Enter.
- This will copy the marked block to the cut buffer, but leave the original block
- intact. Block-Copy is useful if you need several copies of an area, but you do
- not want to draw it repeatedly. It can also be more convenient to copy an area
- and modify it than to start from scratch each time.
- To paste the block back to a screen, use the @28[Block-Paste] command.
- If you copy the block, copies of it will have fields with the same parameters
- as the original. Give each set of fields unique variable names before
- converting the screen to code, or you will have do so manually after the
- conversion.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .27
- Cutting a Block
- To remove a @48[block] from its screen and save it into the cut buffer, use the
- Block-Cut command or press Ctrl-X. Mark the block and press Enter.
- This will remove the marked block from its screen and place a copy of it in the
- cut buffer.
- You can later paste the block back on the screen with the @28[Block-Paste]
- command.
- If you cut a block and do not paste it back to a screen, any fields in it will
- be @102[deleted].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .28
- Pasting a Block
- To paste a @27[cut] or @26[copied] @48[block] to the screen from the cut buffer, place the
- cursor at the upper-left corner of its new location and select Block-Paste or
- Ctrl-P. This command will place the block back on the display.
- If you paste a block on top of an area with text, any text the pasted block has
- covered will be overwritten and cannot be retrieved. Fields will not disappear
- and can be manipulated from the @22[Field List].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .29
- Deleting a Block
- To permanently remove a @48[block] from the screen, use the Block-Delete
- command. This command allows you to eliminate a marked block from the screen
- without losing the contents of the cut buffer. It also @102[deletes] all fields
- within the block.
- Begin by calling Block-Delete. Mark the block and press Enter. This will
- permanently destroy the marked block and remove it from its screen.
- A deleted block cannot be retrieved; Look & Feel does not copy it to the cut
- buffer.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .30
- Moving a Block
- To move a @48[block], select the Block-Move command or press Ctrl-T. Mark the
- block and press Enter.
- With the arrow keys, move the cursor to the upper-left corner of its new
- position. Press Enter to paste it back to the screen. The block will then
- have the position you have selected.
- With the Block-Move command, you cannot move a region from one screen to
- another. This is only possible by @27[cutting] a block and then @28[pasting]
- it back to a new screen.
- If you are moving a block on top of text and fields and are editing in
- @60[OVERWRITE mode], you will destroy the text which originally occupied the
- region. In @60[INSERT] mode, the text will be pushed to the right.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .31
- Coloring a Block
- To change the background @74[attribute] for a @25[block], use the Block-Attr
- command or press Ctrl-A. Mark the block and press Enter.
- When you press Enter, Look & Feel will pop up its dialogue box in which you can
- @76[change color attributes]. When you select the color you want, the box will
- leave the screen and the block will have a new attribute.
- This command does not affect the @19[fields] within the block. You can set
- their colors in the @20[Field Edit box] or with the @23[Global Field Edit]
- command.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .32
- Nesting Menu
- This is the Nesting submenu of the @103[Main Menu]. With its commands, you can
- attach or embed one screen to or in another, link a user function to a field, or
- detach an attached or embedded screen.
- Nesting Commands ┌───Attach a screen to another screen.
- ╔═══════════════════╗ │
- ║ @34[Attach (Ctrl-W)] ║ ───┘ ┌─Detach a @77[bob] from its parent screen.
- ║ @36[Detach ] ║ ─────┘
- ║ @33[Embed (Ctrl-B)] ║ ───────Embed a screen in another screen.
- ║ @35[UserFunc (Ctrl-U)] ║ ─────┐
- ╚═══════════════════╝ └─Link a user function to a field.
- @49[More information on nesting] @111[Index]
- @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .33
- Embedding a Screen
- To embed one screen in another, use the Nesting-Embed command, or Ctrl-B.
- First, ensure that both the parent and child screens are both on the display.
- Next, put control into the screen that will be the child screen. Then move it
- directly over the position you want it to have in the parent screen.
- Selecting Nesting-Embed anchors the child screen on a virtual field in the
- parent screen. (A virtual field is a field without any writeables or
- non-writeables.) It also pops up the @20[Field Edit box] so you can set the
- parameters of the virtual field. Because this is an embedded sed, you must set
- the field function to bob_funcs and the field's variable to NULL. Finally, set
- the @67[special function] for the bob to spc_Embed.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .34
- Attaching a Screen
- To attach one screen to another, move to the field in the parent screen where
- you wish to attach the child and call the Nesting-Attach command, Ctrl-W.
- This command pops up a list of all the screens presently on the display. Move
- to the screen you want to attach and press Enter.
- The @20[Field Edit box] will then appear and you can select a @82[field function]
- for the field to which the child is attached. You must either use
- @55[framer_funcs] or @53[slug_funcs]. Otherwise, the attached screen will be unusable
- unless you link in your own custom field function.
- When you exit the Field Edit box, the process is finished.
- You can @36[detach] a child from its parent with the Nesting-Detach command.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .35
- Attaching User Functions
- If you wish to attach user functions to your @53[slug] and @55[framer] menus,
- use the Nesting-UserFunc command, or Ctrl-U.
- Move to the field which will hold the function and press Nesting-UserFunc. If
- there is a bob already attached to the field, Look & Feel will first ask you if
- you wish to delete the bob (or not attach the function). Press Y to attach the
- user function and pop up the User Function box.
- This dialogue box takes the name of the function to be attached and an idata
- value, which is an integer. The menuing system (@55[framer] or @53[slug]) pass
- the idata to the field's user function or (if the user function is NULL) to
- whatever called the menuing system. Once you enter these values and press Enter
- again, they are set as the user function's name and return value. Both appear
- in fields to the left of the field number in the @22[field list]
- Until you link in your user function, @15[GO mode] treats the field as if its
- @82[field function] is string_funcs. Look & Feel comes with the sample user
- function lnf_Beep. lnf_Beep beeps at a frequency determined by its idata.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .36
- Detaching a Screen
- To remove a @77[bob] from its parent and make it autonomous, you can use the
- Nesting-Detach command to extract a nested screen from its parent screen.
- First, pass control into the screen you want to detach. To do this, press F9
- to enter @15[GO mode] and move through the fields into the bob. Once control is
- in the bob, return to EDIT mode by pressing F9 again. Now, select
- Nesting-Detach.
- Before Look & Feel extracts the child screen from the parent, it asks you to
- supply a name for the screen that will be extracted. If you do not enter a
- name, you cannot detach the screen. After you enter the new screen's name,
- press Enter.
- This sets the screen's new name, removes the popup box, and detaches the screen.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .37
- Editor Menu
- This is the Editor submenu of Look & Feel's @103[Main Menu]. It contains
- commands for opening an editor window, searching for a string, and performing a
- search and replace.
- Editor Commands
- ╔═════════════════╗ ┌─Open a file for text editing.
- ║ @38[Open (F6)] ║ ─────┘
- ║ @39[Search (F7)] ║ ───────Search for a string.
- ║ @40[Replace (F8)] ║ ─────┐
- ╚═════════════════╝ └─Search for a string and replace it.
- @50[More information on the editor] @111[Index]
- @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .38
- Editor Open box
- To open a window and load a file for text editing, use the Editor-Open File
- command, F6. This will pop up its Editor Load box.
- The Editor Load box takes the name of a file (in the File field) and the
- directory in which the file is located (in the Directory field).
- If you leave the Directory field empty, you will be working in the directory
- where you have installed Look & Feel.
- You can press the Plus key in the File field to pop up a list of the files
- available for editing in your working directory. The list will include any
- @65[.lnf files] in the directory. Do not edit these, as you may corrupt them
- and destroy the screens in them.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .39
- Search
- You can perform a case-sensitive search with the Editor-Search command, or by
- pressing F7. A "Search:" prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen.
- Enter the word or string you want and press Enter. The editor will then move
- the cursor to the first character after its first instance.
- You can perform searches in @58[teds], @50[Look & Feel's editor], and other screens.
- For @57[seds], @53[slugs], and @55[framers], Look & Feel will only search for the pattern
- in the text buffer.
- Look & Feel will only perform a forward search. To ensure finding all cases of
- a string, start at the beginning of a file.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .40
- Search and Replace
- You can search for a string and replace it with another by pressing F8 or
- calling Editor-Replace. A "Search:" prompt will appear at the bottom of the
- screen. Enter the word you want to replace and press Enter. A "Replace:"
- prompt will replace the search prompt. Enter the new text and press Enter.
- The editor will then move the cursor to the first instance of the search string
- and request an action. Press Y to replace it and move to its next instance; N
- to move to its next instance without replacement; or G to replace the rest of
- its instances. Pressing Escape ends the process.
- You can perform searches in @58[teds], @50[Look & Feel's editor], and other screens.
- For @57[seds], @53[slugs], and @55[framers], Look & Feel will only search for the pattern
- in the text buffer.
- This function is case sensitive. It also will only search forward in a file.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .41
- Tools Menu
- This is the Tools submenu of the @103[Main Menu]. It gives you access to
- special utilities for manipulating your screens.
- Tools ┌───Enter Line Drawing mode.
- ╔═══════════════════════╗ │
- ║ @42[Line Drawing (Ctrl-L)] ║ ───┘ ┌─Use an ASCII special character.
- ║ @43[Special Char (Ctrl-C)] ║ ─────┘
- ║ @44[Global Settings ] ║ ───────Change Look & Feel's global settings.
- ║ @45[Top (Ctrl-Home)] ║ ─────┐
- ║ @45[Bottom (Ctrl-End)] ║ ───┐ └─Place control at the top of the active screen.
- ╚═══════════════════════╝ │
- └───Place control at the end of the active screen.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .42
- Drawing Lines
- Look & Feel provides an easy way to draw single, double, or character lines.
- They are a supplement to (and not a replacement for) Oakland border functions.
- The Tools-Lines command, Ctrl-L, places Look & Feel in LINE mode. Moving the
- cursor with the arrow keys draws a line that automatically connects with lines
- it crosses. You can change the type of line by pressing 0, 1, 2, or 3.
- If you wish to draw a single line, press 1. To draw a double line, press 2.
- To move within LINE mode without changing the screen, 0. If you press 0 and
- move on top of a character and press 3, Look & Feel will then draw a line
- consisting of the character that you were over.
- Enter and Escape return Look & Feel to EDIT mode. Backspace removes lines and
- restores the previous contents of the screen.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .43
- Using Special Characters
- Certain ASCII characters cannot be typed from the keyboard. You can include
- these in a screen with the Tools-Characters command, or Ctrl-C. This command
- will pop up the Special Character box.
- This box has all special characters in it. You can move around in this screen
- with the arrow keys and select the character you want by pressing Enter. The
- character will then appear at the current cursor position. You can exit this
- screen without selecting a character by pressing the Escape key.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .44
- Global Settings
- The Tools-Settings command calls the Global Settings box, in which you can
- modify or set values for Look & Feel's global variables. Unless otherwise
- specified, the fields use the space bar to toggle between their two positions.
- The Cfg File field displays the file from which Look & Feel is getting its
- dialogue boxes. If Look & Feel finds lnf.oak in your path, it lists the path
- here; if lnf.oak is in your current working directory, no path is listed.
- In the @60[Input Mode] field, you can toggle between the modes for text input.
- (You can also use the Ctrl-I quick key to perform this action.) In the Tab Size
- field, you can set the size of tabs. In the Show Tabs and Show Newlines fields,
- you can display or hide the tab and newline markers.
- In the Sound field, you can turn on or off sound. The Overwrite Prompt field
- lets you choose whether or not Look & Feel will ask you if you want to overwrite
- screens and files when you save them. In the Monochrome field, you can toggle
- between color and monochrome modes. (Monochrome mode allows you to see how your
- color screens will appear on a monochrome monitor.) The 43 Line Mode field lets
- you choose to have Look & Feel use 43 line mode on your VGA monitor.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .45
- Moving the Cursor within a Screen
- You can move the cursor within a screen by using the mouse or arrow keys.
- Either move the cursor to a new position with the arrow keys, or click the mouse
- on whatever new position you want it to have.
- You can move the cursor to the beginning of a screen by selecting the Tools-Top
- command or pressing Ctrl-Home. You can move the cursor to the end of a screen
- by selecting the Tools-Bottom command or pressing Ctrl-End.
- You can also put the cursor on a particular line with the Ctrl-G command. This
- command prompts you a line number. After receiving it, the cursor will move to
- the specified line. When using this command, remember that the topmost line in
- a screen is line 0 (zero).
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .46
- Help Menu
- This is the Help submenu of the @103[Main Menu].
- Help
- ╔═════════════════════╗ ┌─Provides an entry point to Look & Feel's help
- ║ @1[Help (F1)] ║ ───┘ system through the menu.
- ║ @2[Quick Keys (Ctrl-H)] ║ ───┐
- ╚═════════════════════╝ └─Displays a list of Look & Feel's Quick Keys.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .47
- Quitting Look & Feel
- This is the Quit submenu of the @103[Main Menu]. Move into it and press Enter
- to leave Look & Feel.
- Quit ┌─Leave Look & Feel and return to your operating
- ╔════════════════════╗ │ system. If you have edited any screens since
- ║ Quit (Ctrl-Q) ║ ───┘ last saving them, Look & Feel will prompt you
- ╚════════════════════╝ with the @5[Screen Save box].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .48
- Block Commands
- Block commands allow you to manipulate, duplicate, @30[move], and @29[delete]
- sections of text. You can use them on any region within a screen.
- Some block commands use the cut buffer. Whenever you @27[cut] or @26[copy] a block,
- a replica of it goes into the cut buffer. The @28[paste] command copies the
- contents of the cut buffer back to the screen. The cut buffer can only hold
- one block at a time, so when you cut or copy a new block, the new block
- replaces whatever was there. Pasting does not affect the cut buffer.
- To cut, copy, delete, or @31[color a block], begin by marking it. The current
- cursor position should be at one end of the marked region. (Marked areas
- appear on the display in reverse video.) Move the cursor to the other end of
- the region you wish to mark and press Enter to finish marking the block. Look
- & Feel will then perform whatever action on the block you have requested.
- If you mark a block with fields, the block commands will affect those fields.
- For instance, if you move a block that contains fields, they will move with the
- block. Also, marking one character of a field marks the entire field.
- You can also use @116[block commands with the mouse].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .49
- About Nesting
- The Nesting commands allow you to link screens. If you want two screens always
- to appear and disappear together, you can @33[embed] one within the other. If
- you @34[attach] one screen to another, the attached screen can appear when the
- screen to which it is attached is visible (but will not appear automatically).
- In both cases, the relationship is parent-child and you cannot call the child
- directly. The relationship is also parent-child insofar as the parent can have
- more than one child, while a child can have only one parent. For instance, a
- menu has several submenus, but each submenu is attached to the same menu. Each
- child's name appears after the parent's name and a dot, such as "parent.child".
- A nested screen has a shell around it, which makes the child a "basic object,"
- or @77[BOB]. Because an embedded screen appears and disappears with its parent,
- it is a DEPENDENT bob. An attached screen may behave differently from its
- parent and is therefore an INDEPENDENT bob.
- You can also link a function from outside of Look & Feel to a field with the
- Nesting-UserFunc command. This command is useful for attaching
- @35[user functions] to @55[framer] or @53[slug] menus.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .50
- Look & Feel's Editor
- The text editor in Look & Feel has functions for @39[searching],
- @40[searching and replacing], @59[word wrap], and @48[block commands]. You can use it to
- edit @6[generated source code] or other files.
- In the editor, you can view tab and newline markers by making the appropriate
- selections from the @44[Global Settings box]. The editor operates in the
- ted_Past @62[movement mode], in @60[insert mode] for input, and has no @61[maximum length].
- You can open an editing window with the Editor-Open command
- To move from an editing window to another window, use the @13[Screen-Next] command.
- To remove an editing window from the display, use the @12[Screen-Close] command,
- which will ask you if you want to save the contents of the window.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .51
- Importing Files from Dan Bricklin's Demo Program
- To @8[import] a screen designed with Dan Bricklin's Demo Program (DEMO), you
- must use Demo's Print command to save the screen in a special format.
- Enter DEMO, and select the screen that you wish to convert to C code. Look &
- Feel will only be able to load the screen
- (1) as text with CR/LF interspersed,
- (2) has its attributes set as separate, and
- (3) is printed to a file.
- If the file you are printing already exists, do not append the new file to the
- old one. Either replace the old file or give the new file a different name.
- Look & Feel can now load the resulting .TXT file.
- Consult the Look & Feel manual for a detailed discussion of this process.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .52
- GO mode
- You are now in Look & Feel's @15[GO mode], which simulates the behavior of a
- screen when it is operational.
- You can leave GO mode by either calling Screen-Go, pressing F9, or by pressing
- Escape.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .53
- Slugs
- The slug menu system can create nested menuing systems. These can be either
- horizontal or vertical. When activated, a slug menu lets the user move through
- menu choices. Descriptive prompt messages appear for each menu choice. When
- the user presses Enter, a value is returned to the program or control passes
- into either another menu or a user-supplied function. Pressing Escape returns
- the user to the previous menu level.
- You can manipulate a slug menu with the @10[Screen Edit box].
- If you wish to use a slug, you can either load a simple slug with the
- @11[Screen-Open] command and modify it or @54[build one].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .54
- Building a Slug
- Building a slug takes several steps:
- (1) Create the main menu from a sed where every field has slug_funcs for its
- @82[field function]. Mark fields across or down the main menu with the
- @21[Field Mark] command.
- (2) Using other seds, create submenus with choices in them. The fields in the
- submenus should also have slug_funcs as their field functions. You can also
- give your choices @35[user functions].
- (3) Link each submenu to the main menu with the @34[Nesting-Attach] command.
- You will now have a functioning slug menu.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .55
- Framers
- With the framer menuing system, you can create submenus that drop down from a
- menu bar at the top of the display. The user can move horizontally through the
- menu bar and then vertically through the submenus. A menu choice can either
- return a value to the program or call a user-supplied function.
- To create a framer menuing system, you can either @56[build] it from a sed or load
- a simple framer with the @11[Screen-Open] command and modify it.
- You can manipulate a framer menu with the @10[Screen Edit box].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .56
- Building a Framer
- Building a framer takes several steps:
- (1) Create the main menu from a sed where every field has framer_funcs for its
- @82[field function]. Mark fields across the main menu with the @21[Field Mark]
- command.
- (2) Using other seds, create submenus with choices in them. The fields in the
- submenus should also have framer_funcs as their field functions. You can also
- give your choices @35[user functions].
- (3) Link each submenu to the main menu with the @34[Nesting-Attach] command.
- You will now have a functioning framer menu.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .57
- Seds (Screens)
- A sed (Screen EDitor) is a screen with text and/or fields. A sed manages its
- own flow of control. It processes keystrokes and controls data entry within
- fields and movement between fields.
- Since seds are Look & Feel's most fundamental @64[screen type], you can use one
- to create a text editor (@58[ted]), a @55[framer] menu, or a @53[slug] menu.
- The main editing area (where control first resides when you enter Look & Feel)
- is a sed. You can modify this and all seds with the @10[Screen Edit box] or in
- various other ways (such as resizing or moving the screen).
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .58
- Teds (Text Editors)
- A ted is a text editing screen that can automatically word-wrap text. In a
- ted, you can set and display tabs; mark, cut, delete, and paste blocks of text;
- perform @39[search] or @40[search and replace] operations; and save and read
- files.
- You can set values for a ted's parameters in the @10[Screen Edit box]. Teds
- have four additional parameters that govern their behavior: a @61[maximum length],
- an @60[insert mode], a @59[wrap width], and a @62[movement mode]. You can also set
- these in the Screen Edit box.
- @50[Look & Feel's editor] is a ted with additional file storage ability.
- To create a ted, create a sed with a virtual field with ted_funcs as its
- @82[field function] and spc_EmbedTed as its @67[special function].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .59
- Wrap Width
- The wrap width of a @58[ted] is the maximum length of its line. You can observe
- and set its value in the Wrap Width field of the @10[Screen Edit box]. As you
- type words past this length, the ted automatically places them on the next
- line. By default, a ted does not wrap. If a ted already has a wrap width and
- you do not want its lines to wrap, press "*" in this field.
- For best results, make the wrap width three characters less than screen width.
- Otherwise, when you type a word that runs past the end of a line, the contents
- of the screen may scroll horizontally until the words wrap.
- By default, @50[Look & Feel's editing windows] do not have a wrap width, but you can
- set one for each of them by calling the @10[Screen Edit box].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .60
- Insert and Overwrite Modes
- When using a @58[ted], you can select between two input modes: INSERT and
- OVERWRITE. In INSERT mode, old characters slide to the right when you type new
- characters. In OVERWRITE mode, new characters appear on top of (and delete) the
- old characters. Pressing the space bar toggles between the two modes, where
- "Yes" means that the ted is in INSERT mode and "No" means that it is in
- In the Insert mode field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can observe and set a
- ted's Input mode.
- @50[Look & Feel's editor] operates in INSERT mode.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .61
- Maximum Length
- You can set the maximum number of characters that a @58[ted] will hold in the
- MaxLength field of the @10[Screen Edit box]. If you want a ted with unlimited
- length, enter "*" in this field. Otherwise, enter a new value and it will be
- the ted's maximum length.
- @50[Look & Feel's editor] does not have a maximum length.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .62
- Move Methods
- In the Movement field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can select your ted's
- movement method, which determines how the cursor moves in it. You can either
- set it to ted_Past or ted_Follow. ted_Past allows the cursor to move past the
- end of text on any line. Vertical motion is straight up and down. ted_Follow
- does not allow the cursor to move past the end of text on any line--the cursor
- moves from the end of a line to the beginning of the next line. Vertical motion
- follows the ends of lines.
- To set your ted's movement method, either type the name of the movement method
- you wish to use or press Plus to pop up the two methods and select one.
- @50[Look & Feel's editor] use the ted_Past method.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .63
- Screen Deletion
- To delete a screen, enter either the @4[Screen Load box] or the @5[Screen Save box].
- Enter a file name in the File field and press Enter. In the Screen field, press
- Plus to pop up the list of screens that are in whatever .lnf file you have
- selected. Move to the screen you want to delete with the arrow keys and press
- Delete. Look & Feel asks you to confirm the deletion.
- When you delete a screen you have permanently removed it. To merely remove a
- screen from the display, use the @12[Screen-Close] command.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .64
- Screen Types
- Look & Feel allows you to create screen editors (@57[seds]), text editors (@58[teds]),
- @113[sleds], and two types of menuing systems (@55[framers] and @53[slugs]).
- When you create a new screen in the @11[Screen Open box], you must specify what
- type of screen you want it to be.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .65
- Sfiles
- Look & Feel saves its screens into .lnf files, which are also called sfiles or
- screen files.
- You can call an sfile from a C-scape executable and manipulate it with the
- sfile_ library commands. If you wish to do this, you must generate a
- @7[Symbol Table] and include it in your code.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .66
- Explode Functions
- In the Explode field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can give your screen an
- "explode" function, which adds special effects when it first appears on the
- display.
- Look & Feel provides the following explode functions:
- exp_std the Oakland standard explode function, which draws a series of
- expanding boxes within a screen.
- exp_BeamMeUp the Star Trek explode function, which before the screen appears,
- boldly draws a sequence of characters where no characters have
- gone before.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .67
- Special Functions
- In the Special field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can attach a special function
- to your sed. A special function customizes the way a screen's fields process
- particular keystrokes by intercepting keystrokes before the standard
- @82[field functions] can read them. In this field, the Plus key pops up a list
- of the available special functions, which are:
- spc_Abort Intercepts the Escape key causing control to leave the screen
- without saving any of the new values that users may have
- entered.
- spc_Embed Intercepts keystrokes so that they work properly for
- @49[nested] seds.
- spc_Sled Intercepts keystrokes so that they work properly for @113[sleds].
- spc_EmbedTed Intercepts keystrokes so that they work properly for nested
- @58[teds].
- An @68[auxiliary] function can also customize a screen's behavior.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .68
- Auxiliary Functions
- In the Aux field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can give your screen an
- auxiliary function, which provides additional control over its operation without
- having to modify @82[field functions]. You can use the auxiliary function
- several times while processing a screen. C-scape provides no standard auxiliary
- functions, so each one you use must be your own.
- To attach an auxiliary function to a screen, fill in its name in the appropriate
- field in the Screen Edit box.
- You can also customize a screen's behavior by giving it a @67[special function].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .69
- Screen Attributes
- Each screen has four @74[attributes]: regular, selected, background, and
- shadow. Each of these is listed in a field of the @10[Screen Edit] box and can
- be @76[modified] there. You can either type a new attribute number in the
- field or press the Plus key to pop up a table with all the available attributes
- in it.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .70
- Screen Name
- Each screen has a name. With a single sfile, each screen has a unique name. A
- screen's name appears in a protected field in the @10[Screen Edit box]. Screens are
- also listed by name in the @14[screen list].
- If you wish to save a screen under a new name, call the @5[Screen Save box] and
- enter a new name in the "Screen" field.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .71
- Screen Label
- In the Label field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can set the value for a
- screen's label, which is an integer that gives a screen a unique identifier.
- The label normally works in conjunction with the help system in order to bind
- specific help screens to screens in applications.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .72
- Mouse Handler
- In the @10[Screen Edit box]'s mouse handler field, you can give your screen a
- mouse handler. A screen with a mouse handler attached allows you to use the
- mouse to move among the screen's fields. These mouse handlers are available:
- sedmou_Click Passes control to a field when you click the mouse there.
- sedmou_Framer Handles the mouse properly for @55[Framer] menus.
- sedmou_Track Passes control to fields as the mouse moves among them.
- sedmou_GreedyTrack Allows mouse events to happen only in the active screen.
- Handles mouse events as does sedmou_Track. (This handler
- should only be used in popup windows.)
- sedmou_GreedyClick Allows mouse events to happen only in the active screen.
- Handles mouse events as does sedmou_Click. (This handler
- should only be used in popup windows.)
- To move or resize a screen with the mouse, you must enable the @101[border features]
- of its border. In Look & Feel, you can perform @116[block commands with the mouse].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .73
- Shadow
- In the Shadow field of the @10[Screen Edit box], you can give your screens the
- ability to cast shadows. A shadow is a one-character wide region to the right
- and below a window. You can toggle between enabling and disabling shadows by
- pressing the space bar in this field.
- Note that a screen's @74[shadow attribute] determines its color when it is in
- another screen's shadow. A screen with an enabled shadow will only cast a
- shadow on screens with shadow attributes.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .74
- Attributes (General Information)
- For color attributes, Look & Feel treats every screen as four distinct regions:
- background, regular, selected, and shadow.
- background Any area which is not a field. This is usually the screen's text
- region.
- regular All fields except the one in which control presently resides.
- selected The active field. The selected field changes as the cursor moves
- from field to field.
- shadow The portion of the screen lying in the @73[shadow] of another
- screen.
- Each field can also have a @114[highlighted character], which has its own regular
- and selected values.
- Look & Feel uses hexadecimal @75[notation] for its attributes.
- You can @76[change attributes] for @10[screens], @20[fields], @98[borders], and @31[blocks].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .75
- Attribute Notation
- For color monitors, a color attribute specifies the color of text and the color
- of the background color. Look & Feel has sixteen colors available for text and
- backgrounds, making 256 combinations. For monochrome monitors, attributes
- specify normal, underlined, bold-faced, blinking, or reversed characters.
- Look & Feel uses hexadecimal notation for color attributes. For each of 256
- attributes, the first digit indicates the background color while the second
- indicates the foreground color. In C's notation, the prefix "0x" (with the
- numeral zero) denotes a hexadecimal number, so 0x00 to 0xff indicate the numbers
- from 0 to 255. Each attribute field has the attribute you have chosen and
- displays the number of the attribute in hexadecimal. For instance, if the
- background color of a screen is 0x07, the Back field of the Screen Edit box will
- hold the number "07" in white on black (which is color attribute 0x07).
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .76
- Changing Color Attributes
- To change a color attribute, go to its field and type the number of the color
- attribute you want. To view all the available colors, press Plus. This will
- pop up a screen with all available colors in it. Move around it with the arrow
- keys and press Enter over the active field to select its attribute. You can
- perform this procedure for the attribute fields in the @10[Screen Edit box],
- @20[Field Edit box], or when coloring a @31[block].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .77
- Bobs
- A bob is a screen which is @49[nested] within another screen. It can either be
- independent (when it has been attached to its parent screen) or dependent (when
- it has been embedded in its parent screen).
- Because bobs are part of their parent screens, @78[editing bobs] cannot happen
- directly after embedding or attaching. Only from within the bob can you set
- its parameters with the @10[Screen Edit box].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .78
- Editing Bobs
- You cannot directly edit a screen once it is embedded or attached. To edit a
- nested screen, enter @15[GO mode] by pressing F9. You can then move through the
- fields and into the @77[bob]. If the bob is an attached screen, the screen will
- then appear. Once you are inside the bob, leave GO mode by pressing F9 again.
- This leaves you inside the bob in EDIT mode, where you can edit as you like.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .79
- Regular and Selected Fields
- A field has two color @79[attributes]: regular and selected. Usually, the
- field is colored by the regular attribute. When you move into a field to edit
- its data, it changes to its selected attribute. The default values for these
- attributes are the color attributes of the field's screen and are set in the
- @10[Screen Edit box]. If you want a field to have unique attributes, you can
- reset them in the @20[Field Edit box].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .80
- Field Spec
- The Spec field of the @20[Field Edit box] holds the field's specification--its
- writeables and nonwriteables. Writeables are the positions in a field where
- you can write and nonwriteables are the positions in a field where you cannot.
- For instance, in the field:
- (___) ___-____
- The parentheses, dash, and blank space are the nonwriteables since they do not
- change during data entry. The underscored areas are the writeables.
- In the Spec field, use a "#" for each writeable and any other character for the
- nonwriteable positions. If you want a field's width to be different from the
- number of characters in the spec, you can set it in the @81[Width] field.
- To use a "#" as a nonwriteable character, place the "@@" character in front of
- it. For example, "@@##" will appear as "#_".
- While in the spec field, you can also select a field's @114[highlighted character].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .81
- Field Width
- In the Width field of the @20[Field Edit box], you can set the displayed (as
- opposed to actual) width of a field. By default, this value is the number of
- characters in the field's @80[spec] and appears as "*". You can change the
- display width by entering an explicit value in this field. By setting it to a
- smaller value than the field's actual width, you can make the field contents
- scroll as the user enters information into it.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .82
- Field Functions
- In the Funcs field of the @20[Field Edit box], you can select the field
- function for your field. A field function is a structure of functions that
- governs a field's behavior: the @92[data type] a field will accept, how it will
- @109[format] the data, and how it will display this data on the screen.
- When you create a field, you can use one of the @83[standard field functions],
- or create one of your own. You can either type in the name of the function in
- this field, or use Plus to pop up a list of all the available functions and
- select from the list with the Enter key.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .83
- Standard Field Functions
- Look & Feel comes with over thirty standard field functions. They are listed
- here in alphabetical order
- Function Data Type Description
- alpha_funcs char * Allows entry and editing of a character
- string. Only accepts alphabetic characters.
- Enlarges the cursor when in INSERT mode.
- bob_funcs void Passes control to a bob embedded in a field
- and governs movement through the field.
- char_funcs char * Allows input of a single character. The field
- should have only one writeable position.
- @84[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .84
- Standard Field Functions, Continued
- Function Data Type Description
- check_funcs boolean * Allows the user to check off selections by
- pressing the space bar. Uses arrow keys to move
- between choices. If a choice has been selected, a
- check mark is written to its record and its
- variable is set to TRUE. The field needs at least
- one writeable position.
- click_funcs char * Treats the field as a menu choice. Supports grid
- movement among fields. Pressing a field's first
- letter or Enter makes a selection and exits the sed.
- clong_funcs long * Allows calculator style input of a long integer.
- Inserts commas automatically. Reserves the left
- most record position for the minus sign.
- @85[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .85
- Standard Field Functions, Still Continued
- Function Data Type Description
- cmoney_funcs long * Allows calculator style input of a long integer
- representing a monetary value in cents.
- Automatically inserts commas. Automatically
- keeps the last two digits behind a fixed decimal
- point. Reserves the left most record position
- for the minus sign.
- date_funcs struct tm * Allows entry of a date. Assumes that the
- field has 6 writeable positions interpreted as
- MM/DD/YY. Look & Feel automatically places
- the result in the date portion of a tm struct.
- digit_funcs char * Allows entry and editing of a character
- string. Accepts only numeric characters.
- Enlarges the cursor when in INSERT mode.
- @86[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .86
- Standard Field Functions, Yet Still Continued
- Function Data Type Description
- double_funcs double * Allows scientific calculator style input of a
- double value.
- framer_funcs void Controls all behavior for fields in a framer
- menu.
- gmenu_funcs void Treats the field as a menu choice. Supports grid
- movement between the fields (with the arrow keys).
- Pressing Enter exits the screen.
- hex_funcs int * Allows entry of an integer in hexadecimal format.
- int_funcs int * Allows calculator style input of an integer.
- Reserves the left most record position for the
- minus sign.
- @87[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .87
- Return of the Standard Field Functions
- Function Data Type Description
- list_funcs char * Allows the user to select a choice from a list that
- pops up when the space bar is pressed. Copies the
- choice into the field's variable. The field's
- second data pointer holds the list in a string, with
- commas between choices. The commas are not
- displayed. A choice list might be "NH,NJ,NM,NY".
- long_funcs long * Allows calculator style input of a long integer.
- Reserves the left most record position for the minus
- sign.
- mark_funcs boolean * Allows the user to mark selections in a list by
- pressing the space bar. Uses arrow keys to move
- between choices. If a choice has been selected, it
- marks the choice's field and sets the field's
- variable to TRUE.
- @88[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .88
- Revenge of the Standard Field Functions
- Function Data Type Description
- menu_funcs void Treats the field as a menu choice. Down and Up
- arrows move to next and previous field. Pressing
- Enter exits the sed.
- money_funcs long * Allows calculator style input of a long integer for
- a monetary value in cents. Automatically keeps the
- last two digits behind a fixed decimal point. Holds
- the left most record position for the minus sign.
- nowrite_funcs char * Treats the field as a menu choice with grid movement
- among fields. Identical to menu_funcs except it uses
- string_senter. Menu choice text is determined by the
- contents of the field's string variable. Hence, it
- can be changed at run-time but the user may not edit
- the field. Upon exit, the value of the field is not
- written back to the variable.
- @89[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .89
- Son of Standard Field Functions
- Function Data Type Description
- pint_funcs int * Positive integer function, identical to int_funcs
- except that it allows only positive values.
- Needs no space for a minus sign.
- plong_funcs long * Positive integer function, identical to
- long_funcs except that it allows only positive
- values. Needs no space for a minus sign.
- radio_funcs boolean * Allows for the exclusive selection of one field
- from a group of fields, each of which has the
- same field name. Requires at least one writeable
- position.
- range_funcs int * Displays an integer value as a horizontal bar
- chart. Requires a field with at least 10
- writeable positions.
- @90[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .90
- Niece of Standard Field Functions
- Function Data Type Description
- sdouble_funcs double * Allows string-like entry of a double.
- secure_funcs char * Allows entry of a character string. Does not
- echo characters on the display; displays
- instead a mask character.
- sfloat_funcs float * Allows string-like entry of a float.
- sint_funcs int * Allows string-like entry of an integer.
- slong_funcs long * Allows string-like entry of a long.
- slug_funcs void Controls all behavior for fields in a slug
- menu.
- @91[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .91
- Standard Field Functions: The Next Generation
- Function Data Type Description
- string_funcs char * Allows entry and editing of a character string.
- Enlarges the cursor in INSERT mode.
- ted_funcs char * Allows full text editing on a string of text.
- time_funcs struct tm * Allows entry of a time. Assumes the field has 6
- writeables for use as HH:MM:SS. Look & Feel
- automatically places the results in the time
- portion of a tm struct.
- toggle_funcs char * Allows the user to cycle through a list of choices
- by pressing the space bar. The field's second data
- pointer contains choice definitions, with commas
- separating them. Copies the final choice into the
- field's variable. The commas are not displayed. A
- choice list might be "Chico,Groucho,Harpo,Zeppo".
- @115[More standard field functions] @-1[Previous Screen]
- @111[Index] @0[Exit Help]
- .92
- Variable Type
- The Type field in the @20[Field Edit box] displays the C variable type your
- field uses. If you select a field function from the available set with the Plus
- and Enter keys, Look & Feel will automatically set the field's variable to the
- appropriate type. If you use a field function you have created, you must fill
- in this field yourself.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .93
- Variable
- In the Var field of the @20[Field Edit box], you can set a field's variable.
- You can give a field any name you like, but you should only use names that are
- valid C variable names. Look & Feel will not validate variable names.
- A variable serves as a field's identifier, along with its @95[number] and @94[name].
- If you wish to use array elements for variables, add an array subscript to each
- variable of the proper type. You may also have to modify the variable type to
- match the array type. If you wish to use structure elements as variables you
- must add the type and name of the structure to the variable name. You only
- need to assign field variables if you intend to generate code from your screen.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .94
- Field Name
- In the Name field of the @20[Field Edit box], you can give your field a name.
- A field name provides a method of calling and referring to fields without using
- its @95[number] or @93[variable]. Both in Look & Feel and its generated code,
- you can use field names to refer to fields when you manipulate them. Field
- names are especially useful within Look & Feel, since you can easily move the
- fields within a screen, which may change their field numbers. Once you have
- generated code from your screen, you can continue to use field names with
- routines such as sed_GetNameVar and sed_GetNameNo.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .95
- Field Number
- Each field has an individual number, which appears in the protected field,
- FieldNo, in the @20[Field Edit box]. A field number can serve as a field's
- identifier, along with its @94[name] and @93[variable]. Fields are numbered
- in the order of their creation, and most standard @82[field functions] pass
- control among fields sequentially. You can use a screen's @22[field list] to
- restructure the order of its fields.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .96
- Protection
- You can enable and disable protection by pressing the space bar in the Protect
- field of the @20[Field Edit box].
- When a screen is part of a running program (either from @6[generated code] or from
- @65[sfile] calls), a protected field is inaccessible with the field movement
- commands and is ignored by them. The same is true within @15[GO mode]. In all
- other respects, a protected field is a normal field. This prevents users from
- altering the fields whose values are set automatically, such as those holding
- dates or times.
- A protected field behaves as other fields in EDIT mode.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .97
- Data Pointers
- Below the data entry fields in the @20[Field Edit box], there is an editor in
- which you can enter data for the field's data pointers. You can have up to 22
- data pointers for each field. Look & Feel (and C-scape) have pre-defined uses
- for the first three--they hold information for a @105[prompt string],
- @106[field validation], and @109[text formatting], respectively.
- Since Look & Feel assumes that data pointers point to strings, you do not need
- to use quotations around them. If you need field data pointers that point to
- data objects other than strings, you must:
- (1) Put a dummy string with a null value into the field's pointer slot to make
- sure that Look & Feel will create the data pointer in the screen's sfile.
- (2) In your program, load your screen from the sfile and use the function
- sed_SetFieldData (from C-scape) to set the data pointer to the value you
- desire.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .98
- Border Functions
- Like the screens which they surround, the behavior of a Look & Feel border is
- defined by a set of parameters--the function which defines it, its
- @101[features], and its color @74[attribute]. In the Border field of the
- @10[Screen Edit box], you can attach a border to your screen from the list of
- @99[standard borders].
- The border has its own color attribute, and the rules which govern it are the
- same as those that govern all other color attributes. You can set this value
- in the "Bord" field of the Screen Edit box's Attributes area.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .99
- Standard Borders
- bd_1 A simple, single lined border. It does not have a title,
- @105[prompt string], or scroll lights.
- bd_123 A border that displays a @105[prompt] beneath the screen (similar
- to bd_null). Used by the slug menuing system.
- bd_2 A simple, double lined border. It does not have a title,
- @105[prompt string], or scroll lights.
- bd_bar A border with a title and a scroll bar along the right hand edge.
- bd_box A single lined border that holds a title in its top line. It has
- no scroll lights or prompts.
- @100[More Standard Borders] @111[Index]
- @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .100
- More Standard Borders
- bd_boxlight A single lined border that holds a title in its top line and scroll
- lights on its side. It has no prompt.
- bd_mouse A single lined border that holds a title in its top line, a
- @105[prompt string] position in its bottom line, and scroll lights
- on its right side. This border always supports the mouse.
- bd_mouse2 A border with the same functionality as bd_mouse, with the
- addition of a horizontal scroll bar along its bottom.
- bd_null A non-existent border that displays @105[prompts] on the bottom
- line of the display.
- @117[More Standard Borders] @111[Index]
- @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .101
- Border Features
- Look & Feel provides four features for @98[border]: move, resize, outline, and
- top. The move and resize features allow you to use the @72[mouse] to move
- and resize the border attached to your screen. The top feature allows you to
- click on a partially obscured screen and make entirely visible. With the
- outline feature enabled, a screen displays only the movements of its outline
- until its final position. You can set these features for a screen in their
- fields in the @10[Screen Edit box].
- These features are enabled in @15[GO mode], when the screen is called from a
- screen file, or when the screen is converted to C code.
- Enabling the outline feature will do nothing unless either the move or resize
- features are enabled.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .102
- Field Deletion
- You can delete a field by either using the field list or by using the block
- commands.
- To delete a field from within the @22[field list], press Delete while it is
- the active field. Pressing Escape will return control to the main editing
- area, but will not undo changes you have made. Enter behaves as Escape in this
- situation.
- To delete a field with block commands, either use @27[Block-Cutting] or
- @29[Block-Delete] to remove the field from the screen. If you do not
- @28[paste] a cut block back to the screen, the field will be gone permanently.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .103
- Main Menu Screen
- The Main Menu is at the top of the screen. It allows you to perform any of
- Look & Feel's commands. You can call it by pressing F10.
- Loading and Using Look
- saving screens, & Feel's
- creating code Creating, editing, Using Look & special Leaving
- and symbol deleting, and Feel's text utility Look &
- tables. viewing fields. editor. functions. Feel.
- │ │ ┌──┘ │ │
- ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ @3[Disk] @9[Screen] @19[Field] @25[Block] @37[Editor] @32[Nesting] @41[Tools] @46[Help] @47[Quit] ║
- ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- ┌─────────┘ ┌──────────┘ │ └─┐
- Altering a Copying, cutting, Linking (and detaching) Calling
- screen's deleting, moving, screens or functions Look & Feel's
- appearance and changing regions. to screens. help system.
- and parameters.
- The Status Bar is at the bottom of the screen. It shows the active screen
- and row and column within it (with the upper-left corner as 0,0).
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .104
- Field Edit Next
- From the @20[Field Edit box], you can move from editing one field to the next one
- iin the screen by pressing Ctrl-N. You can also perform this action by pressing
- enter over the "Next" field. The fields will appear for editing in the
- same order listed in the @22[Field List].
- If you want to change the order in which control passes among fields, you can
- do so by moving them manually in the field list or by @24[sorting them].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .105
- Prompt Strings
- You can give a field a @98[border] prompt by putting a string in its first
- @97[data pointer].
- A border will display the prompt string if it can so. The borders capable of
- displaying prompt strings are bd_123, bd_mouse, bd_null, bd_prompt, and bd_std.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .106
- Validation String
- In a field's second data pointer, you can include a string for validating the
- field's data. You can perform either @107[numeric] or @108[alphabetic]
- validation.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .107
- Numeric Validation
- For numeric functions, each string is a pair of numbers that specify a lower
- and upper range. The numbers are separated by a comma. For example, the
- validation string "(0,22)" specifies a range of 0 through 22, inclusive.
- You can use as many number pairs as you wish. A value is within range if it
- falls within the lower and upper bounds of at least one of the number pairs.
- The validation string "(2,5)(44,55)" specifies a range of 2 through 5 or 44
- through 55.
- Having a number absent, such as in "(4,)", indicates an open-ended range. In
- this case a value greater than or equal to 4 would be valid.
- Validation strings are not checked for errors. You must make sure they are
- properly formed.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .108
- Alphabetic Validation
- For string functions, each string specifies a choice that the field may accept
- as a value. For example, the validation string
- Fred,Wilma,Barney,Betty
- will not allow the user to leave the field until they have entered a name from
- the list.
- Validation strings are not checked for errors. You must make sure they are
- properly formed. Also, remember to leave no spaces between the choices.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .109
- Formatting Fields
- A field's third @97[data pointer] can hold text formatting strings. Each
- character in a @110[standard format string] specifies a formatting operation to
- be performed on the field's record. An "!" character before a text formatting
- character reverses the formatter's effect.
- The standard field functions check the third field data pointer (data pointer
- number 2) for a format string. If one is present, the field will be formatted
- according to the pointer's specifications.
- If you specify mutually exclusive formatting commands, the command listed last
- is carried out. For instance, if the format string is "Ul", the field's record
- will be lower case, while if the format string is "lU", the field's record will
- be upper case.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .110
- Standard Format Strings
- Normal Reversed
- U Converts the record to UPPER CASE. Converts the record to lower case.
- l Converts the record to lower case. Converts the record to UPPER CASE.
- P Converts the record to Proper Case. Converts the record to iMPROPER cASE.
- c Removes whitespace from the record. Removes whitespace from the record.
- ^ Centers the record. Centers the record.
- > Right justifies the record. Left justifies the record.
- < Left justifies the record. Right justifies the record.
- , Places commas in a numeric string. Removes commas from a numeric string.
- 1-9 Places a fixed decimal point with 1 Removes a fixed decimal point.
- through 9 digits to its right.
- _ Pads a string with trailing spaces. Removes trailing spaces.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .111
- Help Index
- @108[Alphabetic Validation] @45[Cursor Movement] @22[Field List]
- @34[Attaching a Screen] @31[Coloring a Block] @21[Field Mark]
- @35[Attaching a Function] @51[Dan Bricklin's Demo Program] @19[Field Menu]
- @75[Attribute Notation] @97[Data Pointers] @94[Field Name]
- @74[Attributes, About] @29[Deleting a Block] @95[Field Number]
- @68[Auxiliary Functions] @36[Detaching a screen] @96[Field Protection]
- @116[Blocks and the Mouse] @8[Disk Import box] @80[Field Spec]
- @48[Block Commands] @3[Disk Menu] @93[Field Variable]
- @25[Block Menu] @78[Editing Bobs] @81[Field Width]
- @77[Bobs] @37[Editor Menu] @55[Framers]
- @101[Border Features] @38[Editor Open box] @23[Global Field Edit]
- @98[Border Functions] @33[Embedding a Screen] @44[Global Settings]
- @76[Changing Attributes] @66[Explode Functions] @15[GO mode]
- @18[Clearing a Screen] @102[Field Deletion] @1[Help on Help]
- @12[Closing a Screen] @20[Field Edit box] @114[Highlighting characters]
- @6[Code Generation] @104[Field Edit Next] @60[Insert Mode]
- @112[More Entries] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .112
- Help Index, Continued
- @42[Line Drawing] @79[Regular and Selected Fields] @65[Sfiles]
- @50[Look & Feel's Editor] @17[RESIZE mode] @73[Shadow]
- @103[Main Menu Screen] @13[Screen-Next] @113[Sleds]
- @61[Maximum Length] @63[Screen Deletion] @53[Slugs]
- @44[Monochrome Mode] @10[Screen Editing] @24[Sorting Fields]
- @72[Mouse Handler] @71[Screen Label] @43[Special Characters]
- @16[MOVE mode] @14[Screen List] @67[Special Functions]
- @62[Movement Mode] @4[Screen Loading] @99[Standard Borders]
- @30[Moving a Block] @9[Screen Menu] @83[Standard Field Functions]
- @49[Nesting, About] @70[Screen Name] @110[Standard Format Strings]
- @32[Nesting Menu] @11[Screen Opening] @103[Status Bar]
- @107[Numeric Validation] @5[Screen Saving] @7[Symbol Table Generation]
- @28[Pasting a Block] @64[Screen Types] @58[Teds]
- @105[Prompt Strings] @39[Search] @41[Tools Menu]
- @2[Quick Keys] @40[Search and Replace] @106[Validation Strings]
- @47[Quitting Look & Feel] @57[Seds] @92[Variable Type]
- @59[Wrap Width]
- @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .113
- Sleds
- A sled (Scrolling List EDitor) allows you to view and manipulate a list of data
- whose size you cannot predict. It has a small number of identical rows, each of
- which contains one or more @19[fields] and manages its own data in internal arrays
- called column arrays. The @93[field variables] point to successive elements in the
- column array. The sled automatically creates and maintains a column array for
- each of its field columns. It also governs mapping of field variables to the
- data of the column arrays.
- You can open a sled in the @11[Screen Open] box.
- To add a row to a running sled, press "+". To delete a row, press "-".
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .114
- Highlighted Characters
- Look & Feel allows you to highlight a character in every field. Highlighted
- characters in a @57[screen] have their own @74[attributes]; in a menu, they serve as an
- identifier for the field during a search (instead of the first letter).
- To highlight a character, go to the @80[spec field] of the @20[field edit box] and press
- the Space Bar. This will allow to move across the spec with the arrow keys.
- When you are over the character you wish to highlight, press F5.
- Exit the the field edit box and the character you selected will now be colored
- with the screen's highlighted attributes. You can change these attributes in
- the @10[Screen Edit box].
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .115
- Enough already with the Standard Field Functions
- Function Data Type Description
- togint_funcs int * Identical to toggle_funcs, except it stores the
- choice number in the field variable instead of the
- string itself.
- xstring_funcs char * Extended string function--identical to string_funcs
- except that it accepts any character. Useful for
- international keyboards with special characters.
- yesno_funcs boolean * Displays "Yes" or "No". Toggles when space bar, Y,
- or N keys are pressed.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .116
- Block commands and field marking with the mouse
- If you wish to use the mouse to perform @48[block operations], perform the following
- steps:
- (1) Click on one corner of the region you wish to manipulate.
- (2) Drag the mouse to mark the region.
- (3) Release the mouse.
- This will pop a list of block commands, including @30[Block-Move], @27[Block-Cut],
- @26[Block-Kopy], @31[Block-Attr], and @29[Block-Delete]; the command @21[Field-Mark] is also on
- the list. Select the action that you wish to take and Look & Feel will proceed
- with the action (identically to calling the menu choice or using a @2[quick key].
- Remember that fields are only one row tall. If you use the mouse to mark a
- region more than one row tall and select Field-Mark to turn that region into a
- field, Look & Feel will use the top row of the region for the field.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .117
- Even More Standard Borders
- bd_plain A simple border with single lines along its top and left sides and
- double lines along its bottom and right sides.
- bd_prompt A single lined border with a @105[prompt string] position in the
- bottom line and a title in its top line. It has no scroll lights.
- bd_std The standard Oakland border. It has a title, a @105[prompt line],
- and scroll lights, on the top, bottom, and left sides,
- respectively.
- bd_title A border with single lines along its top and left sides and double
- lines along its bottom and right sides. It has a title and scroll
- lights, but no prompt area.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]
- .118
- Freshening the Screen
- This command, Screen-Freshen, clears and redraws the screen, in the event that
- any "trash" appears on the screen, from line noise, OS messages, or other
- sources. This command is specifically designed for multi-tasking operating
- systems, such as UNIX, VMS, and QNX.
- The @2[quick key] for this command is Ctrl-Z.
- @111[Index] @-1[Previous Screen] @0[Exit Help]