Toolkit for Quake 2
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Title : Dm46.bsp
Author : Jens Andreasson
Email Address : Bile@hem.passagen.se
Description : Dm4 and dm6 from Q1 mixed together and tweaked
for Q2...
Where to get : http://home6.swipnet.se/~66360 and cdrom.com
Other Works : Metall, Dump, for Q2 and Pain.bsp for Quake1
Thanks to : A huge one to Id for the new teleporters and
for not including any Dm maps in Q2...
* Other Info *
I was thinking of converting dm4/6 for q2, someone else did and I got the
idea of combining those two into one. It ended up in a map that qbsp
could'nt build because of the size(or something). I had to shrink some rooms
to get it working, and therefore I could'nt finish it as I would have liked to.
Anyways I'm pleased with the work I've done, and I'll hope you all enjoy it!
And finally, the new teleporters really do suck...
* Play Information *
Single Player : For practice, though some things will look strange...
Cooperative : No
Deathmatch : OF COURSE, 16 starts.
Difficulty Settings : No
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
Sound Track : 1
Demos Replaced : None
Source Included : No
Exit's To : No
Recommended # of Players: 4---->16
* Construction *
Base : New level from scratch.
Editor(s) used : QE4
Known Bugs : None
Brushes : 728 brushes and 119 entities
Construction Time : a marathon session of 16 hours, paused for qvis only....
Time consuming facts : ---- vis ----
1528 portalclusters
4763 numportals
Average clusters visible: 264
Average clusters hearable: 850
visdatasize:336064 compressed from 586752
25168.0 seconds elapsed
* Running dm46.bsp *
You should know how to....but remember that it's for Quake2.