Labels:book | bulletin board | crt screen | laptop | monitor | person | plaything | poster | putty knife | shelf OCR: Quilting America best -loved craft! Create your own unique quilt designs for your Start withe family and friends simpledesign and just ane pieced block andallernatine piain squares Withalir mouse replacs the plain sguares with Tutoria videos To design quilt Toals for selt this sinpie bloc Print the qullt ard teach youtow to simply click on each blocks rotating andhe amazedat block pat:erns use the softviare tab from aft to right and flipping the e overall effect. o in thi Proic Uiece3 in this Project gho wn helay Continu tos sampi y aorite different tbiocks in the oltermating spaces without changing anything else You'll see justhow fun and easy it is to designwith Quilt .10 Build your own YOU'l llalways 2uo block Library of quiltor screen know the then the 200 blocks finished size quill to ...