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/ Real Time Animation Toolkit in C++ / Book / JPG / 765.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-01-01  |  839KB  |  2550x3507
Labels: book | reckoner
OCR: Recommended Reading T The Classics Foley, James, Andnes van Darm, Steven Feiner, and John Hughes, Computer Graphies: Principles and Practice, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1987 Used widely a texthook for undergraduate and graduate- level computer science courses, this boot .is have cover in detail the theory behind 2 and .3D graphics, with an enipliasis on high-erd realisr. Newman williarn M and Robert Sproull, Fundamentats of Interactive Compuiter Graphics, 2nd edition, McCraw l!H 1973 This ancient book shows how rruch theoreti- cal work was done ever hefore there was rea sonable hardware available for practical use 15 still solid introcuction to Line curve, and polygon rendering, anc 3D projection anci ren- dering mathermatics VGA SuperVGA Programning Abrash, Michael Zen of Graphies Progr ...