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* *
* NetGuard *
* -------- *
* Written By G.R.King *
* (Version 1.00) *
* *
NetGuard is primarily designed for use in schools and
colleges, or basically anywhere where Econet is used. It
allows the user to shut himself off from the 'outside
world' and be able to continue using the computer with out
fear of being interrupted. As you will no doubt know, when
a computer on Econet receives a notify message from another
station, the computer stops everything (if you are in the
Desktop) and displays the message in an error window. This
can be annoying at the best of times, and even more so when
the message is just someone having a laugh!
Netguard gives you several options as to how your computer
will deal with a notify message. You can have the message
displayed immediately if you wish, but instead of
displaying the message in an error box, the message is
displayed in a fully multitasking window. Another benefit
is that if you have this display window open and you are
sent another message, the message in the window will
simply be updated without interruption. You also have two
other options. You can have the message completely
ignored, or you can have the message stored until you are
ready to read it. To store the incoming notify message the
option 'Pass to buffer' must be selected on the main
window. When your station receives a notify message the
computer will grab the message, store it and warn you of
its arrival. It warns you by making the icon on the icon
bar flash and if you have the 'Sound' option selected on
the menu, it will give a loud gong type noise every three
seconds or so. If you have a stored message and you are
ready to deal with it you can either click on the 'Flush
buffer' icon or the 'Clear buffer' icon. 'Flush buffer'
will display the stored message on screen, whilst 'Clear
buffer' will erase the message.
If you have the 'Ignore notify' icon set, all messages
will be ignored and you will not be warned of there
You can also have the computer immediately react to the
notify in a number of ways. On receipt of the message, you
can have the senders computer 'killed', that is to say the
sender of the message will find that he can no longer use
his computer!
You can have the message echoed back to the sender, so
the sender would receive his own message!
You can have your computer automatically send a user
definable message to the sender. The message to be sent
must be typed in to the writeable icon at the bottom of the
Or, you can select no reaction.
You will also notice eight icons to the bottom right of
the window, under the heading 'Protection'. These icons
reflect the current setting of the Econet protection word,
which is held in the CMOS RAM. They protect against the
following immediate operations :
Icon title When set
---------- --------
N/A (Poke - Prevents memory from another computer
being copied directly into your
Peek - Prevents memory being copied from
your machine.
N/A (JSR/BL - Prevents another machine from making
your machine branch with link (BL) to
another section of memory to execute
some code.)
UPC - Prevents another machine sending you
the call 'Econet_UserProcedureCall'.
OSPC - Prevents another machine sending you
the call 'Econet_OSProcedureCall',
thus preventing your machine from
receiving 'Econet_OSCauseFatalError'
and 'Econet_CharacterFromNotify'.
Halt - Prevents the remote halting of your
Cont - Prevents the remote continuation of
your machine.
GetReg - Prevents another machine from gaining
a copy of your machines current
register status.
Note: Setting the OSPC icon prevents any station notifying
you. It is no good having selected for a message to be
displayed immediately if no one can notify you anyway!
Sub Note: Pupils in Lipson Community College might have
been victim to the 'Send' application. This application
allows the user of another machine to remotely crash your
machine, giving the error 'Address Exception at...'. To
prevent this you should set the 'Halt' icon.
Revision History
Version 0.55 (1 Jan 92)
Currently only the Ignore notify and immediately display
notify options are up and working (theoretically, that
is),I have had some problems with passing the message to a
buffer as I don't have Econet so therefore can't test
anything. I'll have to wait until I can test it later
The code for the 'Kill sender' option is written and has
been tested. Acorn would have a fit if they saw it, as it
does not legally kill the sender (is there a legal way?).
It sends a corrupt data packet to the originator of the
message, in the form of an immediate operation,this can
(and indeed does) have a very strange effect on the
destination machine (it varies), but the destination
machine will almost certainly cease to function correctly
(if at all!).
Version 0.65 (2 Jan 92)
----------------------- Added the sound feature just in
case the user didn't notice the little flashing icon. The
Flush & Clear buffer icons are working, or at least if
there was a buffer to flush! Realised I did not have
anywhere to display error messages and such like, I
couldn't just pop up an error box as this would defeat the
object of the application, which is to allow the user to
receive remote messages from Econet and not have to be
interrupted. So I stuck another icon at the bottom of the
Version 0.75 (4 Jan 92)
----------------------- Theoretically all the set
protection icons are up and working, I still haven't had
access to Econet so I don't know for sure! Removed a bug
from the sound option. Once you had turned the sound off
it never came back on again!!!
Version 0.80 (17 Jan 92)
------------------------ My jaw hit the floor on the
realisation that none of the protection icons were
working! Never mind. They are now! At least some are...
Having problems with 'Bad Mask' error when using SWI call
'4000E'. As a direct result of this I have had to leave
out two icons (they will be back soon), but the others are
all working.
Messed about with the 'Echo' & 'Send Message' functions..
.. No joy!
Version 0.90 (18 Jan 92)
------------------------ Messed about with passing the
notify message to the buffer...success! Or at least,
probably. As I have said before, I don't have Econet so
I'll have to wait until I can test it to be sure. The
hardest thing wasn't writing the code to deal with the
message buffering, it was testing it! It took me a hour to
set up a fake notify routine and pass all the relevant info
over to 'NetGuard'.
Currently 'NetGuard' does not really buffer the messages.
It only records the last one, so if you were sent two
messages, 'NetGuard' would delete the first message on the
arrival of the second. (Never mind, it will soon buffer OK)
The icon which I stuck at the bottom of the window in
version 0.65, has now been put into use! It displays the
status of the data packet sent to the sender of the notify
Version 0.95 (21 Jan 92) (Pre realise)
------------------------ 90% of the application is up and
running. Still needs a bit of debugging and a few
functions have not yet been included. I have decided to
release this version of NetGuard as it is, as a pre
release version. It is near enough a full version but not
quite, the following functions are not implemented in this
pre release version of NetGuard :
Protection :
Strange things can happen with the
icons!! (?)
Reaction :
Send Message
Message Window :
Save function on this menu has not
yet been implemented.
The arrow icons in the top corners
as yet do nothing.
Version 1.00 (22 Jan 92)
Ah ha! I have made a few improvements. All reaction
functions are working, that is I have added the Echo & Send
Message function code to the application. I have taken out
the option to save the text of the notify. The protection
icons 'Poke' & 'JSR/BL' have been greyed out, as have the
arrow icons on the message display window. I'm to lazy to
implement it in this version!I don't think the icon at the
bottom of the window actually does anything but I have left
it there just in case. (It did do something many years
ago, but it apparently doesn't do it properly!)
In no circumstances shall the author be liable for any
damage, loss of profits, time or data or any indirect or
consequential loss rising out of the use or inability to
use this software.
Improvements coming in the next version:
ALL protection icons will be working!
FULL buffering capacity, with queue.
More flexible reaction selections.
Added intelligence! (You'll have to wait and see!)
...and anything else I can think of!
Well, if anyone for reasons as yet unknown (more bug
reports, insulting letters, ideas about more features to
add, or just general comments) would like to contact me, I
can be found at :
54 Neath Road,
St. Judes,
You can contact me on E-Mail via Mike Smith : Arcade #534
C ya...
Whoops! P.S. : I retain the full copyright to '!NetGuard'
and all its associated files, with exception of the
'InterfaceManager', which is the copyrighted material of
Simon Huntington. (and V good it is too!)
However, the application may be distributed as SHAREWARE,
as long as :
The WHOLE application is copied.
None of the files are 'tampered' with. *
None of the code is removed and used in other software. *
This application is NOT sold for profit.
* :- Without written permission from the author.
As SHAREWARE, if you (the user) would like to make regular
use of 'NetGuard' you must register with me at the cost of
ú5.00. For your money you will be sent the latest copy of
'Netguard' and will continue to receive the latest version
for as long as I continue to develp 'NetGuard'. When I send
you your updates I will probably stick some PD software on
there as well.
(When registering please state the verion you have)
PPS. Oh and by the way, a short message to all the people
(?) out there who keep moaning about how hard it is to
program in the WIMP enviroment. There are fifteen year
olds (and younger) out here programming the WIMP and they
have had no programming courses or even passed any GCSEs
yet. I should know, I'm one of them.