Finding the serial# for Advanced Video Poker v1.00 for newbies
Tutorial# 4
Target: Advanced Video Poker v1.00
Author: Alhademic Group
E-mail: or
Type : Name/Serial
Tools : Softice 3.25/Quickview
What the Author say's
Advanced Video Poker v1.00 is a program for Windows95/98/NT designed for
enjoinment.Advanced Video Poker is probably the most realistic PC card game with convenient interface, different backgrounds and decks, that will not irritate you and also with pleasant music that will help you to enjoy playing Advanced Video Poker at 100 and 1%.Advanced Video Poker is a shareware game.Cost of registration is $20.This is the unregistered version. Registration of our product will allow you to play all 7 variations of Advanced Video Poker. In the unregistered version only 2 variations: Jacks or Better and Deuces Wild are avaliable to play.Once registered you will be able to receive all future versions of Advanced Video Poker free of charge.
Firstly install the game to the directory of your choice then open AVP with quickview just to see if there is anything usefull that we can use.Wdasm32 is also good for this.A fair few of Ultisoft games show you the right serial in the string data reference.By looking at AVP with quickview we now know that it is a VB 5 program.You will have to add the following lines to your Winice.dat,
AF4="^s 0 l ffffffff 56,57,8b,7c,24,10,8b,74,24,0c,8b,4c,24,14,33,c0,f3,66,a7;"
Save the changes and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.Ok your back,thats good.Now start AVP and you can see the "Register" on the menu bar.Click it and a dialog screen pops up asking for your name and registration number,enter Pirate Copy for your name and 998899 for your registration number or anything you want.It does'nt really matter.Don't click OK just yet.Enter Softice with ctrl-d and place a break point on MultiByteToWideChar like this,bpx multibytetowidechar then press return.Ctrl-d or F5 to exit Softice and return to AVP.Press the OK button now and you will land back in Softice.Disable your break point like this bd 00 or bd * press return then press the F11 key once and we will end up here,
The highlight bar should be on 014F:0F0414DC 8BD8 MOV EBX,EAX we're going to do a search for the VB 5 String Compare Routine.This is what it looks like below.CrackZ has done all the hard work for us.This is what he had to say in cRACKER's nOTE'S by TORN@DO. "Well, this is an addition by myself as I was so irritated with the lack of VB 5 reversing approaches. By playing with this program I can bring you the VB 5 String Compare routine, merely a simple but slightly different variation on the VB 4 & VB 3 compare
014F:0F00D9EA 56 PUSH ESI
014F:0F00D9EB 57 PUSH EDI
014F:0F00D9EC 8B7C2410 MOV EDI,[ESP+10]
014F:0F00D9F0 8B74240C MOV ESI,[ESP+0C]
014F:0F00D9F4 8B4C2414 MOV ECX,[ESP+14]
014F:0F00D9F8 33C0 XOR EAX,EAX
014F:0F00D9FA F366A7 REPZ CMPSW <-- Compare those strings
014F:0F00D9FD 7405 JZ 0F00DA04
So now you know what the VB 5 string compare routine looks like,it will come in very handy won't it? [Think].We added that to our Winice.dat earlier on in this tutorial if you can remember,so all we have to do is press ALT-F4 together and Softice will find it for us.You should now see something like
this, Pattern found at: 014F:0F00D9EA (0F00D9EA)Place a break point at that memory location like this bpr 30:0f00d9ea 30:0f00d9ea+6 rw return,then F5 and we'll land at the VB 5 string compare routine above.
There's a number of ways we can do the next part.I typed e for edit,return then d edx and saw the valid serial in the data window.You can F10 down to
REPZ CMPSW and do d esi or d edi.So the valid serial I got for Pirate Copy was 110157321207808. It's in wide char format so you don't enter the points,
So thats it for my third tutorial I hope I've helped you out in some way or another.Also if you want to keep this program pay the Author the $20 he's asking for this game.This tutorial is for educational purposes only and should not be used to steal software.
Many Thanks
Go to all the Crackers out there who find the time to help people like myself learn the ART of Reverse Engineering.