Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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Tutorial Number 3
Written by Etenal Bliss
Email: Eternal_Bliss@hotmail.com
Date written: 9th Jan 1999
Program Details:
Name: Immortal Descendants CrackMe v1.0
Author: Volatility
Language: Visual Basic
Tools Used:
NuMega Softice 3.23
NuMega SmartCheck 6.01
Cracking Method:
Serial Fishing
Code Analysis for Key Generator
Viewing Method:
Use Notepad with Word Wrap switched on
Screen Area set to 800 X 600 pixels (Optional)
About this protection system
No disabled function. To register, you need to enter
UserName and Registration Code.
The Essay
As this is a tutorial for newbies, I'll go into details about how I go about
cracking the program. I suggest that you read this tutorial first.
When you have completed the tutorial, try to re-do everything.
Then, the knowledge will be in you. 8)
Serial Fishing
First, reboot your computer and get softice started if you haven't done so.
Since this is a VB program, normal breakpoints will not work. Reading
somewhere about breakpoints for VB program, I decided to use
bpx __vbastrcomp (string compare)
**bpx means "Breakpoint on execution".
**__vbastrcomp is my favourite breakpoint for VB programs...
Run the program. Type in all your particulars.
In my case, I entered Eternal Bliss and 2353535.
Get into Softice by pressing Ctrl D.
Now set the breakpoint as mentioned above. Press Ctrl D or F5 to return
to the program.
Click on the "Register" button.
You will break in Softice at
xxxx:7B2F3563 55 PUSH EBP
**xxxx are numbers. Since yours will be different from mine, I left them
F10 a few steps till you get to
xxxx:7B2F3574 8B4510 MOV EAX, [EBP+10]
**F10 - step over (skip over function Calls)
(same as [F8], but will not go into function Calls)
**The reason why you should F10 till this part is because I have done the
1) When I broke in Softice, I used F10 and type "d register" for
every register change. Register can be eax, ebx, ecx, edx, edi, esi etc
type d eax and "Enter"
look in the data window. See your code in wide character
**If you can't see anything, type WC to activate or deactivate your code
F10 a few more steps till you get to
xxxx:7B2F3585 8B4D0C MOV ECX, [EBP+0C]
type d ecx and 'Enter"
look in the data window. See your code in wide character
Exit Softice and type in Eternal Bliss as the Username and
11011410111669 as the serial. You will get this message:
"Nice Work! On to Harder Things!"
You are registered...
I did the following as well:
1) delete the space between "l" and "B" ie, EternalBliss as Username and
it still uses the same serial.
2) Eternalbliss and Eternal uses the same serial too.
3) eternalbliss uses a different serial which can be found using the
serial fishing method as above. serial = 110114101116101
**notice the similarity between the two serials?
Code Analysis
Now, it is time to understand how the Registration code is calculated...
Run SmartCheck. Load the program using it by using "File", "Open"
and choose IDCrackMe.exe.
If this is your first time using SmartCheck, do the following:-
Under Program Settings:-
Error Detection: "tick" all boxes except "Report errors immediately".
Advanced: "tick" first 4 boxes.
Make sure "Suppress system API and OLE calls" is not "ticked".
Reporting: All boxes "ticked" except for "Report MouseMove events
from OCX controls"
Run IDCrackMe.exe in SmartCheck by pressing F5. You might get a notice
saying that the program is compiled in P-code. Just continue loading
the program. Type in all your particulars.
In my case, I entered Eternal Bliss and 2353535. Then Click on "Register"
button. You will get the "Just kidding" message.
Exit IDCrackMe.exe.
Ok. You will see a lot of lines in the left window. Look for cmdCommand1_Click.
**This is the subroutine in VB that is called when you click on the
"Register" button.
Click on cmdCommand1_Click. Under "View" in SmartCheck, choose
"Show All Events" and "Show Arguments".
**Make sure you click on cmdCommand1_Click first or you will be lost
in a sea of codes!!!
Click on the + sign next to cmdCommand1_Click to expand the threads
under it. You can go through every single thread if you want.
But what we are looking for is my usename and my code I typed.
You will see these:
1) Asc(String:"nr") returns Integer:110
2) Asc(String:"ret") returns Integer:114
3) Asc(String:"etE") returns Integer:101
4) Asc(String:"tE") returns Integer:116
5) Asc(String:"E") returns Integer:69
Asc is a command in VB (and other programming languages) that will convert
an ascii to a number. "nr" will be converted to "110". In actual fact,
only "n" is converted.
So we got n=110, r=114, e=101, t=116, E=69
Now, scroll up this tutorial and take a look at what the correct serial
should be for Eternal Bliss...
Geddit? 8)
Part of a Key Generator
Here is the part of the calculation routine used in my key generator:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error Resume Next
Dim han, Decy
han = Text1.Text
length = Len(han)
If length < 5 Then 'check to make sure there are at least 5 chars
MsgBox "You have to enter at least 5 characters!!", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "Error"
GoTo Nex
End If
one1 = Mid(han, 5, 1) 'get 5th char
one = Asc(one1) 'number of it
two1 = Mid(han, 4, 1) 'get 4th char
two = Asc(two1) 'number of it
three1 = Mid(han, 3, 1) 'get 3rd char
three = Asc(three1) 'number of it
four1 = Mid(han, 2, 1) 'get 2nd char
four = Asc(four1) 'number of it
five1 = Left(han, 1) 'get 1st char
five = Asc(five1) 'number of it
Label1.Caption = one & two & three & four & five 'combine them together
End Sub
Final Notes
This tutorial is dedicated to all the newbies like me. I've tried to
explain everything in details.
And because I'm a newbie myself, I may have explained certain things wrongly
So, if that is the case, please forgive me.
My thanks and gratitude goes to:-
The Sandman
All the writers of Cracks tutorials