Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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This tutorial will be on Cracking CrackMe's..
The first crackme we will attack is MexElites crackme #1 (Coded by
First of all it's unencrypted, so you can find it with w32dasm, but
i will show you how i did it.
First off all i started it, and entered a crap serial, in my case
666, then i swapped in to Softice and sat a BPT on HMEMCPY,
then i pushed the 'Check it' button and i came into Softice, and i
pressed F5 once and then F11 to come out of the HMEMCPY call, then
i worked my way down untill i came to
:0042D56D 6882D54200 push 0042D582
and i checked up 0042D582 with 'D 0042D582', and i saw
[Y] Benadryl
And i thought that the 'Benadryl' stuff looked suspicious, and i
tested if that was the valid code, and it was..
This two is so easy =).. it's Lord Caligo's TRY_ME1.COM and TRY_ME2.COM
, all i did was to look at them with an hex editor, and i saw '123'
and thought that looked suspicious, and it was the valid code for both
of them.
The fourth crackme we will attack is MexElites Crackme 4.0 (Coded by
first enter a name, i entered 'Klefz TOL' and a junk serial '1122334455'
and now set an BPT on HMEMCPY with SI, and press the 'Check' button,
and boom you are in SI and press F5 8 times and F11 the 9:th time and
go on untill you comes to this adress
:0042DCB2 A360F74200 mov [0042F760], eax <-- do an ? EAX and you'll see '1122334455'
:0042DCB7 A158F74200 mov eax, [0042F758] <-- do an ? EAX and you'll see '0653663220' and thats our valid serial =)
:0042DCBC 3B0560F74200 cmp eax, [0042F760] <-- cmp '1122334455' with '0653663220'
:0042DCC2 7517 jne 0042DCDB <-- jump to "Bad Name Or Serial Number !!!!!"
:0042DCC4 6A00 push 00000000
:0042DCC6 668B0D1CDD4200 mov cx, [0042DD1C]
:0042DCCD B202 mov dl, 02
:0042DCCF B8A0DD4200 mov eax, 0042DDA0 <-- put the "Good Serial" dialogue in eax
:0042DCD4 E867F1FFFF call 0042CE40 <-- print out "Good serial" dialogue
:0042DCD9 EB15 jmp 0042DCF0 <-- jump to good cracker
that's all for this crackme.
/Klefz^tOL - tol@thepentagon.com