Labels:fence | hakham | monitor | plant | reckoner | road | sky | stairs OCR: Software Publis hers ASSOC ation RETURN TO ANTI-PIRACY HOME PAGE RETURN TO SPA HOME PAGE Anti Piracy SPA Policy Statement on Contributor Infrinaement Serial Numbers and Cracker Utilities Direct infringement of the copyright law occurs when copyrighted I material like computer program is copied or distributed without the copyright owner permission. (In the software industry the copyright owner normally the publisher.) It is thus violation of the law for an IAP (or any servet operator) to make, or to allow others to use its server(s) to make, copies of compute: programs available fo wnloading without the copyright owner consent It is also violation of the copyright owner's rights for an IAP to post others to use its server(s) to post materials like serial numbers ot cracker utilities, that m ...