Subject: Save disabled targets - MFC menu structures
Hi all,
I've recently been looking at a Win32 demo program with disabled functionality. At first sight anyway all the code appears to be there <good!> but some menu functions are hardcoded disabled.
The thing is written with MFC so all the menu handling is done through data structures with pointers to 'on_click' and update handlers for each menu item (or whatever they are called, I've never used MFC).
I stumbled around and managed enable 'Save As' which is all I really need but I wonder if anyone knows more about the menu data structures MFC uses? A fragment of a menu item list looks like this
dd 111h
dd 0
dd 32855 ; Paste menu item ID
dd 32855
dd 0Ch
dd offset PasteClick ; Paste Handler
dd 111h
dd 32855
dd 32855
dd 2Ch
dd offset PasteUpdate ; Paste menu item update Handler
Is this structure documented somewhere?
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