Back in march, I posted a letter to 2600 magazine, and only remembered it when i saw the newest one on the newsstand recently
basically, 2600 - the hacker quarterly (for those of you who came in late) stands for ideals such as free speech and learning, as well as getting important events noticed that affect the world and our rights in general
any time the government, or a policing organization bullies you, without you having any say, or the p pubc hearing about it, you have lost
why should big companies who pay people to be what we do get status as upstanding individuals or groups, when we who do this for no financial gain are treated as criminals? (if you arent being paid to do it - you are a crook)
the people who played reversii on nt workstation to turn it into nt server are the good guys, imagine that - if we had done this, people would have dismissed it as the act of criminals rather than the exposing of one corporate scheme by a respected organization...
this goes back to the definition of 'freedom fighters' and 'terrorists' in the media
it all depends on what side you are on. dont anyone take me as saying that it always works this way as i a convinced there are truly terrorists and truly freedom fighters - what i am refering to is popular media and their decision for you as to which it should be for the swaying of p pubc opinion
well - off my soapbox, here is the letter that i had sent, and was surprised to see in the 2600 with an answer - but then maybe i shouldnt be so surprised ;)
hopefully we can continue to bridge the gap between hackers and crackers and make the world be safer for us - i refer here to the french cracker crackdown that just happened and to many more busts for apparently to the world what must be worse than mass murder... reversii
i knew the letter would be posted late since the magazine is quarterly, but paper publishing leaves a nice permanent record that we were here
* * *
spring 1998 issue, page 38 - article title: clampdown
Dear 2600:
For those of you interested in current events in related topics, **************** was shut down in the second week of February. This was done by the Software Publishers' Association who have quite a pull in corporate software distribution. The majority of USA distribution corporations are part of this organization *************
The interesting thing to note is that we who worked on the texts and databases at are reverse engineers, effectively hackers who break software codes rather than UNIX machines and other mainframes (though some of us do double duty and work on server hacking as well). Some of my work has been based on code in 2600 in the past and present, and so I can say for certain, that our goals are not much different - just the tools and the OS involved.
Why was it shut down? Apparently someone saw a crack for the shareware app (s)he had written and reported it to SPA who then put pressure on the admins to close the server. It is sad that today in the realm of hacking/cracking this can happen, and does not appear much different to me than someone getting mad that bugtraq or exists and forcing it "off the air" so to speak, or even Phrack which so recently showed trumpet winsock reverse engineering (the type topic our students/colleagues cover in the course of our work and publish on our servers).
Being a student and s teacher of the reverse engineering arts, and a rather well-known one in my field, I feel like it is important for this information to be placed in your magazine for posterity to sho others how people today can shut down anything they choose by threatening lawsuits with backing from people like Microsoft.
Glad to see the monetary woes are not keeping you down.
Greythorne The Technomancer
(2600 posted this reply:)
Thanks for the support. We also support the knowledge you were trying to get out before your site was shut down. If enough people maintian pressure on the SPA and their tactics, they will wither away. It is their destiny.
If you are interested in learning more about french raids on crackers, read this bit of information - which was given to me by someone who needs to remain anonymous for the purposes of this posting
this is mostly a reprint from a letter i posted elsewhere so if you recognise it you dont need to re-read it :)
use this page to translate for those of you who have less french knowledge than my nearly 10 year old translator skills... is staying down, which is not a surprise to me
one thing that might be handy - we may be able to use some protected group such as 2600 to host our site
it is something i have thought about for a long time
they have backing, legally and corporately - so if 2600 is able to help us out, it may yet be a major way to solve this
considering that the 2600 archives contain cracks and such, it cant be that far fetched
I am thinking about doing a new letter to them regarding the french cracker situation
i know it will be late when it is printed in the fall issue (or later if printed at all) but the idea is to get out in circles of people who are allies the kind of situations that are happing in our related universe
i have an idea that if we get to know them, it might very well solve our little dilemna
it may not be feasible, or even more than a fantasy, but it is the best idea i have come up with to date
any other ideas are of course welcome
=====End of Issue 234===================================
thanks to you all for responding to my rather lengthy letter ;)
some thoughts i have:
the virus removers detect KOH (some idiots in the usenet i have had the displeasure of conversing with actually assume that makes it a virus and whined alot)
it is possible that the scanner could read the passphrase, and then decrypt the whole disk and rewrite it - using its key format as well...
i would love to see it work though, and my first bet is that most virus scanners do not remove the encryption, but all of koh: meaning that all data lost on the disk
that does not mean that some do not remove it fully... and this would make it rather useless if you had the right tool (but anything to make it just that much more annoying for them to find data such as a private key would be nice)
regarding the floppy of death to erase hard drives, go to my website at and get to my orcpaks/more directory
you will see it there called --- be careful with it!
ghiri mentioned universities... great tool!
one of my favorite methods of using them - requires a web browser
often the machines in a computer lab allow no access to anything but the browser (in dos or win machines this isnt much of a problem, but this method works for all - even dumb terminals)
usually these places have at least one in the lab that have a telnet which is accessible, in poorly configured lynx browsers you could type !telnet and get telnet to run, or you could type telnet:// in a web browser
what if these dont work?
a trick that tends to work when none of these do requires a bit of forethought
basically make a website with a links page on it somewhere on the net, and put a telnet link in the page to your favorite servers you login on
then submit the hell out of it to search engines
basically - on machines where i could not do anything but use a search engine, i could use it to search for my name (greythorne isnt that hard to find on the net anyway so it was easier for me than most... but not a problem if your search engine postings were adequate)
you could then find yourself on a page, click the hyperlink and viola you are in telnet session even if lynx is designed not to let you type telnet as a command (note that card catalog computers are the ones that usually fall for this trick the most easily since some people are smart enough to delete telnet.exe from win boxes, though most i have seen do not)
it really blows people's minds when they actually see you using the card catalog machine to attain full internet access (irc and whatever) though most of the time if you look like you are being busy, they tend not to pay any attention or even have a clue as to what you are up to
the icing on the cake is when you find the library access number from the university in question, dial it, then use one of these tricks to get free internet access
usually calling the computer services at the university, claiming that you are a student or family of a student and need to know what the library dialup number is, they are usually glad to help
i have used this on a multitude of occasions when on the road
granted this method isnt great for graphical viewing, but sometimes as i am sure you are all aware, it is just fine to get ahold of your email or browse text only anyway from lynx on one of your own unix accounts waiting patiently on the net
maybe someday i will find a way to make slirp (slip/ppp emulator) or some other allow for slip connection though all those hoops, but for now i havent gotten it to work - if it is even possible
though the term program from linux probably has no problems with it at all
well if i am not careful i will keep writing and writing and none of you will want to finish it all, so i go before i start becoming a nuisance ;)
(now that it seems to have finally gone over the 1.0 median)
i am interested in hearing if anyone has already made use of it and any security concerns about its usage
of more direct interest to me is nonverbal, in other words 'pgp chat' of some kind that can be used (hopefully without requiring unix) which can be used ip to ip like icq chat would be
i probably need not explain any further than that
=====End of Issue 239===================================