Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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This software is:
Ghost DEMO (3.1d)
General Hardware Orientated System Transfer
1. First, unpack it:
TR ghost.exe ;load ghost.exe in TR
getknl ;get the kernel
;wait a minute
mkexe ghost.exe ;this will make file mem.exe
You can try to run MEM.EXE for test.
2. Second, crack it to bypass the 15 seconds delay
TR mem.exe
g ;let it go
When the screen display 'wait 15 minutes', press Ctrl+D.
After TR's screen appear, press some <F10> to see how it
loop. It is very easy to find that Proc_199f is the Delay:
PUSHF ;3304:199F 9C
CLI ;3304:19A0 FA
MOV AL,00 ;3304:19A1 B000
OUT 43,AL ;3304:19A3 E643
CALL 199E ;3304:19A5 E8F6FF
IN AL,40 ;3304:19A8 E440
MOV BL,AL ;3304:19AA 8AD8
CALL 199E ;3304:19AC E8EFFF
IN AL,40 ;3304:19AF E440
MOV BH,AL ;3304:19B1 8AF8
NOT BX ;3304:19B3 F7D3
POPF ;3304:19B5 9D
MOV AX,BX ;3304:19B6 8BC3
RET ;3304:19B8 C3
change it:
a 199f ;assembly
MOV AX,SI ;3304:199F 8BC6
DEC AX ;3304:19A1 48
RET ;3304:19A2 C3
So what we should do is open MEM.EXE in a HEX editor and
search : 9c fa b0 00 46 43
change to: 8b c6 48 c3
3. Crack the evaluation time limited.
TR MEM.exe
G ;let it go
When 'Connection type' windows appear, press <Ctrl+D>,
and <Enter>, and TR's screen will apear. In TR,
Logpro 1 ;log it
When Ghost end, file 'logpro.dat' will be created.
Lopro ;run this in DOS prompt
This will read 'logpro.dat' cand create 'logpro.txt'.
Ren logpro.txt log1.txt ;save it
10-22-98 ;make date later
TR mem.exe
When 'Connection type' windows appear, press <Ctrl+D>,
and <Enter>, and TR's screen will apear. In TR,
Logpro 1 ;log it
ren logpro.txt log2.txt
By now, we got two log. log1.txt is good. log2.txt is time-out.
Compare it:
CALL 0fdb ;40f5:04dd e8fb0a
CALL FAR 32c4:0638 ;40f5:0ff5 9a3806c432
RETF ;32c4:064a cb
CALL FAR 32c4:401d ;40f5:10ac 9a1d40c432
CALL 0fdb ;40f5:04dd e8fb0a
CALL FAR 32c4:0638 ;40f5:0ff5 9a3806c432
RETF ;32c4:064a cb
CALL FAR 32c4:27e7 ;40f5:1054 9ae727c432
We can find the first difference is in proc_fdb. We can imagine
it must be:
CALL 0fdb ;call check_if_timeout
CALL FAR 32c4:0638 ;call get_time
... ;compare
j?? @@
CALL FAR 32c4:27e7 ;call error
Lets see what exactly it is:
TR mem.exe
g fdb ;direct go to proc_fdb
.... ; some <enter>
When TR appear:
U $,105d>tem.txt
Then we get follow in 'tem.txt':
ENTER 001C,00 ;40F5:0FDB C81C0000
CMP [WORD 00B2],00 ;40F5:0FDF 833EB20000
JNE 0FF0 ;40F5:0FE4 750A
CMP [WORD 00AC],00 ;40F5:0FE6 833EAC0000
JNE 0FF0 ;40F5:0FEB 7503
JMP 10D8 ;40F5:0FED E9E800
PUSH SS ;40F5:0FF0 16
LEA AX,[BP-04] ;40F5:0FF1 8D46FC
PUSH AX ;40F5:0FF4 50
CALL FAR 32C4:0638 ;40F5:0FF5 9A3806C432
ADD SP,04 ;40F5:0FFA 83C404
MOV [BP-10],EAX ;40F5:1002 668946F0
MOVZX EAX,[BYTE BP-01] ;40F5:1006 660FB646FF
MOV [BP-14],EAX ;40F5:100B 668946EC
MOVZX EAX,[BYTE BP-02] ;40F5:100F 660FB646FE
MOV [BP-18],EAX ;40F5:1014 668946E8
MOV EAX,[BP-10] ;40F5:1018 668B46F0
ADD EAX,FFFFF894 ;40F5:101C 660594F8FFFF
IMUL EAX,EAX,00002710 ;40F5:1022 6669C010270000
MOV EDX,[BP-14] ;40F5:1029 668B56EC
IMUL EDX,EDX,64 ;40F5:102D 666BD264
ADD EAX,EDX ;40F5:1031 6603C2
ADD EAX,[BP-18] ;40F5:1034 660346E8
MOV [BP-0C],EAX ;40F5:1038 668946F4
MOV AX,7A18 ;40F5:103C B8187A
MOV ES,AX ;40F5:103F 8EC0
MOV EAX,[ES:0A18] ;40F5:1041 6626A1180A
CMP EAX,[BP-0C] ;40F5:1046 663B46F4
JGE 105C ;40F5:104A 7D10
PUSH 01 ;40F5:104C 6A01
PUSH 7A18 ;40F5:104E 68187A
PUSH 0FFA ;40F5:1051 68FA0F
CALL FAR 32C4:27E7 ;40F5:1054 9AE727C432
ADD SP,06 ;40F5:1059 83C406
MOV AX,7A18 ;40F5:105C B8187A
This is just what we imagine! Do you know what should do next?
a 1046
jmp 105c ;eb 14
It work! Then we should find a HEX editor to edit MEM.EXE:
search : 66 3b 46 f4 7d 10
change to: eb 14
Track,Unpack,Crack, all done!
4. Origin file 'ghost.exe' must be put in the same dir with
MEM.EXE to run MEM.EXE, as orgin 'ghost.exe' has overlay.
I think we can make the MEM.EXE run without ghost.exe:
a. make MEM.EXE as follow:
mkexe ;no parameter needed
b. If MEM.exe large than ghost.exe's main part,
compress it.
pklite mem.exe
copy /b mem.exe+dummy ;make length fit
c. get overlay from ghost.exe
d. append it to mem.exe
copy /b mem.exe+overlay
If you have done it, Please put it to
and tell me.
Thank You!
One friend tell me that :
Here, I want to tell u about my cracking of Ghost31d. Because u
cracking have
some problem of 'Load Disk/Partition to Image'.
After MKEXE Ghost.exe
Ren mem.exe to GGGGG.EXE
TR GGGGG.exe -#e=g.env
bp ip=5497
a cs:ip
cs:5497 jmp 550E
bp ip=1386
a cs:ip
cs:1386 jmp 13A1
Run the program GGGGG.EXE
Now, u have registered version.