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//Reslib.idc (rev 1.31): Resource parsing/handling functions for the PE file format
// _____Function_____Listing_____
//GetResDir(), ResolveOffset( ea ), ParseResDirOld( ea ), MakeDword_Cmt( ea, char ),
//MakeWord_Cmt( ea, char), IDResource( long), ParseUnkRes( ea, ea),
//ParseLeafNode( ea, char, long ), ParseSubDirData( ea, char, long, long ), ParseDirHdr( ea ),
//ParseSubDirHdr( ea, char, long, long ), ParseRootData( ea ), ParseRootHdr( ea)
// Thanks to Quine and Ssspyder for help with the enums implementation (file under "eternal gratitude" ;)
// code by mammon_ All rights reversed, use as you see fit.....
#include <idc.idc>
#ifndef _RECURSE_
#define _RECURSE_ 0
//GetResourceDirectory checks each segment of the program until it finds one named .rsrc
//Syntax: GetResDir()
//Returns: ea starting address of .rsrc segment
static GetResDir()
auto ea, next, name;
ea = FirstSeg();
next = ea;
while ( (next = NextSeg(next)) != -1) {
name = SegName(next);
if ( substr( name, 0, 5 ) == ".rsrc" ) break;
return next;
//ResolveOffset adds the offset of a res data/subdir to the base address of the .rsrc directory
//The offset is stored in the program as data; this data is read and added to the .rsrc RVA
//Syntax: ResolveOffset(ea address_containing_offset_to_be_resolved )
//Returns: ea complete address
static ResolveOffset( BytePtr )
auto res_offset;
res_offset = SegStart(BytePtr) + Word(BytePtr);
return res_offset;
static StripZeros( BytePtr )
if( Byte(BytePtr + 1) == 0 ) {
if( Byte(BytePtr + 2) == 0 && Byte(BytePtr + 3) == 0) {
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
else {
MakeWord( BytePtr );
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
else {
MakeByte( BytePtr );
BytePtr = BytePtr + 1;
return BytePtr;
//ParseResDirOld takes no parameters, and creates two databases containing the elementary
//structure of the resource tree as given in the .rsrc directory header
//Note: Not currently functional; included for salvage purposes
//Syntax: ParseResDirOld(ea starting_address_of_.rsrc_directory)
static ParseResDirOld(ea)
auto aResType, aResLoc, BytePtr, x, total_entries;
aResType = CreateArray( "RES_TYPE" );
aResLoc = CreateArray( "RES_LOC" );
BytePtr = SegStart( ea ) + 12;
total_entries = Word( BytePtr ) + Word( BytePtr + 2 );
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
for ( x = 1; x <= total_entries; x = x + 1 ) {
SetArrayString( aResType, x, IdentifyTypeID( BytePtr ) );
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
SetArrayLong( aResLoc, x, ResolveOffset( BytePtr ) );
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
//MakeDoubleWordWithComment: Defines 4 Unexplored bytes as a DWord (data), adds a posterior comment line,
//and increments BytePtr by 4
//Syntax: MakeDWord_Cmt(ea address_of_leading_byte, char comment_line)
//Returns: ea BytePtr
static MakeDword_Cmt(BytePtr, ResComment)
//ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, ResComment);
MakeComm(BytePtr, ResComment);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
return BytePtr;
//MakeWordWithComment: Defines 2 Unexplored bytes as a Word (data), adds a posterior comment line,
//and increments BytePtr by 2
//Syntax: MakeWord_Cmt(ea address_of_leading_byte, char comment_line)
//Returns: ea BytePtr
static MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, ResComment)
//ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, ResComment);
MakeComm(BytePtr, ResComment);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
return BytePtr;
//MakeByteWithComment: Defines 1 Unexplored byte as a Byte (data), adds a posterior comment line,
//and increments BytePtr by 1
//Syntax: MakeByte_Cmt(ea address_of_byte, char comment_line)
//Returns: ea BytePtr
static MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, ResComment)
//ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, ResComment);
MakeComm(BytePtr, ResComment);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 1;
return BytePtr;
//IdentifyResource: Translates a resource TypeID to its character name/designation
//Syntax: ID_Resource(long TypeID)
//Returns: char Resource_Type
static ID_Resource(Res_ID)
auto Resource_Type;
if ( Res_ID == 0x01) Resource_Type = "Cursor";
else if (Res_ID == 0x02) Resource_Type = "Bitmap";
else if (Res_ID == 0x03) Resource_Type = "Icon";
else if (Res_ID == 0x04) Resource_Type = "Menu";
else if (Res_ID == 0x05) Resource_Type = "Dialog";
else if (Res_ID == 0x06) Resource_Type = "String_Table";
else if (Res_ID == 0x07) Resource_Type = "Font_Directory";
else if (Res_ID == 0x08) Resource_Type = "Font";
else if (Res_ID == 0x09) Resource_Type = "Accelerator_Table";
else if (Res_ID == 0x0A) Resource_Type = "RCDATA_(Dynamically_Defined_Resource)";
else if (Res_ID == 0x0B) Resource_Type = "Message_Table";
else if (Res_ID == 0x0C) Resource_Type = "Group_Cursor";
else if (Res_ID == 0x0E) Resource_Type = "Group_Icon";
else if (Res_ID == 0x10) Resource_Type = "Version";
else if (Res_ID == 0x11) Resource_Type = "DLG_Include";
else if (Res_ID == 0x13) Resource_Type = "PlugPlay";
else if (Res_ID == 0x14) Resource_Type = "VXD";
else if (Res_ID == 0x15) Resource_Type = "AniCursor";
else if (Res_ID == 0x2002) Resource_Type = "NewBitmap";
else if (Res_ID == 0x2004) Resource_Type = "NewMenu";
else if (Res_ID == 0x2005) Resource_Type = "NewDialog";
else Resource_Type = "Unknown_Resource_Type " + ltoa(Res_ID, 10);
return Resource_Type;
//MakeDataOffset determines the RVA of a data offset (distance of offset from start of file, not seg)
//Syntax: MakeDataOffset( ea address_containing_offset_to_data )
//Returns: ea RVA (Relative Virtual Address) of data
static MakeDataOffset(BytePtr)
auto Data_Offset;
Data_Offset = (FirstSeg() - 0x1000) + Dword(BytePtr);
return Data_Offset;
//ParseStrTable: Formats String Table
//Syntax: ParseStringTable(ea address_of_resource_to_parse, ea address_of_next_resource)
static ParseStrTable(BytePtr, Next_Resource, str_tbl_num)
auto curr_enum, str_num, str_rc_id, enum_id;
curr_enum = GetEnumQty() + 1;
str_num = 0;
enum_id = AddEnum(curr_enum, "String_Table" + ltoa(BytePtr, 16), FF_0NUMH);
while ( BytePtr < Next_Resource) {
if ( Word(BytePtr) != 0x00) {
str_rc_id = ( str_tbl_num - 1) * 16 + str_num;
MakeStr(BytePtr + 2, BytePtr + (2 * (Byte(BytePtr) + 1)));
AddConst(enum_id, "string" + ltoa(BytePtr, 16), str_rc_id);
SetConstCmt( GetConst(enum_id, str_rc_id), Name(BytePtr + 2), 1);
str_num = str_num + 1;
BytePtr = BytePtr + ( 2 * Byte(BytePtr)) + 2;
else if ( Dword(BytePtr) == 0x0000 && (BytePtr + 6) > Next_Resource) {
else {
str_num = str_num + 1;
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
//Syntax: IDVKeyCode ( long virtual_key_code )
static IDVKeyCode(VKeyCode)
auto KeyCmd;
//Note: The following is awkward as IDA does not allow Switch statements or a large number of
//else if statements...however it allows infinite "if" statements
if (VKeyCode == 0x01) KeyCmd = "VK_LBUTTON";
if (VKeyCode == 0x02 ) KeyCmd = "VK_RBUTTON";
if (VKeyCode == 0x03 ) KeyCmd = "VK_CANCEL";
if (VKeyCode == 0x04 ) KeyCmd = "VK_MBUTTON";
if (VKeyCode == 0x08 ) KeyCmd = "VK_BACK";
if (VKeyCode == 0x09 ) KeyCmd = "VK_TAB";
if (VKeyCode == 0x0C ) KeyCmd = "VK_CLEAR";
if (VKeyCode == 0x0D ) KeyCmd = "VK_RETURN";
if (VKeyCode == 0x10 ) KeyCmd = "VK_SHIFT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x11 ) KeyCmd = "VK_CONTROL";
if (VKeyCode == 0x12 ) KeyCmd = "VK_MENU(ALT)";
if (VKeyCode == 0x13 ) KeyCmd = "VK_PAUSE";
if (VKeyCode == 0x14 ) KeyCmd = "VK_CAPITAL";
if (VKeyCode == 0x1B ) KeyCmd = "VK_ESCAPE";
if (VKeyCode == 0x20 ) KeyCmd = "VK_SPACE";
if (VKeyCode == 0x21 ) KeyCmd = "VK_PRIOR";
if (VKeyCode == 0x22 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NEXT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x23 ) KeyCmd = "VK_END";
if (VKeyCode == 0x24 ) KeyCmd = "VK_HOME";
if (VKeyCode == 0x25 ) KeyCmd = "VK_LEFT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x26 ) KeyCmd = "VK_UP";
if (VKeyCode == 0x27 ) KeyCmd = "VK_RIGHT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x28 ) KeyCmd = "VK_DOWN";
if (VKeyCode == 0x29 ) KeyCmd = "VK_SELECT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x2A ) KeyCmd = "VK_PRINT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x2B ) KeyCmd = "VK_EXECUTE";
if (VKeyCode == 0x2C ) KeyCmd = "VK_SNAPSHOT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x2D ) KeyCmd = "VK_INSERT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x2E ) KeyCmd = "VK_DELETE";
if (VKeyCode == 0x2F ) KeyCmd = "VK_HELP";
if (VKeyCode == 0x30 ) KeyCmd = "VK_0";
if (VKeyCode == 0x31 ) KeyCmd = "VK_1";
if (VKeyCode == 0x32 ) KeyCmd = "VK_2";
if (VKeyCode == 0x33 ) KeyCmd = "VK_3";
if (VKeyCode == 0x34 ) KeyCmd = "VK_4";
if (VKeyCode == 0x35 ) KeyCmd = "VK_5";
if (VKeyCode == 0x36 ) KeyCmd = "VK_6";
if (VKeyCode == 0x37 ) KeyCmd = "VK_7";
if (VKeyCode == 0x38 ) KeyCmd = "VK_8";
if (VKeyCode == 0x39 ) KeyCmd = "VK_9";
if (VKeyCode == 0x41 ) KeyCmd = "VK_A";
if (VKeyCode == 0x42 ) KeyCmd = "VK_B";
if (VKeyCode == 0x43 ) KeyCmd = "VK_C";
if (VKeyCode == 0x44 ) KeyCmd = "VK_D";
if (VKeyCode == 0x45 ) KeyCmd = "VK_E";
if (VKeyCode == 0x46 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F";
if (VKeyCode == 0x47 ) KeyCmd = "VK_G";
if (VKeyCode == 0x48 ) KeyCmd = "VK_H";
if (VKeyCode == 0x49 ) KeyCmd = "VK_I";
if (VKeyCode == 0x4A ) KeyCmd = "VK_J";
if (VKeyCode == 0x4B ) KeyCmd = "VK_K";
if (VKeyCode == 0x4C ) KeyCmd = "VK_L";
if (VKeyCode == 0x4D ) KeyCmd = "VK_M";
if (VKeyCode == 0x4E ) KeyCmd = "VK_N";
if (VKeyCode == 0x4F ) KeyCmd = "VK_O";
if (VKeyCode == 0x50 ) KeyCmd = "VK_P";
if (VKeyCode == 0x51 ) KeyCmd = "VK_Q";
if (VKeyCode == 0x52 ) KeyCmd = "VK_R";
if (VKeyCode == 0x53 ) KeyCmd = "VK_S";
if (VKeyCode == 0x54 ) KeyCmd = "VK_T";
if (VKeyCode == 0x55 ) KeyCmd = "VK_U";
if (VKeyCode == 0x56 ) KeyCmd = "VK_V";
if (VKeyCode == 0x57 ) KeyCmd = "VK_W";
if (VKeyCode == 0x58 ) KeyCmd = "VK_X";
if (VKeyCode == 0x59 ) KeyCmd = "VK_Y";
if (VKeyCode == 0x5A ) KeyCmd = "VK_Z";
if (VKeyCode == 0x5B ) KeyCmd = "VK_LWIN";
if (VKeyCode == 0x5C ) KeyCmd = "VK_RWIN";
if (VKeyCode == 0x5D ) KeyCmd = "VK_APS";
if (VKeyCode == 0x60 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD0";
if (VKeyCode == 0x61 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD1";
if (VKeyCode == 0x62 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD2";
if (VKeyCode == 0x63 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD3";
if (VKeyCode == 0x64 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD4";
if (VKeyCode == 0x65 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD5";
if (VKeyCode == 0x66 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD6";
if (VKeyCode == 0x67 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD7";
if (VKeyCode == 0x68 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD8";
if (VKeyCode == 0x69 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMPAD9";
if (VKeyCode == 0x6A ) KeyCmd = "VK_MULTIPLY";
if (VKeyCode == 0x6B ) KeyCmd = "VK_ADD";
if (VKeyCode == 0x6C ) KeyCmd = "VK_SEPERATOR";
if (VKeyCode == 0x6D ) KeyCmd = "VK_SUBTRACT";
if (VKeyCode == 0x6E ) KeyCmd = "VK_DECIMAL";
if (VKeyCode == 0x6F ) KeyCmd = "VK_DIVIDE";
if (VKeyCode == 0x70 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F1";
if (VKeyCode == 0x71 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F2";
if (VKeyCode == 0x72 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F3";
if (VKeyCode == 0x73 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F4";
if (VKeyCode == 0x74 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F5";
if (VKeyCode == 0x75 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F6";
if (VKeyCode == 0x76 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F7";
if (VKeyCode == 0x77 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F8";
if (VKeyCode == 0x78 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F9";
if (VKeyCode == 0x79 ) KeyCmd = "VK_F10";
if (VKeyCode == 0x7A ) KeyCmd = "VK_F11";
if (VKeyCode == 0x7B ) KeyCmd = "VK_F12";
if (VKeyCode == 0x90 ) KeyCmd = "VK_NUMLOCK";
if (VKeyCode == 0x91 ) KeyCmd = "VK_SCROLL";
if (VKeyCode == 0xA0 ) KeyCmd = "VK_LSHIFT";
if (VKeyCode == 0xA1 ) KeyCmd = "VK_RSHIFT";
if (VKeyCode == 0xA2 ) KeyCmd = "VK_LCONTROL";
if (VKeyCode == 0xA3 ) KeyCmd = "VK_RCONTROL";
if (VKeyCode == 0xA4 ) KeyCmd = "VK_LMENU(ALT)";
if (VKeyCode == 0xA5 ) KeyCmd = "VK_RMENU(ALT)";
if (VKeyCode == 0xE5 ) KeyCmd = "VK_PROCESSKEY";
if (VKeyCode == 0xF6 ) KeyCmd = "VK_ATTN";
if (VKeyCode == 0xF7 ) KeyCmd = "VK_CRSEL";
if (VKeyCode == 0xF8 ) KeyCmd = "VK_EXSEL";
if (VKeyCode == 0xF9 ) KeyCmd = "VK_EREOF";
if (VKeyCode == 0xFA ) KeyCmd = "VK_PLAY";
if (VKeyCode == 0xFB ) KeyCmd = "VK_ZOOM";
if (VKeyCode == 0xFC ) KeyCmd = "VK_NONAME";
if (VKeyCode == 0xFD ) KeyCmd = "VK_PA1";
if (VKeyCode == 0xFE ) KeyCmd = "VK_OEM_CLEAR";
if (KeyCmd == "") KeyCmd = "Unknown Keyboard Command";
return KeyCmd;
//Syntax: ParseAccel (ea address_of_resource_to_parse, ea address_of_next_resource)
static ParseAccel(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
auto VKType, VKeyCode, CmdID, VKMod, KeyType, KeyCmd, KeyMod;
KeyType = " ";
ExtLinA( BytePtr, 1, " ----- Start of Accelerator Table -----");
while ( BytePtr + 7 < Next_Resource) {
VKType = Word(BytePtr); //Get Virtual Key Type
VKeyCode = Word(BytePtr + 2); //Get Virtual Key Code
CmdID = Word(BytePtr + 4); //Get Command ID for Accelerator
VKMod = Word(BytePtr + 6); //Get Key Modifier
if ((VKType - 10) > 0) {
KeyType = KeyType + "ALT ";
VKType = VKType - 10;
if ((VKType - 8) > 0){
KeyType = KeyType + "CTRL ";
VKType = VKType - 8;
if ((VKType - 1) > 0){
KeyType = KeyType + "VIRTKEY ";
VKType = VKType - 1;
else KeyType = "ASCII ";
KeyCmd = IDVKeyCode( VKeyCode );
KeyMod = IDVKeyCode( VKMod );
ExtLinB( BytePtr, 0, KeyCmd + " Type: " + KeyType + " Modifier: " + KeyMod +
" Command ID: " + ltoa(CmdID,16) );
BytePtr = BytePtr + 8;
ExtLinB( BytePtr - 1, 1, " ------ End of Accelerator Table ------ ");
ExtLinB( BytePtr - 1, 2, " ");
static ParseImageData(BytePtr, ImgType, ImgNum)
auto NumRGBElements, x, ImageSize, ImageEnd;
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 1, "========== Image Data for " + ImgType + ltoa(ImgNum, 10) + " ==========");
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt(BytePtr, "Size " + ltoa(Dword(BytePtr), 16));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Width " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Height " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Color Planes " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
NumRGBElements = Word(BytePtr);
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Bit Count " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
ImageSize = Dword(BytePtr);
BytePtr = MakeDWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Size Of Image " + ltoa(ImageSize, 16));
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 1, "__________Win32 Color Table__________");
for(x = 0; x <= NumRGBElements; x = x + 1){
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, ltoa(x, 16) + ": Red " + ltoa(Byte(BytePtr + 2), 10) + " Green " + ltoa(Byte(BytePtr + 1), 10) +
" Blue " + ltoa(Byte(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 0, "_____________________________________");
BytePtr = MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, "XOR Mask");
BytePtr = MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, "AND Mask");
ImageEnd = BytePtr + ImageSize;
ExtLinB(ImageEnd, 1, "==================================================");
//ParseBitmapHeader: Currently for Icons & Cursors
static ParseBitmapHdr(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
auto ImgType, Count, ImageOffset, x;
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Reserved");
ImgType = IDResource( Word(BytePtr));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Resource Type " + ImgType);
Count = Word( BytePtr);
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Number of Resources "+ ltoa(Count, 10));
//____Each Entry: for 1 to Count
for( x = 1; x <= Count; x = x + 1){
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 1, " ______" + ImgType + " " + ltoa(x, 10) + "______ ");
BytePtr = MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, "Width " + ltoa(Byte(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, "Height " + ltoa(Byte(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, "Color Count " + ltoa(Byte(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeByte_Cmt(BytePtr, "Reserved");
if ( ImgType == "Cursor") BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "XHotSpot " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
else BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Color Panes " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
if ( ImgType == "Cursor") BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "YHotSpot " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
else BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Bit Count " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt(BytePtr, "Bytes in Resource: " + ltoa(Dword(BytePtr), 16));
ImageOffset = MakeDataOffset(BytePtr);
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt(BytePtr, "Image Data Offset: " + atoa(ImageOffset));
ParseImageData(ImageOffset, ImgType, x);
//ParseIcon: Formats Icon Resource
//Syntax: ParseIcon(ea address_of_resource_to_parse, ea address_of_next_resource)
static ParseIcon(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
while ( BytePtr < Next_Resource) {
if ( Byte(BytePtr) == 0 ) BytePtr = StripZeros(BytePtr);
MakeStr(BytePtr + 2, BytePtr + (2 * (Byte(BytePtr) + 1)));
BytePtr = BytePtr + ( 2 * Byte(BytePtr)) + 2;
//word reserved (0)
//word idtype (1 = icon)
//word # of images
//per icon:
//byte width in pixels of the image
//byte height in pixels of the image
//byte number of colors in the image (0 if >= 8bpp)
//byte reserved
//word wPlanes:Color Panes
//word Bitcount: Bits per pixel
//dword # of bytes in this resource (size)
//word ID
static ParseMenu(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
auto MenuID, enum_id;
enum_id = AddEnum( (GetEnumQty()+1), "App_Menu", FF_0NUMH );
MakeComm(BytePtr, "MenuHeader");
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
while ( BytePtr < Next_Resource) {
if (Word(BytePtr) == 0x10 || Dword(BytePtr-4) == 0x100000) {
MakeComm( BytePtr, "POPUP Menu Item");
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
MakeStr(BytePtr, -1);
MakeName(BytePtr, "Popup_Menu_" + Name(BytePtr) );
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 0, "--------------------------------------------------");
BytePtr = ItemEnd(BytePtr);
else if (Word(BytePtr) == 0x00) {
MakeComm( BytePtr, "SEPARATOR");
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
MenuID = Word(BytePtr);
MakeComm(BytePtr, "Menu Item ID: " + ltoa(MenuID, 10));
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
MakeStr(BytePtr, -1);
MakeName(BytePtr, "Menu_Item" + ltoa(MenuID, 10));
AddConst(enum_id, "Menu_Item_" + Name(BytePtr), MenuID);
BytePtr = ItemEnd(BytePtr);
MakeComm( BytePtr, "FLAGS");
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
//while ( BytePtr < Next_Resource) {
// while ( Byte(BytePtr) == 0x0 && BytePtr < Next_Resource) BytePtr = StripZeros( BytePtr );
// MakeByte(BytePtr);
// MenuID = Byte(BytePtr);
// MakeName(BytePtr,
// BytePtr = BytePtr + 1;
// while (Byte(BytePtr) < 0x20 || Byte(BytePtr) > 0x126) {
// MakeByte(BytePtr);
// BytePtr = BytePtr + 1;
// }
// if ( BytePtr + 1 >= Next_Resource) break;
// ExtLinA(BytePtr, 1, "Menu ID: " + ltoa(MenuID, 10));
// MakeStr(BytePtr, -1);
// MenuID = "";
// BytePtr = ItemEnd(BytePtr);
// }
static ResolveDlgMask(DlgStyle)
auto DialogStyle;
DialogStyle = " ";
if ((DlgStyle - 0x80000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_POPUP ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x80000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x40000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_CHILD ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x40000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x20000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_MINIMIZE ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x200000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x10000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_MAXIMIZE ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x10000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x08000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_DISABLED ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x08000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x04000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_CLIPSIBLINGS ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle -0x04000000;
if ((DlgStyle -0x02000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_CLIPCHILDREN ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x02000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x01000000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_MAXIMIZE ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x01000000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00C00000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_CAPTION ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00C00000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00800000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_BORDER ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00800000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00400000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_DLGFRAME ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00400000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00200000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_VSCROLL ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00200000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00100000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_HSCROLL ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00100000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00080000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_SYSMENU ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00080000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00040000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_THICKFRAME ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00040000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00020000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_MINIMIZEBOX ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00020000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00010000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_MAXIMIZEBOX ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00010000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00020000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_GROUP ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00020000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x00010000) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_TABSTOP ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x00010000;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x100) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "NOIDLEMESSAGE ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x100;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x80) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "MODALFRAME ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x80;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x40) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "SETFONT ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x40;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x20) > 0) {
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "LOCALEDIT ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x20;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x02) > 0){
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "SYSMODAL ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x02;
if ((DlgStyle - 0x01) > 0){
DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "ABSALIGN ";
DlgStyle = DlgStyle - 0x01;
else DialogStyle = DialogStyle + "WS_OVERLAPPED ";
return DialogStyle;
static ResolveCtrlMask( CtrlMask )
//if blahblhblah;
//* Edit Control Styles
//#define ES_LEFT 0x0000L
//#define ES_CENTER 0x0001L
//#define ES_RIGHT 0x0002L
//#define ES_MULTILINE 0x0004L
//#define ES_UPPERCASE 0x0008L
//#define ES_LOWERCASE 0x0010L
//#define ES_PASSWORD 0x0020L
//#define ES_AUTOVSCROLL 0x0040L
//#define ES_AUTOHSCROLL 0x0080L
//#define ES_NOHIDESEL 0x0100L
//#define ES_OEMCONVERT 0x0400L
//#define ES_READONLY 0x0800L
//#define ES_WANTRETURN 0x1000L
//#define ES_NUMBER 0x2000L
//* Button Control Styles
//#define BS_PUSHBUTTON 0x00000000L
//#define BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON 0x00000001L
//#define BS_CHECKBOX 0x00000002L
//#define BS_AUTOCHECKBOX 0x00000003L
//#define BS_RADIOBUTTON 0x00000004L
//#define BS_3STATE 0x00000005L
//#define BS_AUTO3STATE 0x00000006L
//#define BS_GROUPBOX 0x00000007L
//#define BS_USERBUTTON 0x00000008L
//#define BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON 0x00000009L
//#define BS_OWNERDRAW 0x0000000BL
//#define BS_LEFTTEXT 0x00000020L
//#define BS_TEXT 0x00000000L
//#define BS_ICON 0x00000040L
//#define BS_BITMAP 0x00000080L
//#define BS_LEFT 0x00000100L
//#define BS_RIGHT 0x00000200L
//#define BS_CENTER 0x00000300L
//#define BS_TOP 0x00000400L
//#define BS_BOTTOM 0x00000800L
//#define BS_VCENTER 0x00000C00L
//#define BS_PUSHLIKE 0x00001000L
//#define BS_MULTILINE 0x00002000L
//#define BS_NOTIFY 0x00004000L
//#define BS_FLAT 0x00008000L
//* Static Control Constants
//#define SS_LEFT 0x00000000L
//#define SS_CENTER 0x00000001L
//#define SS_RIGHT 0x00000002L
//#define SS_ICON 0x00000003L
//#define SS_BLACKRECT 0x00000004L
//#define SS_GRAYRECT 0x00000005L
//#define SS_WHITERECT 0x00000006L
//#define SS_BLACKFRAME 0x00000007L
//#define SS_GRAYFRAME 0x00000008L
//#define SS_WHITEFRAME 0x00000009L
//#define SS_USERITEM 0x0000000AL
//#define SS_SIMPLE 0x0000000BL
//#define SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP 0x0000000CL
//#define SS_BITMAP 0x0000000EL
//#define SS_OWNERDRAW 0x0000000DL
//#define SS_ENHMETAFILE 0x0000000FL
//#define SS_ETCHEDHORZ 0x00000010L
//#define SS_ETCHEDVERT 0x00000011L
//#define SS_ETCHEDFRAME 0x00000012L
//#define SS_TYPEMASK 0x0000001FL
//#define SS_NOPREFIX 0x00000080L /* Don't do "&" character translation */
//#define SS_NOTIFY 0x00000100L
//#define SS_CENTERIMAGE 0x00000200L
//#define SS_RIGHTJUST 0x00000400L
//#define SS_REALSIZEIMAGE 0x00000800L
//#define SS_SUNKEN 0x00001000L
//* Dialog Styles
//#define DS_ABSALIGN 0x01L
//#define DS_SYSMODAL 0x02L
//#define DS_LOCALEDIT 0x20L /* Edit items get Local storage. */
//#define DS_SETFONT 0x40L /* User specified font for Dlg controls */
//#define DS_MODALFRAME 0x80L /* Can be combined with WS_CAPTION */
//#define DS_NOIDLEMSG 0x100L /* WM_ENTERIDLE message will not be sent */
//#define DS_SETFOREGROUND 0x200L /* not in win3.1 */
//#define DS_3DLOOK 0x0004L
//#define DS_FIXEDSYS 0x0008L
//#define DS_NOFAILCREATE 0x0010L
//#define DS_CONTROL 0x0400L
//#define DS_CENTER 0x0800L
//#define DS_CENTERMOUSE 0x1000L
//#define DS_CONTEXTHELP 0x2000L
//* Listbox Styles
//#define LBS_NOTIFY 0x0001L
//#define LBS_SORT 0x0002L
//#define LBS_NOREDRAW 0x0004L
//#define LBS_MULTIPLESEL 0x0008L
//#define LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0010L
//#define LBS_HASSTRINGS 0x0040L
//#define LBS_USETABSTOPS 0x0080L
//#define LBS_MULTICOLUMN 0x0200L
//#define LBS_EXTENDEDSEL 0x0800L
//#define LBS_NODATA 0x2000L
//#define LBS_NOSEL 0x4000L
// * Combo Box styles
//#define CBS_DROPDOWN 0x0002L
//#define CBS_DROPDOWNLIST 0x0003L
//#define CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0010L
//#define CBS_AUTOHSCROLL 0x0040L
//#define CBS_OEMCONVERT 0x0080L
//#define CBS_SORT 0x0100L
//#define CBS_HASSTRINGS 0x0200L
//#define CBS_UPPERCASE 0x2000L
//#define CBS_LOWERCASE 0x4000L
static ParseDlgItem( BytePtr, Next_Resource )
auto Mask;
while ( Byte(BytePtr) != 0x50 && BytePtr < Next_Resource ) BytePtr = BytePtr + 1;
if ( BytePtr + 22 >= Next_Resource ) return;
Mask = Dword(BytePtr-3);
// ResolveCtrlMask( Mask );
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt( BytePtr - 3, "Control Style: " + ltoa(Mask, 16));
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt( BytePtr, "Reserved");
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "X Location: " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "Y Location: " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "X Size: " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "Y Size: " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "Control Number: " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "Reserved");
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt( BytePtr, "Control Type: " + ltoa(Word(BytePtr), 10));
if ( Word(BytePtr) != 0x0000) MakeStr( BytePtr, -1); // Unicode ControlText
MakeComm(BytePtr, "Control Text");
BytePtr = ItemEnd(BytePtr);
return BytePtr;
static ParseDialog(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
auto DlgStyle, x, Num_Controls;
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Dialog #");
DlgStyle = ResolveDlgMask(Dword(BytePtr));
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt(BytePtr, "Dialog Style: " + DlgStyle);
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Reserved");
Num_Controls = Word(BytePtr);
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Number of Controls: " + ltoa(Num_Controls, 10));
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "X Location");
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Y Location");
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "X Size");
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Y Size");
BytePtr = MakeDword_Cmt(BytePtr, "Reserved");
MakeComm(BytePtr, "Caption");
MakeStr(BytePtr, -1);
BytePtr = ItemEnd(BytePtr);
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Reserved");
BytePtr = MakeWord_Cmt(BytePtr, "Font Number ");
MakeStr(BytePtr, -1);
BytePtr = ItemEnd(BytePtr);
for (x = 1; x <= Num_Controls; x = x + 1) {
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 0, "__________Control__" + ltoa(x, 10) + "__________");
BytePtr = ParseDlgItem( BytePtr, Next_Resource );
while ( Byte(BytePtr) == 0 && BytePtr < Next_Resource) BytePtr = StripZeros( BytePtr );
static ParseVerInfo(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
auto EndOfString;
// 3x DW, Unicode
//for ( x = 1; x <= 31; x = x + 1){ MakeWord(BytePtr); BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;}
while ( BytePtr < Next_Resource) {
while ( Byte(BytePtr) == 0 && BytePtr < Next_Resource) BytePtr = StripZeros( BytePtr );
while (Byte(BytePtr) < 0x20 || Byte(BytePtr) > 0x126) {
if ( BytePtr + 1 >= Next_Resource) break;
BytePtr = BytePtr + 1;
if ( BytePtr + 1 >= Next_Resource) break;
MakeStr(BytePtr, -1);
BytePtr = ItemEnd( BytePtr );
//ParseUnknownResource: Formats Resource Data into an 8-byte-per-line (QWord) output
//Syntax: ParseUnkRes(ea address_of_resource_to_parse, ea address_of_next_resource)
static ParseUnkRes(BytePtr, Next_Resource)
for ( BytePtr; BytePtr < Next_Resource; BytePtr = BytePtr + 1) {
if (BytePtr + 7 < Next_Resource){
BytePtr = BytePtr + 7;
else MakeByte(BytePtr);
//ParseLeafNode adds an anterior comment, calls a parsing routine dependent on resource type if the
//display resource flag (_DISPLAY_RESOURCES_) is set.
//Syntax: ParseLeafNode( ea add_of_resource, char resource_type, long resource_ID_number)
static ParseLeafNode(BytePtr, Resource_Type, Resource_Num)
auto Next_Resource, Data_Offset;
Data_Offset = MakeDataOffset(BytePtr);
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 0, "------------------------------------------------------------------" );
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 1, "-- Pointer to " + Resource_Type + " at address " + ltoa(Data_Offset, 16) +
" of size " + ltoa(Dword(BytePtr + 4), 16) + " --");
Next_Resource = MakeDataOffset(BytePtr + 16);
MakeStruct(BytePtr, "DataEntry");
BytePtr = Data_Offset;
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 0, Resource_Type + " " + ltoa(Resource_Num, 10));
if ( _DISPLAY_RESOURCES_ == 1) {
if ( Resource_Type == "String_Table" ) ParseStrTable( BytePtr, Next_Resource, Resource_Num );
else if ( Resource_Type == "Menu" ) ParseMenu( BytePtr, Next_Resource );
else if ( Resource_Type == "Accelerator_Table") ParseAccel( BytePtr, Next_Resource );
else if ( Resource_Type == "Version" ) ParseVerInfo( BytePtr, Next_Resource );
else if ( Resource_Type == "Dialog" ) ParseDialog( BytePtr, Next_Resource );
//else if ( Resource_Type == "Cursor" || Resource_Type == "Icon") ParseBitmapHdr( BytePtr, Next_Resource);
else ParseUnkRes( BytePtr, Next_Resource );
//ParseSubdirectoryData parses resource subdirectory entries, then either continues parsing the
//resource directory tree (if the recursion flag _RECURSE_ is set), or calls ParseLeafNode to
//format and display the resource (if the entry is a pointer to resource data)
//Syntax: ParseSubDirData( ea addess_of_resource_subdir_entry, char resource_type, , long num, long nest )
static ParseSubDirData(BytePtr, Resource_Type, Resource_Num, nest)
auto Next_Resource;
if (nest == 1) Resource_Num = Dword(BytePtr);
MakeStruct(BytePtr, "DirEntry");
Next_Resource = ResolveOffset(BytePtr + 8);
if( Next_Resource >= SegEnd(BytePtr)) Next_Resource = SegEnd(BytePtr);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
if ( Byte(BytePtr + 3) == 0x80) {
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, " --- Offset to Subdirectory at " + ltoa(ResolveOffset(BytePtr),16) + " ---");
if ( _RECURSE_ == 1) ParseSubDirHdr( ResolveOffset(BytePtr), Resource_Type, Resource_Num, nest );
else ParseLeafNode(ResolveOffset(BytePtr), Resource_Type, Resource_Num);
//ParseDirectoryHeader parses & comments a directory header and returns the total # of dir data entries
//Syntax: ParseDirHdr( ea starting_address_of_dir_header )
//Returns: ea total_number_of_data_entries
static ParseDirHdr(BytePtr)
auto Num_Named, Num_IDs, Total_Res_Entries;
MakeStruct(BytePtr, "ResDirHeader");
Num_Named = Word(BytePtr + 12);
Num_IDs = Word(BytePtr + 14 );
Total_Res_Entries = Num_Named + Num_IDs;
return Total_Res_Entries;
//ParseSubdirectoryHeader calls ParseDirHdr to parse the header for a subdirectory, then calls
//ParseSubDirData for each resource subdirectory entry
//Syntax: ParseSubDirHdr( ea address_of_subdirectory_header, char resource_type, long num, long nest )
static ParseSubDirHdr(BytePtr, Resource_Type, Resource_Num, nest)
auto Total_Res_Entries, x;
nest = nest + 1;
MakeName( BytePtr, "rsrc" + Resource_Type + "Dir" + atoa(BytePtr));
ExtLinA( BytePtr, 0, "-------------------- Start " + Resource_Type + " Header --------------------");
Total_Res_Entries = ParseDirHdr(BytePtr);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 14;
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, "Total Number of " + Resource_Type + " Entries: " + ltoa(Total_Res_Entries,10));
ExtLinB( BytePtr, 1, "--------------------- End " + Resource_Type + " Header ---------------------");
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
for ( x = 1; x <= Total_Res_Entries; x = x + 1) {
ParseSubDirData(BytePtr, Resource_Type, Resource_Num, nest);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 8;
nest = nest - 1;
//ParseRootDirData parses the "resource directory entries" for the root .rsrc directory, then
//calls ParseSubDirHdr to handle subsequent subdirectories if the recursion flag _RECURSE_ is set
//Syntax: ParseRootData( ea address_of_resource_directory_entry)
static ParseRootData(BytePtr)
auto Resource_Type, Resource_Num, nest;
nest = 0;
Resource_Num = 0;
Resource_Type = ID_Resource(Dword(BytePtr));
MakeStruct(BytePtr, "DirEntry");
ExtLinA(BytePtr, 0, " Resource Type: " + Resource_Type);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 4;
if ( Byte(BytePtr + 3) == 0x80) {
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, " --- Offset to " + Resource_Type + " Subdirectory at " + ltoa(ResolveOffset(BytePtr),16) + " ---");
if ( _RECURSE_ == 1) ParseSubDirHdr(ResolveOffset(BytePtr), Resource_Type, Resource_Num, nest);
//ParseRootDirectoryHeader calls ParseDirHdr to parse & comments the root directory of the .rsrc segment,
//then calls ParseRootData for each entry in its listing
//Syntax: ParseRootHdr( ea starting_address_of_rsrc_segment)
static ParseRootHdr(BytePtr)
auto Total_Res_Entries, x, DirHeaderID, DirEntryID, DataEntryID;
DirHeaderID = AddStruc( -1, "ResDirHeader" );
AddStrucMember( DirHeaderID, "Characteristics", 0x0000, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DirHeaderID, "TimeDate", 0x0004, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DirHeaderID, "Version", 0x0008, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DirHeaderID, "NamedEntries", 0x000C, FF_WORD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DirHeaderID, "IDEntries", 0x000E, FF_WORD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
DirEntryID = AddStruc( -1, "DirEntry");
AddStrucMember( DirEntryID, "Name", 0x0000, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DirEntryID, "OffsetToData", 0x0004, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
DataEntryID = AddStruc( -1, "DataEntry" );
AddStrucMember( DataEntryID, "OffsetToData", 0x0000, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DataEntryID, "Size", 0x0004, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DataEntryID, "CodePage", 0x0008, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
AddStrucMember( DataEntryID, "Reserved", 0x000C, FF_DWRD + FF_DATA, -1, 1);
MakeName( BytePtr, "rsrcRootDirHeader");
Total_Res_Entries = ParseDirHdr(BytePtr);
BytePtr = BytePtr + 14;
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 0, "Total Number of Entries: " + ltoa(Total_Res_Entries,10));
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 1, "---------------------- End Of Resource Root Directory -------------------");
ExtLinB(BytePtr, 2, "=========================================================================");
BytePtr = BytePtr + 2;
for ( x = 1; x <= Total_Res_Entries; x = x + 1) {
BytePtr = BytePtr + 8;