Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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53 lines
//This script will prompt the user for a function name, then will output all of the calls
//made by that function...it will travel recursively into each call, up to 25 "levels" deep,
//to determine what calls are made by each routine called by the main function.
//This script is part of an attempt to give IDA some code-abstracton functionality. Its
//main purpose is to show what subroutines and API routines are called by a user-determined
//function. The output is printed in the IDA message window.
#include <idc.idc> //provides IDC function prototypes
static OutputXref(ea, x, nest, OutFileH) //Prints Calls to the Message Window
auto j;
for ( j; j <= nest; j = j + 1) { //nesting routine: indents two spaces for every
fprintf(OutFileH, " "); //level of recursion
fprintf(OutFileH, atoa(ea) + " refers to " + Name(x) + " " + RptCmt(x) + "\n"); //outputs a code address and what routine
} //that address calls
static GetXrefs(ea, nest, OutFileH) //recursively travels though the program, outputting each
{ //call it finds via OutputXref()
auto x, t, f_end;
nest = nest + 1; //determine level of indentation for the output of calls
f_end = FindFuncEnd(ea); //made by this function
for ( ea; ea <= f_end; ea = NextAddr(ea) ) { //For each Address in this function/routine
x = Rfirst0(ea); //Get Xref for this address
if ( x != BADADDR && nest < 25 ) { //While there is an Xref
t = XrefType(); //Get what type of Xref this is (jmp, call, etc)
if ( (t == fl_CF) || (t == fl_CN)) { //Output & recurse only if a call
OutputXref (ea, x, nest, OutFileH);
GetXrefs(x, nest, OutFileH); //call GetXrefs to get that calls made by this called routine
} //(Recursion)
nest = nest - 1; //undo indentation before exiting this function/routine
static main()
auto ea, nest, OutFileH, fname;
nest = 0;
fname = AskFile("*.txt", "Output file?");
OutFileH = fopen(fname, "wt");
if (OutFileH == 0) Message("Error opening output file!\n");
ea = ChooseFunction("Select a function to parse:"); //ask user for function name
GetXrefs(ea, nest, OutFileH); //Bulk of program
Message("End of output.\n");