Reverse Code Engineering RCE CD +sandman 2000
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IDA is an interactive disassembler - it converts a binary executable program
into an assembler text, allowing you to examine internals of the executable,
to reverse engineer it and obtain a source text of the input file.
Its most outstanding feature that makes it unique among other disassemblers
is interactivity (as the name implies). With IDA you may examine the input
file and make modifications on the fly, with zero wait time, all your modifi-
cations are instantly displayed on the screen.
Another unparalleled aspect of IDA is FLIRT - Fast Library Identification and
Recognition Technology. The disassembler looks at the input file and tries to
find common procedures and properly names and attaches comments to them,
working as an intelligent assistant for you. FLIRT technology saves your
valuable time, taking the routine part of work. It is pretty funny to open a
window with the list of functions and to look how FLIRT gives meaningful names
to the functions and attaches comments to them.
Also, IDA is the only disassembler that knows about high level language data
structures like arrays, enumerations and structs. You may use them to make your
disassembly clearer and more understandable. The upcoming version of IDA under-
stands even local variables of procedures.
Some key features:
*You may patch the input file and get a patched version of the input file
(works for some file formats)
*There is a built-in C like language. It will help you to automate routine
*IDA is capable to analyse program in the background, in parallel with you.
*IDA saves the database with the disassembly on the disk: you may continue
the disassembly later.
*The autocommenting feature makes the output text clearer.
*The standard TVision interface will help you to get learn IDA quickly.
The context sensitive help makes it even more easier. You may open windows
up to 132x100 characters. Also you can redefine keys and create your own
keyboard macros.
*A little but important thing as a built-in calculator is a necessity.
And finally, limitations:
Size of input file is limited: 64 megabytes as distributed. If you change
VPAGESIZE parameter in the configuration file, you will be able to disas-
semble files up to 256 megabytes. Enough for the moment?
Number of segments is really unlimited. The only limitation is on the number
of contiguous memory chunks, it also depends on VPAGESIZE parameter.
Initially the limit is approximately 340 chunks. Address space available for
disassembling is 32 bit. There is a small window at 0xFF000000 which is used
by IDA for the internal housekeeping.
Number of lines per instruction/data: 500. You can't enter a long comment with
length more than 4095 characters for one instruction. Length of a short
comment is 255 characters.
You may define up to 1024 segment selectors.
IDA knows about arrays and provides you with one dimensional arrays of any
elements. IDA can create simple arrays automatically.
To create an array, use '*' (asterisk) key. For example, you need to create
array of double-bytes. The following actions will do the job:
1.Define the first element of array
2.Press '*'
3.Specify size of array (and possibly other array attributes) and press
the Enter key.
That's all - the array is created.
To create an array of structures, define a structure first.
IDA is able to represent constants as symbolic names. All what you need to do
is to create a collection of symbolic names and specify representation of an
operand as a "enumeration".
For example:
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
may be represented as
ExitFunc = 4C00h
DosFunc = 21h
mov ax, ExitFunc
int DosFunc
IDA knows about structured types and provides you with means to define and
use them. You need first to create a structure type and after define instances
of structured types. Also, you may use pointers to structures.
For example:
les bx, [bp+4]
mov ax, [bx+2]
may be represented as
mystr struc
name dw ?
pointer dw ?
mystr ends
les bx, [bp+arg0]
mov ax, [bx+mystr.pointer]
Auto-Commenting is a nifty feature that you expect from any debugger. IDA Pro
is very capable at auto-commenting. Below are a few samples of the auto-
commenting ability of IDA. And if that isn't enough to make you happy, it is
possible to define your own comments databases !
Windows, Windows NT, Windows 95 auto-commenting
Here is a small WIN 3.1 VxD fragment, as it is disassembled and commented by IDA
000004C1 push eax
000004C2 push ebx
000004C3 push ecx
000004C4 push edx
000004C5 mov eax, 0
000004CA VxDcall VDD_Msg_ClrScrn
000004D0 mov eax, 8
000004D5 VxDcall VDD_Msg_BakColor
000004DB mov eax, 1Eh
000004E0 VxDcall VDD_Msg_ForColor
000004E6 mov eax, 1Ah
000004EB mov edx, 1
000004F0 VxDcall VDD_Msg_SetCursPos
000004F6 mov ebx, large ds:18F2h
OS/2 1.3, 2.1 and Warp auto-commenting
Of course, OS2 programs are also auto-commented. Here is a part taken from
the disassembly of a 32-bit OS/2 program.
00010949 call DosSetExceptionHandler
0001094E mov eax, offset CPPOS30__matherr
00010953 call CPPOS30__exception_procinit
00010958 mov eax, [esp+20h]
0001095C call sub_109E4
00010961 push 109ACh
00010966 push 0FF01h
0001096B call DosExitList
00010970 call sub_109DC
00010975 push 10000h
0001097A mov ecx, large dword ptr ds:CPPOS30__environ
00010980 sub esp, 0Ch
00010983 mov edx, dword_203AC
00010989 mov eax, dword_203A8
0001098E call CPPOS30__callback_opt_sys
00010993 call CPPOS30_exit
00010998 lea ecx, [esp+20h]
0001099C push ecx
0001099D call DosUnsetExceptionHandler
000109A2 add esp, 2Ch
DOS auto-commenting
DOS Programs are a piece of cake with that level of information.
seg000:09D2 loc_0_9D2: ; CODE XREF: start+8CCj
seg000:09D2 mov al, 0
seg000:09D4 mov dx, 194Fh
seg000:09D7 xor cx, cx
seg000:09D9 mov bh, 7
seg000:09DB mov ah, 6
seg000:09DD int 10h ; - VIDEO - SCROLL PAGE UP
seg000:09DD ; AL = number of lines to scroll window (0 = blank whole window)
seg000:09DD ; BH = attributes to be used on blanked lines
seg000:09DD ; CH,CL = row,column of upper left corner of window to scroll
seg000:09DD ; DH,DL = row,column of lower right corner of window
seg000:09DF xor dx, dx
seg000:09E1 mov word_0_15F, dx
seg000:09E5 mov ah, 2
seg000:09E7 xor bh, bh
seg000:09E9 int 10h ; - VIDEO - SET CURSOR POSITION
seg000:09E9 ; DH,DL = row, column (0,0 = upper left)
seg000:09E9 ; BH = page number
seg000:09EB mov di, 546h
seg000:09EE call off_0_16C
seg000:09F2 mov di, 4B4h
seg000:09F5 call off_0_16C
seg000:09F9 mov di, 54Ah
seg000:09FC call off_0_16C
seg000:0A00 call off_0_16E
seg000:0A04 mov ax, 4C00h
seg000:0A07 int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - QUIT WITH EXIT CODE (EXIT)
seg000:0A07 ; AL = exit code
Input File Types
MS DOS plain executable file
MS DOS .com file
MS DOS Driver
New Executable Format. This format is used in MS Windows 3.x and OS/2 files.
Linear Executable Format. This format is used in OS/2 2.x and OS/2 Warp.
Linear Executable Format. This format is used in MS Windows VxD files.
Portable Executable Format. This format is used in MS Windows 95 and MS Windows NT.
Intel Object Module Format. This format is used in MS DOS, MS Windows 3.x and OS/2 object files.
Library of Object Files. This format is used in MS DOS, MS Windows 3.x and OS/2.
Library of Object Files. UNIX, MS Windows95 and MS Windows NT Library files.
Common Object File Format. This format is widely used in UNIX world. For example, SCO UNIX,
DGJPP, GNU32 executable and object files have this format.
Intel Hex Object Format
This format is used to keep image files for microprocessors. Don't confuse it with OMF!
MOS Technology Hex Object Format
This format is used to keep image files for microprocessors.
S-record Format
This format is used to keep image files for microprocessors.
Overlayed EXE
Borland C overlayed files. Overlayed part of the program is kept together with the non-overlayed part in
one executable file.
Borland Pascal Overlays
Borland Pascal Overlayed files. Overlays are kept in a separate file.
Novell Netware 3.x, 4.x Loadable Modules. IDA understands compressed modules too.
Archive files. Of course, IDA doesn't disassemble ZIP files (there is nothing to disassemble), it can just
fetch a file from the archive.
Java classes
Binary. Any unformatted file.
This list of not exhaustive and never will be, there are two reasons why:
1.New input file formats are constantly added to the list. The upcoming version is likely to support ELF format - a
new de-facto standard for UNIX executables. Linux uses ELF format, for example.
2.Any user can write a DLL module to load any new format. We already have a module to load Watcom's platform
independent executables.
Output File Types
IDA can create the following files
ASM (output source code)
LST (output source code)
MAP (output MAP file for debugging)
MS DOS EXE, COM (eventually patched input file)
BIN (patched input file)
IDC (IDC program to recreate IDA database)
Supported Processors
List of supported processors
Intel 8080/85
Z80, HD 64180
Intel 8086/87
Intel 80286/287 real & protected modes
Intel 80386/387 real & protected modes
Intel 80486/487 real & protected modes
Intel Pentium real & protected modes
Intel Pentium MMX real & protected modes
Intel Pentium Pro real & protected modes
Intel 860 XR, 860 XP (alpha!)
Intel 8051 series
MOS Technologies 6502
Motorola MC68000
Motorola MC68010
Motorola MC68020
Motorola MC68030
Motorola MC68040
Motorola CPU32 (68330)
Motorola MC68020 with MC68882
Motorola MC68020 with MC68851
Motorola MC68020 with MC68882 and MC68851
IDA is capable to disassemble Java classes.
Due to modular structure of IDA is it possible to write a module to disassemble files for new processors. The users of
IDA have created such modules.
Section II : FLIRT
FLIRT - Fast Library Identification and Recognition Technology
1.The goal
3.The idea
The goal
Disassembling of modern high level language programs requires a lot of time to determine library functions. This time may
be considered lost because meanwhile we do not receive new knowledge and only facilitate further analysis of the
program and algorithms containing in the program. It's a pity that such determination is necessary for every new
disassembled program.
Sometimes of analysis of a program is considerably eased by knowing 'class' of a library function, it helps to sieve out
uninteresting functions. For example, a function that works with streams in C++ usually has nothing to do with an
algorithm of a function.
On the other hand every high level language program uses a great quantity of standard library functions and sometimes
programs contain up to 95% standard functions. For example well-known program "Hello, world!" contains:
library functions - 58
function main() - 1
Naturally it's a trivial program but usually the library functions constitute about a half (50%) of the program code. It's the
reason a user of a disassembler is forced to waste more than a half of time to determine the library functions. The matter
is that a process of analysis of the program resembles a process of solution of crossword puzzles: the more letters we
know the easier is to guess the next word and in disassembling the more comments and meaningful names in a function
are the quicker we understand what this function is. Wide usage of the standard libraries such as OWL, MFC and others
increase contribution of the standard functions in the program yet more. A middle sized program for Win32, written on
C++ using modern technologies (e.g., AppExpert and similar wizards) calls 1000-2500 library functions.
To enable a lot :) of an IDA user we tried to create an algorithm of recognition of the standard library functions. To
achieve a real usable result we agreed about the following:
we consider the C(C++) language programs
we have no such goal to recognize 100% of functions. It's impossible theoretically and moreover a recognition of
certain functions may lead to undesirable consequences. For example it's unreasonable to recognize function:
push bp
mov bp, sp
xor ax, ax
pop bp
because a probability of wrong recognition is very high (it's curiously but in modern C++ libraries there are a lot of
such functions that are absolutely identical byte- to-byte but have different names).
we recognize and give the names to functions only (code segment), ignoring the data (data segment).
if we recognize a function successfully we assign a name and/or comment the function. We have no aim to get an
information about the types of function arguments, about the behavior of the function and what it does.
a percentage of wrong recognized functions must be minimal. We consider a wrong recognized function is worse
than not recognized one so an ideal situation is when there are no wrong recognized functions at all.
the recognition of the functions must require a minimum of processor and memory resources.
an algorithm must be platform-independent, i.e. it must work with the programs compiled for any processor.
when it's possible we search for and locate a main() function and position the cursor at it, because a startup-code
taken from a library is not interesting.
The main difficulty is the quantity of the functions and memory they occupy. If we calculate memory occupied by all
_versions_ of all libraries produced by all compiler _vendors_ for memory _models_, we easily achieve tens of
gigabytes. And if we take into account OWL, MFC, MFC and similar libraries, then the required disk space is as high
as the sky. For the time being users of personal systems cannot afford to set aside so huge disk space for a simple utility
disassembler, so we need to design some algorithm to diminish volume of information required to recognize standard
library functions. Also, quantity of functions dictates the necessity of efficient recognition algorithm. Simple brute-force
search is not acceptable.
The next difficulty is the presence of _variant_ bytes in the program. The variant bytes are non-constant bytes in the
program. Some bytes of a program corrected (fixed up) at the loading time. Some others become constants at linking
time. Mainly the variant bytes are originate from references to external names. In this case the compiler does not know
addresses of called functions and leaves these bytes equal to zeroes and writes so called "fixup information" to the output
file (sometimes this table is called "relocation table", "relocation information"). For example, an excerpt of an assembler
program listing
B8 0000s mov ax, seg _OVRGROUP_
9A 00000000se call _farmalloc
26: 3B 1E 0000e cmp bx, word ptr es:__ovrbuffer
contains variant bytes. The linker will try to resolve external references, replacing zeroes with addresses of called
functions, but some bytes are left untouched, for example references to dynamic libraries and bytes containing absolute
address in the program. These references can be resolved only at the loading time. This is done by a special part of an
operating system - system loader. It will try to resolve all external references and replace zeroes with absolute addresses.
If even a system loader cannot resolve an external reference (i.e. the program refers to an unknown DLL or name), the
program will not run.
Also, some linkers count themselves authorized to change bytes without fixup information (non-variant bytes). They
modify object code, making it faster. For example:
0000: 9A........ call far ptr xxx
is replaced by
0000: 90 nop
0001: 0E push cs
0002: E8.... call near ptr xxx
Naturally, the program will run as it ran before, without this modification, but the replacement made by the linker
effectively prohibits byte-to-byte comparison bytes of the program with templates.
The presence of variant bytes in a program makes it impossible to use checksums for recognition. If functions would not
contain variant bytes, it would be enough to calculate checksum (CRC, for example) of first N bytes and select a group
of functions by a hash-table. It would greatly decrease the size of information required for recognition: name of a
function, its length and checksum would suffice.
I have already told that it is impossible to recognize all standard library functions. There are functions that are identical
byte-to-byte, doing the same but they are called differently. For example, functions strcmp() and fstrcmp() are identical
in large memory models. On the one hand, we do not want to throw away these functions because they are not trivial
and recognition would help the user, but we cannot distinguish them.
Another kind of difficulty for recognition are functions like
call xxx
jmp xxx
At first sight these functions are trivial and uninteresting, but you will be surprised if you learn how many such functions
exist in the libraries. For example, libraries from BCC OS/2 v1.5 contain 20 such functions including functions like
read(), write(), etc. Plain comparison of these functions gives nothing. In any library we can find dozens of functions
distinguishable only by the functions they call.
Generally, all short functions (consisting merely of 2-3 instructions) are difficult to recognize - probability of wrong
recognition is very high. At the same time leaving them unrecognized is undesirable - for example, if we do not recognize
tolower() function, we may fail to recognize strlwr() which refers to tolower().
The last, but very important difficulty is copyright issues. We cannot distribute standard libraries so we should use
checksums, etc.
The idea
The idea is simple: let's create a database of all functions from all libraries of all vendors and check each byte of the
program being disassembled whether a standard function can be started at it.
All information required for the recognition is kept in a signature file. Each function is represented by a pattern. Pattern
is first 32 bytes of a function with all variant bytes marked. For example:
558BEC0EFF7604..........59595DC3558BEC0EFF7604..........59595DC3 _registerbgidriver
558BEC1E078A66048A460E8B5E108B4E0AD1E9D1E980E1C0024E0C8A6E0A8A76 _biosdisk
558BEC1EB41AC55604CD211F5DC3.................................... _setdta
558BEC1EB42FCD210653B41A8B5606CD21B44E8B4E088B5604CD219C5993B41A _findfirst
here variant bytes are displayed as ".."
We see that many functions start with the same byte. Therefore we build the following tree:
0EFF7604..........59595DC3558BEC0EFF7604..........59595DC3 _registerbgidriver
078A66048A460E8B5E108B4E0AD1E9D1E980E1C0024E0C8A6E0A8A76 _biosdisk
1AC55604CD211F5DC3 _setdta
2FCD210653B41A8B5606CD21B44E8B4E088B5604CD219C5993B41A _findfirst
(This tree is built from the above patterns). In the nodes of the tree we keep sequences of bytes. In this example root of
the tree contains sequence "558BEC", three subtrees stem from the root, starting with bytes 0E, 1E, B4 accordingly.
Subtree starting with B4 in its turn refers to two subtree. Each subtree ends with leaves. In a leaf we keep information
about a function (only name of a function is depicted here).
Building the tree allows to achieve two goals at the same time:
we decrease memory requirements by keeping bytes that are common for more than one function, in tree nodes.
Also, the more function with the same starting sequence the more memory we save.
we can use the tree for fast pattern matching - the number of comparisons required to match place of a program
with all functions in a signature file depends logarithmically on the number of functions.
It would be at least irresponsible to take a decision based on the first 32 bytes of a function. Besides in real-world
libraries one can find lots of functions starting with the same bytes:
0. _chmod (20 5F33)
1. _access (18 9A62)
To all appearance, these functions differ somewhere after the first 32 bytes and have the same first 32 bytes. That's the
reason why they are attached to one leaf of the tree. In this case we calculate CRC16 (16 bit cyclic redundancy
checksum) of bytes starting from position 33 till the first variant byte and save it in the signature file. We need to save the
number of bytes used to calculate CRC16 because it differs from function to function. In the above example CRC16 is
calculated using 20 bytes for function _chmod (bytes 33..52). For function _access we have used 18 bytes.
There is a possibility that the first variant byte will be at 33d position and length of sequence of bytes to calculate CRC16
may be equal to zero. However, practice shows that this happens rarely and the algorithm gives very low number of false
recognitions, but it happens sometimes.
There are functions having the same pattern and the same CRC16 (possibly because of too few bytes used to calculate
CRC16). Example:
... (partial tree is shown here)
0. _tolower (03 41CB) (000C:00)
1. _toupper (03 41CB) (000C:FF)
We were unlucky: only 3 bytes were used to calculate CRC16 and is was the same for both functions. In this case we
try to find a position at which all functions in a leaf have different bytes. (in our example this position is 32+3+000C)
Even this method does not allow to recognize all function. Here is an example:
... (partial tree is shown here)
0. _strupr (04 D19F) (REF 0011: _toupper)
1. _strlwr (04 D19F) (REF 0011: _tolower)
These functions are identical at non-variant bytes and differ only by the functions they call. In this example the only way
to distinguish functions is to examine name referenced from an instruction at offset 11.
The last method has a disadvantage: proper recognition of functions _strupr() and _strlwr() depends on recognition of
functions _toupper() and _tolower(). It means that in the case of failure because of the absence of reference to
_toupper() or _tolower() we should defer recognition and repeat it later, after finding _tolower() or _toupper(). This
means the our algorithm is not one-pass algorithm anymore, but luckily the second and subsequent passes are applied
only to a few locations in the program.
At last, functions may be identical at non-variant bytes, refer to the same names but be called differently. That is,
functions have the same implementations and different names. Surprisingly, this is a frequent situation in standard libraries,
especially in C++ libraries.
This situation is called a collision (collision occurs when functions attached to a leaf can not be distinguished from each
other by using the explained above methods). A classical example is:
0. _remove (00 0000)
1. _unlink (00 0000)
0. @iostream@$vsn (00 0000)
1. @iostream_withassign@$vsn (00 0000)
These examples appeal to an artificial intelligence :) We made our goal to be an efficient and fast algorithm and therefore
we leave artificial intelligence for the future development of the algorithm.
Today the implementation coincides practically the algorithm described above. We consider only the C and C++
language programs. It will be possible to write the preprocessors for other libraries in future.
For every vendor a separate signature file is created, such decision allows to decrease a probability of collisions and not
to take into account other vendor functions.
Special signature files applied to the entry point of a program are created to determine a compiler used for the program.
They also determine a signature file for that vendor/compiler. These special signature files are called startup-signatures.
Our algorithm successfully discerns the startup modules of all popular vendors. It's not necessary to discern the models
(small, compact, medium, large, huge) of the libraries and versions of the compilers because all functions are stored in
one signature file so it's enough to determine right signature file and our algorithm takes everything upon.
There are special startup-signatures for every format of disassembled file. The signature exe.sig is used for programs
running under MS DOS, lx.sig or ne.sig - for OS/2, etc.
To decrease a probability of false recognition of short functions it's sine qua non to remember a reference to an external
name if such a reference exists. It may decrease in some degree the probability of the recognition of the function in
general but such approach is justified. It's better not to recognize than to recognize wrongly. The too short functions (the
length less than 4 bytes) not containing the references to external names do not participate in creation of a signature file
and such functions are not recognized.
For the functions from <ctype.h> are short and refer to the array of types of the symbols, we decided to consider the
references to this array as an exception so that CRC16 of the array of the types of the symbols is stored in the signature
The collisions are solved by a human (creator) of a signature file. He chooses the functions to be included in the signature
file and the functions that are unnecessary. Note that the process of this choice is very easy and resolves itself into editing
of a text file.
The patterns of the functions are stored in a signature file not in their original form (i.e., they do not look as it was
demonstrated in the examples). Instead of the patterns the arrays of bits determining the changing bytes and the values of
the individual bytes are stored. Accordingly the signature file contains nary byte from the libraries excepting names of the
A creation of a signature file involves in 2 stages: a preprocessor of the libraries and a formation of a signature file. At the
first stage the program 'parselib' is used. It preprocesses *.obj and *.lib files and produces a pattern-file. The pattern-file
contains patterns of the functions, their names, CRC16 and all other information that is necessary to create the signature
file. At the second stage an utility 'sigmake' makes the signature file from the pattern-file.
This division into 2 stages allows sigmake utility to be independent from a format of an input file. It will be possible to
write other preprocessors for files differing from *.obj and *.lib in future.
We decided to compress (using InfoZip algorithm) the created signature files to decrease the disk space necessary for
their storage.
For the sake of convenience of a user we tried to recognize the function main() in a program. An algorithm for finding this
function is different for the different compilers and for the different types of the programs
(DOS/OS2/WinDows/GUI/Console...), so this algorithm is written in a signature file as a text string. Unfortunately
creation of this algorithm is not automated and is laborious.
As it turned out the signature files are compressible well; they may be compressed more than 2 times. The reason is that
about 95% of a signature file are function names. (Example: signature file for MFC 2.x before compression was 2.5Mb,
after - 700Kb. It contains 33634 function names; average is 21 byte for a function). Generally, ratio of a library size to a
signature size is from 100 to 500.
Percentage of properly recognized functions is very high. In the "Hello, world" program our algorithm recognized all
library functions except one function which consists of one instruction:
jmp off_1234
The most pleasing is that there were no false recognitions. However it does not mean that they will not appear in the
future. It should be noted that the algorithm works only with functions. Sometimes data is located in code segment and
therefore we need to mark some names as "data names", not as "function names". It is not easy to examine all names in a
modern large library and mark all data names. However, there is possibility to mark a name in a signature file as a data
name, but the process of marking data names is left for the future.
IDC language is a C-like language. It has the same lexical tokens as C: character set, constants, identifiers,
keywords, etc. All variables in IDC are automatic local variables. A variable can contain:
a 32-bit signed long integer
a character string (max 255 characters long)
a floating point number (extra precision, up to 25 decimal digits)
A program in IDC consists of function declarations. A function in IDC returns a value. There are 2 kinds of functions:
built-in functions
user-defined functions
Here is how a function is declared :
static func(arg1,arg2,arg3) {
where arg1,arg2,arg3 are the function parameters,'func' is the function name. It is not nesessary to specify the types of
the parameters because any variable can contain a string or a number.
Here is how a variable is declared :
auto var;
This declaration introduces a variable named 'var'. It can contain a string or a number. All C and C++ keywords are
reserved and cannot be used as a variable name. The scope of the variable is the function where it is defined.
IDC supports the following statements:
if (expression) statement
if (expression) statement else statement
for ( expr1; expr2; expr3 ) statement
while (expression) statement
do statement while (expression);
return ;
the same as 'return 0;'
{ statements... }
(empty statement)
In expressions you may use almost all C operations except:
complex assigment operations as '+='
, (comma operation)
You may use the following construct in the expressions:
[ s, o ]
Suppose one wants to calculate the linear (effective) address for segment 's' offset 'o'. Here is how it is done :
(s << 4) + o
If a string constant is specified as 's', it denotes a segment by its name.
There are 3 type conversion operations:
long( expr )
floating point number is truncated during conversion
char( expr )
float( expr )
However, all type conversions are made automatically:
if both operands are strings, string addition is performed (strings are concatenated);
if floating point operand exists, both operands are converted to floats; otherwise both operands are converted to
if floating point operand exists, both operands are converted to floats; otherwise both operands are converted to
comparisions (==,!=, etc)
if both operands are strings, string comparision is performed; if floating point operand exists, both operands are
converted to floats; otherwise both operands are converted to longs;
all other operations
operand(s) are converted to longs;
Built-in functions
Alphabetical list of IDC functions :
Function Definitions:
// Do flags contain byte value? (i.e. has the byte a value?)
// if not, the byte is uninitialized.
#define hasValue(F) ((F & FF_IVL) != 0) // any defined value?
// Get byte value from flags
// Get value of byte provided that the byte is initialized.
// This macro works ok only for 8-bit byte machines.
#define byteValue(F) (F & MS_VAL) // quick replacement for Byte()
// Is the byte initialized?
#define isLoaded(ea) hasValue(GetFlags(ea)) // any defined value?
#define MS_CLS 0x00000600L // Mask for typing
#define FF_CODE 0x00000600L // Code ?
#define FF_DATA 0x00000400L // Data ?
#define FF_TAIL 0x00000200L // Tail ?
#define FF_UNK 0x00000000L // Unknown ?
#define isCode(F) ((F & MS_CLS) == FF_CODE) // is code byte?
#define isData(F) ((F & MS_CLS) == FF_DATA) // is data byte?
#define isTail(F) ((F & MS_CLS) == FF_TAIL) // is tail byte?
#define isUnknown(F) ((F & MS_CLS) == FF_UNK) // is unexplored byte?
#define isHead(F) ((F & FF_DATA) != 0) // is start of code/data?
// Common bits
#define MS_COMM 0x000FF800L // Mask of common bits
#define FF_COMM 0x00000800L // Has comment?
#define FF_REF 0x00001000L // has references?
#define FF_LINE 0x00002000L // Has next or prev cmt lines ?
#define FF_NAME 0x00004000L // Has user-defined name ?
#define FF_LABL 0x00008000L // Has dummy name?
#define FF_FLOW 0x00010000L // Exec flow from prev instruction?
#define FF_VAR 0x00080000L // Is byte variable ?
#define isFlow (F) ((F & FF_FLOW) != 0)
#define isVar (F) ((F & FF_VAR ) != 0)
#define isExtra (F) ((F & FF_LINE) != 0)
#define isRef (F) ((F & FF_REF) != 0)
#define hasName (F) ((F & FF_NAME) != 0)
#define MS_0TYPE 0x00F00000L // Mask for 1st arg typing
#define FF_0VOID 0x00000000L // Void (unknown)?
#define FF_0NUMH 0x00100000L // Hexadecimal number?
#define FF_0NUMD 0x00200000L // Decimal number?
#define FF_0CHAR 0x00300000L // Char ('x')?
#define FF_0SEG 0x00400000L // Segment?
#define FF_0OFF 0x00500000L // Offset?
#define FF_0NUMB 0x00600000L // Binary number?
#define FF_0NUMO 0x00700000L // Octal number?
#define FF_0ENUM 0x00800000L // Enumeration?
#define FF_0FOP 0x00900000L // Forced operand?
#define FF_0STRO 0x00A00000L // Struct offset?
#define MS_1TYPE 0x0F000000L // Mask for 2nd arg typing
#define FF_1VOID 0x00000000L // Void (unknown)?
#define FF_1NUMH 0x01000000L // Hexadecimal number?
#define FF_1NUMD 0x02000000L // Decimal number?
#define FF_1CHAR 0x03000000L // Char ('x')?
#define FF_1SEG 0x04000000L // Segment?
#define FF_1OFF 0x05000000L // Offset?
#define FF_1NUMB 0x06000000L // Binary number?
#define FF_1NUMO 0x07000000L // Octal number?
#define FF_1ENUM 0x08000000L // Enumeration?
#define FF_1FOP 0x09000000L // Forced operand?
#define FF_1STRO 0x0A000000L // Struct offset?
// The following macros answer questions like
// 'is the 1st (or 2nd) operand of instruction or data of the given type'?
// Please note that data items use only the 1st operand type (is...0)
#define isDefArg0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) != FF_0VOID)
#define isDefArg1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) != FF_1VOID)
#define isDec0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0NUMD)
#define isDec1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1NUMD)
#define isHex0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0NUMH)
#define isHex1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1NUMH)
#define isOct0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0NUMO)
#define isOct1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1NUMO)
#define isBin0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0NUMB)
#define isBin1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1NUMB)
#define isOff0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0OFF)
#define isOff1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1OFF)
#define isChar0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0CHAR)
#define isChar1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1CHAR)
#define isSeg0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0SEG)
#define isSeg1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1SEG)
#define isEnum0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0ENUM)
#define isEnum1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1ENUM)
#define isFop0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0FOP)
#define isFop1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1FOP)
#define isStroff0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0STRO)
#define isStroff1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1STRO)
#define isStkvar0(F) ((F & MS_0TYPE) == FF_0STK)
#define isStkvar1(F) ((F & MS_1TYPE) == FF_1STK)
// Bits for DATA bytes
#define DT_TYPE 0xF0000000L // Mask for DATA typing
#define FF_BYTE 0x00000000L // byte
#define FF_WORD 0x10000000L // word
#define FF_DWRD 0x20000000L // dword
#define FF_QWRD 0x30000000L // qword
#define FF_TBYT 0x40000000L // tbyte
#define FF_ASCI 0x50000000L // ASCII ?
#define FF_STRU 0x60000000L // Struct ?
#define FF_XTRN 0x70000000L // Extern data, unknown size
#define FF_FLOAT 0x80000000L // float
#define FF_DOUBLE 0x90000000L // double
#define FF_PACKREAL 0xA0000000L // packed decimal real
#define FF_ALIGN 0xB0000000L // alignment directive
// Bits for CODE bytes
#define MS_CODE 0xF0000000L
#define FF_FUNC 0x10000000L // function start?
#define FF_IMMD 0x40000000L // Has Immediate value ?
#define FF_JUMP 0x80000000L // Has jump table
// Return value of expression: ((seg<<4) + off)
long MK_FP (long seg,long off); // the same as [ seg, off ]
// i.e: ((seg<<4)+off)
// Return a formatted string.
// format - printf-style format string.
// %a - means address expression.
// floating point values are output only in one format
// regardless of the character specified (f,e,g,E,G)
// %p is not supported.
// The resulting string must be less than 255 characters
char form (char format,...); // works as sprintf
// The resulting string should
// be less than 255 characters.
// Return substring of a string
// str - input string
// x1 - starting index (0..n)
// x2 - ending index. If x2 == -1, then return substring
// from x1 to the end of string.
char substr (char str,long x1,long x2); // substring [x1..x2-1]
// if x2 == -1, then till end of line
// Search a substring in a string
// str - input string
// substr - substring to search
// returns: 0..n - index in the 'str' where the substring starts
// -1 - if the substring is not found
long strstr (char str,char substr); // find a substring, -1 - not found
// Return length of a string in bytes
// str - input string
// Returns: length (0..n)
long strlen (char str); // calculate length
// Convert ascii string to a binary number.
// (this function is the same as hexadecimal 'strtol' from C library)
long xtol (char str); // ascii hex -> number
// (use long() for atol)
// Convert address value to a string
char atoa (long ea); // returns address in
// the form 'seg000:1234'
// (the same as in line prefixes)
// Convert a number to a string.
// n - number
// radix - number base (2,8,10,16)
char ltoa (long n,long radix); // convert to ascii string
// Convert ascii string to a number
// str - a decimal representation of a number
// returns: a binary number
long atol (char str); // convert ascii decimal to long
// Add hotkey for IDC function
// hotkey - hotkey name ('a', "Alt-A", etc)
// idcfunc - IDC function name
// returns:
#define IDCHK_OK 0 // ok
#define IDCHK_ARG -1 // bad argument(s)
#define IDCHK_KEY -2 // bad hotkey name
#define IDCHK_MAX -3 // too many IDC hotkeys
#ifdef _notdefinedsymbol
long AddHotkey(char hotkey,char idcfunc);
// Delete IDC function hotkey
success DelHotkey(char hotkey);
// Move cursor to the specifed linear address
// ea - linear address
success Jump (long ea); // move cursor to ea
// screen is refreshed at
// the end of IDC execution
// Wait for the end of autoanalysis
// This function will suspend execution of IDC program
// till the autoanalysis queue is empty.
void Wait (); // Process all entries in the
// autoanalysis queue
// Compile an IDC file.
// The file being compiled should not contain functions that are
// currently executing - otherwise the behaviour of the replaced
// functions is undefined.
// filename - name of file to compile
// returns: "" - ok, otherwise it returns an error message.
char Compile (char filename); // Compile an IDC file.
// returns error message.
// Stop execution of IDC program, close the database and exit to OS
// code - code to exit with.
void Exit (long code); // Exit to OS
// Delete all segments, instructions, comments, i.e. everything
// except values of bytes.
void DeleteAll (); // delete ALL information
// about the program
// Create an instruction at the specified address
// ea - linear address
// returns: 0 - can't create an instruction (no such opcode, the instruction would
// overlap with existing items, etc)
// otherwise returns length of the instruction in bytes
long MakeCode (long ea); // convert to instruction
// returns number of bytes
// occupied by the instruction
// Perform full analysis of the area
// sEA - starting linear address
// eEA - ending linear address (excluded)
// returns: 1-ok, 0-Ctrl-Break was pressed.
long AnalyseArea (long sEA,long eEA); // analyse area and try to
// convert to code all bytes
// Returns 1-ok,0-CtrlBreak pressed
// Rename a byte
// ea - linear address
// name - new name of address. If name == "", then delete old name
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeName (long ea,char name); // assign a name to a location
// Set an indented regular comment of an item
// ea - linear address
// comment - comment string
success MakeComm (long ea,char comment); // give a comment
// Set an indented repeatable comment of an item
// ea - linear address
// comment - comment string
success MakeRptCmt (long ea,char comment); // give a repeatable comment
// Create an array.
// ea - linear address
// nitems - size of array in items
// This function will create an array of the items with the same type as the
// type of the item at 'ea'. If the byte at 'ea' is undefined, then this
// function will create an array of bytes.
success MakeArray (long ea,long nitems); // convert to an array
// Create a string.
// This function creates a string (the style is determinted by the value
// of GetLongPrm(INF_STRTYPE), see below).
// ea - linear address
// endea - ending address of the string (excluded)
// if endea == BADADDR, then length of string will be calculated
// the the kernel
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeStr (long ea,long endea); // convert to ASCII string
// Convert the current item to a byte
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeByte (long ea); // convert to byte
// Convert the current item to a word (2 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeWord (long ea); // convert to word
// Convert the current item to a double word (4 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeDword (long ea); // convert to double-word
// Convert the current item to a quadro word (8 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeQword (long ea); // convert to quadro-word
// Convert the current item to a floating point (4 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeFloat (long ea); // convert to float
// Convert the current item to a double floating point (8 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeDouble (long ea); // convert to double
// Convert the current item to a packed real (10 or 12 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakePackReal (long ea); // convert to packed real
// Convert the current item to a tbyte (10 or 12 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeTbyte (long ea); // convert to 10 bytes (tbyte)
// Convert the current item to a structure instance
// ea - linear address
// strname - name of a structure type
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeStruct (long ea,char strname); // convert to structure instance
// Create a local variable
// start,end - range of addresses for the local variable
// The current version doesn't use 'end' address
// and creates a stack variable for the whole function
// If there is no function at 'start' then this function
// will fail.
// location - variable location in the form "[bp+xx]" where xx is
// a hexadecimal offset.
// name - name of the local variable
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success MakeLocal(long start,long end,char location,char name);
// Convert the current item to an explored item
// ea - linear address
// expand - 0: just undefine the current item
// 1: undefine other instructions if the removal of the
// current instruction removes all references to them.
// (note: functions will not be undefined even if they
// have no references to them)
// returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
void MakeUnkn (long ea,long expand); // convert to 'unknown'
// expand!=0 => undefine consequent
// instructions too
// Convert an operand of the item (instruction or data) to a binary number
// ea - linear address
/ n - number of operand
// 0 - the first operand
// 1 - the second, third and all other operands
// -1 - all operands
// Note: the data items use only the type of the first operand
// Returns: 1-ok, 0-failure
success OpBinary (long ea,int n); // make operand binary
// n=0 - first operand
// n=1 - second, third etc. operands
// n=-1 - all operands
// Convert an operand of the item (instruction or data) to an octal number
// (see explanation of OpBinary functions)
success OpOctal (long ea,int n);
// Convert operand to decimal,hex,char (see OpBinary() for explanations)
success OpDecimal (long ea,int n);
success OpHex (long ea,int n);
success OpChr (long ea,int n);
// Convert operand to an offset
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
// base - base of the offset as a linear address
// If base == BADADDR then the current operand becomes non-offset
// Example:
// seg000:2000 dw 1234h
// and there is a segment at paragraph 0x1000 and there is a data item
// within the segment at 0x1234:
// seg000:1234 MyString db 'Hello, world!',0
// Then you need to specify a linear address of the segment base to
// create a proper offset:
// OpOffset(["seg000",0x2000],0,0x10000);
// and you will have:
// seg000:2000 dw offset MyString
// Motorola 680x0 processor have a concept of "outer offsets".
// If you want to create an outer offset, you need to combine number
// of the operand with the following bit:
#define OPND_OUTER 0x80 // outer offset base
// Please note that the outer offsets are meaningful only for
// Motorla 680x0.
success OpOff (long ea,int n,long base);
// Convert operand to a segment expression
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
success OpSeg (long ea,int n);
// Convert operand to a number (with default number base, radix)
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
success OpNumber (long ea,int n);
// Specify operand represenation manually.
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
// str - a string represenation of the operand
// IDA will not check the specified operand, it will simply display
// it instead of the orginal representation of the operand.
success OpAlt (long ea,long n,char str);// manually enter n-th operand
// Change sign of the operand.
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
success OpSign (long ea,int n); // change operand sign
// Convert operand to a symbolic constant
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
// enum - name of enumration type
success OpEnum (long ea,int n,char enum);// make operand a enum
// Convert operand to an offset in a structure
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
// strid - id of a structure type
success OpStroff (long ea,int n,long strid);// make operand a struct offset
// Convert operand to a stack variable
// (for the explanations of 'ea' and 'n' please see OpBinary())
success OpStkvar (long ea,int n); // make operand a stack variable
// Mark the location as "variable"
// Note: All that IDA does is to mark the location as "variable". Nothing else,
// no additional analysis is performed.
// This function may disappear in the future.
void MakeVar (long ea); // the location is 'variable'
// Specify an additional line to display before the generated ones.
// ea - linear address
// n - number of anterior additioal line (0..500)
// line - the line to display
// IDA displays additional lines from number 0 up to the first unexisting
// additional line. So, if you specify additional line #150 and there is no
// additional line #149, your line will not be displayed.
void ExtLinA (long ea,long n,char line); // insert an additional line before the generated ones
// Specify an additional line to display after the generated ones.
// ea - linear address
// n - number of posterior additioal line (0..500)
// line - the line to display
// IDA displays additional lines from number 0 up to the first unexisting
// additional line. So, if you specify additional line #150 and there is no
// additional line #149, your line will not be displayed.
void ExtLinB (long ea,long n,char line); // insert an additional line after the generated ones
// Delete an additional anterior line
// ea - linear address
// n - number of anterior additioal line (0..500)
void DelExtLnA (long ea,long n); // delete an additional line before the generated ones
// Delete an additional posterior line
// ea - linear address
// n - number of posterior additioal line (0..500)
void DelExtLnB (long ea,long n); // delete an additional line aftr the generated ones
// Create a jump table (obsolete)
// jumpea - address on instruction that uses the jump table
// tableea - address of jump table
// nitems - number of items in the jump table
// is32bit - 0: table entry is 16 bit
// 1: table entry is 32 bit
success JmpTable (long jmpea,long tableea,long nitems,long is32bit); // define a jump table
// Change value of a program byte
// ea - linear address
// value - new value of the byte
void PatchByte (long ea,long value); // change a byte
// Change value of a program word (2 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// value - new value of the word
void PatchWord (long ea,long value); // change a word (2 bytes)
// Change value of a double word
// ea - linear address
// value - new value of the double word
void PatchDword (long ea,long value); // change a dword (4 bytes)
// Set new value of flags
// This function should not used be used directly if possible.
// It changes properties of a program byte and if misused, may lead to
// very-very strange results.
void SetFlags (long ea,long flags); // change internal flags for ea
// Set value of a segment register.
// ea - linear address
// reg - name of a register, like "cs", "ds", "es", etc.
// value - new value of the segment register.
// IDA keeps tracks of all the points where segment register change their
// values. This function allows you to specify the correct value of a segment
// register if IDA is not able to find the corrent value.
success SetReg (long ea,char reg,long value); // set value of segment register
// Plan to perform an action in the future.
// This function will put your request to a special autoanalysis queue.
// Later IDA will retrieve the request from the queue and process
// it. There are several autoanalysis queue types. IDA will process all
// queries from the first queue and then switch to the second queue, etc.
void AutoMark (long ea,long queuetype); // plan address to analyse
void AutoMark2 (long start,long end,long queuetype);
// plan range of addresses
#define AU_UNK 10 // make unknown
#define AU_CODE 20 // convert to instruction
#define AU_PROC 30 // make function
#define AU_USED 40 // reanalyse
#define AU_LIBF 60 // apply a flirt signature (the current signature!)
#define AU_FINAL 200 // coagulate unexplored items
void WriteMap (char file); // produce a .map file
void WriteTxt (char file,long ea1,long ea2); // produce an .asm file
void WriteExe (char file); // produce an executable file
// Get internal flags
// ea - linear address
// returns: 32-bit value of internal flags. See start of IDC.IDC file
// for explanations.
long GetFlags (long ea); // get internal flags for ea
// Get value of program byte
// ea - linear address
// returns: value of byte. If byte has not a value then returns 0xFF
long Byte (long ea); // get a byte at ea
// Get value of program word (2 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: value of word. If word has not a value then returns 0xFF
long Word (long ea); // get a word (2 bytes) at ea
// Get value of program double word (4 bytes)
// ea - linear address
// returns: value of double word. If double word has not a value
// then returns 0xFF
long Dword (long ea); // get a double-word (4 bytes) at ea
// Get linear address of a name
// name - name of program byte
// returns: address of the name
// BADADDR - no such name
long LocByName (char name); // BADADDR - no such name
// Get segment by segment base
// base - segment base paragraph or selector
// returns: linear address of the start of the segment
// BADADDR - no such segment
long SegByBase (long base); // BADADDR - no such segment
// Get linear address of cursor
long ScreenEA (); // the current screen ea
// Get start address of the selected area
// returns BADADDR - the user has not selected an area
long SelStart (); // the selected area start ea
// BADADDR - no selected area
// Get end address of the selected area
// returns BADADDR - the user has not selected an area
long SelEnd (); // the selected area end ea
// BADADDR - no selected area
// Get value of segment register at the specified address
// ea - linear address
// reg - name of segment register
// returns: value of segment register. The segment registers in 32bit program
// usually contain selectors, so to get paragraph pointed by the segment
// register you need to call AskSelector() function.
long GetReg (long ea,char reg); // get segment register value
// BADADDR - undefined or error
// (selector, use AskSelector() to
// get its mapping)
// Get next addresss in the program
// ea - linear address
// returns: BADADDR - the specified address in the last used address
long NextAddr (long ea); // returns next defined address
// BADADDR if no such address exists
// Get previous addresss in the program
// ea - linear address
// returns: BADADDR - the specified address in the first address
long PrevAddr (long ea); // returns prev defined address
// BADADDR if no such address exists
// Get next defined item (instruction or data) in the program
// ea - linear address
// returns: BADADDR - no (more) defined items
long NextHead (long ea); // returns next defined item address
// BADADDR if no such address exists
// Get previous defined item (instruction or data) in the program
// ea - linear address
// returns: BADADDR - no (more) defined items
long PrevHead (long ea); // returns prev defined item address
// BADADDR if no such address exists
// Get next not-tail address in the program
// This function searches for the next displayable address in the program.
// The tail bytes of instructions and data are not displayable.
// ea - linear address
// returns: BADADDR - no (more) not-tail addresses
long NextNotTail (long ea); // returns next not tail address
// BADADDR if no such address exists
// Get previous not-tail address in the program
// This function searches for the previous displayable address in the program.
// The tail bytes of instructions and data are not displayable.
// ea - linear address
// returns: BADADDR - no (more) not-tail addresses
long PrevNotTail (long ea); // returns prev not tail address
// BADADDR if no such address exists
// Get address of the end of the item (instruction or data)
// ea - linear address
// returns: address past end of the item at 'ea'
long ItemEnd (long ea); // returns address past end of
// the item
// Get size of instruction or data item in bytes
// ea - linear address
// returns: 1..n
long ItemSize (long ea); // returns item size, min answer=1
// Get visible name of program byte
// This function returns name of byte as it is displayed on the screen.
// If a name contains illegal characters, IDA replaces them by the substitution
// character during displaying. See IDA.CFG for the definition of the
// substitution character.
// ea - linear address
// returns: "" - byte has no name
char Name (long ea); // get visible name of the byte
// Get true name of program byte
// This function returns name of byte as is without any replacements.
// ea - linear address
// returns: "" - byte has no name
char GetTrueName (long ea); // get true name of the byte
// Get mnemonics of instruction
// ea - linear address of instruction
// returns: "" - no instruction at the specified location
// note: this function may not return exactly the same mnemonics
// as you see on the screen.
char GetMnem (long ea); // get instruction name
// Get operand of an instruction
// ea - linear address of instruction
// n - number of operand:
// 0 - the first operand
// 1 - the second operand
// returns: the current text representation of operand
char GetOpnd (long ea,long n); // get instruction operand
// n=0 - first operand
// Get type of instruction operand
// ea - linear address of instruction
// n - number of operand:
// 0 - the first operand
// 1 - the second operand
// returns:
// -1 bad operand number passed
// 0 None
// 1 General Register (al,ax,es,ds...)
// 2 Memory Reference
// 3 Base + Index
// 4 Base + Index + Displacement
// 5 Immediate
// 6 Immediate Far Address
// 7 Immediate Near Address
// 8 FPP register
// 9 386 control register
// 10 386 debug register
// 11 386 trace register
// 12 Condition (for Z80)
// 13 bit (8051)
// 14 bitnot (8051)
long GetOpType (long ea,long n); // get operand type
// Get number used in the operand
// This function returns an immediate number used in the operand
// ea - linear address of instruction
// n - number of operand:
// 0 - the first operand
// 1 - the second operand
// If the operand doesn't contain a number, it returns -1.
long GetOperandValue (long ea,long n); // get instruction operand value
// Get anterior comment line
// ea - linear address
// num - number of anterior line (0..100)
char LineA (long ea,long num); // get additional line before generated ones
// Get posterior comment line
// ea - linear address
// num - number of posterior line (0..100)
char LineB (long ea,long num); // get additional line after generated ones
// Get regular indented comment
// ea - linear address
char Comment (long ea); // get comment
// Get repeatable indented comment
// ea - linear address
char RptCmt (long ea); // get repeatable comment
// Get manually entered operand string
// ea - linear address
// n - number of operand:
// 0 - the first operand
// 1 - the second operand
char AltOp (long ea,long n); // get manually entered operand
// The following functions search for the specified byte
// ea - address to start from
// flag |=1 - search forward
// flag |=2 - search case-sensitive (only for FindText)
// return BADADDR - not found
long FindVoid (long ea,long flag);
long FindCode (long ea,long flag);
long FindData (long ea,long flag);
long FindProc (long ea,long flag);
long FindUnexplored (long ea,long flag);
long FindExplored (long ea,long flag);
long FindImmediate (long ea,long flag,long value);
long FindText (long ea,long flag,long y,long x,char str);
// y - number of text line at ea to start from (0..100)
// x - x coordinate in this line
long FindBinary (long ea,long flag,char str);
// str - a string as a user enters it for Search Text in Core
// example: "41 42" - find 2 bytes 41h,42h
// The default radix depends on the current IDP module
// (radix for ibm pc is 16)
// The following functions allow you to set/get common parameters.
long GetLongPrm (long offset);
long GetShortPrm(long offset);
long GetCharPrm (long offset);
success SetLongPrm (long offset,long value);
success SetShortPrm(long offset,long value);
success SetCharPrm (long offset,long value);
// 'offset' may be one of the following:
INF_VERSION // short; Version of database
INF_PROCNAME // char[8]; Name of current processor
INF_LFLAGS // char; IDP-dependent flags
LFLG_PC_FPP // decode floating point processor
// instructions?
LFLG_PC_FLAT // Flat model?
INF_DEMNAMES // char; display demangled names as:
DEMNAM_CMNT // comments
DEMNAM_NAME // regular names
DEMNAM_NONE // don't display
INF_FILETYPE // short; type of input file (see core.hpp)
FT_BIN // Binary File
FT_DRV // MS DOS Driver
FT_WIN // New Executable (NE)
FT_HEX // Intel Hex Object File
FT_MEX // MOS Technology Hex Object File
FT_LX // Linear Executable (LX)
FT_LE // Linear Executable (LE)
FT_NLM // Netware Loadable Module (NLM)
FT_COFF // Common Object File Format (COFF)
FT_PE // Portable Executable (PE)
FT_USER // file is loaded using IDP loader function
FT_OMF // Object Module Format
FT_SREC // R-records
FT_ZIP // ZIP file
FT_OMFLIB // Library of OMF Modules
FT_AR // ar library
FT_LOADER // file is loaded using LOADER DLL
FT_ELF // Executable and Linkable Format (ELF)
FT_W32RUN // Watcom DOS32 Extender (W32RUN)
FT_AOUT // Linux a.out (AOUT)
INF_OSTYPE // short; OS type the program is for
INF_APPTYPE // short; Application type
APPT_CONSOLE // console
APPT_GRAPHIC // graphics
APPT_1THREAD // Singlethread
APPT_MTHREAD // Multithread
APPT_16BIT // 16 bit application
APPT_32BIT // 32 bit application
INF_START_SP // long; SP register value at the start of
// program execution
INF_START_AF // short; Analysis flags:
AF_FIXUP // Create offsets and segments using fixup info
AF_MARKCODE // Mark typical code sequences as code
AF_UNK // Delete instructions with no xrefs
AF_CODE // Trace execution flow
AF_PROC // Create functions if call is present
AF_USED // Analyse and create all xrefs
AF_FLIRT // Use flirt signatures
AF_PROCPTR // Create function if data xref data->code32 exists
AF_JFUNC // Rename jump functions as j_...
AF_NULLSUB // Rename empty functions as nullsub_...
AF_LVAR // Create stack variables
AF_TRACE // Trace stack pointer
AF_ASCII // Create ascii string if data xref exists
AF_IMMOFF // Convert 32bit instruction operand to offset
AF_DREFOFF // Create offset if data xref to seg32 exists
AF_FINAL // Final pass of analysis
INF_START_IP // long; IP register value at the start of
// program execution
INF_BEGIN_EA // long; Linear address of program entry point
INF_MIN_EA // long; The lowest address used
// in the program
INF_MAX_EA // long; The highest address used
// in the program - 1
INF_LOW_OFF // long; low limit of voids
INF_HIGH_OFF // long; high limit of voids
INF_MAXREF // long; max xref depth
INF_ASCII_BREAK // char; ASCII line break symbol
INF_INDENT // char; Indention for instructions
INF_COMMENT // char; Indention for comments
INF_XREFNUM // char; Number of references to generate
// 0 - xrefs won't be generated at all
INF_ENTAB // char; Use '\t' chars in the output file?
INF_VOIDS // char; Display void marks?
INF_SHOWAUTO // char; Display autoanalysis indicator?
INF_AUTO // char; Autoanalysis is enabled?
INF_BORDER // char; Generate borders?
INF_NULL // char; Generate empty lines?
INF_SHOWPREF // char; Show line prefixes?
INF_PREFSEG // char; line prefixes with segment name?
INF_ASMTYPE // char; target assembler number (0..n)
INF_BASEADDR // long; base paragraph of the program
INF_XREFS // char; xrefs representation:
SW_SEGXRF // show segments in xrefs?
SW_XRFMRK // show xref type marks?
SW_XRFFNC // show function offsets?
SW_XRFVAL // show xref values? (otherwise-"...")
INF_BINPREF // short; # of instruction bytes to show
// in line prefix
INF_CMTFLAG // char; comments:
SW_RPTCMT // show repeatable comments?
SW_ALLCMT // comment all lines?
SW_NOCMT // no comments at all
SW_LINNUM // show source line numbers
INF_NAMETYPE // char; dummy names represenation type
INF_SHOWBADS // char; show bad instructions?
// an instruction is bad if it appears
// in the ash.badworks array
INF_PREFFLAG // char; line prefix type:
PREF_SEGADR // show segment addresses?
PREF_FNCOFF // function offsets?
INF_PACKBASE // char; pack database?
INF_ASCIIFLAGS // uchar; ascii flags
ASCF_GEN // generate ASCII names?
ASCF_AUTO // ASCII names have 'autogenerated' bit?
ASCF_SERIAL // generate serial names?
INF_LISTNAMES // uchar; What names should be included in the list?
LN_NORMAL // normal names
LN_PUBLIC // public names
LN_AUTO // autogenerated names
LN_WEAK // weak names
INF_START_SS // long;
INF_START_CS // long;
INF_STRTYPE // ulong; current ascii string type
ASCSTR_TERMCHR// Character-terminated ASCII string
// The termination characters are kept in
// the next bytes of string type
STRTERM1(strtype) ((strtype>>8)&0xFF)
STRTERM2(strtype) ((strtype>>16)&0xFF)
// if the second termination character is
// '\0', then it doesn't exist.
ASCSTR_PASCAL // Pascal-style ASCII string (length byte)
ASCSTR_LEN2 // Pascal-style, length has 2 bytes
ASCSTR_UNICODE// Unicode string
INF_AF2 // ushort;Analysis flags 2
AF2_JUMPTBL // Locate and create jump tables
// Change current processor
// processor - name of processor in short form.
// run 'ida ?' to get list of allowed processor types
success SetPrcsr (char processor); // set processor type
// Set current search direction
// direction: 1 - down
// -1 - up
// returns old value of direction flag
long Direction (long direction);
// Enable/disable batch mode of operation
// batch: 0 - ida will display dialog boxes and wait for the user input
// 1 - ida will not display dialog boxes, warnings, etc.
// returns: old balue of batch flag
long Batch (long batch); // enable/disable batch mode
// returns old value
char AskStr (char defval,char prompt); // ask a string
char AskFile (char mask,char prompt); // ask a file name
long AskAddr (long defval,char prompt); // BADADDR - no or bad input
long AskSeg (long defval,char prompt); // BADADDR - no or bad input
char AskIdent (char defval,char prompt);
long AskYN (long defval,char prompt); // -1:cancel,0-no,1-ok
void Message (char format,...); // show a message in msg window
void Warning (char format,...); // show a warning a dialog box
void Fatal (char format,...); // exit IDA immediately
** get a selector value
arguments: sel - the selector
returns: selector value if found
otherwise the input value (sel)
note: selector values are always in paragraphs
long AskSelector (long sel); // returns paragraph
** find a selector which has the specifed value
arguments: val - value to search for
returns: selector if found
otherwise the input value (val)
note: selector values are always in paragraphs
long FindSelector (long val);
** set a selector value
arguments: sel - the selector, should be
less than 0xFFFF
val - new value of selector
returns: nothing
note: ida supports up to 64 selectors.
if 'sel' == 'val' then the
selector is destroyed because
it has no importance
void SetSelector (long sel,long value);
** delete a selector
arguments: sel - the selector to delete
returns: nothing
note: if the selector is found, it will
be deleted
void DelSelector (long sel);
// Get first segment
// returns: linear address of the start of the first segment
// BADADDR - no segments are defined
long FirstSeg (); // returns start of the first
// segment, BADADDR - no segments
// Get next segment
// ea - linear address
// returns: start of the next segment
// BADADDR - no next segment
long NextSeg (long ea); // returns start of the next
// segment, BADADDR - no more segs
// Get start address of a segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// returns: start of segment
// BADADDR - the specified address doesn't belong to any segment
long SegStart (long ea); // returns start of the segment
// BADADDR if bad address passed
// Get end address of a segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// returns: end of segment (an address past end of the segment)
// BADADDR - the specified address doesn't belong to any segment
long SegEnd (long ea); // return end of the segment
// this address doesn't belong
// to the segment
// BADADDR if bad address passed
// Get name of a segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// returns: "" - no segment at the specified address
char SegName (long ea); // returns name of the segment
// "" if bad address passed
// Create a new segment
// startea - linear address of the start of the segment
// endea - linear address of the end of the segment
// this address will not belong to the segment
// 'endea' should be higher than 'startea'
// base - base paragraph or selector of the segment.
// a paragraph is 16byte memory chunk.
// If a selector value is specified, the selector should be
// already defined.
// use32 - 0: 16bit segment, 1: 32bit segment
// align - segment alignment. see below for alignment values
// comb - segment combination. see below for combination values.
// returns: 0-failed, 1-ok
success SegCreate(long startea,long endea,long base,
long use32,long align,long comb);
// Delete a segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// disable - 1: discard all bytes of the segment from the disassembled text
// 0: retain byte values
success SegDelete (long ea,long disable);
// Change segment boundaries
// ea - any address in the segment
// startea - new start address of the segment
// endea - new end address of the segment
// disable - discard bytes that go out of the segment
success SegBounds (long ea,long startea,long endea,long disable);
// Change name of the segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// name - new name of the segment
success SegRename (long ea,char name);
// Change class of the segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// class - new class of the segment
success SegClass (long ea,char class);
// Change alignment of the segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// align - new alignment of the segment
success SegAlign (long ea,long alignment);
#define saAbs 0 // Absolute segment.
#define saRelByte 1 // Relocatable, byte aligned.
#define saRelWord 2 // Relocatable, word (2-byte, 16-bit) aligned.
#define saRelPara 3 // Relocatable, paragraph (16-byte) aligned.
#define saRelPage 4 // Relocatable, aligned on 256-byte boundary (a "page"
// in the original Intel specification).
#define saRelDble 5 // Relocatable, aligned on a double word (4-byte)
// boundary. This value is used by the PharLap OMF for
// the same alignment.
#define saRel4K 6 // This value is used by the PharLap OMF for page (4K)
// alignment. It is not supported by LINK.
#define saGroup 7 // Segment group
#define saRel32Bytes 8 // 32 bytes
#define saRel64Bytes 9 // 64 bytes
#define saRelQword 10 // 8 bytes
// Change combination of the segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// comb - new combination of the segment
success SegComb (long segea,long comb);
#define scPriv 0 // Private. Do not combine with any other program
// segment.
#define scPub 2 // Public. Combine by appending at an offset that meets
// the alignment requirement.
#define scPub2 4 // As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
#define scStack 5 // Stack. Combine as for C=2. This combine type forces
// byte alignment.
#define scCommon 6 // Common. Combine by overlay using maximum size.
#define scPub3 7 // As defined by Microsoft, same as C=2 (public).
// Change segment addressing
// ea - any address in the segment
// use32 - 0: 16bit, 1: 32bit
success SegAddrng (long ea,long use32);
// Get segment by name
// segname - name of segment
// returns: segment base address or BADADDR
long SegByName (char segname); // returns segment base
// Set default segment register value for a segment
// ea - any address in the segment
// reg - name of segment register
// value - default value of segment register. -1-undefined.
success SegDefReg (long ea,char reg,long value);
** set segment type
arguments: segea - any address within segment
type - new segment type:
#define SEG_NORM 0
#define SEG_XTRN 1 // * segment with 'extern' definitions
// no instructions are allowed
#define SEG_CODE 2 // pure code segment
#define SEG_DATA 3 // pure data segment
#define SEG_IMP 4 // implementation segment
#define SEG_GRP 6 // * group of segments
// no instructions are allowed
#define SEG_NULL 7 // zero-length segment
#define SEG_UNDF 8 // undefined segment type
#define SEG_BSS 9 // uninitialized segment
#define SEG_ABSSYM 10 // * segment with definitions of absolute symbols
// no instructions are allowed
#define SEG_COMM 11 // * segment with communal definitions
// no instructions are allowed
returns: !=0 - ok
success SetSegmentType (long segea,long type);
** get segment attribute
arguments: segea - any address within segment
long GetSegmentAttr (long segea,long attr);
#define SEGATTR_ALIGN 20 // alignment
#define SEGATTR_COMB 21 // combination
#define SEGATTR_PERM 22 // permissions
#define SEGATTR_USE32 23 // use32 (32-bit segment?)
#define SEGATTR_FLAGS 24 // segment flags
#define SEGATTR_SEL 26 // segment selector
#define SEGATTR_DEF_ES 28 // default ES value
#define SEGATTR_DEF_CS 30 // default CS value
#define SEGATTR_DEF_SS 32 // default SS value
#define SEGATTR_DEF_DS 34 // default DS value
#define SEGATTR_DEF_FS 36 // default FS value
#define SEGATTR_DEF_GS 38 // default GS value
#define SEGATTR_TYPE 40 // segment type
// Flow types:
#define fl_CF 16 // Call Far
#define fl_CN 17 // Call Near
#define fl_JF 18 // Jump Far
#define fl_JN 19 // Jump Near
#define fl_US 20 // User specified
#define fl_F 21 // Ordinary flow
// Mark exec flow 'from' 'to'
void AddCodeXref(long From,long To,long flowtype);
long DelCodeXref(long From,long To,int undef);// Unmark exec flow 'from' 'to'
// undef - make 'To' undefined if no
// more references to it
// returns 1 - planned to be
// made undefined
// The following functions include the ordinary flows:
long Rfirst (long From); // Get first xref from 'From'
long Rnext (long From,long current);// Get next xref from
long RfirstB (long To); // Get first xref to 'To'
long RnextB (long To,long current); // Get next xref to 'To'
// The following functions don't take into account the ordinary flows:
long Rfirst0 (long From);
long Rnext0 (long From,long current);
long RfirstB0(long To);
long RnextB0 (long To,long current);
// Data reference types:
#define dr_O 1 // Offset
#define dr_W 2 // Write
#define dr_R 3 // Read
#define dr_T 4 // Text (names in manual operands)
void add_dref(long From,long To,long drefType); // Create Data Ref
void del_dref(long From,long To); // Unmark Data Ref
long Dfirst (long From); // Get first refered address
long Dnext (long From,long current);
long DfirstB (long To); // Get first referee address
long DnextB (long To,long current);
long XrefType(void); // returns type of the last xref
// obtained by [RD]first/next[B0]
// functions. Return values
// are fl_... or dr_...
// set number of displayed xrefs
#define XrefShow(x) SetCharPrm(INF_XREFNUM,x)
** open a file
arguments: similiar to C fopen()
returns: 0 -error
otherwise a file handle
long fopen (char file,char mode);
** close a file
arguments: file handle
returns: nothing
void fclose (long handle);
** get file length
arguments: file handle
returns: -1 - error
otherwise file length in bytes
long filelength (long handle);
** set cursor position in the file
arguments: handle - file handle
offset - offset from origin
origin - 0 = from start of file
1 = from current cursor position
2 = from end of file
returns: 0 - ok
otherwise error
long fseek (long handle,long offset,long origin);
** get cursor position in the file
arguments: file handle
returns: -1 - error
otherwise current cursor position
long ftell (long handle);
** load file into IDA database
arguments: handle - file handle
pos - position in the file
ea - linear address to load
size - number of bytes to load
returns: 0 - error
1 - ok
success loadfile (long handle,long pos,long ea,long size);
** save from IDA database to file
arguments: handle - file handle
pos - position in the file
ea - linear address to save from
size - number of bytes to save
returns: 0 - error
1 - ok
success savefile (long handle,long pos,long ea,long size);
** read one byte from file
arguments: handle - file handle
returns: -1 - error
otherwise a byte read.
long fgetc (long handle);
** write one byte to file
arguments: handle - file handle
byte - byte to write
returns: 0 - ok
-1 - error
long fputc (long byte,long handle);
** fprintf
arguments: handle - file handle
format - format string
returns: 0 - ok
-1 - error
long fprintf (long handle,char format,...);
** read 2 bytes from file
arguments: handle - file hanlde
mostfirst 0 - least significant byte is first (intel)
1 - most significant byte is first
returns: -1 - error
otherwise: a 16-bit value
long readshort (long handle,long mostfirst);
** read 4 bytes from file
arguments: handle - file hanlde
mostfirst 0 - least significant byte is first (intel)
1 - most significant byte is first
returns: a 32-bit value
long readlong (long handle,long mostfirst);
** write 2 bytes to file
arguments: handle - file hanlde
word - a 16-bit value to write
mostfirst 0 - least significant byte is first (intel)
1 - most significant byte is first
returns: 0 - ok
long writeshort (long handle,long word,long mostfirst);
** write 4 bytes to file
arguments: handle - file hanlde
dword - a 32-bit value to write
mostfirst 0 - least significant byte is first (intel)
1 - most significant byte is first
returns: 0 - ok
long writelong (long handle,long dword,long mostfirst);
** read a string from file
arguments: handle - file hanlde
returns: a string
on EOF, returns -1
char readstr (long handle);
** write a string to file
arguments: handle - file hanlde
str - string to write
returns: 0 - ok
long writestr (long handle,char str);
** create a function
arguments: start,end - function bounds
returns: !=0 - ok
success MakeFunction(long start,long end);
** delete a function
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: !=0 - ok
success DelFunction(long ea);
** change function end address
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
end - new function end address
returns: !=0 - ok
success SetFunctionEnd(long ea,long end);
** find next function
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: -1 - no more functions
otherwise returns the next function start address
long NextFunction(long ea);
** find previous function
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: -1 - no more functions
otherwise returns the previous function start address
long PrevFunction(long ea)
** retrieve function flags
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: -1 - function doesn't exist
otherwise returns the flags:
#define FUNC_NORET 0x00000001L // function doesn't return
#define FUNC_FAR 0x00000002L // far function
#define FUNC_LIB 0x00000004L // library function
#define FUNC_STATIC 0x00000008L // static function
long GetFunctionFlags(long ea);
** change function flags
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
flags - see GetFunctionFlags() for explanations
returns: !=0 - ok
success SetFunctionFlags(long ea,long flags);
** retrieve function name
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: null string - function doesn't exist
otherwise returns function name
char GetFunctionName(long ea);
** ask the user to select a function
arguments: title - title of the dialog box
returns: -1 - user refused to select a function
otherwise returns the selected function start address
long ChooseFunction(char title);
** convert address to 'funcname+offset' string
arguments: ea - address to convert
returns: if the address belongs to a function then
return a string formed as 'name+offset'
where 'name' is a function name
'offset' is offset within the function
return null string
char GetFuncOffset(long ea);
** Determine a new function boundaries
arguments: ea - starting address of a new function
returns: if a function already exists, then return
its end address.
if a function end cannot be determined,
the return BADADDR
otherwise return the end address of the new function
long FindFuncEnd(long ea);
** Get ID of function frame structure
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: ID of function frame or -1
In order to access stack variables you need to use
structure member manipulaion functions with the
obtained ID.
If the function does't exist, return -1
long GetFrame(long ea);
** Get size of local variables in function frame
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: Size of local variables in bytes.
If the function doesn't have a frame, return 0
If the function does't exist, return -1
long GetFrameLvarSize(long ea);
** Get size of saved registers in function frame
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: Size of saved registers in bytes.
If the function doesn't have a frame, return 0
This value is used as offset for BP
(if FUNC_FRAME is set)
If the function does't exist, return -1
long GetFrameRegsSize(long ea);
** Get size of arguments in function frame
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: Size of function arguments in bytes.
If the function doesn't have a frame, return 0
If the function does't exist, return -1
long GetFrameArgsSize(long ea);
** Get full size of function frame
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
returns: Size of function frame in bytes.
This function takes into account size of local
variables + size of saved registers + size of
return address + size of function arguments
If the function doesn't have a frame, return size of
function return address in the stack.
If the function does't exist, return 0
long GetFrameSize(long ea);
** Make function frame
arguments: ea - any address belonging to the function
lvsize - size of function local variables
frregs - size of saved registers
argsize - size of function arguments
returns: ID of function frame or -1
If the function did not have a frame, the frame
will be created. Otherwise the frame will be
long MakeFrame(long ea,long lvsize,long frregs,long argsize);
** Get current delta for the stack pointer
arguments: ea - address of the instruction
returns: The difference between the original SP upon
entering the function and SP for
the specified address
long GetSpd(long ea);
** Get modification of SP made by the current instruction
arguments: ea - address of the instruction
returns: Get modification of SP made at the specified location
If the specified location doesn't contain a SP
change point, return 0
Otherwise return delta of SP modification
long GetSpDiff(long ea);
** Setup modification of SP made by the current instruction
arguments: ea - address of the instruction
delta - the difference made by the current
returns: 1-ok, 0-failed
success SetSpDiff(long ea,long delta);
** retrieve number of entry points
arguments: none
returns: number of entry points
long GetEntryPointQty(void);
** add entry point
arguments: ordinal - entry point number
if entry point doesn't have an ordinal
number, 'ordinal' should be equal to 'ea'
ea - address of the entry point
name - name of the entry point. If null string,
the entry point won't be renamed.
makecode - if 1 then this entry point is a start
of a function. Otherwise it denotes data
returns: 0 - entry point with the specifed ordinal already
1 - ok
success AddEntryPoint(long ordinal,long ea,char name,long makecode);
** retrieve entry point ordinal number
arguments: index - 0..GetEntryPointQty()-1
returns: 0 if entry point doesn't exist
otherwise entry point ordinal
long GetEntryOrdinal(long index);
** retrieve entry point address
arguments: ordinal - entry point number
it is returned by GetEntryPointOrdinal()
returns: -1 if entry point doesn't exist
otherwise entry point address.
If entry point address is equal to its ordinal
number, then the entry point has no ordinal.
long GetEntryPoint(long ordinal);
** rename entry point
arguments: ordinal - entry point number
name - new name
returns: !=0 - ok
success RenameEntryPoint(long ordinal,char name);
** find next address with fixup information
arguments: ea - current address
returns: -1 - no more fixups
otherwise returns the next address with
fixup information
long GetNextFixupEA(long ea);
** find previous address with fixup information
arguments: ea - current address
returns: -1 - no more fixups
otherwise returns the previous address with
fixup information
long GetPrevFixupEA(long ea);
** get fixup target type
arguments: ea - address to get information about
returns: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
otherwise returns fixup target type:
#define FIXUP_MASK 0x7 // mask for fixup types:
#define FIXUP_BYTE 0 // Low-order byte (8-bit displacement or
// low byte of 16-bit offset).
#define FIXUP_OFF16 1 // 16-bit offset.
#define FIXUP_SEG16 2 // 16-bit base--logical segment base
// (selector).
#define FIXUP_PTR32 3 // 32-bit long pointer (16-bit base:16-bit
// offset).
#define FIXUP_OFF32 4 // 32-bit offset.
#define FIXUP_PTR48 5 // 48-bit pointer (16-bit base:32-bit offset)
#define FIXUP_HI8 6 // high 8 bits of 16bit offset
#define FIXUP_REL 0x08 // fixup is relative to linear address
// specified in...?
#define FIXUP_SELFREL 0x10 // self-relative?
#define FIXUP_EXTDEF 0x20 // target is a location (otherwise - segment)
#define FIXUP_UNUSED 0x40 // fixup is ignored by IDA
long GetFixupTgtType(long ea);
** get fixup target selector
arguments: ea - address to get information about
returns: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
otherwise returns fixup target selector
long GetFixupTgtSel(long ea);
** get fixup target offset
arguments: ea - address to get information about
returns: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
otherwise returns fixup target offset
long GetFixupTgtOff(long ea);
** get fixup target displacement
arguments: ea - address to get information about
returns: -1 - no fixup at the specified address
otherwise returns fixup target displacement
long GetFixupTgtDispl(long ea);
** set fixup information
arguments: ea - address to set fixup information about
type - fixup type. see GetFixupTgtType()
for possible fixup types.
targetsel - target selector
targetoff - target offset
displ - displacement
returns: none
void SetFixup(long ea,long type,long targetsel,long targetoff,long displ);
** delete fixup information
arguments: ea - address to delete fixup information about
returns: none
void DelFixup(long ea);
** mark position
arguments: ea - address to mark
lnnum - number of generated line for the 'ea'
x - x coordinate of cursor
y - y coordinate of cursor
slot - slot number: 1..20
if the specifed value is not within the
range, IDA will ask the user to select slot.
comment - description of the mark.
Should be not empty.
returns: none
void MarkPosition(long ea,long lnnum,long x,long y,long slot,char comment);
** get marked position
arguments: slot - slot number: 1..20
if the specifed value is <= 0
range, IDA will ask the user to select slot.
returns: -1 - the slot doesn't contain a marked address
otherwise returns the marked address
long GetMarkedPos(long slot);
** get marked position comment
arguments: slot - slot number: 1..20
returns: null string if the slot doesn't contain
a marked address
otherwise returns the marked address comment
char GetMarkComment(long slot);
** get number of defined structure types
arguments: none
returns: number of structure types
long GetStrucQty(void);
** get index of first structure type
arguments: none
returns: -1 if no structure type is defined
index of first structure type.
Each structure type has an index and ID.
INDEX determines position of structure definition
in the list of structure definitions. Index 1
is listed first, after index 2 and so on.
The index of a structure type can be changed any
time, leading to movement of the structure definition
in the list of structure definitions.
ID uniquely denotes a structure type. A structure
gets a unique ID at the creation time and this ID
can't be changed. Even when the structure type gets
deleted, its ID won't be resued in the future.
long GetFirstStrucIdx(void);
** get index of last structure type
arguments: none
returns: -1 if no structure type is defined
index of last structure type.
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
long GetLastStrucIdx(void);
** get index of next structure type
arguments: current structure index
returns: -1 if no (more) structure type is defined
index of the next structure type.
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
long GetNextStrucIdx(long index);
** get index of previous structure type
arguments: current structure index
returns: -1 if no (more) structure type is defined
index of the presiouvs structure type.
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
long GetPrevStrucIdx(long index);
** get structure index by structure ID
arguments: structure ID
returns: -1 if bad structure ID is passed
otherwise returns structure index.
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
long GetStrucIdx(long id);
** get structure ID by structure index
arguments: structure index
returns: -1 if bad structure index is passed
otherwise returns structure ID.
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
long GetStrucId(long index);
** get structure ID by structure name
arguments: structure type name
returns: -1 if bad structure type name is passed
otherwise returns structure ID.
long GetStrucIdByName(char name);
** get structure type name
arguments: structure type ID
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
otherwise returns structure type name.
char GetStrucName(long id);
** get structure type comment
arguments: id - structure type ID
repeatable - 1: get repeatable comment
0: get regular comment
returns: null string if bad structure type ID is passed
otherwise returns comment.
char GetStrucComment(long id,long repeatable);
** get size of a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
otherwise returns size of structure in bytes.
long GetStrucSize(long id);
** get number of members of a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
otherwise returns number of members.
long GetMemberQty(long id);
** get previous offset in a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
offset - current offset
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no (more) offsets in the structure
otherwise returns previous offset in a structure.
NOTE: IDA allows 'holes' between members of a
structure. It treats these 'holes'
as unnamed arrays of bytes.
This function returns a member offset or a hole offset.
It will return size of the structure if input
'offset' is bigger than the structure size.
long GetStrucPrevOff(long id,long offset);
** get next offset in a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
offset - current offset
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no (more) offsets in the structure
otherwise returns next offset in a structure.
NOTE: IDA allows 'holes' between members of a
structure. It treats these 'holes'
as unnamed arrays of bytes.
This function returns a member offset or a hole offset.
It will return size of the structure if input
'offset' belongs to the last member of the structure.
long GetStrucNextOff(long id,long offset);
** get offset of the first member of a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or structure has no members
otherwise returns offset of the first member.
NOTE: IDA allows 'holes' between members of a
structure. It treats these 'holes'
as unnamed arrays of bytes.
long GetFirstMember(long id);
** get offset of the last member of a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or structure has no members
otherwise returns offset of the last member.
NOTE: IDA allows 'holes' between members of a
structure. It treats these 'holes'
as unnamed arrays of bytes.
long GetLastMember(long id);
** get offset of a member of a structure by the member name
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_name - name of structure member
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no such member in the structure
otherwise returns offset of the specified member.
long GetMemberOffset(long id,char member_name);
** get name of a member of a structure
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - member offset. The offset can be
any offset in the member. For example,
is a member is 4 bytes long and starts
at offset 2, then 2,3,4,5 denote
the same structure member.
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no such member in the structure
otherwise returns name of the specified member.
char GetMemberName(long id,long member_offset);
** get comment of a member
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - member offset. The offset can be
any offset in the member. For example,
is a member is 4 bytes long and starts
at offset 2, then 2,3,4,5 denote
the same structure member.
repeatable - 1: get repeatable comment
0: get regular comment
returns: null string if bad structure type ID is passed
or no such member in the structure
otherwise returns comment of the specified member.
char GetMemberComment(long id,long member_offset,long repeatable);
** get size of a member
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - member offset. The offset can be
any offset in the member. For example,
is a member is 4 bytes long and starts
at offset 2, then 2,3,4,5 denote
the same structure member.
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no such member in the structure
otherwise returns size of the specified
member in bytes.
long GetMemberSize(long id,long member_offset);
** get type of a member
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - member offset. The offset can be
any offset in the member. For example,
is a member is 4 bytes long and starts
at offset 2, then 2,3,4,5 denote
the same structure member.
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no such member in the structure
otherwise returns type of the member, see bit
definitions above. If the member type is a structure
then function GetMemberStrid() should be used to
get the structure type id.
long GetMemberFlag(long id,long member_offset);
** get structure id of a member
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - member offset. The offset can be
any offset in the member. For example,
is a member is 4 bytes long and starts
at offset 2, then 2,3,4,5 denote
the same structure member.
returns: -1 if bad structure type ID is passed
or no such member in the structure
otherwise returns structure id of the member.
If the current member is not a structure, returns -1.
long GetMemberStrId(long id,long member_offset);
** define a new structure type
arguments: index - index of new structure type
If another structure has the specified index,
then index of that structure and all other
structures will be increentedfreeing the specifed
index. If index is == -1, then the biggest index
number will be used.
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
name - name of the new structure type.
returns: -1 if can't define structure type because of
bad structure name: the name is ill-formed or is
already used in the program.
otherwise returns ID of the new structure type
long AddStruc(long index,char name);
** delete a structure type
arguments: id - structure type ID
returns: 0 if bad structure type ID is passed
1 otherwise the structure type is deleted. All data
and other structure types referencing to the
deleted structure type will be displayed as array
of bytes.
success DelStruc(long id);
** change structure index
arguments: id - structure type ID
index - new index of the structure
See GetFirstStrucIdx() for the explanation of
structure indices and IDs.
returns: !=0 - ok
long SetStrucIdx(long id,long index);
** change structure name
arguments: id - structure type ID
name - new name of the structure
returns: !=0 - ok
long SetStrucName(long id,char name);
** change structure comment
arguments: id - structure type ID
comment - new comment of the structure
repeatable - 1: change repeatable comment
0: change regular comment
returns: !=0 - ok
long SetStrucComment(long id,char comment,long repeatable);
** add structure member
arguments: id - structure type ID
name - name of the new member
offset - offset of the new member
flag - type of the new member. Should be one of
FF_BYTE..FF_PACKREAL (see above)
combined with FF_DATA
typeid - structure id if 'flag' == FF_STRU
Denotes type of the member is the member
itself is a structure. Otherwise should be
if isOff0(flag) then typeid specifies
the offset base.
if isASCII(flag) then typeid specifies
the string type (ASCSTR_...).
nitems - number of items in the new member
returns: 0 - ok, otherwise error code:
#define STRUC_ERROR_MEMBER_NAME 1 // already have member with this name (bad name)
#define STRUC_ERROR_MEMBER_OFFSET 2 // already have member at this offset
#define STRUC_ERROR_MEMBER_SIZE 3 // bad number of items or bad sizeof(type)
long AddStrucMember(long id,char name,long offset,long flag,
long typeid,long nitems);
** delete structure member
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - offset of the member
returns: !=0 - ok.
NOTE: IDA allows 'holes' between members of a
structure. It treats these 'holes'
as unnamed arrays of bytes.
long DelStrucMember(long id,long member_offset);
** change structure member name
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - offset of the member
name - new name of the member
returns: !=0 - ok.
long SetMemberName(long id,long member_offset,char name);
** change structure member type
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - offset of the member
flag - new type of the member. Should be one of
FF_BYTE..FF_PACKREAL (see above)
combined with FF_DATA
typeid - structure id if 'flag' == FF_STRU
Denotes type of the member is the member
itself is a structure. Otherwise should be
if isOff0(flag) then typeid specifies
the offset base.
if isASCII(flag) then typeid specifies
the string type (ASCSTR_...).
nitems - number of items in the member
returns: !=0 - ok.
long SetMemberType(long id,long member_offset,long flag,long typeid,long nitems);
** change structure member comment
arguments: id - structure type ID
member_offset - offset of the member
comment - new comment of the structure member
repeatable - 1: change repeatable comment
0: change regular comment
returns: !=0 - ok
long SetMemberComment(long id,long member_offset,char comment,long repeatable);
** get number of enum types
arguments: none
returns: number of enumerations
long GetEnumQty(void);
** get ID of the specified enum by its serial number
arguments: idx - number of enum (0..GetEnumQty()-1)
returns: ID of enum or -1 if error
long GetnEnum(long idx);
** get serial number of enum by its ID
arguments: enum_id - ID of enum
returns: (0..GetEnumQty()-1) or -1 if error
long GetEnumIdx(long enum_id);
** get enum ID by the name of enum
arguments: name - name of enum
returns: ID of enum or -1 if no such enum exists
long GetEnum(char name);
** get name of enum
arguments: enum_id - ID of enum
returns: name of enum or empty string
char GetEnumName(long enum_id);
** get comment of enum
arguments: enum_id - ID of enum
repeatable - 0:get regular comment
1:get repeatable comment
returns: comment of enum
char GetEnumCmt(long enum_id,long repeatable);
** get size of enum
arguments: enum_id - ID of enum
returns: number of constants in the enum
Returns 0 if enum_id is bad.
long GetEnumSize(long enum_id);
** get flag of enum
arguments: enum_id - ID of enum
returns: flags of enum. These flags determine representation
of numeric constants (binary,octal,decimal,hex)
in the enum definition. See start of this file for
more information about flags.
Returns 0 if enum_id is bad.
long GetEnumFlag(long enum_id);
** get member of enum - a symbolic constant ID
arguments: name - name of symbolic constant
returns: ID of constant or -1
long GetConstByName(char name);
** get value of symbolic constant
arguments: const_id - id of symbolic constant
returns: value of constant or 0
long GetConstValue(long const_id);
** get id of enum by id of constant
arguments: const_id - id of symbolic constant
returns: id of enum the constant belongs to.
-1 if const_id is bad.
long GetConstEnum(long const_id);
** get id of constant
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
value - value of constant
returns: id of constant or -1 if error
long GetConst(long enum_id,long value);
** get first constant in the enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
returns: value of constant or -1 no constants are defined
All constants are sorted by their values
as unsigned longs.
long GetFirstConst(long enum_id);
** get last constant in the enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
returns: value of constant or -1 no constants are defined
All constants are sorted by their values
as unsigned longs.
long GetLastConst(long enum_id);
** get next constant in the enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
value - value of the current constant
returns: value of a constant with value higher than the specified
value. -1 no such constants exist.
All constants are sorted by their values
as unsigned longs.
long GetNextConst(long enum_id,long value);
** get prev constant in the enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
value - value of the current constant
returns: value of a constant with value lower than the specified
value. -1 no such constants exist.
All constants are sorted by their values
as unsigned longs.
long GetPrevConst(long enum_id,long value);
** get name of a constant
arguments: const_id - id of const
returns: name of constant
char GetConstName(long const_id);
** get comment of a constant
arguments: const_id - id of const
repeatable - 0:get regular comment
1:get repeatable comment
returns: comment string
char GetConstCmt(long const_id,long repeatable);
** add a new enum type
arguments: idx - serial number of the new enum.
If another enum with the same serial number
exists, then all enums with serial
numbers >= the specified idx get their
serial numbers incremented (in other words,
the new enum is put in the middle of the list
of enums).
If idx >= GetEnumQty() then the new enum is
created at the end of the list of enums.
name - name of the enum.
flag - flags for representation of numeric constants
in the definition of enum.
returns: id of new enum or -1.
long AddEnum(long idx,char name,long flag);
** delete enum type
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
void DelEnum(long enum_id);
** give another serial number to a enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
idx - new serial number.
If another enum with the same serial number
exists, then all enums with serial
numbers >= the specified idx get their
serial numbers incremented (in other words,
the new enum is put in the middle of the list
of enums).
If idx >= GetEnumQty() then the enum is
moved to the end of the list of enums.
returns: comment string
success SetEnumIdx(long enum_id,long idx);
** rename enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
name - new name of enum
returns: 1-ok,0-failed
success SetEnumName(long enum_id,char name);
** set comment of enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
cmt - new comment for the enum
repeatable - 0:set regular comment
1:set repeatable comment
returns: 1-ok,0-failed
success SetEnumCmt(long enum_id,char cmt,long repeatable);
** set flag of enum
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
flag - flags for representation of numeric constants
in the definition of enum.
returns: 1-ok,0-failed
success SetEnumFlag(long enum_id,long flag);
** add a member of enum - a symbolic constant
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
name - name of symbolic constant. Must be unique
in the program.
value - value of symbolic constant.
returns: 0-ok, otherwise error code:
#define CONST_ERROR_NAME 1 // already have member with this name (bad name)
#define CONST_ERROR_VALUE 2 // already have member with this value
#define CONST_ERROR_ENUM 3 // bad enum id
long AddConst(long enum_id,char name,long value);
** delete a member of enum - a symbolic constant
arguments: enum_id - id of enum
value - value of symbolic constant.
returns: 1-ok,0-failed
success DelConst(long enum_id,long value);
** rename a member of enum - a symbolic constant
arguments: const_id - id of const
name - new name of constant
returns: 1-ok,0-failed
success SetConstName(long const_id,char name);
** set a comment of a symbolic constant
arguments: const_id - id of const
cmt - new comment for the constant
repeatable - 0:set regular comment
1:set repeatable comment
returns: 1-ok,0-failed
success SetConstCmt(long const_id,char cmt,long repeatable);
The arrays are virtual. IDA allocates space for and keeps only the specified
elements of an array. Array index is 32-bit long. Actually, each array
may keep a set of strings and a set of long(32bit) values.
** create array
arguments: name - name of array. There are no restrictions
on the name (its length should be less than
120 characters, though)
returns: -1 - can't create array (it already exists)
otherwise returns id of the array
long CreateArray(char name);
** get array id by its name
arguments: name - name of existing array.
returns: -1 - no such array
otherwise returns id of the array
long GetArrayId(char name);
** rename array
arguments: id - array id returned by CreateArray() or
newname - new name of array. There are no
restrictions on the name (its length should
be less than 120 characters, though)
returns: 1-ok, 0-failed
success RenameArray(long id,char newname);
** delete array
This function deletes all elements of the array.
arguments: id - array id
void DeleteArray(long id);
** set 32bit value of array element
arguments: id - array id
idx - index of an element
value - 32bit value to store in the array
returns: 1-ok, 0-failed
success SetArrayLong(long id,long idx,long value);
** set string value of array element
arguments: id - array id
idx - index of an element
str - string to store in array element
returns: 1-ok, 0-failed
success SetArrayString(long id,long idx,char str);
** get value of array element
arguments: tag - tag of array, specifies one of two
array types:
#define AR_LONG 'A' // array of longs
#define AR_STR 'S' // array of strings
id - array id
idx - index of an element
returns: value of the specified array element.
note that this function may return char or long
result. Unexistent array elements give zero as
a result.
char or long GetArrayElement(long tag,long id,long idx);
** delete an array element
arguments: tag - tag of array (AR_LONG or AR_STR)
id - array id
idx - index of an element
returns: 1-ok, 0-failed
success DelArrayElement(long tag,long id,long idx);
** get index of the first existing array element
arguments: tag - tag of array (AR_LONG or AR_STR)
id - array id
returns: -1 - array is empty
otherwise returns index of the first array element
long GetFirstIndex(long tag,long id);
** get index of the last existing array element
arguments: tag - tag of array (AR_LONG or AR_STR)
id - array id
returns: -1 - array is empty
otherwise returns index of the last array element
long GetLastIndex(long tag,long id);
** get index of the next existing array element
arguments: tag - tag of array (AR_LONG or AR_STR)
id - array id
idx - index of the current element
returns: -1 - no more array elements
otherwise returns index of the next array element
long GetNextIndex(long tag,long id,long idx);
** get index of the previous existing array element
arguments: tag - tag of array (AR_LONG or AR_STR)
id - array id
idx - index of the current element
returns: -1 - no more array elements
otherwise returns index of the previous array element
long GetPrevIndex(long tag,long id,long idx);
IDA can keep information about source files used to create the program.
Each source file is represented by a range of addresses.
A source file may contains several address ranges.
** Mark a range of address as belonging to a source file
An address range may belong only to one source file.
A source file may be represented by several address ranges.
ea1 - linear address of start of the address range
ea2 - linear address of end of the address range
filename- name of source file.
returns: 1-ok, 0-failed.
success AddSourceFile(long ea1,ulong ea2,char filename);
** Get name of source file occupying the given address
ea - linear address
returns: NULL - source file information is not found
otherwise returns pointer to file name
char GetSourceFile(long ea);
** Delete information about the source file
ea - linear address belonging to the source file
returns: NULL - source file information is not found
otherwise returns pointer to file name
success DelSourceFile(long ea);
** set source line number
arguments: ea - linear address
lnnum - number of line in the source file
returns: nothing
void SetLineNumber(long ea,long lnnum);
** get source line number
arguments: ea - linear address
returns: number of line in the source file or -1
long GetLineNumber(long ea);
** delete information about source line number
arguments: ea - linear address
returns: nothing
void DelLineNumber(long ea);
Convenience function.
See Set..() functions for bit definitions.
StringStp(x) SetCharPrm(INF_ASCII_BREAK,x)
LowVoids(x) SetLongPrm(INF_LOW_OFF,x)
HighVoids(x) SetLongPrm(INF_HIGH_OFF,x)
TailDepth(x) SetLongPrm(INF_MAXREF,x)
Analysis(x) SetCharPrm(INF_AUTO,x)
Tabs(x) SetCharPrm(INF_ENTAB,x)
Comments(x) SetCharPrm(INF_CMTFLAG,((x)
Voids(x) SetCharPrm(INF_VOIDS,x)
Indent(x) SetCharPrm(INF_INDENT,x)
CmtIndent(x) SetCharPrm(INF_COMMENT,x)
AutoShow(x) SetCharPrm(INF_AUTOSHOW,x)
MinEA() GetLongPrm(INF_MIN_EA)
MaxEA() GetLongPrm(INF_MAX_EA)
BeginEA() GetLongPrm(INF_BEGIN_EA)
set_start_cs(x) SetLongPrm(INF_START_CS,x)
set_start_ip(x) SetLongPrm(INF_START_IP,x)
For the list of built-in functions please click here.
IDC script sample
This is a sample IDC script:
// This file demonstrates how to copy blocks of memory
// using IDC. To use it, press F2 and select this file.
// Once loaded and compiled all IDC functions stay in memory
// so afterwards you can copy blocks simply pressing Shift-F2
// and entering something like:
// memcpy(0x30000,0x20000,0x100);
// This construction copies 0x100 bytes from 0x20000 to 0x30000.
// Also, you can delete main() function below.
// When you try to execute this file, you'll get an error:
// can find function 'main', don't pay attention.
// You will get memcpy() function in the memory.
// In this case you should create a segment youself (if nesessary).
static memcpy(to,from,size) {
auto i;
for ( i=0; i < size; i=i+1 ) {
PatchByte( to, Byte(from) );
from = from + 1;
to = to + 1;
static main(void) {
auto from,to,size;
from = 0x10000;
to = 0x20000;
size = 0x100;
if ( SegCreate(to,to+size,to>>4,0,1,2) )
How do I generate FLIRT signature from my own libraries ?
The process is simple if you have installed the FLAIR tools. As an example, we'll use an file called api.lib.
First a pattern file should be created. The command
plb api(.lib) api(.pat)
creates a pattern file whose format is described in our FLIRT paper. Have a look at this file with a text
editor.Then we'll create a signature file with the command
sigmake api(.pat) api(.sig)
and copy the resulting api.sig file in the IDA Pro SIG subdirectory.
How do I apply my own SIGs to the disassembly ?
Open the signature window through the View Menu. Press the INS key. Wait a few seconds until the list of
available signatures is build. Move the cursor on the line containing your sig file and press the ENTER key.
How do I define high level structures ?
See this short tutorial
How do I load debugging information, MAP or SYM files into IDA ?
The following procedure may be used to load debugging information, MAP and SYM files into a
disassembly. This procedure is a temprarory solution, as future versions of IDA will have a built-in support
of debugging information.
Convert debugging information into text using your favorite dumper. (Borland's TDUMP.EXE is a good choice
when dealing with Borland and Microsoft debugging information). Load the text into a text editor and convert it
into IDC script:
static main() {
where addr - address should be replaced be the address of the name and name is string constant. Example:
static main() {
Launch IDA and execute the script by pressing F2 key. The names from the SYM file will appear in the
How do I save a fragment of disassembly ?
Select the area of the disassembly that you want to save and press ALT-F10.
Here is assembler listing of an object file:
; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
; | This file is generated by The Interactive Disassembler (IDA) |
; | Copyright (c) 1997 by DataRescue sprl, <ida@datarescue.com> |
; +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
; Module name : hello2.c
; Translator : Turbo Assembler Version 3.1
; Borland debuginfo: version 3.0
; Borland flags : Optimization 00000000
; This file should be compiled with TASM /ml/m5
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Segment type: Group
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Segment type: Externs
; extn00
extrn _puts:far ; CODE XREF: _main+22P
; snprintf(unsigned int,signed charfar *,signed charfar *,...)
extrn @snprintf$quinzcnxzce:far ; CODE XREF: _main+14P
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Segment type: Pure code
HELLO2_TEXT segment byte public 'CODE' use16
assume cs:HELLO2_TEXT
assume es:nothing, ss:nothing, ds:DGROUP, fs:nothing, gs:nothing
; S u b r o u t i n e
; Attributes: bp-based frame
public _main
_main proc far
var_100 = byte ptr -100h
push bp
mov bp, sp
sub sp, 100h
push ds
push offset aHelloWorld
push ss
lea ax, [bp+var_100]
push ax
push 100h
call @snprintf$quinzcnxzce ; snprintf(uint,signed char *,signed char *,...)
add sp, 0Ah
push ss
lea ax, [bp+var_100]
push ax
call _puts
add sp, 4
xor ax, ax
_main endp
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Segment type: Pure data
_DATA segment word public 'DATA' use16
assume cs:_DATA
aHelloWorld db 'Hello, world!',0Ah,0 ; DATA XREF: _main+8o
_DATA ends
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Segment type: Zero-length
_BSS segment word public 'BSS' use16
_BSS ends