descArray[arraycount] = "Some useful javascript utilities, working examples and source code, as well as an article on javascript properties and objects!"
arraycount += 1
datesArray[arraycount] = "(Jun.12.96)"
urlsArray[arraycount] = "../javascript/clock.htm"
namesArray[arraycount] = "Javascript Clock"
descArray[arraycount] = "A cool little javascript clock, along with source code!"
namesArray[arraycount] = "Javascript Background Color Changer"
descArray[arraycount] = "Yeah, it's been done to death, but this one is simple and teaches all the properties of bgcolor object. Source code is included, of course!"
namesArray[arraycount] = "Javascript Objects and their Uses"
descArray[arraycount] = "A great article for the beginning and experienced javascript programmer! Teaches the date, background, math properties, string properties and much, much more."